One night at Tarabiscoville, three superheroes called Catboy, Owlette and Gekko came across the most unusual and yellow creatures. The Minions, who arrived to the city after abandoning his master Gru. They introduced themselves as several names, like Stuart, Bob, Otto, Dave, Mike, Carl, Paul, and much more. And, the most importantly, their leader, Kevin.
Since the Minions didn't have a place to stay, the PJs decided to let them join their team and befriended them all. They saved the day during the night with the Minions from the night villains and they also helped them in their ordinary lives as normal kids called Connor, Amaya and Greg. With each day passing day together, their bond strengthended and grew.
But one day, one of the villains called Romeo created a new robot named Mini-Bot to lure the PJ Masks to a trap and finally defeat them. But his plan suddenly failled when the little robot started to like the PJs, so he left Romeo and joined them, changing its name to PJ Robot.
The Minions started to feel jealous of PJ Robot because the PJs transferred all their attention to him. One day, they celebrated PJ Robot's anniversary as their new teammate, forgetting that that same day was one of the Minions' birthday, Bob. Eventually, the Minions decided to left the PJ Masks and abandoned Tarabiscoville to never come back.
However, the luck didn't come with them...
The Minions arrived to a forest where there was nothing of food, and all became worse when winter arrived.
One fateful night, and on the brink of starvation...
Kevin decided that in order to survive, the Minions must consume a live being...
And that victim... was a hunter that was hunting on that forest.
The trauma of this act corrupted the minds of the creatures. They arrived to their breaking point and developed a hatred to all the humanity. And, in the particular, the PJ Masks for reemplacing them.
A pact was made...
They renounced their good side, and turned into evil and cannibal creatures...
Never to talk again...
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