"you're spending christmas with jaebum?" jackson asks the younger two days later, surprise written all over his face. "and your parents?"
youngjae feels uneasy when his friend asks him that question. what is so surprising about him spending the holidays with his boyfriend?
"yeah? is it weird?" he asks nervously, chewing on a nail.
"no! it's not! it's just that i'd feel pressured to meet my boyfriend's parents after what, 6 months of relationship?"
"almost 8," youngjae corrects and realizes how fast time flew.
"wow, that's longer than i thought," jackson whistles, impressed. "i guess it's okay then."
youngjae nods, smiling as he thinks about their relationship. it's a really really nice relationship and he can't be happier.
"you love him, don't you?" jackson says after a while, observing his younger friend with a smile.
youngjae feels himself blush profusely, diverting his gaze to the floor. he can feel himself nodding and there's a squealing response to it. so jackson.
"our little youngjae is in love! aigoo!" he coos, ruffling the younger's hair affectionately.
youngjae huffs loudly as his enthusiastic friend throws an arm around his shoulder in a bone-crushing side hug before laughing.
"hyung! stop doing that! i'm a grown man now!"
"a grown man who still watches disney movies in a dog onesie? yeah sure," jackson chuckles and gives him a big, wet smooch on the cheek, making him yelp in disgust. "don't you dare reject my love, youngjae!"
they start fighting playfully, filling youngjae's living room with laughs and giggles.
christmas shopping is one of youngjae's favorite things about winter. going around in the snowy streets to find the perfect gifts for one's loved ones and the most fun part : wrapping. youngjae loves wrapping gifts, always taking his time to make sure everything was perfect.
so here he is, a few shopping bags in his arms and looking for more gifts to buy. he and jaebum are supposed to go to his hometown in two days (two days before christmas eve) and of course, he had waited until the very last minute. the only gift he needs to buy is for himself... what? don't judge him. he's working hard so he definitely deserves a little something.
"what could i buy?" he asks to himself and at that moment, he pass by a clothing store and sees the perfect gift.
it's a pastel pink sweater and it looks so warm and comfy that youngjae knows he found it. he obviously ends up buying it and as always it's one size too large for him because he likes them like that.
"and i'm done with it!" he exclaims happily as he makes his way towards the subway.
when he gets home, he puts the gifts in his room, planning on wrapping them later and settles in front of the tv. this is when he receives a text from jaebum.
from : bummie 💓
> can't come over tonight. nora's sick so i have to take care of her. sorry babe :(
< it's okay :( i hope she gets better!
> thanks baby 😊 i'll come over tomorrow okay?
> i miss your pretty face
< you'll have to wait ;)
> fine but when i get there, i'm taking you hostage ;)
< that's fine by me hyungie :)
> see you tomorrow sunshine 😘
youngjae replies with a heart emoji before putting his phone aside and getting to work with the wrapping.
the next day goes by quickly as youngjae is busy packing his things and cleaning up his apartment. he feels more excited as he thinks about seeing his parents and siblings but also nervous because he's going to introduce jaebum to them and he's worried. but he knows that everything will be fine, right?
he's startled by the sound of his ringtone. he grabs his phone in his back pocket and answers the call.
"hey baby," he hears and he smiles at the sound of jaebum's voice.
"hi, where are you?"
"i just dropped nora to the vet, she's gonna stay there for a few days. i'm on my way right now," jaebum says.
"okay, i'm waiting for you!"
"i'll be right there."
he hangs up and waits for his boyfriend. he arrives ten minutes later and greets youngjae with a sweet kiss.
"is it okay if i stay here? it will be easier to leave that way," jaebum says as he drags his suitcase with him.
"of course. you know, i like having you here," youngjae smiles and leads jaebum to his bedroom.
the older chuckles and puts his suitcas in a corner of the room before jumping on youngjae's bed and beckoning him to come lie down with him. the younger male doesn't hesitate to join him, cuddling up against jaebum, throwing his leg over his hip. jaebum wraps an arm around his boyfriend's shoulders, bringing him closer to his body.
"this is nice," youngjae whispers happily, nuzzling against jaebum's chest.
"i can only agree. cuddling with you is the best thing ever," the older says, gently running his fingers into youngjae's hair.
"i'm sleepy," youngjae yawns cutely, burying his face into the crook of jaebum's neck and clinging tighter to his warm body.
"then sleep, baby boy. i'll be there when you wake up," jaebum chuckles, kissing the top of his head.
with that last sentence in mind, youngjae lets himself fall into sleep.
sorry for not updating but school and laziness have got the best of me but yay for update 😁
comments and votes are hella appreciated and i hope you enjoyed this messy chapter lmao
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