Nico x Reader (I couldn't lose you too)
You get kidnapped by Dirtface/Princess Potty Sludge!😘 This story is inspired by @7Sneakers's story 'Fighting for You'. Shoutout to them!
Y/N's POV (Second person)
You and Nico were leaving the dining pavilion after dinner. It was a delicious meal, filled with F/F and F/D. Nico was (surprisingly) really happy, smiling and laughing as you walked back to the G/P cabin.
"Good night, Y/N," he whispered in your ear as you arrived. He planted a soft kiss to your head before smiling and walking away.
"Night, Nico," you called after him. You sighed in contentment. What did I do to deserve him?
You were thinking over the events of the night as you walked inside. It was pitch black, because you were the first of your siblings inside.
"Hello, Y/N L/N," a deep voice whispered from the corner. You froze, looking around fearfully.
"Who's there?" You whispered into the darkness. Your voice trembled with fear.
"Your downfall."
You heard a small snap of someone's fingers, and you let out a small shriek when everything went dark.
Nico's POV (First person)
I had just walked inside my cabin when I heard a short scream. I bolted back outside, looking for the source of the sound. It sounded like it came from... the G/P cabin. No one but Y/N was there.
"Shit!" I yelled as I sprinted towards the building. I shoved open the door and was met with the dark. I switched on the lights and discovered... Nothing. There was no one here. There was nothing but a note, resting on Y/N's bed. I walked over and picked it up.
Hello, mortals.
I have stolen someone quite important to you. I think you'll know her, Y/N L/N. If you want her back, good luck trying.
With love,
My heart dropped through the floor. Gaea had Y/N. Gaea had my girlfriend. The only person who could make me smile. That bitch was gonna pay.
Y/N's POV (First Person)
Ow. That's the first word that came to mind when I awoke from my involuntary slumber. My stomach grumbled, which indicated that I'd been here for a while. My muscles were aching from laying on the cold stone floor for gods know how long. I flicked my eyes open, leaning my elbows. I was in some sort of cell. It had no windows and a stone floor and walls. In the corner there was a small tray of mashed potatoes and stale bread. And I wasted no time. I dived at the meal, devouring it in a minute flat.
"Hello, Y/N," a man's voice came from the door. I scrambled back, instinctively reaching for my w/o/c. Of course though, it wasn't there. So I was stuck in a windowless room with no weapon and no exit. Fan-fucking-tastic.
"Follow me," he commanded. He turned on his heel and briskly walked out of the doorway. I hesitantly followed, wary of my situation.
"Hurry up!" He yelled. I jumped, startled, but did as he said. "Alright, here we are."
I was in some sort of arena. The sun beamed down through the non-existent roof, blinding me as I stepped in. My feet rested on a bed of sand.
"Ahh, the lady of the hour has arrived! Welcome!" A cheery feminine voice bellowed through the arena.
"Who are you?" I shouted, twisting around to see where the voice was coming from.
"Why, my sweet, I am Gaea. I wanted to have a little fun with you poor mortals. So, I built this. Incredible, isn't it? You, my dear, are going to fight some monsters for us! Bring in the cyclops!"
Gaea? Did Percy and Annabeth and the rest defeat her yet? Shit, did she say cyclops?!
Lo and behold, a large one-eyed monster made its way through a door on the opposite side of the arena. It was only about 20 metres away (60 feet for all you American folk), and lumbering towards me at an impressive speed.
Plan, I need a plan. Think, Y/N, think! I dodged when I decided that the cyclops was too close for comfort, and it smashed into the wall behind me. That's it! I'll tire him out! So that's what I did.
The cyclops smashed into the wall again, and again, and again. Around number 20, it swayed on it's feet. This was my time to strike.
With a loud cry, I lunged at the monster before me. My celestial bronze sword slashed the forehead of the beast, and it let out an anguished roar. I slashed again, trying to take out its eye. Note trying. The cyclops's meaty arm swung into my midsection, throwing me across the arena.
I landed on the opposite wall, pain flying up my spine and through my arms. I attempted to get up, only to fall back down. Shit.
"NOT MY GIRLFRIEND YOU BITCH," (I did it againnnn. Molly Weasley is 👑) yelled a voice from above me. A dark figure leaped over my head to face the cyclops. He had black hair and an aviator jacket over black jeans and black converse. It didn't take two seconds for me to recognise my boyfriend, or Ghost King, or even Death Breath.
"Nico?" I asked dumbly.
"Hey N/N!" He yelled over his shoulder, before running at the cyclops. He jumped over the towering body, running his sword over it's back. A mist of blood sprayed from it, making the cyclops roar in agony again. Nico pivoted behind it, stabbing it's stomach for the final blow with his Stygian Iron sword. Gods he's amazing.
Nico's POV (Third person)
Nico pulled his sword from the monster's back as it fell forwards, facing planting into the sand. It revealed his girlfriend, stunned, leaning against the wall. She stared at Nico in disbelief, mouth agape.
"Hey Sunshine," he joked. 'Sunshine' was his favourite pet name for Y/N, and she didn't mind. It was like her and 'Ghost King'.
"N-Nico? Who- What- How did you find me?" The dazed girl stuttered.
"I may or may not have gotten one of the Demeter girls to track you and shadow-travelled here," he replied sheepishly.
"Nico! You know that's bad for your health!" She exclaimed. Y/N tried to get up and run to him, but she slumped back against the wall.
"Are you okay?" Nico asked, running to her aid. Before he could get there though, a booming voice echoed through the arena.
"How did you get here?" It was Gaea.
"Alright, time to go!" Nico made it the rest of the way to his sunshine and shadow-travelled away. When they touched the ground in the G/P cabin, Nico swiftly picked up Y/N and carried her to the infirmary.
"Nico, put me down! You shouldn't be walking, let alone carrying someone, after shadow-travelling! You know that," she scolded, slapping his shoulder.
"You're worse off than me!" He argued without stopping. "Will! Injured camper over here!"
A blonde haired boy poked his out the door of the infirmary, rushing out to take Y/N from his arms.
~A few hours later~
Will had finished up with Y/N's leg, which she had injured while being thrown against the wall. Nico talked to her as soon as possible.
"Why'd you do it?" She asked when Nico sat down next to her.
"Well, it's simple really. I couldn't lose you too."
Uggggh that took ages. I even had to re-write it cause dumb Wattpad didn't save. 1203 words though!
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