Chapter 35
"Hey Mom," Blake said sheepishly and then set me on my feet carefully.
Oh crap.
Blake's mom. Did I want to meet Blake's mom just yet?
Blake went to stop the record player and I turned around to face Blake's mother. My eyes bulged
Oh god.
She looked between me and Blake with her blue eyes, her blonde hair swinging with the movement, for a few seconds that felt like an eternity, frowning, but then something seemed to click in her head.
And something had clicked in mine too.
"Hi, I don't think we've had the chance to meet, I'm-" she started to say, smiling but I cut her, not really wanting to but I was just in freaking trance or something, "Sophia Everingham," I whispered.
Blake's mom, Blake's freaking mom was Sophia Everingham. His mother was a writing icon! She was a legend. I was in adoration with her books and she was Blake's mom?
Breathe Lexi, breathe.
Oh my god, I was so going to have a crazy ecstatic fan moment right now.
How the hell hadn't I known that? Why? This was something people would have talked about at school, right? People in the town too, right?
Because it was her. I'd seen her picture on the back cover of my books.
This was Sophia freaking Everingham.
"Well, Sophia Eaton, I only use my maiden name as my pen name now," she answered smiling a little, and I don't know why but I could see Blake in her features just then.
"Please Mom! Pen name?" Blake said behind me and I turned and saw him roll his eyes at her.
"Don't hate the pen name Blake. You think you were better when you signed your paintings Blake Black?" she told him, smirking a little. This time the ressemblance was uncanny. They had the same smirk.
I chuckled a little, completely confused about the whole situation. I was in front of one of my idols right now. And she was joking with her son, my jerky innuendos-addicted smirking and frankly quite stalkerish friend. How more out of this world could things get?
"Mom," Blake whined and I laughed more.
"Alright, alright, I'll leave you two kids to whatever you were doing," she said, with the little grin and I almost blushed even though we really weren't doing anything that would make me blush. "Oh and Blake, when you have time, I need you to proof read something. I'm not sure, do I kill him, or I keep him alive?"
"Kill him. I don't need to read, just kill him, it'll make every one happier," Blake snorted.
Wait. Was I having exclusive details about the next books? Oh god.
"Everyone isn't you, and if I do, then you'll have to deal with the ecstatic fans that will want to kill me," she laughed and I kept real quiet because I really wanted to know what she was talking about and I didn't want her to stop because I was there.
"Oh don't worry, I can handle ecstatic fans," Blake smirked.
I rolled my eyes at him, and his mom did too.
"Is Josh coming over for dinner?" Sophia asked Blake as I just kept standing there like an idiot.
Seriously I should say something right? Introduce myself? Not stand there like some statue?
"Nope, he's still working on the mural and he doesn't want to stop until the plaster has dried because he's getting hysterical about it," Blake chuckled.
"Alright," she answered, laughing a little and then she looked at me. "Are you going to be joining us?"
Oh, oh.
It would be weird if I did. I didn't know her. I was just obsessed with her books. It was going to be awkward. I could just feel it. I wouldn't know what to say. I would look dumb.
"You know Mom, you might not want to invite her. She's one of the hysterical fans. She's probably going to attack us all, tie us up and force you to tell her all the secrets about your story," Blake smirked.
"Oh yeah?" she said, her voice playful.
"Yeah, and she defended your characters, can you believe that?" Blake smirked more. "Said they weren't wuss."
"I remember a time when my characters weren't wuss to you Blake," she answered him, with a small smile, and I don't know why, there was something there, something I didn't understand.
"No walk down memory lane please, Mom!" Blake whined and then he turned to look at me. "You wanna stay for dinner and have my mom talk about all the freakish ideas she has bubbling in her head while her food gets cold?" he asked me.
"For me that doesn't sound bad," I answered sheepishly.
"HA! In your face Blake. Not everyone is whiny like you," she said, smirking at him, and then she smiled at me. "What's your name sweetie? I think my rude son didn't let you introduce yourself?"
"I'm Lexi Grayson."
"Well Lexi, you and me, we're going to have a nice talk and Blake here can scowl and pout in a corner," she chuckled and gestured for us to come with her. She lead the way, Blake beside me.
He was scowling.
"So you never cared to mention to me that Sophia Everingham was your mom," I whispered to Blake.
"You never asked," Blake smirked.
"Dumbass," I mumbled for his sake and then I saw his mom chuckle lightly in front.
"Is she always that friendly with all the girls you prance around here?"
"What? No," Blake snorted.
"What about your multiple one night stands? Don't they come here?"
"They wish," Blake snorted again.
"Don't make that confused face Pumpkin," Blake smirked but before I could answer back my phone started to vibrate in my pocket.
I took it out and the caller ID was home so I answered it.
"What's up?" I answered, as I stopped walking.
"Hey Lex, are you coming home soon?" Tyler asked and his voice sounded weird.
"I actually was planning on staying over at Blake's for dinner, why?" I frowned, and Blake looked at me confused.
"You need to come home," Ty said hastily.
"Why? What's wrong?"
"Dad took all the family old video tapes from our past vacations and he's listening to them with the Jack Daniels," Ty answered me.
"What happened?"
No. Did Dad snap?
"He got a call from his brother. His cousin died. You have to come home Lexi, I don't know what to do. Do I try to talk to him? What do I do?"
Damn it.
We didn't need this right now. Dad didn't need this right now.
"Give me fifteen minutes, I'll be there," I answered him and hung up. "I'm sorry, I have to go," I told Blake apologetically.
"What's wrong?" he asked frowning.
"Family problems. I really gotta go," I trailed and then looked over at his mom who was looking at us. "I'm sorry, but it was really nice meeting you."
"It was nice meeting you too. You're always welcome here," she smiled.
"Thank you," I smiled faintly, but my mind was already miles away, to my house with my worried brother and my mourning father.
"Want me to come with you?" Blake asked, with a worried look.
"No I'm fine, but thanks for this. I had fun," I smiled faintly and then I rushed down the Titanic stairs, and turn around. I waved at the two silhouettes still on the other level and then I walked out and ran to my car to go back home and try to fix things, like always.
Hello my little Pumpkins! :D
This is a short one. I should have edited two chapters to read more this week, but I'm actually going to see my niece to celebrate her first birthday, so I'll be doing an evening live this week. There will be booze. It should be fun. Last week I sang without alcohol. Who knows what will happen this week. XD
So, if you have any questions, you can leave them here and I shall answer them.
Otherwise, the live will be on Sunday June 13th at 8PM EST at instagram.com/kaygiard
See you there! :D
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