Ch.27 Luffy's arrival
~Y/n pov~
We turned around to see Hawkins and some men.
"In this Land of Wano, you either follow the strong or become their prey.." Hawkins drew his sword, "You have no other option."
He started to draw cards.
Zoro drew one of his swords and waited for them to make a move.
"We're here to bear the emperor of the sea." Luffy pulled the sword he stole from Otama's master out.
"Kin'emon's said we should say things like that." Zoro stated.
"Uh, that was a lie! I don't know." Luffy suddenly said, trying to cover up what he just said.
Hawkins stared at us silently.
Zoro glanced at the sword Luffy had, "By the way, where did you get that sword?"
Luffy grinned, "It's a famous sword, isn't it?"
"He stole it from Tama's master." I interjected.
"Of course he did." Zoro sighed, "It seems like a famous sword. Let me see it for a sec."
"No way." Luffy laughed.
They started bickering as Hawkins just stood there and watched us.
"You can't use a sword anyway so just give it to me." Zoro argued.
"No." Luffy protested, "I'm gonna cute them up-de-gozaru."
"Charge." Hawkins ordered.
The men all charged towards us with their weapons raised while Hawkins just watched.
Luffy threw the scabbard away, "This is a sword fight."
"Don't throw the scabbard!" Zoro yelled at him.
Luffy charged in, not using the sword properly at all and just pinching them while holding a sword.
Zoro yelled at him in annoyance before fighting as well.
I laughed at them and sent a wave of fire to the men charging at me.
A few of them managed to avoid it.
Ice extended from my foot, freezing the remaining people in place.
I turned to see just Hawkins with a small group of men.
He used his powers of them, making some figure that appeared to be made out of straw appear.
He shuffled his deck of cards.
I glanced at Tama to see her panting.
I climbed onto the massive dog creature and placed my hand on her forehead.
She was burning up.
"We've got to go. Tama's burning up." I yelled to the others as they jumped on.
Komachiyo started to run.
"Let's just go right." Zoro stated.
"Go left." A voice interjected.
I turned to see the woman who was thanking Zoro earlier.
"You samurai are so strong." She stated, "You saved me earlier. My name is Tsuru."
She pulled a handkerchief out of her pocket and handed it to me.
"Thanks." I wiped the sweat away from Tama's forehead, "Do you know where the doctor is?"
"I could take care of her." Tsuru answered.
"Do you know her?" Luffy asked.
"She drank the polluted river water." I stated while handing Tama to Tsuru, "Take good care of her."
"I will." Tsuru smiled, glancing at Tama with a worried expression.
She led us to her house.
"Prepare the tea." Tsuru told her assistant as she placed Tama down, wetting a cloth and placing it on her forehead.
I watched as the assistant prepared tea and some medicine using herbs.
"It's bitter but it works well. Let her drink it." Tsuru handed the medicine to Luffy.
Luffy sat her up slightly, pouring it in her mouth.
She swallowed and then stuck her tongue out in disgust.
A few moments later, she fell asleep.
Tama woke up and stared up at us, "Where am I?"
"This is my tea house." Tsuru smiled, "Don't ever drink the river water again."
"I am Okiku." The assistant introduced herself, "Thank you from saving me from the guy who was hitting on me."
Tsuru gave Tama some soup to try and settle her stomach.
She did eat earlier but it's been a while since she's eaten properly.
We all went to sit outside on the bench while Tama ate happily.
She sat in between Luffy and I.
Zoro sat on the other side of me.
Tama noticed me looking at her and smiled up at me.
I smiled back.
She ate all the food and then fell asleep again.
Tsuru came and sat where Tama was sat a few moments ago.
"Children like her are not uncommon." Tsuru told us with a frown.
Luffy gritted his teeth angrily.
All this because of Kaido.
This country needs a good leader who actually cares for their people.
"As long as we have the sea, mountains and forests, getting food shouldn't be a problem." Luffy frowned.
"If we humans hadn't ruined them ourselves..." Tsuru trailed off, "What are your names?"
Zoro motioned for Luffy to shut up.
"His name is... Luffytaro." Zoro told them, "And I'm Zorojuro."
Their actual name is still part of it.
People here aren't stupid. Some people will probably recognise us.
I decided to just tell them a nickname but I'm sure when we get to the capital people will recognise us.
"You talk weird." Tsuru stated.
Zoro quickly unsheathed his sword and blocked the arrow that was about to hit Tsuru.
I looked up and saw a man in the sky, riding some flying creature.
"I can hear six times better than a normal human." He bragged, "I will never allow someone to harbour such rebellious spirit."
Another man appeared and grabbed Tama.
"Help!" She yelled to us as he ran away.
"Tama!" Luffy yelled.
The man with arrows attacked us as we tried to run after Tama.
"Don't get in my way." Luffy yelled.
Okiku grabbed a sword and started to run after Tama.
The dude with arrows tried to shoot at her but I blocked them.
She climbed onto Komachiyo.
"Dog! Take me with you!" Luffy chased after them, stretching his arm out.
"His arm?!" Tsuru exclaimed.
"Wait." Zoro grabbed me and then grabbed onto Luffy so we all got onto Komachiyo.
"Tama. I'm gonna save you!" Luffy yelled.
The dude with the arrows chased after us again but Komachiyo managed to dodge them.
"We'll charge in there. Beyond that point is Bakura town. The town of officials and pirates." Okiku told us as we charged towards the entrance.
"Tama! We're hear to save you!" Luffy yelled loudly.
Okiku looked startled as she slapped her hand over his mouth to shut him up.
"Hey. Stop right there." Some people in front of us told us, "There's no record of them leaving town."
I noticed majority of them had weapons.
"You can't make a fuss." Okiku told Luffy.
"I see." He used conquerors haki to knock them all out.
We rode further into the town.
"The people of the town won't tell us, even if we ask." Okiku told us, "They're all under Orochi's influence."
"Not all of them seem like they'll fight." I stated as I noticed some others who weren't armed and seemed to just be going about everyday business.
"The townspeople have always been here. Until twenty years ago, this was a vibrant castle town. But on day, Orochi's subordinates came and seized the houses they liked." Okiku explained, "Then everyone except for the merchants deemed essential were kicked out of the town."
So it's basically a town of bandits.
I looked up as I headed a scream.
A sumo wrestler came flying towards us.
Luffy caught him.
"Sumo, huh? It should be fun." Luffy grinned.
I feel like I already know what's going to happen.
We're supposed to be looking for Tama.
Luffy smiled and jumped of Komachiyo once we got to where the sumo ring was.
There was a massive guy defeating all this opponents.
Okiku looked surprised.
Did she know one of them?
Wasn't that the dude harassing her earlier?
The massive dude seemed to notice her, "Okiku! I knew you were gonna come. So you've decided to become my wife, right?!"
Okiku moved to try and hide behind me and Zoro.
Her hands gripped the back of my kimono.
I gave her a reassuring look.
I wouldn't let a creep like him do whatever he wants.
Some people seemed jealous.
How? He's so ugly.
"You guys! We're looking for someone. She's a little girl named Tama." Luffy called, "Where's the boss of this town?"
They all seemed to ignore him and be hung up about the news of Okiku being that dudes wife.
"Okay, let's go and look ourselves." Luffy stated as we all climbed off Komachiyo.
Sumo wrestlers charged at us.
"Get out of my way." Luffy easily dodged their blows and knocked them down.
One of them smirked at me, thinking I'd be an easy target because I'm a girl.
I glared at him and grabbed his arm, throwing him onto the floor, "Don't touch me."
There was a scream.
I turned and saw one of the sumo wrestlers grabbing Okiku.
I kicked him in the head, knocking him away from her.
"Thanks." Okiku clung to my arm and looked around nervously.
She had told us earlier she was a samurai so why didn't she defend herself.
Maybe she's scared or maybe she's hiding her identity.
More Sumo wrestlers surrounded us and blocked us with their big bodies.
They grabbed Okiku but we couldn't reach her as all the other massive sumo wrestlers were in the way.
She was placed in front of the big man.
Okiku glared at him and drew her sword, chopping his topknot off.
He looked angry as he realised what she had done and tried to squish her like a bug.
Luffy chose this moment to intervene.
Everyone we've met seemed to bring trouble so far.
After Luffy beat the guy, we went back to looking for Tama.
"Give us back Tama." Luffy yelled at the guy holding her.
The people around us cheered his name, "Holdem! Kick his ass!"
"Urashima crashed into my house." Holdem complained, "Who are you bastards?!"
Tama turned to looked at us and noticed we were here, "Help!!"
We were surrounded by the people who lived here.
I stared at Tama who was out in the lions mouth.
"If you resist this girl will be chewed up by the lion." Holdem smirked.
"I'll save you." Okiku called to her.
Komachiyo growled at Holdem.
They told us about how they had all of the food to themselves and didn't share with others who were starving.
They even had clean water.
Luffy glared at them angrily and pointed towards the massive carts of food that had appeared.
"Take care of that." Luffy instructed, "I'll save Tama."
Zoro and I made our way to the cart knocking the men who tried to attack us down.
They're not strong pirates or anything so it wasn't hard.
The people surrounding the cart glared at us.
Zoro sent a gust of wind towards them with his swords, knocking them back.
I smirked at the lady in charge as she gave us an angry look.
I noticed Okiku had been captured again.
She can handle herself, so why does she keep being captured?
We continued to knock men out as the women in charge glared at me, shooting arrows at me.
I used conquerors haki to knock the rest out before charging towards her.
If her strength is shooting her weakness could be close combat.
Her eyes widened once she realised her feet were frozen to the floor and she couldn't run.
"Surprise." I stated as I punched her in the face.
Her head slumped as she was knocked out cold.
I turned to the others and saw everyone else unconscious.
They must've been knocked out earlier by my haki.
Komachiyo helped to lift us up onto the cart.
There was so much food I'm sure it could last this town months.
It's more than enough for everyone.
Luffy climbed into the cart with Tama.
He placed her down and grinned, "Let's go!"
Tama looked up at us all with watery eyes, "Thank you."
I smiled.
I'm sure today had been really hard for her.
She found out the truth about Ace and was kidnapped as well as being ill.
Komachiyo pulled the massive cart of food as we sat in it.
A few people were chasing after us.
I noticed Hawkins had arrived and he was fighting someone with a basket on his head.
The basket fell off revealing Law.
He's here too.
"Out of the way." Zoro yelled to them.
Law just stared at us wide eyed, not believing we were here causing all this chaos.
He's gonna have to get used to it. This is just how Luffy is.
Law climbed on as we came past.
"Roronoa-ya!" Law yelled angrily, grabbing him but the collar of his kimono.
Zoro stared at him blankly, "Sorry, I ran into Luffy."
Law sighed in exasperation, "Hey, where's Straw Hat-ya?"
Tama turned to him, "He said he'd be right back."
We entered a run down looking town.
They were some of the people not getting any food.
They turned to start at the cart full of food with astonished and amazed expressions.
Komachiyo's pace slowed as we came to a stop.
The people of the village cheered and ran towards us as we jumped off the cart.
They cried tears of joy as they looked at all the food.
Three people ran towards us.
It's the bat dude again with two others.
At that moment Luffy arrive, holding a big container full of water.
He slammed it down on the floor, squashing the three dudes.
There was a stunned silence for a few moments before the crowd cheered loudly.
We set back off on Komachiyo with Okiku and Law.
We met back up with Kin'emon and the rest of the crew.
He told us everything he knew about that past.
About Oden and Kaido and how everything came to be as it is now.
We heard Kaido had appeared in the town we gave food to earlier.
Luffy and Law were the only ones to leave.
Law wanted the presence of the rest of us to remain unknown until we carried out our plan two weeks from now.
I left with Robin and a few others, to hide back in the capital and find information until it was time to carry out the plan.
Sanji was cooking food while I sat with Robin, Usopp and Franky.
Some men came towards Sanji and yelled at him before starting to attack.
Franky charged into battle too while Usopp, Robin and I just watched and continued to eat.
"The soba you wasted! Eat it all!" Sanji growled, shoving it in the man's mouth as he coughed.
"Well, I knew it was gonna end up like this, but was it okay to kick their asses?" Usopp asked while shoving noodles into his mouth.
"Probably not but it's too late now." I answered nonchalantly, "We're supposed to be keeping a low profile."
The young girl from earlier came back and happily ate the food Sanji gave her.
It seems a lot of people are starving, even in the capital.
We all smiled at the girl as she cried tears of joy while complimenting the food.
I sat with Robin and observed everyone as they drank and yelled loudly.
Robin pulled the door open quietly and left, motioning for me to follow her.
I pushed the door close behind us slowly.
We snuck around Orochi castle.
Nami, Shinobu and Brook had also infiltrated and were in the castle somewhere.
We stopped outside a few doors, trying to see if we could hear anyone inside the rooms.
"Let's try this room." Robin muttered, opening the door cautiously and peering around.
No one was here.
We quickly snuck inside before anyone could see us and closed the door.
There were lots of boxes and drawers.
"There must be something." I whispered to Robin as we both started to search the room.
After a few moments, Robin turned to me, "I think there's a hidden door."
"Are you looking for something?"
We both tensed up and turned in the direction of the voice.
Did he follow us?
Robin grabbed my hand and pulled me up so we were both standing.
Are we going to run away?
"Now, I give you one chance to answer my question." The man told us.
His men surrounded us.
"If you speak true, I'll kill you at once, so you won't suffer."
Robin looked at me and we had a conversation with our eyes.
We disappeared in petals and escaped the room.
Robin tugged my hand and pulled me down the corridor hurriedly.
Robin pulled out a transponder snail and quickly informed the others that we had been caught.
We reentered the banquet and pretended like nothing happened.
We hid by talking to someone else.
Robin complimented him as he bragged drunkly.
Maybe we can get some information out of him.
Soon enough, a fight broke out.
Nami jumped down from the ceiling with Shinobu.
I'll be honest I wasn't paying attention so I don't know what's happening but a dude turned into a dragon and is angry.
He was the one we were talking to earlier.
"Let's take this as an opportunity to run." I told the others as no one was paying attention to us.
Brook was scaring people in his ghostly form.
Nami blasted lightning to blind the opponents as we ran.
Can't come after us if they can't see.
"That was close." Nami sighed in relief as Shinobu helped us get a quick get away.
We met up with Kanjuro and talked about what we had discovered.
"This mission was successful. Thank you." Kanjuro smiled.
It was getting late so we all had a bath and then went to bed.
The day we execute the plan is getting closer and closer.
It'll be here before we know it.
I rolled onto my side and looked at Robin and Nami.
They were both asleep.
It's been a while since I've slept in the same room as them.
I wonder what everyone else is doing right now.
I stared at the board full of wanted posters.
They were hand drawn.
"At this very moment, to catch the serious criminals who tried to kill Orochi and run, we've set up checkpoints all around the flower capital!"
"What should we do?" Brook asked us.
We were stood a distance away behind some trees and bushes.
The man was checking everyone's faces before letting them through.
Robin sighed, "I knew they wouldn't let us get away so easily."
"We must take that boat to get to Kuri." Brook added.
Usopp turned to us, "We have to come up with a plan to pass through."
"Kill him." I suggested.
"We can't do that!" Usopp whisper yelled, slapping my arm.
Brook smiled and led us towards the man.
What is he up to?
"Make weird faces." Brook whispered and tried to creep the man out as he looked at our weird faces.
The man's face paled and he let us through.
Surprisingly that worked...
We stepped onto the boats.
We hid at the back, trying not to show our faces to the other passengers.
"How's Otoko?" I asked.
Brook was holding her in his arms, "She must be exhausted from crying, she's sleeping in my arms."
Usopp frowned.
"I'll take her." Robin suddenly spoke, pulling her away from Brook and hugging her, "You have no body warmth."
"How dare you!" Tears rolled down Brook's cheeks. (Not that he has any cheeks-)
Usopp left to find Franky.
Robin, Usopp and I went to find some of the others.
Kin'emon, Nami and Momo were there as well as some of Kine'mon's friends.
Sanji and Zoro were also there.
Most of the crew is back together now.
I sat between Robin and Zoro as Kin'emon explained what the symbols meant.
"Let's start the discussion of the plan." Kin'emon stated with a serious expression, "We will take Kaido and Orochi's heads at any cost... to avenge the late Oden!"
Kawamatsu told us Hiyori was alive.
So now we have eight of the nine we were searching for.
They all started crying and getting emotional.
"This is really great!" Kin'emon yelled, tears streaming down his face.
Momo stared at him silently for a few moments before smiling.
"Huh?" Sanji growled as he yelled at Zoro, "That beautiful woman you were with earlier is Momonosuke's sister?!"
Sanji then turned to look at Momo with a dark expression.
Sanji's expression turned to a smile, "Momonosuke, is there anything you want?"
"Don't suck up to her brother, idiot." Zoro commented.
I smiled at their antics.
It's nice to see everything is normal even if we are about to start a war.
We continued planning and training until the day to carry the plan out came.
"Are we allowed to use these?" Luffy asked with sparkling eyes as he stared at the box full of samurai armour.
"A samurai helmet!" Chopper laughed excitedly as he held it up.
I watched as Brook, Luffy and Chopper grabbed the armour and put it all on.
"Kaido... that loser... is about to be sliced up!" Luffy exclaimed as if he knew how to use a sword.
"I don't think we'll lose!" Brook added.
Chopper smirked, "Bring it on!"
"How cute! Just like bugs." Robin smiled.
"You think they'll be squished and die in a pile of blood?" I asked her.
"What?!" Chopper turned to stare at us with a frightened expression.
"Why don't you wear one too?" Sanji said to Zoro jokingly.
"It'll slow me down." Zoro answered bluntly.
"Wear it. Since your bounty is so low!" Sanji taunted him.
Zoro glared at him and chopped Sanji's cigarette in half as well as slicing some of the cliff off.
Sanji smacked his head against Zoro's , "Do you wanna fight?! I'll kill you!"
"Try it, you bastard!"
Nami whacked them both, "What are you fools doing?!"
She grabbed them over to the rest of the group.
"Orochi said that it's winter at the entrance to Onigashima." Robin stated.
"The mainland of the Land of Wano has different seasons in different areas." Carrot added, trying to explain the anomaly, "We're coated with fur so we're alright in cold weather."
Luffy was staring at the water.
"What's wrong?" I asked him.
He frowned, "Big Mom is here, but Jimbei isn't. Thanks to him, we got away from her!"
"He'll come." I stated confidently.
Zoro nodded, "We've still for time."
"He'll come." Luffy repeated with a determined expression.
I sat back down on one of the rocks as we waited.
After a few minutes, Luffy and Zoro came and joined me.
Luffy sighed and leaned against me, turning his head to gaze at the ocean.
I grabbed his hand and squeezed it reassuringly.
Jimbei will come. I'm sure of it.
We were on our way on the sunny.
"Luffy! I am glad! I am glad that you came!" Kin'emon yelled to us.
Law's submarine was beside us.
Luffy had taken off the samurai outfit and added a cape instead.
Chopper still had the samurai outfit on.
The samurai were all on a small boat.
Kid was beside Law with his crew.
I looked at the ships in front of us.
The plan starts now.
We sent attacks towards the cannons to stop them from firing at us.
"So it was you who damaged our ship?!" Franky yelled angrily at them, "There's no way this ship would be destroyed by that stupid bomb."
It seemed like some people were missing.
"Kin, why are there so few of you?" Luffy asked.
"I.. made a blunder." He bowed his head to us, "Luffy, I'm sorry. Our plan was all leaked... It is all my fault, I apologise!"
Someone must've betrayed us.
The water became wild as bombs and weapons were thrown at us.
The enemy bragged about how they destroyed all the bridges and ruined our plans.
Kanjuro smirked and held Momo tightly in his arms.
I was surprised no one else noticed him.
He must've leaked all of the plans.
"Sink all of them into the sea."
"Shut up." Luffy responded.
Law, Luffy and Kid charged towards the ships, fighting with each other on their way.
They sunk some ships and then argued about who sunk what.
4056 words
A/n I'm putting it on hold until Wano arc finishes.
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