-Coffee Shop- {John and Peggy}
Btw, I am using the Musical appearances
A Karen being racist
*Peggy's Pov*
College was over and I just moved into my new apartment. It was small and looked like nothing like the photo online. That's what I get for choosing a apartment on a 'well trusted' website in New York.
Curse you fake reviews
Not only that but I was in over $100,000 in dept!
Thank you college!
I am so glad that I took my sister's boyfriend's advice: (his name is Alexander and they are still together to this day!)
If I were you I would save some extra money for an apartment and your needs, so you wont be alone in the streets.
Wise words.
That reminds me, I remember I had this really close friend named John in high school.
He really liked people and he hated when people weren't treated equal
He would always rant on racism, sexism, homophobia. You name it he would probably give you a entire essay on how it's stupid and should end.
My sister's were always more popular than me and would most of the time leave me out of the picture and forget me. Not on purpose of course, they were just so caught up on there other friends to pay attention to me. But whenever they did forget me, he would be there to remind them about me. And he was only a text or call away when I needed someone to talk to or get advice.
And in return I helped him stand up to his homophobic father when he came out as gay. Not only that, I help him, Alex, and others speak out against inequality.
We hung out all the time. And it got really annoying when, before he came out as gay, other kids would tease us and thinking we were boyfriend and girlfriend. I literally couldn't care less for a romantic relationship. My friends and family were all I needed.
I laugh at the memories
Then the end of high school came and he had to move back to where he came from, South Carolina, because there was a college over there that has an amazing biology course. He had always dreamed of being a vet, so I didn't stop him.
We haven't talked since, and I am wondering if we will ever meet again.
I stopped thinking about high school and remembered my surroundings. I don't want to stay in this crummy apartment for long. So I take out my laptop and start looking for a part-time job that I could work at until I am able to get out of this apartment and get my dream job as an animator.
I find a job at a local coffee shop near by that I could walk to. The pay seems good enough and it looks like a reasonable amount of people go there, so I apply and surprising I get an email that said I got the job just a couple of days later.
It says I start Monday and work all week and from 6:00am to 4:00pm...
I set my alarm at 5:00 in the morning and get up and get dressed in my uniform and start walking to my job, praying that I wont have any 'Karen's' during my first shift.
Just my luck, it was only 8:00 am when a women approached my co-worker, Aaron, complaining that her coffee was 'too warm'
What does that even mean?
I groaned as I saw the scene played out. The worse part is there was no one else in the cafe to try to stop her. The Boss said that she needed to take a break because she was really sick and I wasn't allowed to have my phone while I am working, so I couldn't record her and trash her reputation on the internet.
I knew Aaron, he was a friend in high school and in college. He was Alexander's first friend, he also happened to go to the same college as me and I knew these type of people annoyed the heck out of him. Luckily Aaron was very patient with people, so I didn't have to worry that he would punch her. If anything he'd stop me from punching her.
Too bad Thomas wasn't here, he could've trashed her rep in a instant. And possibly shut her up as well
Thomas was another college friend, he might seem like a heartless idiot at first, but as soon as you get to know him, you will learn that he really cares about the people he cares about. He has just grown up with the 'Kill or be Killed' way of life. Mainly from people he thought he could trust, i.e. his parents and pass friends, ultimately betraying him and leaving him to die. So from then on out he has lived with that method. A plus to being friends with him, he knows what gets to people. So if you are getting picked on, Thomas knows what to do to shut them up. And he doesn't even need to look at them for long!
"Those people are annoying aren't they?"
I look away from the scene to see a freckled man with curly hair and medium dark skin staring at the scene. I am not sure what it is, but I feel like I know him from somewhere.
"Oh, sorry!"
"It's alright, those type of people annoy me as well." He says
"Well, what can I get you?"
"Um can I have-"
He stopped in the middle of the sentence and looked over to Aaron, the woman was nearly screaming. I was about to go over to try to settle things but then the woman yelled something that really pissed me off.
OH HELL NO I think as Aaron, looked down, only adding to my anger
First of all, Aaron was already really self conscious, and hated himself already. This is definitely not going to help him
Second of all, you just don't say that to anyone
I was just about to step in but the guy I was serving was faster
"Hey! Don't say those things to him!"
"Mind your business!" She said
"I am pretty sure that this is my business. Don't say those things to him or to anyone, you here me."
"You have no idea what he is going through right now!" I add
Seeing that she was out numbered she left while saying:
"FINE! If the world gets worse because of them, don't say that I was right!"
The guy scoffed "Like that would ever happen."
He turned to Aaron and said:
"You ok, Aaron?"
Wait he knows Aaron?
"Yeah, thanks for stepping in John."
"John?!" I say almost instantly
"Yeah?" He says turning to me, he pauses for a moment "Wait Peggy?"
There was a slight pause before he spoke
"Wait you work here?! But I have never seen you here before!" He exclaims
"This is her first day here John." Aaron answered for me
"Oh thanks A-a-ron." I laugh as I remember John and his friends gave him that nickname
"So Aaron, you still keep in contact with John?" I say
He shook his head slightly, "Well we did still keep in contact after high school, but we never saw each other in person because of his college in South Carolina. But then I got this job a few weeks ago during my final weeks in college and he came here nearly everyday, so we started to talk more."
"Wait, you came back from South Carolina?" I ask
"Oh yeah, I was able to finish college two months before I was supposed to, so I decided to move back here. The vets here deal with a lot more animals and I like a challenge. I started getting my coffee from here, and one day I saw Aaron and we began to talk and catch up."
"That's really cool John!"
He looked his phone before saying:
"I should really get my coffee now, my break ends in twenty minutes and it takes me ten minutes to get there."
"Oh of course, what can I get you?"
"Get him a Caramel Frappe, he orders the same thing every day." Aaron answered for him. He had a really good talent for that.
John laughs "Thanks A-a-ron."
"It will be ready soon John." I say
After I give it to him, he realized that he still has six minutes to talk.
"Again, hope your alright Aaron, I really wish she would soon get karma."
"John it's alright, I am fine."
"We know Aaron but still-"
I got cut off by a teen running in. He looks around sixteen, and he ran straight to Aaron.
"I am SO sorry for my mom's behavior earlier, I saw it all through my car window, she is always like this, and I hate it." He says
"It's alright." Aaron replies
"No its not, uh here." He gives Aaron twenty dollars "Here, take it as an apology."
"Oh thanks! This will help me a lot!" Aaron smiled
The teen then turns to me hands me twenty dollar bill and says "And here, I know how hard you guys work and I feel like this would help a bit."
"Thank you!"
"I have to go now bye!" The teen says
Aaron and I said our goodbyes. After he leaves John checks his phone.
"I need to leave as well, Peggy wanna catch up, after work?"
"Oh sure! I get out at 4:00pm."
"I get out at 5:00pm so wanna hangout at the park at 6:00?"
"Six is cool! Well see you then. Bye."
"Bye, Peggs!"
After work I got dressed and meet John at the park and we catch up. But soon we both have to go back to our apartments.
Luckily he buys coffee nearly everyday, so we are able to talk then.
I am really excited about my job now.
Wow I had a lot more fun writing this than I though I would. I may even make this a book, where I am able to do more.
So thank you alexander-spamilton for requesting this.
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