Chapter 50: In Too Deep
"You should take sometime to figure out what you really want then," May said as she stood up and dusted herself off. She retrieved her Pokemon before heading into her tent.
"Goodnight," she said but she wasn't sure if it even registered to him as he sat there lost in thought.
To say that Drew was a mess was an understatement. He had never had this feeling for anyone before, and it was overwhelming for him, to say the least. He had never missed somebody as bad as he did when she left for the Wallace Cup, and the whole time he was a wreck, anxious that she was with Ash.
It was completely unnecessary, seeing as it was Ash, who was so oblivious to love that Drew was sure that Ash wouldn't even know it was love if it fell from the sky and knocked him upside the head. Even still, his insecurity allowed the green eyed monster within him to rampage distraughtly, the jealousy eating away at him throughout the week she was gone.
Now that she was back... it was a much different battle. He really hated to admit it, but he was weak and even more so, he was weaker for her. He wished he could run away forever if it meant he got to stay with her, to be with her. If only he had realized his feelings for her sooner. If only they had more time.
So many what if's spun around in his head, leaving him dizzy. He was pretty sure he understood what they now meant when they said love is madness because he was pretty sure that by the end of this week he'd probably be insane.
Ever since her confession, his feelings for her had only increased even more. Even the little things she did made her even more beautiful, and it was truly terrifying.
The way she hummed slightly out of tune made his heart twist. Even the little snorts she made when she was laughing hysterically was endearing.
And in his current predicament, all he wanted to do was wrap his arms around her tight, pull her closer and get lost in her kiss once more. Though he knew it would just make it harder to leave, not that it wasn't already. He felt awful for the way he'd been acting recently. He needed to pull himself together. Not just for his sake, but for hers too.
He knew that he was hurting her right now, which wasn't what he had intended. If he couldn't pull himself together, things would only get worse. He could already tell their Pokemon were feeling the effects of the strain between them. He had a feeling this next contest was not going to go great for them.
They had talked about their plan of course, and Glaceon and Absol were who they'd chosen this time. They had discussed the appeal routine and had started practicing it. They'd be in Ecruteak in about 2 days time, and the contest was in 4 days so they'd have time to practice once they got there as well.
Ever since a few nights ago when she told him he was making her upset, things had been more strained and there was more awkward silence. For her sake, he was trying to do a better job of maintaining his self control so there was more space between them as they walked beside each other and less words spoken, lest he say something to make it worse. The most they had really spoken about had been necessary and practical things, or planning and strategizing for the contest.
As if the universe wanted to torment him even more, that night, Drew had a dream.
He found himself sitting in a church pew, with Harley and Solidad to his left. Everyone in the crowd was dressed nicely, and as he looked around, he recognized more people. Ash was there, sitting next to a woman he assumed to be his mother. Next to them was a blue haired girl and her mother which Drew assumed to be Dawn. He saw Max and the rest of May's family, but he didn't see May herself.
He started to feel a deep sinking feeling in his gut before he looked to the altar to see Brendan there, standing nervously with his hand clasped around his wrist. That's when the music started playing and the flower girls skipped down the aisle, leaving petals in their wake as Drew could only sit in shock. May followed, looking the most stunning he had ever seen her. Her gown was classic and simple, but she still managed to take his breath away, even though he could see the way her eyes were fixated on Brendan, and his on hers, as he wiped a tear from his eye. He felt his heart ache painfully and they joined hands together. When the music came to a stop, the preacher began to speak.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Brendan Birch, and May Maple in holy matrimony. If there is anyone who opposes this union, speak now, or forever hold your peace," he said as he glanced around the room. His heart was pounding out of his chest. He didn't like this at all. The way that they smiled so loving at each other was tearing him apart, but when he tried to move, he couldn't. He was frozen to the spot. When he tried to open his mouth, it wouldn't, and no words seemed to form on the tip of his tongue. He couldn't do anything but watch as May smiled lovingly at another man.
The girl that he liked
The girl who he cared for more than anything
The girl he loved
He woke up with a start, breathing heavily, his heartbeat erratic. His hands were shaking from the storm of emotion inside of him. It was as if he'd known it all along. It was hard enough as it was just liking her, but he knew he was trying to keep it down as long as he could. He knew and accepted that he was in too deep. There was no going back.
He knew for sure that he was hopelessly in love with May Maple.
There was no escaping this.
There was nobody else.
From the day that they met, a small piece of him knew there was no going back from this.
The secondhand embarrassment I got from writing this is just a great time. I'm so sorry it took me so long to write a chapter but I hope it was good enough! I'm sorry that I've been focusing a lot on the internal lately, I just love inner conflict and angst and pining, it's just immaculate. I also had to rewrite the chapter because like a fourth of the way through I was like, I haven't written as Drew, so I scrapped it and I'm glad I did. The whole time I was writing the dream scene I had to pause and laugh because I just couldn't do it, but obviously I did do it XD. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Hopefully I'll be able to update this Friday maybe 0.0 we could get two uploads this week, but don't hold me to it because it may not happen XD anyways! Until next time!
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