Chapter 11
I had a few options here.
One, I could run the hell away shouting incomprehensible things to make sure I wouldn't catch anything Blake would say to me.
Two, we were alone. People probably didn't know Blake came over here and Ty and I made a pact a while ago that we would cover up for the other one if we ever murdered anyone so well... that could be an option.
Three, and that was the one I didn't like, I could listen to what he had to say. In some way, it was the best option, because afterwards I could get rid of him. On the other hand, did I really want to know what that perv wanted from me? Most of my brain screamed no, but a little part of it, the curious one was dying to find out what it was he wanted.
Ugh! I hated this.
"Spill your beans, Eaton," I finally said and let myself fall on my bed. Option three it is.
"Alright, so here's the thing," Blake started to say while pulling a chair to sit in front of me, "you're good in school, right?"
"Yeaaaaah," I drawled. Where were we going with this?
"You ace literature and chemistry and maths and all that crap?"
"Yes, well I'm not the best but I'm okay, I guess," I answered. Didn't like this, didn't like this one bit. What was the perv getting at?
"Look, I don't want to say I'm dumb or anything, I'm not dumb but I do have to admit that I've let myself slip up on a couple of subjects at school in the past," Blake started to admit.
I smiled, a fake, sweet smile. "Because you were busy running with a ball in your hands and sleeping with everything that has a vagina?"
"Ah ah! You're funny, aren't you?" Blake said in kind of a sarcastic way. "Listen, what I want is really simple and yet kinda complicated..."
"You're losing me Blake," I told him, my face blank, not amused.
Blake frowned for a second, like he was thinking about how much he should reveal to me. "I kind of made this deal with my parents. I need all my grades to be above average at the end of the year. If I manage to do that, they say it'll prove them I can actually take care of myself, in a weird way if you ask me, but whatever, and if I manage to do that then it's rock star life for me."
"And that's where I come handy," I added and I already knew what he wanted from me.
"Exactly! I'm not really supposed to have a tutor or anything like that and I can't cheat. But I figured that if someone just works with me, they can't complain. Plus, I need someone who actually does their homework and projects and other crap like that."
"Oh you got the wrong person, boy," I answered and got off my bed. "Look it hasn't been a walk in the park for me lately, and my grades have been dropping and frankly I'm the queen at procrastinating so I never do anything on time, and I never do my homework."
"Well then, I can help you get back in the right track," Blake said with a smirk.
"I don't think so."
"Come on! I'm not asking you to cover yourself in butter and run around the street. I just want you to help me," he all but pleaded.
"But what? Like I help you every time you ask for it, no matter what?"
"Well, you do owe me," Blake trailed.
"What's in for me though?"
The idiot grinned and did jazz hands. "The joy of making me happy!"
I glared at him. "I don't think so," I repeated
"What? You wouldn't want to help a poor guy like me?"
"No, you're an ass and you don't deserve my help. You annoy the hell out of me to be truthful," I told him, point blank.
"Come on, I know you have a thing for me," Blake said and he wiggled his eyebrows.
Stupid perv.
"I hate you," I stated matter-of-factly
"Ah, hate is a passionate feeling," Blake answered, not even fazed.
"Wanna see passion? I'm going to passionately stab you with my pencil," I said and walked towards my drawing desk, eyes fixed on my sharpened 2B pencil.
"Ah, lighten up Sugar-pie," Blake said grinning.
"I don't want to have to spend time with you Blake! I really don't want to go to jail for murder just yet."
"Ouch! You know, I'm not that bad. I can be really fun actually if you get my meaning," Blake said and wiggled his eyebrows again.
"Get it through your thick head buddy, I ain't sleeping with you. Ever. And I'm not helping you either."
"What if I gave you something in return?" Blake said, getting up from his chair to stand in front of me.
"I just said I didn't want to sleep with you, you dim-wit."
"No, I mean something else. What do you want?"
You, the hell away from here.
Go back in time and fix everything.
To know what I want, where I go from here.
Mean ninja skills.
"Nothing that you can give me. So now if you could be so kind and get the fuck out of my house, that way I wouldn't have to call the police, I would really appreciate it," I said and sat back in front of my drawing.
"How about that guy your mother was with? Would you like to know who he is, what he does, phone bill, credit card bill, have someone break his legs?"
"What, are you in the mafia?" I asked snorting.
"No, but I know a guy," he said winking.
"I think I'll pass." Though the breaking leg thing did kinda sound nice.
Blake stood beside me, obviously thinking about what he could offer me which was completely useless because I didn't want anything from him. But then his eyes fell on my record player and he walked towards it.
"You listen to vinyls?"
"How would you like to have some?"
"I already have plenty, thanks."
"Frank Sinatra's 1939 Harry James 78 Brunswick, first record?" Blake asked.
"Whatever..." I mumbled but damn I wanted that record. It was fracking priceless!
"Billie Holiday with Benny Goodman Orch on Columbia, signed?" Blake said his eyes twinkling mischievously.
"Don't tease me Blake," I warned him. You should be playing with a girl's vinyls feelings like that.
"Oh, but I do not tease you. Here's what I offer, you help me whenever I need to and in exchange, I'll let you go through my dad's record collection and you can pick whatever you want. And I mean it."
Oh dear god...
I was pathetic though. It was just vinyls, thousands of dollars worth vinyls but still vinyls, and this was Blake, the incarnation of Satan, well I might have been pushing a little but not by that much.
"By the way, his collection stands in a room bigger than yours," Blake added and that did it. I think he saw it in my eyes because he then asked, "Deal?" with his hand stretching forward.
Reluctantly I shook his hand and complied. "Deal."
And that's how I sold myself to the devil for vinyls... Pitiful, I know.
"Oh, and trust me babe, if I really wanted to have sex with you, you wouldn't be able to resist me," Blake whispered to me, his eyes wicked.
Dear god, please save me.
Hey guys! I will read two chapters this Sunday, so this one, and I'll be uploading chapter 12 in a couple of hours.
If you have any questions you want me to answer, you can leave them here. :D
The livestream will be at 11AM EST on Sunday January 3rd.
While I have you here, if you haven't seen, I started a Patreon. There are perks like early access to Smirking Jerk chapters, Together in Berlin, postcards, outtakes... just a bunch of stuff. I talk about it in depth in my last livestream that is available on my instagram at instagram.com/kaygiard. You can check out my patreon at patreon.com/kariannegiard
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