(The big reveal of the singers)
Chapter 2
Aubrey and chloe said you want to now who we pick lets ready ok . Chloe said we pick singers is 8 only ok this 8 singers is all girls ok because boys is dirty hahaha sorry . Aubrey said you are ready ok lets start the first one we pick is lily congratiolation and the second is stacie congratiolation and the third is chythia rose congratiolation and the fourth is emily congatiolation and the fifth is jamie congratiolation and the six is joan congratiolation and the last is beca congratiolation . Chloe said this 8 singers is the best singers in our heart congratiolation to all of you . Aubrey said be ready tom because we start practice ok . chloe said ok see you tom singers . Aubrey and chloe said goodbye . Aubrey and chloe is going home and the singers is going home now . Aubrey said good morning singers you are ready . Singers said yes we are ready . Aubrey said ok lets wait to chloe because she is stranded to EDSA . Singers said ok . Chloe said sorry singers im late because on EDSA is traffic . Beca said thats ok chloe . Chloe said thank you beca your the best . Beca said your so sweet chloe . Chloe said hahahaha . Beca said aubrey we can now practice because the time is running . Aubrey said ok lets practice . Lily said we can rest aubrey because im tired . Aubrey said now you cant not rest ok . Lily said your bad aubrey . Beca said lily you can rest . Lily said but aubrey said i cant not rest . Beca said ok sorry . Aubrey said ok the practice is not done i give you a 1 minute rest and after one minute we back on practice ok . Lily said thank you aubrey .
Chloe said aubray the one minute is done . Aubrey said we back on practice ok . Singers said ok aubrey . Aubrey said ok the practice is done see you tom singers . Singers said ok aubrey. Aubrey said dont be late . Singers said okkkkkkkk .
Aubrey said good bye see you tomorrow singers . Singers said ok aubrey good bye .
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