Added characters
Omg so sorry guys for not updating this in forever!!! Okay I'll publish stuff later I'm just writing this to confirm the characters that people told me that they wanna add so please correct me if I'm wrong!!!
And if you told me your OC but I didn't mention it here please tell me in the comments!
Oh and for those who didn't add anything and want to skip this I'm fine with it too 😊.
From itsyagirlbells :
Name: Bella Winter
Personality: Sassy, awkward, ambiverted (wait what's that again?), a bit lazy
Hair: Brunette, curly
Eyes: Very dark brown (is it like chocolate brown?)
Skin colour: Tanned
Clothes: Faded grey star wars shirt, shorts, bandaid on her knee, blue sneakers, grey hoodie sometimes, necklace with a star
Special item (if any): Magic eraser that can turn into anything at her will
Godly parent: unclaimed, unsure of her parent (can I put her as a daughter of athena? She sure sounds like one 😊)
Greek or roman: Greek
From SnipsM :
Name: Snips Maria Kenobi
Personality: Sassy, artsy, likes apple juice (lols 😂)
Hair: Blonde and purple ends
Eyes: Teal
Skin: Tan
Clothes: Black pants, boots, purple shirt (I edited it a bit are you okay with this?)
Special item (if any): two swords - made of stygian iron with green hilts (I am so sorry I couldn't put lightsabers cause thats a little bit OP. Oh but I put swords and stygian iron is black. And I left out the force too V V SO SORRY!!!!!! 😢🙏🏻)
Godly parent: Hecate (are you okay with this?)
Greek or roman: Greek
From wisegirl_1234 :
Name: Amanda Rodriguez
Personality: shy when you first meet her but is actually really talkative when you get to know her, very protective over the people she cares about, stubborn
Hair: Straight, black
Eyes: Chocolate brown
Skin colour: light brown
Clothes: light pink shirt but usually wears a black/dark blue hoodie on top, faded blue jeans, black and white converses, pearl earrings (studs or hanging down?) and a matching pearl necklace (many pearls or just one pearl?).
Special item (if any): Earrings turns into sword, necklace turns into shield
Godly parent: Hermes
Greek or roman: Greek
From CherokeeWarrior :
Name: Grace
Personality: bubbly, spontaneous (okay I'm an idiot what is that?), loves rock n' roll, only child
Hair: red, almost reaches her waist (wait is it curly or straight or wavy?)
Eyes: ocean/electric blue
Skin colour: Fair (based on your description of her being irish)
Clothes: Simple but fashionable (um, specifically please?)
Special item (if any): none (wanna add one?)
Godly parent: Poseidon/Neptune (if you wanna change tell me)
Greek or roman: Greek/roman (tell me which one you want!)
And that's it! (irisaviolette I know I said I would make a character for you but I'm too lazy so TELL ME IN THE COMMENTS) If you wanna add your character for my truth or dare story (answer your question CherokeeWarrior?) please either PM me or comment!
And for the people whom I mentioned please check over your characters in case I missed something or you wanna add something in and please answer my questions as I NEED TO KNOW lol lmao
Gtg write me first chappie (or the draft anyway I won't publish anything until I get the confirmed confirmed thing and just a heads up i might do another one of these type of chapters so get ready!!!!)
Kayli, out.
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