#SweetJustice Part 4
When you get home, your mom is making dinner as your dad is playing with your little sister. You go up to your room, placing your bags down and taking off the goggles. You hold them in your hand as Zee's voice echoes in your head
Zee: I figured you should wear some kind of face cover. Secret Identity and all that
Y/n: I never thought about having a secret identity because I never thought I'd become a hero...
Then someone knocks on your door. You toss the goggles on your pillow and see who it is. Your 8 year old little sister, Maddie, runs in and hugs your leg
Maddie: Surprise attack!
You pull her off your leg
Y/n: Okay okay, Maddie, you got me! Got tired of playing with Dad?
Maddie: He had to help Mom with something
Y/n: So why are you in my room?
Maddie: Because you're an awesome superhero and I wanna play with you!
You extend your arm and Maddie sits on it as you swing her
Y/n: I may be super, but I'm no hero. I couldn't even stop my friend group from disbanding. And I told you not bring it up around anyone, not even Mom and Dad.
Maddie: I know, I haven't. But... Best friends are worth fighting for, right?
It took a bit to hit you, but Babs really is your best friend, being the first person you met at school and you liked being around her. But so was Zee, who gave you your goggles out of generosity, and Jess, who you respect for sticking up for animals, and Karen, who's kind nature somewhat rubbed off on you, and even Kara, just because you find it funny when she gets angry at you. Diana, however, has to be your best friend of all time. It was her who wanted to be a superhero, and it was her who helped you all reach your full potential as heroes. You set Maddie down and put on your costume
Y/n: Yeah, you're right, Mads. Tell Mom and Dad I had to run back and look for my wallet
You snatch your goggles and adjust them to your eyes.
Maddie: Where are you going?
You look back at her before mounting your foot on the windowsill
Y/n: I'm fighting to save my best friends
You jumped out of the window and used your arms to swing from building to building, heading your way to Babs' house, which didn't take you long because you conveniently lived 5 minutes away from her
Meanwhile Babs was sulking on her bed until she got a video call. It was her bestie back at Gotham, Harleen Quinzel.
Harleen: Babsy!
Babs: Hi, Harleen.
Harleen: So? Status update, please. How's the new digs? Come back to Gotham! I miss you!
Babs: Oh, I miss you, too. Metropolis is... lonely. I thought I finally found my group but...we all separated...well except this one guy who's like super cool you wouldn't even believe
Harleen: Oh. That bad, huh? Oh, Babbly-boo, I hate being apart. If I had to do it all over, I'da done more ta keep you hea. Best friends, they're worth fighting for, ya know?
A siren wails behind Harleen
Harleen: Listen, kid. I gotta run. Gotham stuff.
Babs: [chuckles] [sigh] Gotham stuff.
Harleen: Tell me more about this guy next time we call! Love ya, Babsa-dabsa-doo!
Harleen hangs up as Babs looks at a photo of everyone she had met in Metropolis. She sets the photo on the windowsill when...
Y/n: Babs!
Babs: AAAH
Babs punched you and you fell from the window
You landed flat on the grass below
Babs: Crud! Sorry Y/n!
You weakly lift your arm off the grass and give her a thumbs up. You get up and ring Babs' doorbell and she opens the door
Babs: I know you're—
Y/n: Save it and get your costume, we gotta save Diana!
Babs shuts her door and jumps out of her bedroom window, now clad in her batsuit
Y/n: Solid escape, I give it an 8
Babs: Lets get the others!
Babs rode her scooter as you made yourself into a wingsuit and flew behind her. You stopped in front of Kara's house and ring her doorbell
Babs: We know you're—
Kara slams the door and you both make your way to Zee's penthouse. Zee answers the knocking on her door
Y/n: —mad at us, but—
Zee slams her door as well, so you head over to Jess' house
Babs: —you gotta hear—
Jess also slams her door. You make your way over to Karen's
Y/n: —me out! We have to—
Karen: Sorry, guys. Sorry.
Karen closes the door only to open it again a few seconds later
Karen: I really am sorry.
Babs shuts the door
Babs: We gotta save Diana....
Babs pulls up a vidchat on her scooter and calls everyone.
Each girl groaned as they all answer the call
Kara, Zatanna, Jessica, and Karen: I'm not talking to you, Babs!
Y/n: Guys, don't hang up!
You flew close behind Babs to talk to them
Kara: Give us one reason why not!
Babs: Because we need you to fight!
The girl lifted their fingers to hang up their phones
Y/n: Plus the alarm will sound again.
They all groan again
Babs: Look, I know not all of us wanted to be heroes, but one of us did.
Babs pulls up a photo of Diana and shows it to the girls
Babs: Her. We don't have to choose to be heroes. But Diana's super scary warrior mom is dragging her back to her crazy magical island forever and now the two of us who knew for sure she wanted to be, she's the one who doesn't have a choice.
You land onto the back of Babs' scooter
Y/n: She wanted to save everybody in the whole entire world, and now she needs saving. You don't have to be heroes if you don't want. You don't have to fight. Except this one time. Because she's our friend. And best friends, they're worth fighting for, you know?
Babs looks back at you and you smile at her
Kara: Yeah, you cut out for a second there. Can you repeat all that?
Babs groans as you facepalm
Later, everyone sneaks on the Amazon's ship to rescue Diana. Babs does different movements to indicate the plan on rescuing her, leaving everyone else confused as she jumped onto the deck and snuck up to Diana.
Babs: Psst. Psst. Psst. Psst. Pssssst.
Diana: Why are you here, Barbara Gordon?
Babs: We're here to sneak you out. See?
She pointed over at you and the girls, who were all getting their ears pulled by Amazonian warriors. You just stood there with your arms crossed because while the warrior pulled your ear, you just stretched it so it wouldn't hurt.
Zatanna, Jessica, Karen, and Kara: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
Babs: Ooh, that wasn't supposed to happen.
Babs got pulled by the bat ears by Queen Hippolyta
Babs: Ow, ow, ow, ow!
Queen Hippolyta: How dare you board my vessel without permission?! Throw them to the ocean beast Cetus! Starting with the male!
Y/n: Yeah... ya know, as much as I'd LOVE to get fed to a make-believe sea monster-
As the warrior holding you pulled you towards the edge, you made your fist into a mallet shape and knocked the warrior into the ocean
Y/n: I got a friend I need to help out
Kara then realizes she could easily get out of this
Kara: Oh, wait.
She punches the warrior into the ocean as everyone frees themselves. Babs lands on top of a warrior's shoulders and covers their eyes so they couldn't see
Babs: Woah!
Jessica, now clad in a suit of armor, tries to escape a warrior beating her with a sword
Jessica: Diana, we won't let you go without a fight!
Zee used her magic against a couple of warriors as Karen was flying around them
Zatanna: We're sorry we gave up, Diana!
Karen: You gotta come back and be our leader again!
You wrapped your arms around a warriors legs and spun around and threw them off the ship
Y/n: It's true. Look how bad we are at this!
Kara then got pinned by a few soldiers
Kara: You once said I could be the greatest hero the world of Man ever knew. But it wasn't me, it's you!
Diana smiles as Babs is thrown across the ship
Diana: Amazons, your Princess commands you to stop!
They all stop in place as an Amazon punches you in the face
Y/n: Ow!
Queen Hippolyta: And your Queen commands you to continue!
You all continue fighting and Kara has an arm wrestling match against one of the Amazons
Diana: Stop!
Queen Hippolyta: Continue!
Diana: Stop!
Queen Hippolyta: Continue!
Diana: STOP!
Queen Hippolyta: CONTINUE!
Diana: STOP!
As you all are stopped...
Amazon: Well? Which one is it?
Kara beats the Amazon while she's distracted
Kara: Boom!
Queen Hippolyta: You are only 317 years old, Diana. A girl, who is too young and too naive to make her own decisions!
Diana: No! It was I, Mother, I who survived the 21 tests of the tournament of Athena and Aphrodite. While I may be young, I have proven I am my own woman and I decide who I want to be. It is Amazon law.
The Amazons then kneeled on the ground
Amazons: It is law!
Queen Hippolyta sighs and walks away. Diana turns back towards you and the girls and squeals like a blonde girl seeing a sale on boots
Diana: Eeeeee!
Y/n, Jessica, Karen, Kara, Zatanna, Babs: Yaaaaay....
Jess flies you all off the ship on a magic carpet that she constructed with her ring
Babs: Congrats, Diana. Disobeying your mom is normal teenager lesson number 218. You're officially a teenager, and we're officially a team again!
You all cheer and hug each other as you head to the pier
Babs: And there's only one place to celebrate!
Karen then looks down and sees a horde of robots heading for the pier
Karen: Uh, guys?
Everyone looks down and sees the robots
Babs: Oh, no, first they tore down Sweet Justice, now they're gonna demolish the pier!
Y/n: Not on our watch! Cmon girls!
You jump off the carpet and glide down to the pier with the girls following behind you and landing in cool poses
Demo-bot Foreman: You must vacate this business or dwelling immediately. You are interfering with lawful demolition protocols. You have ten seconds to comply.
Kara: Oh, yeah?! Well, you got ten seconds to say your prayers!
The ground begins shaking as a giant robot war suit rolls up to the pier
Kara: Huh?
Karen: Ah, what is that?
Y/n: That, Karen, is a huge robot...
War suit: Come to have some fun, girls?
Y/n: Not a girl but okay...
Babs: Ah-ha! I knew it! I knew it was Lex! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!
Babs starts shaking you violently while everyone looks at her. She coughs and regains composure
Babs: I knew it was Lex.
Warsuit: Lex? I am not Lex! I'm-
The emblem of the robot opens up to reveal a tiny person with her face obstructed
Lena: Hold on....
She puts her seat up so they can see her
Lena: I'm Lena! Lena Luthor! And all this? This is my plan, not my dopey brother's! He can never come up with something this good. Ugh...
You all look at each other, completely confused
Lena: Oh, do I have to spell it out?!
Kara: Yeah, you kinda do!
Lena: Pfft, figures! You teenagers think you're so smart, with your staying up late, and your driving cars, and your commercials! But you're so dumb, you can't even pick up on the most obvious of evil plots! Even when it's literally in front of your face! So first, I reprogrammed Lex's worthless VR glasses. Then, I hacked the Demolition Robots the city contacted my doofus brother to make. And finally, I used them to destroy every "fun" and, or "cool" place to "hang" in Metropolis, so you lame-o teenagers will have nowhere else to go for your mindless entertainment, trapped forever in my VR world, tailor-made, just for you.
You looked at the robot's legs and started formulating a plan
Lena: Every last lame-brained one of you! With all you teenagers out of the way, children will rule Metropolis!
Lena starts laughing maniacally
Y/n: What is wrong with you?
Kara: That's the dumbest plan I've ever heard!
Y/n: I am SO glad you don't know my sister
Lena: YOU'RE the dumbest plan I've ever heard! And once this pier is destroyed, you're next!
Babs: Your plan will never work, Lena! We teenagers are stronger than you think!
Karen: Aww!
You look over at Karen who has a VR set on her face
Y/n: Bumblebee!
Karen: Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
Babs: Anyway, the point is, you can destroy our favorite places, but you'll never destroy our friendships!
Y/n, Kara, Jessica, Diana, Zatanna, and Karen: Yeah!
Lena: Pfft, whatevs.
Lena pushes a button and the demobots get closer to the pier
Lena: Roll out, boys!
Diana: Come, brother and sisters. It was on this sacred ground that we became friends. Now, this pier is where we shall become heroes!
Diana battle cries as you all seperate to take down the demobots, but they keep destroying everything on the pier
Jessica: [grunt] This isn't working!
Y/n: There's too many of them! What do we do?
Lena: [laughing maniacally] I win, I win, I win, I win!
You all huddle together to come up with a plan
Zatanna: We are totally losing, you guys! And every teenager in Metropolis is gonna pay the price!
Diana: It is impossible for seven warriors to defeat an army... unless... we take out the general.
Jessica: Lena! If we can stop her, the rest should follow.
Zatanna: But how?
Babs pull up the schematics for Lena's warsuit on her laptop
Babs: Even giant mega warsuits need power. If we can jolt the mainframe, we can short it out.
Zatanna: I repeat, but how?
Kara finds a guitar and an amp along the side of a stand and brings it over
Kara: I got one just like this and it shorts out my house all the time. Just turn it up to ten and shred!
Babs: But how do we get it to the motherboard inside the warsuit?
Karen sheepishly raises her hand
Karen: I'll do it.
Diana: Bumblebee, are you sure?
Y/n: You don't have to if you don't want to, Karen
Karen: It's too scary and I don't wanna do it. But I will!
Y/n: I'm proud of you, Bee
You give her a smile as Babs hands her an aux cord
Babs: Great! Connect this cable to the CPU in Lena's suit, and I'll rig the amp to go past ten.
Kara: No way! Can you do that for mine?
Babs: Then I can plug the other end to the amp and...
Kara: Zzzzt! Bratty McBratterson's going down!
Diana: Green Lantern, get Batgirl as close to Lena as you can. Plastic Man, Supergirl, Zatanna, you're with me. Now, let us do this.
Zatanna flies up to Lena's suit and casts a duplication spell
Zatanna: egarim! ["mirage" in reverse]
Lena: [grunt]
Lena gets annoyed and tries hitting Zatanna, who repeats the spell while the real Zatanna sits on Lena's head.
Zatanna: egarim. egarim. ejarim.
Lena: [grunt] Stay still!
Zatanna: egarim. egarim.
Wonder Woman lassos the robots arm while Supergirl holds the other arm behind the robot's back. You stretch around the robot's legs and body to stop her from moving. Bumblebee flies into the robot's arm and manages to plug it into the motherboard. Jess constructs a bumper car that she can control for Babs to ride in while she tinkers with the amp. She then cranks it up to 11
Karen: I'm in. Is the amp ready?
Babs: Oh yeah. Almost there!
Lena, frustrated and pinned down, started mashing different buttons, looking for an escape route. The warsuit flew into the sky, knocking you, Kara, and Diana off of it
Lena: Get off! Say goodbye to your pier, suckers!
Zatanna: It's now or never!
Babs: Hey, Supergirl, ready to rock?!
Babs throws the guitar and Kara catches it with ease
Kara: All right little girl, time for a lullaby!
Kara plays a chord and the reverb from the amp causes an electrical explosion. When Batgirl plugged in the amp, the cable fell out of the plug and the current was closing in.
Lena screams as the music pierces her eardrums. The current flows through the amp and heads towards Karen, but with quick thinking, Karen plugs her gauntlet into the mainframe, essentially acting as a human conductor. The warsuit gets completely fried
Lena: What? How? No! You cheated! YOU
CHEATED! You cheated, you cheated!
The warsuit then falls to the ground rather quickly
Lena: Uh-oh...
The warsuit crashes into the pier as you all look at its remains
Babs: Um, Bumblebee got out, right?
Karen then floats down to the pier behind you all, growing back to normal on impact.
Y/n: Karen!
Babs: Bumblebee!
You all run up to her as she regains consciousness. You raise your goggles and gently pick her up
Karen: (dazed) Did we do it?
Y/n: Yep, you kicked major butt, Beecher
Karen smiles and pulls off her helmet, revealing the electrical shock she recieved turned a bit of her hair yellow
Zatanna: Nice highlights, what's your secret?
Diana: Courage.
Diana hugged her, then Babs hugged them, and then you all joined in on the hug
After a few minutes, the police show up and inspect the robot. Unfortunately, Lena survived the crash
Lena: Oh, no fair! No FAAAAAIR!
A car pulled up to the wrecked warsuit and out stepped a well dressed teen and his parents.
Lex: There she is Mom! See? Told you she stole my stuff.
Lillian: Lutessa Lena Luthor, you get in this car right now!
Lena: You can't make me!
She sticks out her tongue and the crosses her legs and holds her breath. Her parents retaliate by dragging her into the car
Lena: NOOOO! No! No! No!!!!
Lena has a complete tantrum as Lex talks to his mom
Lillian: Oh, I'm sorry about your warsuit, Lex.
Lex: Don't worry, Mom. I'm just happy the little tyke is alright.
Lena and Lex blow raspberries at each other
Lillian: Oh, you think next time you can get those cupcakes you promised?
Lex: Already on it, Mom. I'm not saying goodbye to the best snickerdoodles in Metropolis.
Lena looks on at you and the girls as her parents drive off
Lena: You'll pay for this, super teen jerks! YOU'LL PAAAAAY!
A crowd starts clamoring around you all in admiration
Man: Brand new superhero team right here in Metropolis
Girl Scout: And they're girls!
Y/n: I'm not a girl! Ugh what's the point...
Crowd: Super Hero Girls! Super Hero Girls! Super Hero Girls!
You smiled and waved as the crowd cheered you all on
3 Months Later...
Sweet Justice was finally rebuilt and everything was back to normal. You walked up to the counter and asked Barry for a milkshake
Barry: Here ya go Y/n!
Y/n: Thanks Barry
You take a sip and walk over to where the girls are sitting
Y/n: Hey guys
All: Heeeey Y/n
Zatanna: [sigh] This is the life. Good friends and good chocolate.
She tosses a piece into her mouth
Y/n: You can say that again, Zee. Toss me one?
Zee tosses a piece of fudge into the air and it bounces off your nose. Before it hits the floor, you extend your jaw and catch it in your mouth amd swallow it
Y/n: Ta-da!
This causes the girls to laugh hysterically
Jessica: (sighs) It's nice to have everything back to normal.
Babs then puts her foot on the table and slurps her boba tea
Babs: Blah, normal's overrated. [slurp] Mmm, remember when we first came here, and Diana said she wanted to be at this place all the time?
Kara: Yeah...?
Y/n: Why?
Babs looked around and then turned the straw hold a bit before pulling it up, causing straws to spill all over the table, and then down again, causing all of you to fall through a hole under the table and then the table rose back up as if nothing had happened
Y/n: Ow!
The lights turned on, revealing all of the girls had fallen on you. They looked around while getting off of you
All: Woah...
Babs: Ta-da! It's our own home base! I took a few late night trips to the construction site while they were rebuilding.
Y/n: Babs! This is awesome!
Diana: Truly, this is a place of wonder.
Kara: Not bad, Babs. Nice job.
Jessica: We can protect the whole city from here. No bad guy stands a chance!
Babs: Not with the Super Hero Girls on the case!
Karen: Aww!
Karen stares at the picture that was taken the day you all took down Lena. You walk up and put your hand on her shoulder as the others follow
Babs: Super-awesome super-heroness, here we come!
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