9 & 3/4-- Never
THIS IS THE PART TWO FOR THE LAST ONE. Did you notice what I did with the chapter number? 😉
"Dad! I got full marks!" Lilly squealed as soon as school finished. She rushed up to her father's waiting arms. It may have looked like it was a childish thing for a fourteen year old to be squealing and hugging her father in public but Lily didn't care. He was all that she had now.
Percy picked her up and spun her around. "That's my girl!"
When he set her down, he planted a big kiss on her cheek. Lily laughed and playfully wiped it away.
Percy put his arm around her shoulders and guided her outside the school gates, to where their car was parked. She was still a lot shorter than he was, being fourteen and all but she looked more like her mother than she ever had.
"So how was today?" Percy asked as he started up the car.
"Awesome." Lilly said excitedly. "Next year, we can choose our subjects and there's an architecture class."
Percy laughed at her enthusiasm, pushing aside the sad thoughts that arose with the word architecture.
"What about that guy who always annoys you?" Percy asked shooting his daughter a knowing look.
"Oh." Lily said, looking out window appearing bored. "James? Miss Alum made him sit next to me today and he was annoying the hades out of me!"
Percy smirked. "Wonder why she did that."
"She has an obsession over Harry Potter. I rest my case." Lily said grimly.
"Oh, so is my grandson gonna be called-" Percy started while he was backing out of the parked space.
Percy laughed and held up both his hands in an action of surrendering. The only problem was, now he was driving without his hands on the swearing wheel.
"Dad!" Lily shouted.
"Calm down Lils." Percy said casually, dropping his hands back onto the steering wheel. "You're just like your mother." He immediately regretted saying that. He glanced at Lily nervously.
She just looked out the window. A tear slipped out from under her eye lashes.
Percy silently cursed himself.
"You wanna pop into gran's house for a while?" He asked softly, trying to distract her.
Lily smiled at him and nodded her head mutely.
* * *
The apartment was the same one in which Percy had shared all his childhood memories in. The very same apartment was now only home to Sally and Paul Blofis.
Percy and Lily always visited them from time to time, when they needed a shoulder to cry on, when they needed a change of scenery or even if they just wanted to see their loving family again. Sally and Lily were really close to each other, sharing all their little secrets and whispering about the latest news. Sally was like a mother to her.
The door was still blue. The only blue one in the midst of all the white.
Percy rang the doorbell and it echoed inside the house.
The blue door opened to reveal a beaming Sally.
"Lily!" She wrapped her in a huge hug. "Percy! My darling little babies! Come inside!"
Percy laughed and hugged his mother. "Hey mom. How are you and Paul?"
"Oh, we are perfectly fine honey. How about you two come inside now? I just made cookies."
Percy's eyes lit up and he shared a mischievous look with Lily. Sally laughed and ushered them both inside.
She led them into the living room and they sat down on the sofas. "Paul just dropped down to go to the groceries. He'll be here in a minute." Sally explained.
"Cool." Percy said, "So...where's the cookies?"
Sally laughed. "You've never changed have you."
Percy only smiled but inside, he knew that everything in his life had changed since the day she went. His whole world had disappeared. The only shimmer of hope for his existence had revolved around Lily.
His mother seemed to have realised what he was thinking of- she had always been able to do that -so she immediately dropped the subject and took out the platter of cookies. Lily immediately took a four or five of it. Percy stole a cookie from her, resulting in him receiving a hardcore glare.
The front doorbell rang.
"Must be Paul." Sally said, "I'll get it."
Percy nodded and lifted Lily up into his free arm. Dad!" She exclaimed.
Percy just laughed and carried her down to the sofa, placing her comfily in the midst of cushions. He put on the T.V. Poseidon must've been in a happy mood because the Little Mermaid was playing.
Lily excitedly stuffed a cookie in his mouth.
"So, can I read that essay of yours?" Percy asked her, stealing another cookie from her.
"Nope." She said.
"Hey! Why not!?" Percy demanded.
She smirked at him. "Because."
The front door opened at they heard voices. Sally was talking to some people. One of them was obviously Paul. The other voice, was one that had never left Percy's mind for a minute.
* * *
Annabeth's original plans were to just pop out of her new apartment and take a small walk down the street to get to know her rather new home better, seeing as she'd be living here for a few years now.
She had walked down the staircase and had passed by the front desk. A little girl with blonde hair and a much older looking man was getting into the elevator. The man had his arm around the girl's shoulder and they were laughing over something.
Annabeth smiled to herself. A loving family. Maybe brother and sister. Whoever they were, their life was obviously much more carefree than her own.
She walked through the sliding glass doors and stepped out into the street. Absorbed in her thoughts, she started walking with no proper destination in mind.
She was buried between pile loads of ideas and thoughts that she didn't see an elderly man walking towards her. She bumped into him and sent all his shopping bags down in a tumbling mess.
"Oh my gods! I'm so sorry, sir. I wasn't looking where I was going and- I'm so so sorry." She apologised hastily, helping him pick up all the groceries.
"It's alright-" He replied with a wide smile. He looked up. The laugh lines on his face turned into worry lines and a frown replaced his carefree smile. He reminded Annabeth of a TV star but his once young and handsome face was now dotted with a few grey hairs.
His words faltered in his mouth and he stared at her in wonder.
"Are you alright, sir?" Annabeth asked worriedly.
He shook out of his reverie and smiled at her. "Oh yes. I'm fine. Thank you for you help."
He made to take the shopping bags back from her but Annabeth resisted with a smile. "I'll help you carry them back. I've got nothing to do anyways. Where do you live?"
"Just around the corner there. East 21st street. The apartment complex near there."
"Strange." Annabeth said. "I live there too. Just moved in actually. Must be a coincidence." She laughed lightly. Though she didn't believe in coincidences much.
They made their way down to his home. Annabeth learnt his name, Paul Blofis. He was a very happy and an easygoing man and gladly chatted with her the whole day as if he had known her before.
When they reached the apartment complex, they walked back up the staircase and stopped in front of the blue door. Annabeth had always wondered who lived inside there. She stayed in the apartment only a few doors down.
Paul rang the doorbell and almost immediately, a woman opened the door. Her kind, soft eyes reminded Annabeth of someone, though she wasn't really sure who it was.
"Paul! You're back! Guess who's popped in to say he-" Her eyes trailed over to Annabeth. "Oh dear gods." She muttered.
"This young lady," Paul started. "So kindly walked me back home."
Sally cupped her hands in front of her mouth and let out a strangled laugh. "Oh my beautiful child." She engulfed her in her arms. It had been so long since Annabeth had faced such comfort from a motherly figure.
In that brief second, she felt safe. She felt as if she had been held by those loving arms so many times. She felt as if she had cried into their comfort before.
Annabeth didn't mind being hugged by a stranger. Not this stranger at least. She felt like she should know her.
The older woman pulled away at last and wiped away a few tears that had escaped her eyes.
"My name is Sally." She introduced.
"Annabeth." Annabeth replied curtly.
"Why don't you come inside?" Sally suggested.
* * *
"Hey Uncle Paul!" Lily shouted, without taking her eyes off the screen.
"Hey Lily." Paul said moving inside and kissing her forehead. "Percy."
Percy smirked at him. "Hey Paul."
"Percy?" Sally said nervously.
"Yeah?" Percy looked up. He stumbled to his feet in shock at what he saw. He felt as if he would combust into a million tiny Percy shrapnel.
Her eyes were the same beautiful grey that had bore into his lovingly and adoringly, the same ones that had comforted hi in times of turmoil. Her lips were drawn into a soft, unsuspecting smile. Her blonde hair cascaded down past her shoulder in waves, and he was sure it still smelt like lemons.
"Hi." She said awkwardly.
Percy tried to speak but he couldn't. No words came out. He forgot how to breathe. He forgot how to walk. All that mattered now was she was here.
He needed to get to her, to hold her in his arms but he couldn't move.
"Well, I'd better get going." Annabeth said eventually. "Thank you for accepting me so readily Mrs-"
"Sally." Sally corrected. "Just Sally and you're welcome here anytime."
She hugged Annabeth one last time before she had to let her go. Annabeth walked down the hallway. The door opened and closed behind her.
Percy wanted to stop her. She was leaving again. He wanted to call her back, but he couldn't find his voice. He stood there staring at the door for one whole minute before collapsing back onto the couch.
"Who was that, dad?" Lily asked, blissfully unaware to anything that may have had happened around her.
Percy couldn't answer. He raked his hands brought his hair and groaned in frustration and suddenly drew to a conclusion. He kissed Lily's head and stood up, moving towards the door.
He stepped outside into the bright hallway. Annabeth was just sliding the door to her apartment open.
Percy ran towards her. "Wait!" He shouted.
He gripped her arm and stopped her from entering her house.
Annabeth glanced down at his hands wrapped around her arms. "Uh sorry, did you want something?"
He let go of her hesitantly and just stared. "Do you want to come in?" She asked finally.
"No. It's alright." Percy said quietly. "You don't- you don't remember me?"
Annabeth looked startled. "N-no. Was I- was I meant to?"
Percy smiled at her, leaning his he and on her door. He cupped her cheek unconsciously in his hand. "Gods of Olympus. You're still just as beautiful."
"You just said Gods of Olympus." Annabeth realised. "Are you a demigod?"
Percy was surprised to say the least. "A half mortal, Half god." Annabeth explained hastily. "I'm a daughter of Athena and my dad's Frederick Chase. And I go to this camp for demigods! It's called-"
Percy smiled at her. "You chose rebirth. Didn't you? Annabeth...please try and remember."
He took her hand in his and held the other behind her head.
He leaned in and kissed her softly.
* * *
Annabeth felt like she was being introduced to a whole new universe. She felt every memory of her last life burn through her skin. Every moment she had shared with this guy. Percy.
Memories from when they were twelve to twenty-seven. The first one was someone saying 'You drool in your sleep'.
The last one, was of seeing his face. His beautiful eyes and her daughter. She had a daughter.
It all came back. in the Underworld, Hades had promised to her that of she chose rebirth, she would appear in the same world she had left. So she accepted.
And now, here she was. In his arms again. Safe from harms way. Even if a dagger had pierced through her skin, she wouldn't have felt it.
"Percy." She whispered. She laughed, tear full of joy bringing forth in her eyes. "Seaweed Brain. Oh gods...Percy."
Seeing her so happy, made him start laughing too. "Yeah Wise Girl?"
"Gods of Olympus, don't ever leave me."
He kissed her adoringly and meaningfully.
The word he said next, stayed there. Imprinted between the two lips.
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