Ch.14 Enies Lobby
~Y/n pov~
Luffy had climbed onto the roof to see if we had caught up to Sanji yet.
I heard him yelling as he saw them in the distance.
"Okay! Enies Lobby has come into sight! Everyone, get ready for the showdown!"
I took a deep breath to prepare myself.
Robin needed out help.
I was determined to get her back.
Zoro smiled and ruffled my hair gently, "We got this."
I relaxed at his reassurance.
"Sogeking from the island of snipers?" Chopper and Luffy asked Usopp simultaneously.
Of course they had no idea it was Usopp.
He was wearing a mask.
"That's right. I'm Usopp's best friend. I'm here because he requested that I assist you." Usopp lied.
He's wearing the same clothes you can clearly tell it's him.
"Hero. Since you're wearing a cape, I thought that might be the case..." Luffy was staring at him with sparkling eyes, "Amazing! I've never seen a hero before."
"I see.. He's a hero because he's wearing a cape?" Chopper nodded to himself.
"Hey, that's Usopp." Zoro stated as soon as he saw him.
"I'm glad he's okay." Nami sighed in relief.
We were standing further back so the three idiots couldn't hear us.
I hope things will be okay with Usopp after we get back Robin.
I'm not trying to be rude, but I doubt he can survive in the Grand Line by himself.
I watched as Luffy and Usopp shook hands.
"Can I have an autograph?" Chopper asked.
Usopp pulled out a pen and paper.
At this point I shouldn't even be surprised..
"Where's the island of snipers?" Chopper asked.
"It's... in your hearts." Usopp responded.
They both looked at him as if it was the coolest thing ever.
I could only sigh at them.
The rest of the crew just stared at them with unamused looks.
"Can I talk to someone who's not an idiot." Sanji spoke up.
Most of the crew turned to him as he talked about how Robin was being manipulated.
I thought so...
"Take a look at this. I've been to that island once for railway maintenance."
We all gathered around the blonde guy as he spoke and showed us a map he drew.
"I drew this based on my vague recollection of it. This is a rough sketch of what the geography of Enies Lobby looks like. The Gates of Justice are in the back of the island and they seem to be accessible only via the Tower of Law."
"What the hell is this? What's the dark area?" Luffy asked, referring to the blue circle surrounding the sketch.
"It indicated a waterfall."
As we came closer we noticed the gates.
"Those are the Gates of Justice." Usopp stated.
They were huge.
"They never open all the way. When criminals go through them, they open just a little." The train driver spoke over the intercom, "And, behind those doors is a nest of large Sea Kings, just like the Calm Belt, the sea areas that lie on both sides of the Grand Line. So no ordinary ship can go in there."
The other group left as planned.
Only the straw hats were left or so we thought...
"Where'd Luffy go?" I furrowed my brows, "Dp you think he already left?"
We looked out the window and saw Luffy latch himself at the gates.
Zoro sighed, "That idiot. We should've known."
"In four minutes.. the sea train Rocketman will charge in!"
Nami sighed and sat down.
"Hey, Sogeking." Nami called.
Usopp didn't answer.
"Hey." Nami jabbed him with her climatakt(?) to get his attention.
"Hey, that hurt!" The jab made Usopp stumble forward.
"About how to use this takt for chilled air.."
"Huh? Let's see.." Usopp took the part off her.
He's not fooling anyone. I don't know if he thinks we don't know he's Usopp.
Sanji tapped his foot impatiently.
Zoro had disappeared to go and sit on the roof a few moments ago.
We're almost there now.
I'm sure Luffy's already caused plenty of chaos as he always does.
We had to have trust in the other team.
Hopefully the gates were open.
The only problem was that the gate had been closed just a few moments ago when they saw us coming.
"Change of plans! Have the train go as fast as it can!" Zoro yelled.
"Guys, looks like we're changing the plan. The samurai man says that everyone should hold on tight." The train driver spoke over the intercom.
I immediately grabbed onto the chair.
The chair was secured down so it'd probably be okay.
Everyone else seemed clueless to the plan but as I was stood by the window I heard it.
This is crazy.
"Hold on tight?" Nami asked in confusion.
The three cowards started to panic when they realised what was about to happen.
"Don't worry. There's a way." Zoro told them.
"Thank God." Nami sighed in relief too soon.
"Hit the fence, frog." Zoro instructed.
What happened to cutting the fence?
There was a loud noise.
The metal fence has been bent and we rocketed upwards and flew over the gate.
I thought we were gonna just barge through the gate not fly over it.
My eyes widened as I held on tighter.
"Do you have plan for landing?" Nami asked hopefully.
Zoro nodded.
Everyone looked relieved until he spoke again.
"Just leave it to luck."
They all started to yell at him angrily.
I held on tighter and braced myself for the impact of landing.
The train hit the ground with a crash, knocking out loads of men.
Sanji, Zoro and I all jumped out easily.
I watched as Usopp pulled himself out of the window.
"It was just as I instructed." He stated.
"It's L/n, Roronoa and the others!" One of the navy yelled.
How do they know our names ?
Oh, I forget Zoro and I had bounties now.
I bet Sanji is really annoyed since he seems to hate Zoro.
"They I know that swordsman. It's one of the underlings, Roronoa."
Sanji laughed, "They called you an underling."
"That means you're less than that, Pirate A." Zoro retorted.
"If I had a bounty, it'd be twice as much as yours." Sanji growled.
"There are more of them." One of the men yelled when they noticed Usopp and Chopper whispering to each other near the wreckage.
"Hey, Nami is in there!" Sanji yelled when they all pointed their guns at the train.
They ignored him obviously and shot at it anyway.
"Hold on, an attack like that isn't enough to take someone like her out." Zoro stopped Sanji from charging in.
Something fell from the sky and hit Sanji on the head.
Nami appeared and started to use her climatakt to form a cloud.
"Nami, you're okay." Sanji yelled.
When did he get up?
She raised her hand in the air, "Thunderbolt tempo."
The soldiers got hit by the thunderbolt.
They all simultaneously screamed.
The thunderbolt had also got Sanji and Zoro.
"Apologise idiot." Nami scolded Usopp.
"Why should I apologise?!"
"Why the hell did you do that?" Zoro growled.
"Nami! That reminded me of the shock I had the first time I met you!"
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at Sanji's words.
"Maybe you should work on not attacking your own crew members." I told Nami.
"I know that." She yelled angrily.
"By the way, where's that idiot who rushed it by himself?" Zoro asked as he stood up.
"This island isn't small..." Nami sighed.
There was a sudden explosion and smoke.
I pointed in that direction, "He's probably over there."
We turned and ran in that direction.
There were people chasing after us.
We stopped as a huge line of people riding dogs were in front of us.
What is this?
They had ran in front of us and blocked the path.
"We Watchdogs are ordered to guard the front gate! No one can cross this line."
More people ran around us and we were completely surrounded.
I sent a huge wave of water one way and some flames the other way.
The water knocked them off their feet, some of them fell unconscious after hitting their heads.
The people hit by the fire screamed.
The blonde dude came charging in and pulled us up into his carriage.
The King Bull ran over a lot of soldiers.
They ran to avoid it but not many managed to evade.
The blonde guy told Sanji to take the reins before he disappeared.
We easily made our way through the streets.
Chopper was translating what the King Bull was saying.
"He said 'is it okay that the man with the mask didn't get on with you too'."
I looked around and realised Usopp hadn't got on.
Rest in peace.
We had all met up again.
We were standing on the wall, facing the building Robin was in.
Robin stood facing us.
"If you exercise a Buster Call right here, right now, then together with Enies Lobby.. you guys will disappear too." Robin stated.
"Don't be stupid! There's no way we'd be eliminated by our own people's attack!" The pink haired man yelled.
"Twenty years ago, everything was taken from me and many people's lives were ruined." Robin looked down, a shadow cast over her eyes, "It was caused by a single attack - Buster Call. That attack is now... targeted on the friends I was finally able to find, whom I can be myself with. The more I wish to be with you, the more my fate will show it's fangs to you! No matter how far I go on the sea, I have a huge enemy that I can't shake off... because the world and it's darkness are my enemy! I've already dragged you into my trouble. I'm a burden. You'll betray me and abandon me. Hats why I didn't want you to come to rescue me!"
It's true that the world government is after her... but we're pirates so they would be after us eventually.
I don't want Robin to be afraid. We need to get stronger.
"If I'm going to die someday anyway, I want to die right here, right now!"
"Now it makes sense." Zoro stated.
The pink haired man laughed, "That's true. No one is stupid enough to think that having you isn't a burden. Look at that symbol, you damn pirates."
He pointed to the flag.
"I now understand well the identity of Robin's enemy." Luffy spoke seriously.
Is he thinking about Sabo? He's told me about him a few times.
"Sogeking. Shoot through that flag." Luffy commanded.
Usopp nodded without hesitation, "This is my new weapon, a huge slingshot.... named Kabuto! Have a good look at its power! Special attack... Firebird star!"
He shot without hesitation.
The flag burned to a crisp.
We watched the flag burn for a few moments.
This was a declaration of war.
"Bring it on!" Luffy yelled.
Robin's eyes watered and tears threatened to spill.
"Robin! We still haven't heard you say it!" Luffy yelled, "Say you want to live!"
Tears dribbled down her cheeks as she stared at us in shock, her lips trembling.
"I want to live!" Robin screamed, "Take me to the sea with you!"
I smiled at her response.
Franky burst into tears.
"Let's go." Luffy cracked his knuckles.
"The drawbridge is coming down!"
Soldiers shot at the bridge which stopped it coming down.
"Jump with all your might towards the fall." The train driver yelled at us.
Luffy smirked and stretched his arms around us all.
When he jumped it forced us all to jump.
Everyone let out screams.
We all landed on the roof of the train.
Most of us held on tightly.
Nami and Usopp were barely clinging on.
They were also screaming.
"We're gonna crash!" Luffy yelled as we headed straight for the building.
I held on tight as the train smashed through the wall.
The wheels made a screeching noise as they scraped the ground.
I coughed slightly as dust got into my lungs.
I stood up and brushed off the rubble.
Luffy emerged from a huge pile of rubble.
"Hey, you guys! Get up already." Luffy complained at the rest of the crew as they were still trapped in the rubble.
"You're rubber. Don't lump us with you. Us flesh and blood humans were forced to charge in like that." Sanji grumbled as he pushed the rubble away.
They all simultaneously jumped out of the rubble.
"Let's go!" Luffy yelled.
We all ran towards the stairs.
"Hold it."
We turned to see a huge person with zips on their lips (that rhymed lol).
"We got invaded. Even if you go to the room you saw earlier, Nico Robin isn't there anymore, since Lucci took her to the Gates of Justice."
"What?!" Nami smirked, "Oh is that right? Thanks for giving us valuable information."
"I spilled the beans..."
"What a funny guy." Chopper stated.
"Unless you guys defeat us, you won't be able to set free Nice Robin.
We ended up going down a secret passage and separating.
We were all running around and looking for the key.
Apparently every member had one but we wouldn't know which key was the real one.
That means we need to find every key.
I entered a room quietly and noticed a man sat in the corner.
He smirked and looked up at me when he entered.
"Looking for this?" He held up a key.
"Hand it over." I demanded.
I knew it probably wouldn't work but it was worth a try.
"Nope." He laughed.
"Have if your way." I smirked as flames started to surround my hands and feet.
His eyes widened when I quickly attacked.
It seems like not a lot of people know this information about me even though I have a bounty.
Most who have faced me have only seen me use water. They know the devil fruit I have but they must be assuming I can only control water.
I took his surprise to my advantage and shock flames at him, burning his arms.
The flames on my feet propelled me forward and boosted my speed.
I made my movements unpredictable.
He tried to fight back but he didn't do a good job.
It wasn't long before he was unconscious, several burn marks littering his body.
That training with Ace really paid off. I've become much more powerful.
The only thing now is controlling my other elements.
Maybe I should try wind next? I can use it to enhance my fire and blow my water in certain directions.
Maybe I could one day create storms too.
I reached down and picked up the key.
I stepped into the hallway and felt someone run into me.
My legs trembled slightly as I almost fell but somehow I managed to stay standing.
I looked down to see Luffy sat on the floor with a dazed look.
"Hi." I stated.
His head snapped up in surprised.
When he realised it was me his smile grew.
"Y/n!!" He jumped up and wrapped his arms around my tightly.
I returned the hug as Luffy eagerly rocked us side to side, his cheek pressed against my collar bone.
"We need to go." I ruffled his hair lightly.
Luffy laughed and then pulled away with a determined look, "Let's save Robin."
A nodded with a determined face.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me along as he charged to wherever he was going before he bumped into me.
"Robin!" His voice echoed down the long corridor.
We ran straight through the door, busting it down.
"Huh? Where am I?" Luffy asked.
"Let's try another room. She must be close." I told Luffy.
He nodded and we ran out.
I heard someone announce there was gonna be a Buster Call.
Everyone started to run outside.
I peered our the window and watched the soldiers all run away.
"Not good." I muttered.
I heard Robin yelling too.
My head snapped around, "That way."
Luffy nodded and ran after me.
We stopped as we hit a dead end.
I blinked in confusion.
Haven't I been here before?
"Maybe it was that way..." I mumbled as I look down the other hallway.
This place is identical.
Luffy laughed at me.
"Don't laugh. These hallways all look the same. It's you and Zoro who have bad senses of direction." I huffed.
(Honestly I have bad sense of direction but not as bad as Zoro. How could anyone be as bad as Zoro lol.)
We heard someone say that Robin's handcuffs were off.
Luffy and I stopped running.
"Does that mean Robin made it outside?" I asked.
Luffy shrugged, "Let's go."
"Wait... which way is outside."
We both stood there for a few moments in silence before trying to retrace our steps.
We finally made it outside.
I looked towards the sea and noticed battleships.
This isn't good.
We should get out of here soon.
I looked around more and saw Robin, Franky and Usopp.
What a relief.
Though I'm not sure where the others are.
The soldiers charged at us.
Robin smirked when she saw us, "Long time no see."
We quickly took out the men.
And just on time, Zoro and Sanji arrived.
Where's Nami?
Some of the soldiers with common sense realised they couldn't win and ran away.
I almost laughed at the scene.
Franky was chasing after them as they ran around and yelled.
They started to jump into the water as an escape.
The ships were starting to close into us.
They're getting too close.
I ducked as a cannonball was fired in my direction.
We had all met up and the King Bull had turned up again.
Everyone climbed on as we got ready to escape.
I'm not sure how exactly we're going to escape but we will.
We have all our crew members. All that's left is to get out of here.
My eyes quickly scanned over Luffy, concern flashing briefly through my eyes.
He's very injured. I ignored it earlier because we had to get Robin and now we need to escape.
I'll keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't do anything reckless.
At least I can try.
He'll probably end up doing something reckless.
And then Merry appeared.
Usopp had revealed himself to Luffy.
"Get on the Merry!" Usopp yelled.
I came for you.
Luffy grinned.
We all climbed onto Merry.
We ducked our heads to avoid being hit by stray cannonballs.
I looked over the others as Chopper dragged them away one by one to treat their wounds.
I followed him when he dragged away Luffy.
Chopper sighed as he looked at the wounds.
"You're a reckless idiot." I stated.
Luffy huffed, "Sorry."
"You should be sorry to your body." I laughed slightly.
He smiled and reached his arms out towards me when Chopper stepped away.
"I'm tired." He mumbled, leaning forward and resting his head on my arm, his arms looping around the arm he was resting on and pulling me closer.
"Luffy." I called softly.
He just grumbled in response, clinging tighter.
It was clear he wouldn't let go.
I let out an annoyed sigh although I didn't actually feel annoyed.
My heart was beating at a quick rate and my inside were turning all mushy and soft for the cute black haired boy.
His cheek was cutely smushed against my arm and his hair was slightly messy.
"Fine fine." I scooped Luffy into my arms, balancing him on my hip.
He wrapped his legs around my waist and shifted his arms to loop around my shoulders.
He let out a hum and rested his head on my shoulder.
Within minutes, he was fast asleep.
His body growing heavy.
Robin suddenly walked in, startling me.
"Thank you." She smiled.
"He's asleep." I stated.
Robin nodded, "Yeah but I want to thank you. I'm very grateful. You've been my best friend through all of this. Not once did you think of abandoning me... Luffy too."
"He'd never abandon a crew mate." I smiled as I gazed lovingly at his sleeping face, "He's always been like that."
"I'm serious. Thank you for always talking to me and never giving up on me... even when I had given up on myself."
I smiled at her, "You're my best friend too. You better now leave me."
She laughed, "Wasn't planning on it?"
My arms started to get tired so I sat down on the edge of the bed.
"Who would've thought that Merry would've come for us?" I smiled sadly.
I knew it.
I didn't want to admit it but I knew it in my heart.
Soon we had to say goodbye to the Going Merry.
She wouldn't be able to last much longer.
She was unfit to sail.
It's a miracle she's even here now.
A sad smile tugged at my lips.
Robin took notice of it, "It'll be okay."
I smiled at her gratefully as she left.
The ship started to rock as the loud firing noises continued.
It was loud for a while as people on the deck fought them off.
The water was choppy and violent too.
When the water had calmed, that was when we had made it out.
The door opened again, startling me.
Sanji floated in with some food.
When did he find time to make that?
He handed it to me and then shot a glare at Luffy when he noticed the boy clinging to me in his sleep.
I shot a glare back at Sanji which made him back away.
"Thanks." I told him just before he left the room.
I saw a smile tug at his lips as he left.
Luffy didn't wake up at the smell of food surprisingly.
Was he really that tired? Or maybe he was just really comfortable.
I came out of the infirmary with the plate when I had finished and brought it to the kitchen.
Luffy was still clinging to me so I just carried him.
I thanked Sanji again quietly while handing him the empty plate.
I turned and saw Sanji with a serious expression.
My brows furrowed.
"Thanks. I mean it. You're always taking care of Luffy and Zoro and as much as I dislike them I can tell they really like you. You're also always subtly taking care of the others."
My cheeks flushed. He noticed?
Damn my cold loner exterior wasn't working. I laughed inwardly to myself.
He smiled, "That was all I wanted to say really. I can tell you've helped Robin a lot and you mean a lot to her."
I just nodded, unsure of how to respond.
It's weird but it feels like I'm finally being appreciated.
I felt like Sanji, Nami and Chopper didn't really like me.
We rarely talk and I know Robin, Luffy and Zoro obviously like me.
I know we don't talk because I'm quiet.
Usopp seems to like me enough.
I sometimes hang around him and Luffy when they're being idiots.
Sometimes I join in to amuse them.
I'm pretty sure Usopp likes everyone though... except Nami when she's angry.
I sighed to myself and decided I should just sleep.
Opening the door to our room, I was surprised to find it empty.
I would worry about where the others are but I'm too tired to care.
I push Luffy off me and into the bed.
Hurriedly, I change my pajamas and slipped into the bed, my eyes drooping with tiredness.
Luffy turned and wrapped his arms around my waist as soon as he felt my presence in the bed.
I gently swept his hair out of his face and smiled fondly.
My arm dropped down and I slung my arm loosely around his waist.
I rested my head on top of his and drifted off to sleep.
Tomorrow... it was time to say goodbye.
4046 words
A/n I don't really know I kinda just made some shit up for this chapter. I think most of my chapters are gonna end up being 4000 words. It just seems to work out that way. Hope you're enjoying. Also I'm terrible with names so sorry.
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