Ch.3 Usopp the Liar
~Y/n pov~
"It's pretty fragile here.." Nami noted as parts of the cliff crumbled off.
"Nami, be careful." I told her.
She nodded.
"Look there."
Zoro and I walked towards the edge of the cliff to see what she was looking at.
Luffy was at the bottom.
He probably fell. I knew a fall like that wouldn't kill him.
"Oi, Y/n." Zoro called after me as I jumped off the cliff.
I used some water to cushion my fall.
Now I was next to him, I could hear Luffy snoring.
He was asleep.
The others came down the cliff and looked at Luffy.
Zoro smirked when he heard him snoring and jabbed him with the blunt side of his sword.
Nami jumped back when Luffy suddenly sat up and yawned.
"Morning." He smiled.
I laughed slightly, "It's not morning. You fell off the cliff, you idiot."
Luffy pouted at me, "So mean."
I picked up his hat and placed it back on his head.
The boy jumped up and quickly hugged me before pulling away and grabbing me arm.
"Let's go." He cheered.
"Go where?" I tilted my head in confusion.
"Beat up Klahadore."
I raised at eyebrow at this.
"He's a bad guy." Luffy proceeded to tell us everything he had overheard.
"Why did you tell them that?" Luffy asked Usopp.
"Because I'm a liar." He sighed, "They were never going to believe me from the start. I was too optimistic."
"Even so, the truth is the truth." Zoro stated.
"Pirates really are going to come, aren't they?" Nami asked although she already knew the answer.
"Yeah." Usopp responded, "They're definitely gonna show up. But everyone thinks it's a lie."
"Then, let's beat up all the pirates." I told him, "That way, the villagers will all be safe."
"Huh?" Usopp asked.
"Yeah." Luffy grinned, "We'll help you."
"But why?"
"There's a whole bunch of bad guys, right?" Luffy asked.
"Scared is written all over your face." Zoro commented.
Usopp jumped up, "Me, scared?! I'm perfectly okay with lots of bad guys or whatever, because I'm Captain Usopp, brave warrior of the sea!"
His legs were shaking violently, giving away that he was frightened.
"It's almost daybreak." Zoro pointed out, "They'll be coming soon."
I stared out at the sea.
There were no ships in sight.
"Are you sure they're coming?" I asked Usopp.
"They'll definitely show up. Lots of 'em." He replied.
Nami's head perked up.
There was the faint noise of yelling.
Are they already here?
"Maybe it's just my imagination, but I can hear yelling coming from somewhere..." Nami started.
"I hear it too." I reassured her she wasn't going crazy, "Usopp, is there somewhere else they could get into the island? They could already be here."
Usopp's eyes widened, "There's a place just like this to the north too! You don't think..."
"You mean this is the wrong shore?!" Luffy exclaimed.
"This is where they had their secret meeting." Usopp yelled back, "So I just assumed..."
Nami placed her hand on her head and sighed.
"Let's hurry! They're gonna get into the village. Where is this place?" Luffy quickly reacted.
"If you run straight north from here, you'll get there in three minutes." Usopp instructed, "The terrain there is almost exactly the same, so we just need to stop them at the slope!"
"Don't worry. We'll do it somehow." Luffy reassured him.
"Oh, no." Nami yelled.
We all turned to her confused.
"The north shore is where our boats are!" She continued, "They're gonna take the treasure!"
That's what she's concerned about?
I stared at her with a blank expression.
Luffy ran off and Usopp followed him.
"What are you doing?" Zoro asked the panicking Nami, "Let's go."
I watched him slip.
Nami grabbed onto him and they both started falling.
I looked at them for a few seconds before running off.
I'm sure they'll get out of it sooner or later.
A few seconds later, Nami was running beside me.
"Where's Zoro?" I asked her.
"He fell." Nami stated.
She started mumbling about her treasure and running faster.
I quickly caught up with her.
Did Usopp and Luffy already make it?
We managed to make it to the slope within a few minutes.
"That boat's treasure is mine!" Nami pointed her finger at the pirates, "I won't let you have a single Berry! Hold on to it! I'll come take it back now."
Usopp and Nami started arguing.
"Where's Luffy?" I asked, interrupting their argument.
"I don't know. He either chickened out or got lost."
He definitely got lost. But how? He was with Usopp.
"I'll go find him." I stated.
"Wait, Y/n don't leave." Nami whimpered.
I had already ran off.
They were both scaredy cats so I needed to find Luffy fast.
Luffy was stood there, looking around in confusion.
How did he get so far away from where he was going?
He turned and noticed me stood there.
"Y/n!" He cheered, pulling me into a tight hug.
He nuzzled his cheek against mine.
My cheeks started turning red as I gently pushed his away.
"We need to go."
He nodded, a determined expression on his face.
I looked into the distance and noticed Zoro walking around aimlessly.
"Is that Zoro?" I asked.
Luffy looked to where I was looking and grinned, "Zoro! Over here!"
When he heard Luffy yell, he looked in our direction and walked towards us.
"How did you both get lost?" I sighed.
"I'm not lost. You're the one who was lost. Good thing I found you." Zoro responded, "C'mon let's go."
He started walking in the wrong direction.
"You're going the wrong way." I called after him.
He froze and then walked back over to me, "I knew that, I was just testing you."
"Sure." I grabbed his hand and pulled him along.
His cheeks turned red, "What are you doing?"
"Making sure you don't get lost."
He grumbled under his breath but let me pull him in the right direction.
Luffy grinned and grabbed onto my other hand, swinging it back and forth as we walked.
I let go of their hands are we made it to our destination.
The men were easy to beat. It wasn't even a challenge.
"What were those unchallenging guys?" Zoro asked before turning to Nami angrily, "Nami! How dare you kick me down there!"
"Usopp, you jerk! You didn't say which way was north!" Luffy cried.
I wiped the tears away from his eyes and pat his head.
He sniffled and leaned into my hand.
There were a lot of beat up pirates lying at the bottom of the slope.
Looks like we made it just in time.
"You guys are that strong?!" Usopp sat on the floor and stared at us in shock.
Luffy nodded, "Yeah."
"What took you guys so long?!" Nami complained.
Zoro glared at her, "You're the one who got me stuck back there! That was an accident! It couldn't be helped. It's better for one person to be saved than for two to stay down there..."
"Then you should've stayed!" Zoro yelled angrily.
"Seriously! How am I supposed to know which way north is and isn't?!" Luffy complained.
"What? You're the one who ran off first, all full of confidence." Usopp argued back.
Luffy sighed, "That was just because.."
I noticed the pirates slowly getting up.
The man who seemed to be leading them all pulled out something and swung it back and forth.
Was he trying to hypnotise them?
"What're they doing?" Luffy asked, staring at the pirates who were stood at the bottom of the slope.
"It's hypnosis. He's trying to convince them to be stronger." Nami explained, "How ridiculous!"
The pirates all yelled.
One of them punched the cliff and a part of it fell off.
They all cheered.
Then, they came charging towards us.
"You guys, get back." Zoro told Nami and Usopp, "We'll handle this."
Luffy suddenly yelled.
"You got hypnotised too!" Zoro yelled.
Luffy charged towards the board of pirates.
"Gum gum gatling."
They all fell down the slope as Luffy's fist met their face.
The men slowly got up, fear evident in their eyes.
Luffy let out another yell and they quickly ran away.
He followed after them.
Luffy grabbed onto their ship.
What was he doing?
The front of the ship started to break.
"Go Luffy!" Nami yelled enthusiastically.
He ripped the figurehead off the ship and lifted it up.
Luffy walked towards them at a slow pace.
The hypnotist managed to make Luffy fall asleep.
He fell to the ground, the figurehead falling on top of him and wiping out a lot of the pirates.
"Looks like they're all wiped out." Nami commented.
"I guess so."
"Hey! Never mind that, Luffy's trapped under there." Usopp frowned.
"He'll be fine... probably." I smiled.
Zoro nodded, "He won't die."
Two men suddenly jumped off the ship.
They looked like a bunch of weirdos.
Zoro glared down at them.
The skinny one ran towards us, crying and yelling.
"What am I supposed to do?" Zoro grit his teeth, "Hey, you! Stop or I'll kill you!"
"If you can." The man quickly slashed at Zoro.
His eyes widened in shock but he still managed to block it with his sword.
"You just underestimated me, didn't you?!" The green haired male smirked, "I'm impressed you could block that, after my innocent cat act. You seem to have a little skill, but I wouldn't underestimate Siam of the Meowban brothers."
Even their names were stupid.
Zoro looked down in shock.
"Missing something? Don't look at me, though." Siam smirked.
He had stole two of Zoro's swords.
"Give them back." Zoro demanded.
"Give them back? But you already have a sword. These are just in the way." Siam threw them behind him.
Zoro charged towards him, "You're supposed to take good care of other people's things!"
He sliced Siam and then ran for his swords.
Siam jumped up and landed on Zoro's back, restraining his arms, "What did you cut?! I can bend like a cat."
Zoro fell to the ground.
The other brother suddenly charged towards Zoro.
I reacted quickly and jumped in front of Zoro, putting up a wall of ice.
His brother fell into the ice and hit his head hard.
I stared at him as his head bled a bit. He was unconscious.
Zoro jumped away.
"This is my fight." He told me.
I nodded, "Okay."
I stepped back and watched him fight Siam.
Klahadore appeared at the top of the slope.
"Night is long gone now, so it seemed odd that the plan wasn't making any progress..." he stated.
The other men shook in fear as they stared up at him.
"What is all this?! To think that these brats have held you back... How the Black Cat Pirates have fallen.. Right, Jango?!"
"But.. you said letting that kid go wouldn't cause any problems." Jango responded nervously.
"Yes, I did say that. But so what? We knew he was going to try to stand up to us. The only thing I didn't count on.. was you guys' feebleness!"
"Us, feeble? Who you calling feeble?" Jango growled.
"Watch what you say, Captain Kuro!" Siam yelled.
He charged at Kuro.
Kuro moved behind them.
How did he do that?
He suddenly disappeared.
Kuro pointed his blades at Siam.
It's something to do with his footwork.
Is there a way to know where he's going to move before he moves?
"I'll give you five minutes.." Kuro told them, "If you can't take care of everything in that time.. I'll kill you."
Siam charged at Zoro.
I threw Zoro his swords.
He smirked and caught them.
He easily beat Siam.
"Don't worry." Zoro pointed his sword at Kuro, "I'll crush every last one of you before your five minutes are up."
"Three minutes."
Jango hypnotised Siam.
His brother was still unconscious.
He must've hit his head hard.
Zoro turned around and stared at Siam.
Nami ran towards Luffy.
Jango threw his disk at Nami to try and stop her.
I quickly intercepted it, grabbing it.
The blade dug into my hand, cutting my palm.
It was pretty deep as I had to stop the momentum of the disk's rotation.
"Get up!" Nami kicked Luffy.
It was a good thing I managed to cushion some of the blow, otherwise my hand wouldn't been chopped in half.
Luffy jumped up, "Nami! How dare you kick my face."
Nami collapsed onto the ground, holding her shoulder.
I knelt down beside her and placed my hand on her shoulder.
"This will hurt a bit and feel cold." I told her.
She nodded.
I used ice and water to try and stop the bleeding.
I've only tried this a few times so it'll be hard.
I concentrated on trying to get a state between ice and water.
The water turned into a jelly like substance and sealed the wound shut.
"If you're careful, it should heal in two days." I told her.
Nami smiled weakly, "Thanks."
I looked up and saw Usopp pushing Kaya out of the way.
When did she get here?
I couldn't hear what they were saying because I was too far away.
Usopp jumped up and shot at Kuro.
He avoided it and pointed his blades at Usopp.
Luffy stretched his arm up the slope and punched Kuro in the face.
"What was that?"
"What did he do?"
"It looked like his arm just stretched."
"Get real."
"He sent Captain Kuro flying!"
We had beat Kuro and the rest of the pirates.
"A caravel." Nami smiled.
Kaya was giving us a ship.
It was way bigger than our small boat and this would be our first proper ship.
With this ship, we couldn't have a huge crew but I don't think Luffy wants a huge crew.
"Can we really have this?!" Luffy asked incredulously.
"Yes, please use it." Kaya smiled.
"It's a slightly older model, but I personally designed it. A carvel-make caravel, with lateen sails and a central stern rudder... the Going Merry!"
He started to explain some stuff to Luffy.
"No, explain the ship stuff to me." Nami told him.
Yeah, Luffy would definitely forget and probably not understand.
"What a good ship." Luffy walked closer to it, "Especially this front - it's so cool!"
"We've loaded it with everything you might need on a voyage." Kaya told us.
"Thanks! It leaves nothing to beat tired."
"That's 'leaves nothing to be desired' , you idiot." Zoro corrected Luffy.
Usopp suddenly came rolling down the hill with a huge backpack.
Luffy and Zoro put their foot on it to stop it from rolling into the ocean.
"Thanks." Usopp choked out.
"So are you taking to the ocean, Usopp?" Kaya asked.
"Yeah. I've decided to get going before I start to change my mind. Don't stop me, now."
I decided to stop listening to their conversation since it seemed private.
Luffy stretched his arm out to me and pulled me onto the ship.
We were all on the ship now. Almost ready to go.
"You guys take care, too. Let's meet again sometime!" Usopp smiled at us.
"What are you talking about? Get on already." Zoro told him.
Usopp looked at him with a surprised expression.
"We're friends now, aren't we?" Luffy asked.
"I get to be the captain, right?"
"Don't be dumb! I'm the captain!" Luffy yelled.
I jumped as there was a loud bang.
Rolling over to look, I saw Luffy had placed a large box on the floor. It said danger on it.
Zoro was still asleep beside me.
"What is that?" Nami asked.
"I found it in the storeroom." Luffy replied and pulled the lid off.
"Those are cannonballs." Nami stated.
"We finally got a cannon so I thought I'd do some practice."
"Then just leave it to me." Usopp grinned, "I believe it was when I was three that I jumped on a cannonball flying my way and traveled halfway around the world!"
Luffy ignored his story and stared down at the cannon, "How do you work this thing?"
"Listen!" Usopp yelled angrily at him.
"Hey, Zoro! Do you know how to work it?" Luffy continued to ignore him.
"He's sleeping." Nami stated before going back to staring at her map.
Luffy frowned, "He's no fun. Y/n, come help."
I sighed and got up, walking over to Luffy.
He grinned, "Do you know how to work it?"
"There is a reef nearby that would be a perfect target." Nami told him.
Luffy grinned, "Really?! Let's go!"
"Hey! You're gonna fire a cannon without me?!" Usopp asked, "People used to call me Cannon Master Usopp, you know."
Usopp adjusted the cannon and pointed it towards the rock.
"Fire!" He yelled.
The cannonball hit and sliced the rock in half.
"Amazing." Luffy grinned, "You hit it on your first try!"
"I really hit it.." Usopp mumbled to himself before smiling proudly, "What do you think? I'm awesome when it comes to aiming! Impressed?!"
"Yeah!" Luffy agreed, "It's settled. You're our sniper!"
"What? I don't get to be Captain!"
"I'm the captain!"
I laughed at them.
Luffy smiled and jumped towards me, grabbing my arms.
"Did you see that? It was so cool." He smiled giddily.
"It was, wasn't it." I smiled and ruffled his hair.
We went into the kitchen and started discussing our need for another crew member.
Nami nodded in agreement, "We have a nice kitchen too. I'll do it if you pay me."
We all ignored what she said and continued talking.
"Yeah. We need a musician." Luffy smiled.
"Are you an idiot?!" Zoro yelled.
"What do you see voyages as?!" Nami added.
"Just when it seemed you were gonna say something smart..." Usopp sighed.
"But pirates sing, you know!" Luffy argued.
There was a sudden crash outside.
"Come out, you damn pirates!" Someone yelled.
"What the.. who are you?" Luffy opened the door and we all stood slightly behind him.
Zoro stayed sat down, not even bothering to move.
There was a man stood there, holding a sword that was pointed towards us.
"Shut up! Who I am doesn't amount to crap!" He replied.
The man slashed at Luffy and cut off a chunk of the railing.
"How many are there?" Zoro asked.
"Just one." I replied.
"Are you nameless pirates wannabes trying to kill my partner!?" The man continued to yell and swing his sword around.
Luffy easily dodged it.
"That voice.." Zoro mumbled.
"I dunno what's going on, but stop breaking out ship!" Luffy complained and then slammed the man into the wall.
Zoro stood up and peered over the balcony.
I followed behind him.
Nami and Usopp still stood in the kitchen.
"Hey! Is that you Johnny?!" Zoro asked.
Did he know him?
"Who's saying my name all familiar-like?!" Johnny growled, "Big bro Zoro?!"
He quickly sat up and stared up at Zoro in shock.
"It is you, Johnny."
"What are you doing here, Big bro?"
Luffy blinked several times and stared at the situation in confusion.
I laughed softly at his confused expression.
"Where's Yosaku? Isn't he with you?"
"What now?" Luffy finally spoke.
Johnny grabbed Yosaku from his boat and brought him onto our ship, explaining that he was sick.
"He's sick?" Zoro asked.
"Although he was full of life up until a few days ago, now he keeps getting pale suddenly and then fainting." Johnny explained.
Yosaku was laid on the deck, panting. Sweat rolled off his face.
"In the end, his teeth fell out." Johnny continued.
Nami walked towards us.
Johnny cried as he stared down at his partner, "Big bro... is he going to die?"
"Are you all stupid?" Nami asked.
"What?" Zoro growled.
Nami lifted his eyelid and observed Yosaku for a few moments.
"What are you doing?" Johnny yanked her arms away from Yosaku.
"Luffy. Usopp. Remember we have limes in the storage?" Nami ignored him, "Are you listening?! Bring them here. Now!"
Both boys had tears running down their faces after hearing Johnny talk.
They both nodded and quickly scrambled into the storage room, pushing each other.
A few seconds later, they ran back with the limes.
They squeezed them into Yosaku's mouth.
"It's scurvy." Nami stated.
"If we weren't too late, he'll be fine in just a few days." Nami explained.
"Really? Big sis, is he really.." Johnny spat everywhere as he yelled.
Nami glared at him annoyed and pushed his face away.
"Stop calling me that." Nami huffed, "In the past, it was a hopeless disease that accompanied sea journeys. But the cause was simply a deficiency of plant-derived nutrients. Ships in the past didn't carry fresh fruits and vegetables weren't storable, so..."
Luffy stated to shove the limes into Yosaku's mouth.
"Stop that." I pulled his hands away so he wouldn't choke Yosaku.
Luffy pouted at me, "I'm just trying to help."
I pat his head, "I know."
He smiled and placed all the extra limes down.
"You're amazing. You're like a doctor." Luffy praised Nami.
"Well, I always thought you were good." Usopp added.
Nami stared at them blankly.
Yosaku sat up abruptly and started coughing, the limes all falling out of his mouth.
Johnny and Yosaku both jumped around cheering.
They're kind of annoying. I hope they don't stick around too long.
They both stopped and introduced themselves as bounty hunters.
So that's how Zoro knew them...
We were all sat in the kitchen again.
I leaned against Luffy, my head resting on his shoulder.
These bounty hunters were annoying and I didn't sleep that much last night.
Closing my eyes, I relaxed against the familiar warmth of Luffy.
"Let's go find a seafaring cook." Luffy exclaimed.
I could tell without even opening my eyes that everyone was looking at him, shocked that he had actually said something smart.
"Then we'll be able to eat yummy food even on the ship." Usopp added excitedly.
"Exactly." Luffy grinned.
I sighed quietly and opened my eyes, knowing I wouldn't be able to sleep.
"If you're looking for a cook like that, there's a perfect place for that." Johnny spoke.
"But this place is close to the Grand Line and... you hear rumours there about the hawk-eyed man you've been looking for..." this was directed as Zoro.
His head shot up as those words left his mouth.
"We have to go north-northeast." Yosaku stated.
There was a determined expression on Zoro's face.
It was night now, so some of us stayed out to watch.
Nami stayed up to navigate and Zoro stayed up too.
Luckily, there were two rooms so the girls and boys were separated.
I climbed into my bed and sunk into it.
It was so warm and yet I still couldn't sleep.
There was a click noise and someone opened the door quietly.
I looked in the direction of the door and saw Luffy sneaking into the room.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
He froze after hearing my voice before replying quietly, "I couldn't sleep. I'm guessing you couldn't either."
I nodded and beckoned him over.
The raven haired boy grinned and made his way over to me, slipping under the covers.
I shuffled over so I was right next to the wall.
Luffy wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head against my collar bone.
A few seconds later he was out like a light, his breathing had evened out.
That's just like him. Falling asleep so quickly.
I wonder why he couldn't sleep.
I couldn't because it's been a while since I've been alone.
When I was younger, I shared a room with my sister and Nami is here so I couldn't sleep.
Ever since I met Luffy too, he's constantly been spending time with me.
I barely get alone time but I don't mind.
Luffy's company is nice.
I rested my head on Luffy's and let myself be lulled to sleep by his soft breathing and his warmth.
"Our destination is the Sea Restuarant Baratie. What do you think everyone?" Johnny grinned.
"Whoa! It's a huge fish." Luffy cheered.
Of course he's thinking of food.
Nami smiled, "It looks good."
A ships horn sounded and a ship pulled up next to us.
My eyes widened as I noticed it was a marine ship.
They couldn't possibly know us yet, could they?
"Surely they're not gonna shoot at us, are they?" Usopp asked nervously.
"What an unpleasant bunch we've run into.." Zoro scoffed.
Someone came to the edge of the marine ship and stared at us.
"I've never seen that pirate flag. I'm Iron Fost Fullbody. Lieutenant at Navy Headquarters." He introduced himself, "Hey, who's your captain?! Come out and state your name!"
"I'm Luffy."
"I'm Usopp!"
Luffy ignored Usopp and continued talking, "We just made out pirate flag the day before yesterday!"
"And I'm the one who drew it!" Usopp shouted.
The lieutenant looked over to where Johnny and Yosaku were not so discreetly hiding, "You two over there. I remember seeing you before. If I remember correctly, you're a bounty hunter duo going after small fish. So you finally got caught by pirates..."
"We are.." Johnny started.
The lieutenant cut them off, "That's a laugh."
A woman appeared beside him and asked if they were going.
He walked away and ignored Johnny as he continued to yell.
Johnny threw a bunch of papers displaying people's bounties on the ground.
Nami looked over and I noticed her stare at Arlong's for longer than she looked at any of the others.
I raised an eyebrow at her.
Nami picked up Arlong's bounty and had a dark look on her face.
The marines on the ship aimed their cannon at us and fired.
"Leave it to me! Gum gum slingshot!" Luffy held onto the railing and mast and was stretched back as the cannonball hit him.
He went flying forwards and the cannonball went flying away.
It hit the roof of the Baratie.
That doesn't look good.
We walking into the restaurant.
Nami figured we'd be here a while so we should eat while we're here.
I swear Luffy's luck sucks.
He's always getting us in all sorts of trouble.
We were sat at the table, eating.
"Hey, chore boy!" Nami greeted Luffy as he walked down the stairs.
"You guys..." Luffy gasped at us in shock.
"I heard you have to work here for a year." Usopp laughed.
"Is it okay if we redraw our flag for the ship?" Zoro added.
"You're eating yummy food without me?!" Luffy frowned, "How could you?!"
He stood angrily at our table, glaring at us.
I grabbed a fork with meat on and shoved it into Luffy's mouth.
He pulled the fork out and chewed the meat aggressively.
Zoro laughed at him.
Luffy flicked a bogey in Zoro's drink when he wasn't looking and Usopp started laughing.
"Well, it's true. The food here is good." Zoro reached for his drink and just as he was about to drink it, he quickly turned and shoved it in Luffy's face.
Luffy gagged as he swallowed the water.
"Drink it yourself!" Zoro yelled.
"I can't believe you did that!"
Everyone stared in shock at the ruckus Luffy was making.
Nami laughed at him.
This blonde suddenly appeared beside her and held a rose out to her, complimenting her.
"What?" Nami stopped laughing and looked at him confused.
"Oh, love, I can't bear this hardship. Go ahead and laugh at me. I'm now prepared to be a lowly pirate or devil if I'm with you!"
I stared at the blonde with an unimpressed expression.
He had heart eyes as he stared at Nami.
Luffy and Zoro were both looking at him with an unreadable expression.
The blonde turned and noticed me sat there, "Another beautiful maiden."
He made heart eyes at me and rushed over, handing me a flower too.
Zoro grunted and slung his arm around the back of my chair.
He growled possessively as he glared daggers at the blonde.
The blonde slowly backed away and went back to gushing over Nami.
I noticed Luffy was now glaring at the blonde too.
"This is a good opportunity."
"Damn geezer." The blonde grumbled as he looked at the chef stood behind him.
"Leave this place with them." The man told him, "You're no longer needed at this restaurant!"
"Hey, you damn geezer! I'm the Sous Chef here." The blonde responded, "What do you mean you no longer need me?!"
I took a sip of my tea and watched the drama unfold. (☕️)
"You often get into trouble with customers. You flare your nostrils the second you see a girl. You can't even cook a decent meal, so you're dead weight to this restaurant. That's what I said." The chef listed off his complaints.
I'm guessing he's the head chef as he's wearing a hat that's ridiculously long.
"Say that again..."
I could here the other chefs laughing at him.
"Also, the other cooks steer clear of you.. So go be a pirate or whatever and just leave this restaurant already."
"Say what? If I keep quiet, you just shoot your mouth off, huh? You damn geezer."
I watched as the blonde yelled at him and grabbed his collar.
The head chef threw the blonde away.
The next thing I knew, he blonde was giving me and Nami free food.
Usopp was annoyed he wasn't getting any free food.
The blonde then scolded Luffy and we watched as he dragged him away.
"It's not like he's got a say." I stated.
"What do you mean?" Nami asked.
"When Luffy wants someone to join his crew he doesn't take no for an answer." I explained.
Zoro nodded in agreement.
This massive ship started approaching the restaurant.
"Hey, this is not good. Shouldn't we get out of here?" Usopp was shaking nervously.
"What a huge ship." Luffy smiled, "I wonder if Ghin came back to repay you for your kindness."
"I don't think so.." the blonde responded.
When the fog cleared, we got a better view of the ship.
It was all beat up.
This man entered the restaurant, slamming the doors open.
"Sorry.. can I have some water and food? We have money... tons of money. I don't even remember the last time I ate." He spoke weakly.
His body looked as if it was about to give up on him.
Everyone refused to give them food because they were well know pirates.
However, the blonde gave him food, just like how he did with the other man.
As soon as he had eaten and was recovered, he stood up and whacked the blonde around the face.
"Sanji!" A chef yelled as he stared at his limp body.
So his name is Sanji.
"I brought you here under the condition that you wouldn't touch this restaurant." Ghin complained, "And that man saved our lives..."
5177 words
A/n the original crew is almost together.
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