(Addition for singers)
One day on first year at high school. They have a addition. The addition is song dance and more .
Beca is new in their school . Beca did not now the addition . One girl name Chloe she talk to beca . Chloe said what your name my name is chloe . Beca said my name is beca you is chloe. Chloe said yes im chloe
Beca said ok. Chloe said to beca is if you want to join to the group the group is for singing our leader is aubrey. Beca said no im not singing sorry . Chloe said ok if you want to join just contact 0988769006.
Beca said ok . Beca is go to her house on the school . Beca found on her room is a another girl beca known she was only on the room. She talk to the girl. Beca said why we are to in the room. Girl said this room is for two not for only one ok on this room me and you sleep her ok and you are there and me is her ok. Beca said ok im understand what you said what your name my name is beca. Girl said my name is Jasmine . Beca said ok . Jasmine said may i go beca . Beca said yes . Beca go to the ground of the school on the place of the addition area. Beca see a boy . Boy said what your name my name is jesse im new in the school you. Beca said my name is beca im new in this school we are both new. Jesse said ok .
Beca see again chloe inviting another people. Beca talk to them . Beca said hi chloe nice to see you again . Chloe said hello you want to join now . Beca said no . Girl said what your name my name is patricia just call me AKA FAT AMY. Beca said my name is beca . Fat amy said ok beca may i go . Beca said yes thats ok . Beca said my i go chloe . Chloe said yes . Beca go to the CR beca is taking a bath.
Beca is singing on the CR chloe is on the CR chloe hear beca voice. Chloe said beca you are a just a great singer. Beca said oh im shock oh my gosh clhoe no im not me . Clhoe said you are just the only one on the CR. Beca yes it is me. Chloe said Come to the addition beca see you tom. Beca said yes im going. Chloe said thank you ok may i leave you. Beca said yes . Beca is going to the addition tom beca is exited.
Tommy the announcement said the song that they sing is when im gone. Aubrey said comon lets start sing . Bumber other leader of the band said just we wait they preparing. Aubrey said ok. Tommy said this is it we will start. And all the singers is just sing and sing. And the addition is done😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
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