"what do you want to eat?" jaebum asks as he drives.
"i'm down for anything. i'm really hungry," the younger pouts, rubbing his stomach.
jaebum chuckles at that, a fond smile tugging on his lips. he nods and drives them to a barbecue restaurant. they both get off and enter the restaurant.
"it smells so good! are we eating grilled meat?" youngjae excitedly asks, tugging on jaebum's hand.
"yes, we are. come on, let's find a table," jaebum says, walking towards an empty table.
they sit down and starts talking about what they want to eat.
"i want pork belly with fried rice!" youngjae exclaims and jaebum nods.
"okay," he smiles at him. "can i have two servings of fried rice and pork belly, please?" he calls in the restaurant.
they wait for their order to come and jaebum turns the electric frying pan while youngjae prepares some vegetables. after a moment, a waiter brings them their order. jaebum thanks him and immediately places a few pieces on the pan, waiting for it to cook.
"i won't be able to come over today, my shift ends at 10," the older informs.
"really? can't you come afterwards? i think yugyeom will be gone by then," youngjae pouts.
"yugyeom? he's coming over?" jaebum asks, raising an eyebrow.
"yep, we haven't hung out together in a while," youngjae explains.
jaebum nods, cutting pieces of the now cooked meat and makes a wrap with hot sauce and pork before eating it. youngjae watches him eat for a few minutes before taking a spoonful of rice. he doesn't like when jaebum is silent so he asks,
"you're not jealous, are you?"
"who? me? hell no. i know you're mine and he wouldn't dare try something so it's all good," his boyfriend winks at him and youngjae finds himself blushing.
"you really know how to make me flustered," youngjae mumbles.
"say aah," jaebum says, chuckling as he holds a piece of pork in his chopsticks.
youngjae rolls his eyes but opens his mouth wide, eating the meat. he hums with a smile, making jaebum smile fondly. they keep eating, the mood light and playful before paying and thanking the owner. they head to the older's car and hop in before going to youngjae's home.
"i'll call you, okay? have fun with yugyeom," jaebum says, bringing youngjae into a kiss.
"okay," the younger says into the kiss. "will you try to come after your shift?" he asks, hopeful.
jaebum nods with a smile and pecks him on the lips. youngjae smiles, getting out of the car and heading towards the door of the building. as he enters, he waves at jaebum who waves back at him with a warm smile. when youngjae gets home, he immediately calls yugyeom who tells him he will be there in thirty minutes. youngjae cleans up a bit while singing a song out loud. someone rings the bell. the brunette frowns. that can't be yugyeom so who is it? he goes to answer and faces a woman. although he's gay, he has to admit that she's very pretty. she has long black hair, hazel eyes and is very well dressed.
"are you choi youngjae?" she directly asks without saying hello. pretty but rude.
"yes? can i help you?"
he certainly doesn't expect her to slap him across the face. his head snaps to the side with the force of it and he can feel tears stinging his eyes.
"how dare you date a taken man?! don't you have respect?" she exclaims, venom lacing her voice.
"what? what are you talking about? why did you fucking slap me?" youngjae asks, voice trembling slightly.
she starts laughing, expression going from bewildered to angered. she points a manicured finger at him. youngjae blinks away the tears. he can't let her see him cry.
"i'm lee jinah. and jaebum is my boyfriend."
i love winter break bless
go read my other stories u hoes
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