-The Afterlife- {Everyone}
*Alexander's Pov*
We start counting.
What do I do?
I don't want to leave Eliza.
I am not ready to leave yet
Aaron is my friend, he wouldn't shoot. He is not that type of person
I am not going shoot my friend
I hesitate on raising my arm
I promised myself that I wouldn't throw away my shot...
But this is for Aaron...Eliza...Philip....John...Lafayette..Hercules...... Washington...Angelica...Peggy......for Everyone
10 places fire!
I aim my pistol to the sky.....
And I feel a sharp pain in my chest, I heard Burr yell something but I didn't catch it. I look up and I see Burr...with his back turned...walking away from me...D-did he mean to shoot me? Was this on purpose? Does he really hate me? Was he even my friend? Was I a fool to believe that he wouldn't shoot?
I feel anger rise in me
Why would Burr do this? Doesn't he know I have 7 children and a wife to take care of? And he doesn't even care. He didn't even look like he regrets it!
"Alexander..." I hear Eliza's voice tremble
I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't even realize I was carried away to Eliza and Angelica.
I look up to them, Eliza is crying and Angelica is comforting her while crying. They both don't want me to go.
Oh Eliza how I have wronged her. Even after everything I have done to her, she is right by my side. I will always carry that guilt with me even in the afterlife.
"Alexander you can get better. I know you can." She says, practically begging me to stay alive
I look up to her. We both know that's not true. Eliza is just in denial.
I feel my body get colder, the wound hurt more than ever, this was it. I see my vision fading in and out. Before I go, I say one last thing to her.
"Eliza, take your time. I'll see you on the other side." That is the last thing I say to her. I am unable to see her reaction since right after I say that I black out.
I wake up in my own house. My body doesn't seem cold anymore. My wound doesn't hurt. And I feel younger.
I look around at my surroundings, it looks like exactly our world, this house looks just like the ones in the living world, this neighborhood is exactly like the old one but I can tell this is the afterlife. For one, there are new houses in the neighborhood instead of the ones in the living world. Second of all, things are a lot calmer and peaceful. In the living world, even when it was calm, there was always this feeling that never lets anyone truly relax. This wasn't the case.
I decided to walk outside and go for a walk. Try and get used to my new environment.
I walk for around three minutes when I come across two people walking in front of me. I immediately recognize them. I start to run up to them.
"John! Philip!"
I hug them both.
"Hi pop's!!"
"Hey Alex! Nice to see you!"
"Philip I am so sorry." I don't let go of him. "I should've have made you stay home. I am so sorry!" I say
"Hey it's ok dad! I forgive you! Besides, I got to meet your friend, John!" He hugs me back.
"So Alex, how did you die?" John ask me
I stop hugging Philip and I look at them worryingly. I really didn't want them to know. Not yet at least
"O-oh w-well-"
"WAIT!!!" I get caught off by Philip's scream
"What's wrong Philip?" I ask him
"John, shouldn't we.....?"
John seems to know what Philip is talking about
"OH! I almost forgot! Alexander follow us!" He grabbed my hand and we all started running to a house.
I recognize the house. It's Washington's house. Or at least a look a like. I am guessing that in the afterlife houses are not in the same location as in the living world. Since it was only a few houses down from my own house.
They take me inside the house. There where a few voices inside. I recognize all of them eminently.
There was Washington, Peggy...and...my mom. I thought I was hearing things so I waited for confirmation
"Mrs. Rachel? Guess who is here!?" Philip yells so the people could here us. I was right.
"Who is it dear?" I miss hearing that voice. I run to the voice. Mom and Washington were in the living room
We run to each other, and give each other the biggest hug.
"Mom...I missed you..." A tear rolls down my face but I immediately wipe it. I don't want sadness to ruin this moment
"I missed you to Alex." She says "I met your son,your friend, your sister-in-law and general Washington. They told me all about you. Even with all of the mistakes you made, I am so proud of you." She is proud of...me.
"Thank you." I smile
When we finally let go, I look at Washington.
"Hello d-sir, nice to see you again." I say to him
"Nice to see you too Alexander." He smiles
"Heya Alex, how was life? Well after everything that has happened. I didn't get to see that part. Did Eliza forgive you?"
I laugh "She did Peg's."
"Then I forgive you as well!" She hugs me
We all start talking about random things for hours. Telling storys and catching up with each other. Even if everyone got mad at all the newest mistakes I have made (Not including the duel, I haven't told them that yet). We still had a lot of fun.
"Well." John gets up "I am going to check if anyone new has arrived. Let's go Philip!"
"Ok John!"
"Uh..." I say
"Oh right, one hour in the after life equals around....five-ish years in the living world so since years pass so quickly, I go outside often to see if anyone has died. Philip likes to go with me."
"Oh ok, well see you later."
A couple of minutes later, John and Philip came back, with Angelica.
"Angie!!!" Peggy and I shout. We both ran up to her and gave her a hug
"Hey Peg's and Alex." She smiles "So this is the afterli- wait who's that." Angelica point to my mom.
"Oh hello dear. I am Alexander's mother, Rachel." Mom smiles
"Oh! Hello Miss. Rachel, I am Angelica. One of Alexander's sisters-in-law."
"Nice to meet you Angelica."
The next person that came was someone I hoped I never saw again.
"Jefferson.." I growled as soon as I saw him enter the room
I blink as he said my name. He didn't growl like he always did when he saw me. He looked slightly surprised when he saw me.
"So, I am guessing that you two don't like each other, do you?" Mom asked
"Nope." Washington answered "Not at all."
"Uh, hello I don't think we met before." Jefferson says to my mom.
"Right, anyway I am Alexander's mother."
Jefferson made a 'oh' with his mouth.
"Hamilton." I turn to Jefferson wondering why he was talking to me. "Let me just say your death was surprising. And as much as I hate you, I hated seeing you go."
I was taken a back for a moment "Oh, ok thanks, I guess?"
"Hey look who we found!" John said as he entered the house. He looked a bit nervous. When I saw who it was, my heart sank. I saw why John was worried
"Bonjour mon ami's!" Lafayette came in smiling, but as soon has he saw me, his smile faded. "Bonjour Hamilton." He said flatly.
"Hey Lafayette!" Jefferson and the others said
"Are you French?" Mom asked
Lafayette nodded "Who are you by the way?"
"I am Alexander's mother, Rachel!" Mom smiled
I could tell that Lafayette smile faltered, but he kept on smiling "Hello Rachel. Je m'appelle Lafayette." He said
"Oh, Alex told me about you! And... About what happened."
We all sat there in awkward silence. Until Washington spoke up.
"Look Lafayette, maybe you and Alex should sort this out in another room." I figured that was a good idea since Washington has already made up with Lafayette
Lafayette sighed "Ok."
We went into one of the bedrooms and for a moment we just stood there. I looked ashamed and Lafayette looked extremely upset.
I decided to break the silence
"Look Laf, I am sorr-"
"Only my friends get to call me that."
"Lafayette, I am really sorry."
He raises an eyebrow
"If America wasn't in bad shape, we would've came. I swear!"
He looks at me "You made a promise. You shouldn't have made a promise you couldn't keep." He sternly says
"I know, I always make that mistake." I sigh as I remember every promise I broke. Being true, staying alive and this.
"But if you could give me a second chance-"
"Why should I believe that? Like you said, you are awful at promises. Do you even know what I went through? How can you give me back those five years I spent in prison?" He turns his back at me
"I can't!" I break "I know that I can never give you back that... And I know I would never will...but I can try to make it up to you. If you give me the chance..." I look down. I felt all the mistakes I have made pile on me...
Until I feel Lafayette pull me into a hug
"...Of course I will petite lion. You are like a brother to me. I always will forgive you. No matter what happens, I will always forgive you. Just as Eliza did to you."
I smile and I hug him back, "T-thank you." I whisper
After awhile, we came out of the room.
"So I see you two have made up." Mom says
"We sure have." I smile
"And look who I found!" John says.
It was Hercules...
"Herc!" Me and Laf said and ran up to him, John joined.
"Hello you three." He rubs our heads "I have missed you all." He laughs
Throughout the day John and Philip brings in two more people.
The first was James Madison, all he was wondering about was how he outlived most of us.
The last person they brought in, I was dying to meet again.
It was Eliza.
As soon as I saw her I ran up to her and gave her the greatest hug.
"Eliza I have missed you so much, I am sorry. For everything."
"It's alright Alexander! I have missed you too!" She hugged me back. Soon enough we stopped hugging.
"So you must be my son's wife, right?" Mom walked up to Eliza, who nodded.
"You must be Alexander's mother." Eliza smiled "He has told me a lot about you."
"Oh he better have." Mom laughs making me laugh
We all started to catch up
"I am still wondering how I out lived most of you..."
"Guess we'll never know James." Thomas said
"Anyway." Mom interrupted us "I would like to spend time with my grandson for awhile." She pointed at Philip "Would you like to hang out with me Philip?" She looked like she wasn't going to take no for an answer
"Sure Mrs. Rachel!" Philip cheered, clearly excited to be hanging out with mom
"Oh please, call me grandma."
"Ok Grandma!"
And soon they both left out the door
"Well what do we do? Now since everyone is here." Peggy asked the group "I mean...we are all dead so what are we supposed to do?"
"Hm well maybe we should-" Eliza got cut of by Hercules
"Wait! Someone is missing!" We all turn to him "Where's Aaron?"
Eliza, Angelica, Madison, Jefferson, and I froze up
"Oh yeah! Eliza, I am sure you outlived everyone. Aaron should be here right?"
"Uh, y-yeah.."
Peggy tilted her head "What's wrong?"
"Oh nothing." Eliza smiled
While everyone was talking about Aaron. Eliza, Angelica, Madison, Jefferson, and I started whispering
"What do we do?" Said Angelica "Lafayette and Hercules haven't heard about how Alex died."
"I don't know!" I whisper yell
"What do you mean you don't know?!" Jefferson said
"I am not sure what to do. Should I tell them?"
"Probably Alexander, lying wont do any good." Eliza suggest quietly
"Yeah your rig-"
"Well I am going to look for him, be right back." John started to head for the door
"...wait-NO!" I say before John could open the door
Everyone was silent, and the people who didn't know Burr shot me looked at me confused.
"Wha- what's wrong Alex?" Peggy said
"O-oh it's nothing, it's just that...uh.." I try to make up an excuse
"We were just wondering if... Burr would even be here, he could be somewhere else and we would just waste time trying to find him." Angelica filled in my sentence, saving me.
John looked confused "But..Aaron is our friend, I am pretty sure the time will 'waste' will be worth it when we find him."
"But he may not be here."
"Alex...Madison is here. I am pretty sure that there is a slim chance that one of our closest friends wouldn't be here." John scoffed
"They are right mon ami's."
Washington butted in "You seemed one of the closest friends to Aaron, why would you go against finding him?"
"Imma go find him..."
"NO!" Everyone who knew Burr shot me yelled
"Why are you guys so reluctant to find Aaron? He is our friend!" Herc asked
The two sides started getting louder, things were getting tense, the others were getting impatient, they knew we were lying. I didn't want to lie anymore. I just wanted to say it
"I was shot..." I said in my normal voice making everyone quiet down. I took a deep breath."I died because...I was shot"
"Oh, I am sorry Alexander." Washington said "But what does that have anything to with finding Aaron?"
The people on my side looked at each other nervously. I take another deep breath.
"Because..." I swallow, why was this so hard for me? I hate Burr for shooting me, or at least I should. Then why is it so hard to tell everyone he shot me? It's like...I don't really hate him...No, no..he shot me. I should hate him, he left Eliza and the kids alone. And I hate him for that..I do.. It is just...hard for me to say it. Yeah that's it. "Because Burr shot me." I say
I hear the others go silent, I see there faces go into complete shock, I feel the room grow a lot more tense. If I hated Burr so much then why did it hurt me to say that....Like I hated saying it... I am probably just getting used to saying it.
"W-wh-hat?" I hear Laurens stammer
"He shot me..." I said a bit quieter
"N-no..it was probably a mistake or something, Aaron wouldn't purposely-" I cut Lafayette off
"It was in a duel, Laf. He did mean to shoot me." I was frustrated. On how the others where denying that Burr wouldn't purposely shoot me....and I was frustrated at myself, I hated how I wasn't sure if I hated Burr or not. I wanted to hate him, but I couldn't.
"But you don't hate him...do you?"
Peggy's question made me hesitate. Why, why was it so difficult to say that I hate the person who shot me?! I fought with myself for a second, luckily all this frustration made my answer easy to choose.
"Yes." I practically had to force those words out
*3rd Pov*
Everyone was taken aback by what Alexander had said. And everyone had a feeling that Alex didn't mean it.
"He made me leave Eliza and the kids. How can I not hate him." Alex let out a bitter laugh "I even aimed my pistol at the sky."
That made sense to everyone, and it made most of them angry, so they all pushed that feeling to the side and decided to also hate Burr.
"What why would he do that?" Lafayette said
"Why haven't I heard about this?" said Hercules
"You didn't tell me you were sparing him!" Eliza stated, I forgot to tell her that, oops
The commotion was growing louder until John spoke up.
"I am going to find Burr...but for a different reason this time..." He walked to the door to leave
John turned around
"We are coming with you." Laf stated talking about Herc, Alex and himself
"Ok." They all left leaving the rest of the room in silence
*Aaron's Pov*
I wake up in a strange place. I feel younger and the last thing I remember is being in my house...then what happened next...
I sigh. Guess this is the afterlife, it was about time. I was surprised that I even made it this far. I walk around to see if anyone else is there. I walk around for a couple of minutes before I hear some voices come from around the corner. I peak my head around so I wouldn't be seen and I see John with Philip and James. I hear the rest their conversation.
"Anyway James, some others are at Washington's house which is just down a couple of houses."said John
"Would you like to come?" Philip added
Huh...So everyone is at Washington's...I may want to go there. I almost call out to John but I stop myself. If everyone is there, Alexander is probably there as well. I groan.
Guess I can't go there... I'll just...wander around here. I just have to not get caught by anyone. Especially Alexander, Jefferson, Madison, Angelica or Eliza. Ever since I shot Alexander I haven't spoken to them. And I heard that Jefferson, Alexander's worst enemy, tried to find me. Luckily, if I was able to avoid him, I am probably able to avoid everyone. If they are all not actively looking for me at once.
--Hours Later--
I was walking down a road when I heard the voices of Lafayette, Hercules, John and Alex around the corner. They sounded like they were heading my way. I immediately ran to another corner and prayed that they wouldn't see me. Fortunately, they didn't. I was going to try and avoid them even more but then I thought of something.
What if...they forgave you
It was stupid of me to get my hopes up, I know that, but they didn't seem angry. Maybe Alex forgave me. Or maybe Alex didn't tell them about anything.
O-or maybe they acted like that because they haven't seen me- No, I will not act like that anymore. I did that way too much in the living world, I will not act like that here. Not anymore.
I decided to test my luck and confront them. I ran up close to them
"H-hey guys!" I say almost regretting my decision
As soon as they heard my voice, they all quieted down and turned to me. Their faces screamed betrayal. I began to regret my choice.
"Oh ..... Burr..." John narrowed his eyes at me
I was taken aback by John saying my last name, he'd always call me 'Aaron'.
"We've actually been looking for you." John said
I would normally be happy at this statement but I knew that he wasn't talking about that in a good way. God why did I do this?
"Don't delay it John." Laf cut in "Why'd you do it Burr? Why did you shoot Alex?"
The question took me by surprise. I wasn't expecting it to come up this soon. I began to panic, it was obvious that they didn't forgive me.
"I-i..W-well..." I stammered trying to explain. I stopped when I realized that Alex was glaring at me
"You don't have a reason... do you?" He said
"I-i d-didn't-"
"Burr." Herc cut me off "Stop trying to defend yourself. It won't do anything."
*Alexander's Pov*
Is it just me or does Burr seem to regret what he did? No it's probably just me.
"Burr." Herc cut Burr off "Stop trying to defend yourself. It won't do anything."
I agree with Herc. Burr trying to defend himself won't change my mind. The fact that he is trying to defend himself made me even more upset. Like you can just excuse shooting someone. I take a step forward wanting to say something else, but it turned out to be a mistake because for some reason, Burr flinched and ran away. I can tell that that made all us both confused and concerned
"...that...was weird.." Laf said
*Aaron's Pov*
I run. I keep on running and I don't stop. I am not even sure where I am going. I just don't want to get hurt again. I can't. I know they will hurt me. I was stupid to even think they would forgive me.
I finally stop running when I know I am far away. I look behind me and I don't see anyone. I took a deep breath. I am glad no one followed me.
I lean against a wall and I sit on the floor. I take another deep breath and I put my hands on my face
God I am so stupid. Why did I do that? Why did I think finally doing something would actually work? I learned from the living world that it never works for me. So why did I do it?
I feel something wet on my face. Great I am crying. I haven't done this in a long time. I try to stop but the tears just keep on coming. I groan in frustration.
Why am I crying?! Can't I do anything right?
I finally calm down after awhile. And I just sit there with nothing but me thoughts. A couple of minutes pass and I sigh
I should've offed myself when I had the chance
*Alexander's Pov*
After Burr left, we all just stood there confused.
John broke the silence "S-should we follow him?"
"I don't know..." I replied. So we just stood there in even more silence. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know where Burr ran to. I am not even sure if I hate Burr. I sigh. "Can I tell you guys something?"
"Of course mon ami."
"I.. Don't know if I hate Burr.." I look at them. They don't really seem surprised
Herc sighed "To be honest Alex, I am not sure either." John and Laf nodded their heads
"Well what do we do?"
"Should we apologize to him and tell him we don't hate him?" Laf suggested
"Y-yeah, just like Eliza did to me. If Eliza can forgive me, then we can forgive Burr." I speak up
The others nodded
"Well let's go find him." John said
We walk around for ten minutes or so and we haven't found Aaron. We all start to worry a bit.
"Where could he be? He has to be here somewhere."
"We've been looking for him for a couple minutes now... Maybe we should go tell the others so we could all look for him at a time."
"That sounds like a good plan. Should we try it?"
We all start walking back to Washington's house. I was still worried about Burr. Where could he be? He couldn't have gone far.
While I was caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realize we where already there.
"That was fast..." I mumble, it's as if the afterlife chooses where you go..... Strange
"Come on let's go." John says about to open the door but stops randomly and turns his head to the side
"John?" I say wondering what was wrong
"Hold on..." He says. He starts walking in the direction he is looking at. "I have a feeling... Follow me.." He told us
He started to walk to the side of the house, we followed him. He kept on walking and started to head to the back of the house.
"I knew it..." John muttered as he turned the corner. Laf, Herc and I were still confused.
It made since as soon as we turned the corner
*Aaron's Pov*
I was still sitting on the floor still not doing anything. I had all the time in the world to do anything now, so might as well use some of it doing nothing.
I stared off into space but was brought back by a quiet voice
"I knew it..." The voice said. I recognised the voice and I froze. It was John
They found me..
I wanted to run but I was frozen in fear. The only thing I could do was turn to where the voice was coming from.
And luckily for me, it turns out that all four of them are here
I continued to silently curse in my head because I wasn't able to do much more. They started to approached me and I couldn't do anything.
"Hey Aaron.." John softly said. It was a huge contrast compared to earlier.
"How did you find me?" Is all I can say.
"This is Washington's house... Didn't you realize that." Laf let out a small laugh as he said that
"Oh.." I say.
"So..we wanted to say..." Alex said "We are sorry." He continued
I tilted my head. Why were they saying that? I am the one who shot Alexander. It ws my fault. They deserve to be mad. They began to sit next to me on the concrete floor
"We overreacted, and it wasn't fair if Eliza forgave me for cheating on her and I couldn't forgive you. And I didn't even know if I hated you in the first place!" Alex said letting out a small laugh making me chuckle
"T-thanks...and I-i am sorry that I shot you... I've been regretting it the moment I shot you.." I look down. The guilt never left. And it still hasn't.
"Then.....why did you...walk away from me after you shot me?" Alexander questioned. I look back up.
"Wha-oh. I was moving towards you but my second moved me towards the boat." I explained. "Probably because you raised your pistol at the sky."
"Oh so that explains it." Alex replied "I thought that you turned away from me on purpose."
"Why would I do that? Your were my friend." I asked. Alexander shrugged
We all just sat there for a couple of moments in silence.
"So...Burr, do you wanna say 'hi' to the others?" Herc broke the silence.
"I-Uh, did you tell them what I did, did you?" I nervously ask.
"Merde.. I forgot about that..." Laf says
"Maybe they could forgive you..." John said hopeful.
"Maybe..." I mumble looking back down
I can feel Alexander look at me "Hey.." He starts "No matter what happens, we'll be with you." He smiles softly
That gives me a little bit more security. Knowing that I'll never be alone now. "Ok."
*3rd Pov*
The group walks up to the door. They were all nervous about what could happen when they show Burr to the others. Especially since Alexander said that he hated Burr. Not only that but Alexander realized that he would have to explain what Aaron did to his mother and Philip. He was not ready for that conversation. But they were all, mainly everyone except Burr, still a little hopeful
They open the door and John and Alex were the first one's in the door. Aaron entered in last so no one could see him.
Peggy was first to see the group "Hey guys!" She said walking up to them not noticing Burr. "Did you find Burr?" She asked
"Hey Alexander!" Eliza said coming into the room with Washington and Angelica.
Soon everyone but Philip and Alexander's mother where in the room. Nobody had noticed Burr yet.
"So Alex, did you guys find Burr yet?" Peggy asked again
"Well..yes but-"
"Where is he?"
"He is right here but you have to promise us that-" John started but got cut off
"Burr..." Multiple people growled under their breath.
Angelica started to walk up to Burr but Alexander stepped infront of her.
"Can you guys listen?" He said. Everyone turned to him. "Good. Look, it is true that Burr shot me, and I really did think that I hated him for that. But I wasn't really that sure. And I realized that I didn't hate him, at all. I was mad, sure, but I didn't hate him. And besides we are all dead, so it doesn't really matter anymore so might as well forgive him." Alex said
Everyone was silent. The others still didn't look like they forgave Burr. Washington sighed and spoke up. "Look Alex, we understand that you forgive Burr but we need more time to think about it, ok."
Alexander nodded, everyone left to do their own thing. He turned at Aaron and smiled softly. "You heard them, they just need time, ok? That means there is still hope! And we are still here."
"I know Alexander." Aaron smiled a bit. But sighed afterwards "I just hope it's not that long."
"Hey trust me, if Alexander is able to forgive you this fast, then it should not take that long to forgive you. And even if it did, like we said before, we will be with you no matter what." Lafayette said. That made Aaron cheer up.
5010 words!!! My longest one shot yet. I enjoyed making this and I am proud of it!
So I decided to leave this in open ending-ish since I didn't know how to end this but here you go
Thank you Mavisyper for requesting this :D
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