[warning : long ass chapter, idk how i did it but my phone is telling me to stop lmao anyways enjoy]
"the ship is sailing."
youngjae blushes more than he would like when he hears jackson say that. the four friends are gathered at jackson's apartment the next friday and all they talk about is youngjae's first date with jaebum. youngjae was so excited that he had trouble focusing on his classes and now that there's only a day left before his date, he's even more ecstatic.
"i want to be your wingman at your wedding," mark teases further more with a laugh.
"then i'll be your first child's godfather!" jackson exclaims.
"calm down, you two. it's a date, not a proposal event," jinyoung reminds them with a shake of his head.
"you're making embarrassed. stop it," youngjae mutters, the sound muffled as he rolls onto his stomach.
the three others laugh fondly and jackson gets up to lie on youngjae's back, making him shout.
"hey! hyung, you're too heavy!" he groans but jackson doesn't move.
"i don't want to. you're comfortable, baby bro," jackson smiles as he closes his eyes.
jinyoung rolls his eyes and pushes him with his foot, making jackson screech loudly as always. they all start laughing and youngjae realizes once more how lucky he is to have them.
"more seriously, what will you wear?" jackson asks, lying down next to youngjae.
"i don't know. something simple, i don't even know what we're going to do," the younger replies with a shrug.
"you need to look cute, okay? you have to make him fall for you," jackson says with a cheeky smile.
youngjae nods, smiling and fist bumps his friend.
youngjae can't stop moving from excitement. he has been moving around his apartment, unable to think about anything else than his date.
from : future bae 💕
< hey, are you ready? i'm picking you up. i can't wait to see you, beautiful xx
it takes all youngjae's will not to scream.
> i am :) and how can you manage to make me blush by text??? 😳
< you're truly beautiful. you need to know that and i won't stop myself from stating facts. i should be there soon, see you in a bit ;)
the younger feels his cheeks get warm and he releases a breathy laugh as he fans himself with his hands. jaebum is making him go through so many emotions. a few minutes later, someone rings the bell. youngjae gets a hold of himself before going to open.
is the first thing he says when he sees jaebum. the latter is wearing is a simple white t-shirt, knee-ripped faded blue jeans with a black leather jacket and timberlands. he looks good. too good.
"well hello to you too," jaebum chuckles. "you look good too. let's go."
then he extends his hand with a gentle smile. youngjae shyly reaches for it, holding it tightly. the older intertwines their fingers and leads the way after youngjae closes the door after him. jaebum leads him to his car and opens the door for him. youngjae thanks him with a smile before getting in. jaebum then runs to his side, gets in before buckling himself. the younger does the same and watches as jaebum drives off. the ride is silent except from the overplayed songs on the radio but they don't mind. youngjae sometimes glances at jaebum's profile and when the latter catches him staring, they both look away with a huge smile on their faces.
"where are you taking me?" youngjae asks.
"it's a surprise, beautiful. be patient," jaebum smiles and the younger whines.
"but i want to know what we're going to do," he pouts childishly.
"don't do that. makes me want to kiss that pout away," the older retorts, effectively shutting youngjae up.
he hides his face with his hands as he laughs. jaebum chuckles lightly and places a hand on the younger's knee. somehow, it relaxes him and after a moment of hesitation, he puts his hand on jaebum's who immediately intertwines their fingers. he then brings their hands to his mouth and kisses the back of youngjae's hand.
"do you like to make me flustered?" youngjae asks, feeling his heart beat faster than it should.
"i like you and i like showing you that i do," jaebum replies, glancing at him with a gentle smile.
the rest of the ride is silent but youngjae is sure they can hear his heart beating. so embarrassing. after about ten minutes, they arrive to their destination.
"it's an outdoor cinema," youngjae states with a smile.
"it is. i thought it would be a good idea, do you like it?" jaebum asks.
"i love it."
the older smiles and reaches in the back seat to grab a tablecloth, a blanket and plastic boxes. youngjae gasps as he sees food in them.
"you made those?" he asks in awe.
"yep. let's go or we'll miss the movie," the older says, getting off and opening the door for youngjae.
he gets off the car and offers to take some things so that jaebum doesn't carry everything. the latter gladly accepts and gives him the blanket. they head towards the place where a giant paper screen is set up. there are a lot of people but they manage to find a quiet spot and settle down. the two boys sit down on the tablecloth and wait patiently for the movie to begin, eating the food jaebum brought.
it's an old movie that was probably made when both of them were sperm cells but honestly, they only think about each other. as time passes, it starts getting chilly and youngjae shivers. when jaebum sees that, he brings him close by wrapping an arm around his shoulders and covers their legs better with the blanket. youngjae looks up at the older with a faint blush. jaebum smiles fondly at him and plants a kiss on his forehead. youngjae can't help but let out a quiet giggle but it's out of nervousness.
"let's get ice cream after this, yeah?" jaebum offers and the younger nods.
the movie is a bit boring and youngjae finds himself falling asleep in jaebum's arms, his head comfortably resting on the older's chest. when he wakes up, the movie is over. he rubs his eyes sleepily, yawning and sits up.
"did you sleep well?" jaebum asks him, running a hand through youngjae's hair.
the latter nods slowly and blinks a few times before slapping his cheeks twice.
"sorry i fell asleep," youngjae chuckles.
"it's okay. you look really cute when you're sleeping and the movie was boring so i can't blame you," jaebum laughs and stands up.
he helps youngjae up and gathers their things. jaebum takes youngjae's hand and starts walking to his car. the older puts everything in the trunk while youngjae goes in.
"i know a good place to get ice cream, you'll love it," jaebum says, turning the engine on.
he starts to drive off when youngjae nods. youngjae always loved the city at nighttime. seoul was illuminated with pretty colors and was even more alive than during the day. he watches the landscape with big eyes and a huge smile.
"this is beautiful, isn't it?" youngjae asks, tearing his eyes away and looking at jaebum.
the latter is already looking at him. yikes. youngjae gulps audibly.
"it is," he replies, eyes fixed on youngjae who immediately looks away. "we're here."
youngjae turns his head and looks at the ice cream parlor. it looks small but nonetheless welcoming with a neon light sign and it's quite empty. the two boys enter the shop and bow to the owner who smiles at them. it's a middle-aged man with a stoutness and big round classes.
"good evening boys, what can i get you?" he asks them.
"good evening, sir," jaebum greets back with a smile. "i'll take an ice cream with vanilla. what do you want?" he turns to youngjae who was looking at the different flavors.
"hm... i'll take an ice cream with chocolate, please," the younger says after a moment.
the man nods and prepares their orders. while they wait, jaebum takes a hold of the younger's hand and gently squeezes it. youngjae smiles shyly and tries his best not to blush because he knows he's been doing it too much since he met jaebum. the owner gives them their ice creams with a knowing smile. they thank him and sit down at a table to enjoy their treats. youngjae starts marveling at the ice cream and how it tastes so good. jaebum laughs, unable to think about anything else than the younger's cuteness. in his eagerness, the latter puts a bit of ice cream on the tip of his nose.
"wait a minute. don't move," jaebum says with a fond smile and reaches for it.
youngjae watches with big eyes as his thumb swipes accross his nose before he brings it to his mouth to suck it.
"you had something there," he says when he sees youngjae's shocked expression.
"ah... rea-really? thank you," he mutters, a bit embarrassed.
"how can you be so cute without even trying?" jaebum says, a bit amazed.
"stop saying that," youngjae mumbles as he finishes eating.
"make me," the older retorts, winking at him.
youngjae runs a hand through his hair to try to calm down. jaebum stands up to go pay for the ice creams and bows politely to the owner.
"thank you, they were delicious," he compliments with a smile which is returned.
youngjae stands up as well and waits for the older so they can go. jaebum goes to him, takes his hand and waves at the man.
"don't hesitate to come back with your boyfriend!" the man exclaims.
"i will, thank you!" jaebum replies with a smile.
youngjae hits his arm when they leave the parlor, face blushing furiously. the older chuckles and kisses him on the cheek before going back into his car. youngjae whines loudly but gets in, unable to suppress his smile.
"it's getting late. i'll drop you home," jaebum says a bit reluctantly after looking at his watch.
"oh, okay," youngjae nods, pouting a little.
the older starts driving off but that's definitely the last thing he wants to do. they don't speak until jaebum parks the car in front of the building. they stay silent for a moment, not knowing what to say.
"thank you, i'll pay you back don't worry," the younger says but jaebum shakes his head.
"it's okay, you don't have to. i'll walk you to your door, come on."
they both get out of the car and enter the building. as youngjae lives on the fourth floor, they take the elevator. it's filled with awkwardness, the two boys looking at everything but the other. when they hear the ding sound, they get out and walk to youngjae's door.
"i really enjoyed this date. thank you," youngjae says, trying to get rid of the awkwardness.
"me too..." jaebum doesn't do anything to hide that he's staring at the younger's pink lips, licking his own.
youngjae gulps nervously as he gets closer and closer. is it really happening? will jaebum kiss him? he feels his hands getting moist at the thought.
"youngjae-yah..." the older starts, whispering lowly and it sends shivers down his spine. "i really really want to kiss you right now... can i?" he asks carefully.
youngjae nods slowly, not trusting his voice enough to form a sentence. jaebum starts leaning in, getting closer and closer until their noses brush against each other. youngjae can feel the other's warm breath against his lips and he clenches his fists in anticipation, squeezing his eyes shut.
and nothing could prepare him for the moment jaebum's soft lips push against his. it's an amazing feeling and it's sending jolts of electricity through his entire body. jaebum is gentle when he presses his lips harder, right hand cupping the younger's cheek and the other taking youngjae's hand in his. their lips move in sync and youngjae gasps as the older presses his body flush against the door. he knows he's done for when jaebum gently bites on his bottom lip before soothing it with his tongue. he moans quietly and the older takes advantage of it to lick into his mouth, tongue swirling around with youngjae's. it's too sensual for him and he thinks his heart will drop out of his chest any moment. when their lungs cry for air, they break the kiss, eyes tightly closed. they are both flushed and breathing heavily from the intense make-out session. youngjae's lips are red and swollen and it makes jaebum want to kiss him again.
"i hope you know that means you're mine now," jaebum says breathlessly, forehead resting on the younger's.
"yeah... i'm yours," youngjae nods with a blissed smile.
"i really don't want to leave but i have work tomorrow... i'm going to go."
he detaches himself from youngjae and smiles gently at him. the younger pouts and jaebum chuckles, pecking him on the lips once again.
"i'll call you okay? good night baby."
he steals another kiss from his now boyfriend before leaving, walking backwards because he can't get enough of youngjae's face. the latter waits until he's out of sight to open his door. his fingers are shaking so it takes a while but he succeeds in going in. once inside, he lets himself slide against the wooden door with a breathless laugh.
"oh my god. oh my fucking god. i have a boyfriend. he's my boyfriend and he called me baby. oh. my. god."
a/n : whAT HAVE I DONE???
i feel like this book is the only one ppl read ;( but i'm thankful fOR 2K VIEWS AND 300+ VOTES I-THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU'RE THE BEST
(go check out earphones, love lessons and spring break plz #selfpromo)
hope you enjoyed reading! if you did, please make sure to vote and comment, it's really appreciated!
thanks a lot, ilu 🌸
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