My personal opinions!! (Will almost definitely get ranty)
Starting off very strong:
I am pro choice, abortion is health care
I ESPECIALLY feel this in cases of rape, incest, or harm to the mother
It's your body your choice for a reason, some people can't afford to take care of a child, or know they wouldn't be good parents, why can't you just accept that?
If you're "pro life" you'd actually care about the child when it's born. But you don't. You're just pro control over women.
I believe skin color does not affect your personality, every minority has bad people, that doesn't make the community as a whole bad (unless it's like pedos or something. In that case die)
Black Lives Matter, you shouldn't call black people (or anyone quite frankly) the N-word, because it's very offensive.
And DONT "it's just a word" me. If it's "just a word" you can just shut your mouth. This goes with all slurs.
Lgbtq+ deserve basic human rights, like being able to love and be themselves freely.
Conversion therapy shouldn't exist, things don't "turn you gay", you're just born like it. And that's okay!!
You shouldn't call anyone slurs, like the f slur or d slur, unless you can reclaim it (goes with all slurs)
Predators and Sexual assaulters should be used for testing instead of animals.
Well they aren't good people. Even other criminals hate them. Why waste space in jail when they could actually be useful for something.
Rape and sexual assault crimes are the only crimes that have no justification, only for pure pleasure.
A real man wouldn't go after young girls to get laid, and a real woman wouldn't go after young boys either.
And if you have sex or get aroused with kids around. That's weird as fuck. How could you feel that way around KIDS.
Tax cuts should be given to people who need them, instead of rich people:
Adding onto that, I feel like at a very point rich people need some of their money taken and used for good causes, because if they keep gaining more money, they'd be too powerful.
Ai art is bad, and needs to stop, it's putting artists out of business
Why are we so eager to replace humans anyways?
It isn't expensive to be alternative. Stop acting like you "have" to buy from shein and places like that. Go to the thrift and get clothes there, it's perfectly good stuff and way more fun then buying new stuff.
Speaking of alternative: if you're gonna make a battle jacket, keep lgbt stuff on the front (like pride flags, pronouns, etc etc) because if it's on the back, you risk being caught off guard and assaulted. It sucks but that's how it is.
You can't be conservative and punk or goth. It's about politics mainly. Not the clothes. Not just the music.
Climate change IS real. And we need to do as much as we can to save Mother Earth
Don't litter, go for a walk and pick up trash/recycling along the way, you could find something cool along the way!! (I call it loot of the day)
Free Palestine, Sudan, Congo, and all other countries experiencing genocide right now :( my heart goes out to you <3
please do what you can to support all of them <3
Every. Vote. Counts. Don't skip on voting. Get educated and then make a vote, but most importantly, DONT put price over morals. Yes everything is expensive, but I'd rather pay a few extra bucks out my wallet knowing that my money isn't going to a project that will literally. Kill people.
I'm pro vax, vaccine's are important. And they don't make your kids autistic. And why would that matter anyways? You'd rather your kid be dead than autistic? Fuck you
Intersex people shouldn't have their sex changed at birth. Let them choose when they're 18 if they even want to at all!! Same with trans people, they don't live to fit your standards of what makes a man a man or what makes a woman a woman. So shut up about what's in their pants cause frankly, that's none of ur business!! ^^
Service dogs aren't just "cute puppy!!" They're working. Don't. Bother them.
I'll probs make another part so erm yeah
I probs missed a LOT of important topics cus my head hurt :P soz
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