Boys x Reader (How they would react to you self-harming)
What the title says. I'll do the girls next. And again, it's a bit different from my normal style, but I think this is an important topic. Inspo from foxxie333 from her Marvel one-shots. Her book is in my 'Avengers' reading list. (BTW you're dating the boys from these.)
Warnings: Cutting yourself, self-doubt, self-harm, eating disorders, attempted suicide, panic attack, safe-words, passing out (again, may be more).
Percy: Self-harm (cutting). First Person
Y/N had been acting strangely lately. She only wore long-sleeves, and seemed a bit distant. Every time I tried to talk to her about it, she just shook her head and walked off quickly. Then I decided to do something about it. I needed her to know that she could tell me anything.
"Y/N? You okay in there?" I asked, knocking on the G/P bathroom door. All I could hear were sniffles coming from inside. "I'm coming in, Y/N," I said, opening the door to a heartbreaking sight. Y/N was sitting on the floor in the shower, a blade against her wrist. It was stained red. Lines were running across her wrists, and more fainter, white lines appeared as well. Y/N had been cutting herself. I ran across the bathroom, grabbing and tossing the blade away. Then sat on the floor, enveloping her in a hug.
"How long?" I asked tentatively in her ear.
"About a month..." Y/N whispered. I just held her tightly in my arms, gently rocking back and forth.
"Why, Y/N, why? You're beautiful," I asked sadly.
"I don't feel good enough for you. All the Aphrodite girls make fun of me," she sniffled into my chest. I turned her face up towards mine, looking deep into her E/C eyes intently.
"You are better than all of those girls combined. You are beautiful in every way. I don't care what they say, you will always be enough. Y/N, you deserve the world. You care, you love, and you do what's right. Honestly, if anything, you're too good for me. Got it? I love you so much," I said sincerely, kissing her forehead softly.
"You mean it?" She asked, wiping her nose.
Leo: Eating disorder (Third person)
"Y/NNNNNN, c'mon, we'll be late to dinner!" Leo called, bounding out of the Hephaestus cabin. Y/N shuffled out behind him, lingering in the doorframe.
"I'm not hungry," she mumbled.
"What? You haven't eaten all day except for toast for breakfast. Y/N, that's not healthy," Leo said, turning back to her, his voice laced in concern.
"I'm fine! You go, I need to catch up on some archery practise," Y/N said quickly. "Bye!" Then she ran off.
Weird thought Leo. She never eats anymore. He ran off to dinner, not wanting to miss it, but his mind was occupied with thoughts of Y/N.
AFTER DINNER (Y/N's POV, first person)
My stomach felt empty. It was good though. I needed this. Drawing back my bow, I shot a bullseye. You aren't good enough. Another bullseye. You don't deserve Leo. I shot again, but it went sideways. Why are you still here? Then I snapped.
"SHUT UP!" I yelled at nothing. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD."
As you wish, then everything went black as I collapsed.
When I arrived back at the G/P cabin, I expected to find Y/N, but she wasn't there. Oh, right, archery. As I sprinted through camp, I found my girlfriend in a heap at the archery range.
"Y/N! Oh gods, oh gods!" I stumbled down to where she lay, and skidded to a stop on my knees. Laying her head on my lap, I brushed her hair out from her eyes. "Please, please be alive," I pleaded. Thankfully, I could hear her thundering heartbeat. I gently picked her up bridal-style, then sprinted her to the infirmary.
Jason: Attempted suicide by jumping off a cliff
Jason, I'm sorry.
Tears started to well up in Jason's eyes as he read the note Y/N left for him.
I can't live like this anymore. I love you, but... life is hard. Bullying, assault (Not sexual! I don't write rape or smut), all that stuff. I can't deal with it. By the time you read this, I'll be on the edge of Mount Tam (It's the first place I thought of. Idc how far it is). Please don't try to save me, it's my time to go.
I love you, more that you can imagine.
Jason immediately threw down the letter, and sprinted out of his cabin. He had to save Y/N.
A few minutes later, he arrived at the summit of Mount Tam. Scanning the area, he saw Y/N on the cliff edge.
"WAIT! Y/N, STOP!" He yelled, sprinting towards her. The wind made her h/l, h/c hair billow around her face as she spun around.
"Jason, leave, please," she pleaded.
"Can't we just talk this through? I can't live without you! If you die, I will too."
"I'm sorry," she whispered. Jason could barely hear her soft voice, but got the message as she turned... and jumped.
"NOOOOOOOOO!" Jason screamed, running to the edge. He could see her frail body plummeting towards the ground. Without hesitation, he leaped over the cliff and dived towards Y/N. Her e/c eyes pleaded for him to fly away, but he ignored them. Time seemed to slow down. Stretching out his arms, Jason enveloped Y/N in a hug, and slowed them to a stop, hovering a few meters from the ground, hair waving from the wind, both of them out of breath.
"I told you not to jump," Jason whispered.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry," Y/N whimpered, burying her tear-stained face in Jason's chest, calming herself with his steady heartbeat.
"It's okay, baby, I still love you. You know that I love you," Jason assured her. "Just please don't do that again."
Frank: Over-exertion (Y/N's POV, Second person)
You and your boyfriend, Frank Zhang, were in an intense sparring match. It had gone on for about half and hour now. The clang of metal and footprints in the sand were all that was ringing in your ears.
"Y/N! I think we should stop, I'm getting pretty tired," Frank called to you as he surrendered.
"Alright, you go have a rest. I'm gonna keep fighting someone," you replied, already turning to another camper.
"Y/N, no, you need to rest too. You're not a machine," Frank said with a worried tone.
"Pfft, I'll be fine. You go sit down," you laughed, readying yourself for another battle. To be honest, you were more exhausted than you have ever been. Your bones ached and your muscles were tight from cramps. But you deserved the pain. You had to keep fighting, to prove that you, in some small way, are worthy of something.
Around two minutes into the spar, your vision started getting blurry, and black spots danced around your vision.
"Y/N? You good?" A female voice echoed around your head.
"Yeah, yeah, I just need some water..." You murmured, stumbling over to the bench where your drink bottle, and boyfriend, were seated. Bringing the bottle to your lips, water dribbled down your chin, and the world started tipping sideways. No, you were tipping sideways, right into Frank's strong, open arms, and his worried face disappeared.
Frank's POV (Third person)
Crap, crap, crap! Frank thought as Y/N flopped into his arms. Her limbs were stiff and looked sore, and her head tilted back, making her h/c hair tumble down her spine/neck (Depending on your hair length). Is she okay? Dumb question, Frank, of course she's not! He scooped up her legs, and ran to the infirmary, bursting in through the front door. A startled Will Solace almost fell out of his seat. He was about to yell at Frank, when he saw the unconscious girl in his arms.
"Gods, what happened?" He questioned, taking Y/N from Frank's arms and setting her in a nearby empty cot.
"We were sparring, and I thought we should take a break. I sat down for some water but Y/N kept going with another camper, I think it was Clarisse. Then she came over for some water and collapsed!" Frank exclaimed hurriedly.
"Okay, calm down Frank. You didn't know about this?" Will said soothingly.
"About... what?" Frank said, concern creeping more and more into his voice.
"She isn't doing the best, mentally I mean. This is what Y/N does. She over-works herself until breaking point. It's not healthy, man," explained Will gently. Frank's whole world fell over. Y/N, she did this on purpose?
"Wh... why?" He breathed.
"She told me once, when she was here a few days ago," Will shuffled his feet. "She doesn't feel worthy of you, dude. She does this to prove that she is capable, but she doesn't know a stopping point. She just goes, and goes, and goes, and doesn't stop until she passes out from exhaustion."
Frank felt his heart break in two. Y/N, his Y/N, doesn't feel good enough. She didn't know that she was Frank's whole reason to exist right now.
"How long will it be until she wakes up?" Frank asked urgently.
"About 15 minutes, why?"
"I need her to know I love her." Will clapped him on the back.
"I trust you'll look after her. Good luck."
Nico: Panic attack and use of a safe-word (Y/N's POV, second person. This one will be a quite short)
Too many, too many, too many a voice chanted in your head. You were at a party in the Aphrodite cabin, and it was jam-packed with people. Your sight started spinning, and you stumbled out the door and headed for cabin 13. Bursting through the door, you fell to your knees and wept in front of a startled Nico di Angelo. Then he came to his senses, scooping you up in his arms, he rested you on his bed, where you curled up against the wall.
"Hey, baby, it's okay," he said soothingly. "Can you tell me what's wrong?"
"M-Medusa," you whispered. You and Nico had come with with multiple safe-words for different situations for if this ever happened. Medusa meant 'I'm having a panic attack', Algea (the goddess of pain) meant 'I'm self-harming', and Tartarus meant 'I'm having suicidal thoughts'. When you said that, Nico's eyes flashed with sorrow.
"It's okay, you'll be okay," he said softly, sitting on the bed next to you. "You want a hug?"
You nodded in reply, and he lifted you into a sitting position. From there, he leaned you on his shoulder, arms wrapped protectively around you, and rocked back and forth gently. You just wept into his aviator jacket, and he comforted you for a good half-hour. You were finally starting to doze off, when you said against his chest, "thank you."
"No problem, bellissima. I love you so much," Nico replied quietly. How on earth did you get such an amazing boyfriend.
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