-Cant think of a title {John & Laf}-
*Lafayette's Pov*
I have been worrying for my friend, John. We are both in our junior year of high school and ever since the end of that school year, he hasn't been really happy like he used to. His grades are high and he has a lot of friends. He even hangs out with all of us and sometimes he is the one to plan them. And he does smile but it's more like the sad type of smile.
I began to see it by the end of our sophomore year, but it became more obvious in the beginning of this year.
All of us are really worried about him, but we are not sure how to help him.
*John's Pov*
Everything has gone to hell.
Well not really, I just feel like it is... And I am not sure why.
I mean, I have the best friends I could ever ask for, my grades are amazing and so is my family. So, I don't know why I feel like sh*t. Right now I feel ungrateful for not being happy for what I have.
I have tried going outside, I have tried hanging out with friends to try and make myself feel happy and sometimes it works, but afterwards I just go back to feeling like I did before. I see all of my family trying to make me feel better but it just makes me feel worse seeing them realize that nothing is working. It makes me feel as if I am a burden.
It's the last class of the day and the class just ended, I am about to head to the bus, which is unfortunately you have to walk down the road to get to, when I am stopped by my friend Lafayette.
"Hey mon ami..." He seems a bit sad
"Yes Laf?" I really don't feel like talking right now
"I was wondering if I can talk to you for a moment."
I just want to get home and lay on my bed so I reply "Can't right now Laf, I need to get on the bus."
"But the bus doesn't leave until 3:30, you still have fifteen minutes."
"Yeah well... It takes me five minutes to get there and I want to get there early." I snap
"Yeah, but mon ami I just wanna talk for a few minutes-"
"I just want to know what is wrong, you haven't really been yourself and I just want you to know that if you want to talk to someone, I am here."
I have finally had enough "Laf how many times do I have to say this, nothing is wrong! Stop worrying about me when I am fine!" I push him out of the way and speed walk to where the bus is going to be. Luckily for me, no one was near to see the commotion. Also Lafayette seemed to not follow me when I left. I get on the bus with the other students and get on the row that is empty. Today seems to be my lucky day because no one else sat next to me...
Probably because I took the window seat.
While on the bus ride home, I replay the scenario that I was just in while looking out the window. I begin to regret everything I said.
He was just trying to help, and if you listen he might've actually helped you.
My stomach begins to feel with fear and guilt
What if he doesn't want to be my friend anymore?
What if he tell the others about what I did to him?
What if they don't wanna be my friends anymore
What if-
"Uh excuse me John but isn't this your stop?"
The voice cut off my thoughts, I turn around to see Samuel Seabury.
"Hm?" I look at the window to see that we just stopped at my street "Oh! Yeah, thanks Samuel."
"No problem."
Samuel was a student in one of my classes. I wouldn't call him a 'close friend", we don't talk much in the class and we only talk on the bus once in awhile, but he is a good person. Always trying to do the right thing and is often kind to everyone. Just... don't get on his bad side. Even kind people have limits. (That fact kinda scares me)
When I got home I quickly said hello to my family and went into my room, did my homework then watched 'The Office' until I pass out and fall asleep.
*Lafayette's Pov*
"Laf how many times do I have to say this, nothing is wrong! Stop worrying about me when I am fine!"
Ok I'll admit, the conversation I had with John earlier was a fail. I had no idea what I was doing and in turn it failed.
So this time I was determined to do at least better, but first I will practice on what I would say and prepare on all possible outcomes.
When I got home I researched all tips that could help me tomorrow and I spent all night mentally practicing on what I was going to say and do until I fell asleep.
--The next day after school--
*John's Pov*
I was laying on my bed watching a movie and just thinking about today. Nothing really happened today, so you'd expect me to not think about much but I was more interested about what didn't happen that I am interested:
Lafayette hasn't confront me about yesterday.
I wonder if he still wants to be my friend. I hope so. It was a mistake that I shouldn't have made.
My older sister comes into my room
"Hey Jack..." She says "We are all going to the store, would you like anything."
"No, thank you Martha." I smile at her.
"Ok see you later Jackie."
As she leaves I drop my smile and go back to watching the movie.
*Lafayette Pov*
I quickly walk to John's house which is only a couple of blocks away from my house.
I see his parents and siblings about to get in their car. I saw that John wasn't with them.
"Hey Mr. and Mrs. Laurens."
"Hey Laf!" John's siblings replied
"Hello Lafayette, what could we do for you?"
"Uh I was wondering where John was? I have been wanting to talk with him."
"Oh he is in his room, you could go to talk with him. We are just going to the store, we'll be back in around an hour." Mrs. Laurens said
"Oh ok thank you."
I walk in and go straight to John's bedroom. I have been here a lot of times so I know where to go.
I knock on John's door
"Hey John it's me Laf, your parents let me in."
*John's Pov*
I hear a knock on the door, then a voice followed it.
"Hey John it's me Laf, your parents let me in."
Oh great
Deep inside, I knew what this was for. Lafayette is going to tell me that we can't be friends anymore because of what I did yesterday.
After a quick debate with myself, I ultimately say "Come in." I curse myself softly
"Hey mon ami-" I cut him off
"Laf I am sorry about what I did yesterday, it was uncalled for and I understand if you don't want to be friends with me anymore." I say
He looks taken aback
"Wha- no mon ami that's not what I am here for." I look at him with confused eyes "I am here so that I can help you."
"Of course. Now." He sits next to me "Your parents won't be back for an hour, so could you tell me what's wrong? You can take your time."
After a couple of minutes of silence, I take a deep breath
it's now or never
"Well if I had to be honest... I-i am not sure what's wrong. I just started feeling this way for no reason. And the more I thought about how this feeling just came out of normal, the worst it felt. I know I should feel grateful, but I just don't. I want to feel better but I just feel trapped."
After finishing, I made eye contact with Laf.
"Oh mon ami, it's ok. You should know that you are not being ungrateful."
"I'm not?"
"Of course not." He paused "You know I don't want to worry you but I have been doing some research and you seem to have most of the signs of depression..." My eyes widened "I am not saying you have depression but I want you to go and check just in case if you do, you can get the proper help."
I nod my head and one week later, I got diagnosed with clinical depression. Luckily Laf was there and he promised to help me deal with it every single step of the way.
It is done
Sorry _Whenthetimecomes_ for taking so long
Hope you like it :)
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