Diver's High (Build Divers theme) + List of gundam I have watched (will watch)
First reaction: *Loops the first seven seconds of the song because it sounds great*
Later reaction: Ehh. Underwhelming after the first seven seconds.
Here's the TV Size opening.
Now here's a list of Gundam stuff I have watched (might change after 4/23/18)
So I'm currently watching (Or going to resume watching) these Gundam anime:
Iron Blooded Orphans (tbh not my taste even though I'm almost done with season 1. I keep fast forwarding the dialogue parts.)
Gundam Wing (Only 8 more episodes to go)
Build Divers (A good spinoff of the Build Fighters Anime. Don't watch Build Fighters Try. Just don't.)
Gundam anime I have finished watching:
G Gundam (the first Gundam anime I completed. It's surprising that I finished this one first and not one of the UC anime.)
Build Fighters (Because the first one was good and not Try. But why was the girl named China? AND WHY IS THERE A CHINAGUY?!?!?!?)
Gundam Unicorn (Because unicorns are awesome and amazing)
Crossbone Gundam (Except for Ghost. It's weird that I never started on F91 yet)
Gundam Anime I would watch in the future:
F91 (I was reading crossbone, and F91 precedes the manga.)
The Saga that leads up to Char's Counterattack (Oh god that would take a long time to finish, especially Zeta and ZZ)
Victory Gundam (Because why not. It's more UC stuff)
So yeh I want a master grade Exia and a Crossbone X-1 Full Cloth. Plus a Sinanju as well.
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