Ch.13 Usopp vs Luffy
~Y/n pov~
I looked up and saw Zoro looking at me.
"What?" I asked.
"Meet me here when I'm doing my night watch." He stated and then just walked away.
I raised an eyebrow at his odd behaviour.
Were his ears red?
I stood by the railing and stared out at the calm waves.
I wonder what that was about...
I waited until everyone fell asleep before exiting the room and going towards the railings near the front of the ship.
Zoro was sat against the railing with his eyes closed. It looked like he was sleeping but he probably wasn't.
What I didn't expect was Luffy to also be there.
Luffy looked up at me and grinned when he noticed I was here.
"Y/n!" He whisper-yelled, jumping up and hugging me tightly.
I returned the hug and looked at Zoro.
He sighed and stood up.
"Did you want something?" I asked Zoro as I pushed Luffy away.
Luffy pouted for a few seconds before smiling again, "Y/n, be my girlfriend!"
"Huh?" I looked at him with a shocked expression.
Did he like me? Also who taught him that.
Zoro sent Luffy a glare and whacked his arm, "We were meant to tell her together."
I watched with a confused expression.
Zoro turned to me, "Y/n..."
He trailed off with a blush on his face.
"Will you be our girlfriend? We both like you."
Our? What?
My face went bright red.
"Yes. I like you both too." I managed to say.
Luffy grinned and pulled me into another hug, kissing my cheek. (Idk lol I never know how to write these scenes).
We stopped at the next island. Though we had no idea where we were since we landed.
"So cool." Luffy gaped at the trees.
They were so tall.
I couldn't see anything but grass and trees.
"How dull." Sanji sighed in disappointment.
"Do you think anyone lives here?" Robin asked.
"Let's go." Luffy grinned, grabbing my hand and pulling me with him as he jumped off.
"Me too!"
Usopp and Chopper followed us.
They all flopped down onto the grass.
An abnormally tall bear walked past.
Luffy jumped on it and stretched his arm up to the tree, pulling the fruit off.
He took a bite out of it without a second thought, "This is an abnormally long apple."
"Don't eat it." Usopp yelled.
The bear shook them off.
"Is that a house?" Usopp asked.
They started wandering further away.
"Y/n!" Nami yelled at me from the ship.
"What?" I asked blankly.
"Go after them so they don't do anything stupid." Nami huffed.
I waved her off while walking towards the others.
I already knew Nami was angrily ranting to herself.
It only took me a few minutes to catch up with them as they kept stopping and gaping at things.
This island is weird. Everything is long.
We finally made it to the dome shaped building.
"Does someone live here?" I asked.
"We're coming in." Luffy announced before walking straight in.
"Hold on, Luffy." Usopp hid behind Luffy as they entered the building, "I bet this is where the boss of the island lives."
I entered after them and looked around curiously.
"Who would want to live in a strange place like this?" I wondered aloud.
"Hey! I found a giraffe." Chopper yelled from outside.
I walked out and peered at what he was looking at.
"Isn't that a horse?" I raised an eyebrow at it.
It's legs and neck were extremely long as I peered down at us.
"A long horse..." Usopp muttered, "This saddle must mean someone's here after all...."
I noticed two bamboo trees that seemed really out of place.
"Those seem a bit out of place." I commented.
Usopp came over and gaped at them, "You can't even see the top."
The two trees suddenly started moving.
I blinked in confusion and watched as they moved.
"Are they stilts?" I asked after a few moments of silence.
"Are you saying someone is up there?!" Usopp gasped.
The bamboo whacked Luffy as he didn't move out of the way.
He angrily charged at it and tore the bamboo to pieces.
There was a crash and some smoke.
An old man appeared laying on the ground.
"You were right." Usopp gasped, shaking me.
"Yeah. Let go." I pried his hands on my shoulders and pushed him away.
Chopper ran over, "Are you okay?"
"I cut a bamboo tree and a spirit appeared!" Luffy stated.
The man stood up and brushed his clothes off as if nothing happened, "Thank you. I've been on those stilts for ten years."
"You were on stilts for ten years?!" Usopp screamed.
Why do we keep running into weirdos?
"Why is everything on this island so long?" Luffy asked.
"Everything here is long due to a longing for excitement."
The weird old man left on his horse.
I guess there's nothing interesting on this island.
A gunshot rang out and the horse fell down.
Some strange people appeared and one of them was holding a gun.
Usopp and Chopper ran over.
"The horse is mine now!"
"Who are you guys?!" Luffy yelled.
"Don't pretend you don't know this face. My name is Foxy! I take whatever I want." The weirdo laughed, "Hunting is nothing more than entertainment."
"We Foxy pirates challenge you Straw hats to a Davy back fight."
"Stop talking crazy! Just bring it on! If you wanna fight, let's fight!" Luffy huffed.
"Wait, Luffy..." I sighed as he was already trying to pick a fight with them.
Foxy pirates.... Why do they sound familiar?
Usopp ran over, "Wait don't agree to it. We'll lose crew members."
"You clearly agreed to my challenge just now." Foxy stated.
Luckily, it didn't take too long to deal with and we still had all our crew members.
I sighed and flopped myself down on my bed.
It's been a long day.
We seem to always run into trouble.
The door clicked as someone came in.
I wasn't sure who it was because I wasn't facing the door.
Someone jumped on top of me and I was temporarily winded.
There was a black mess of hair.
I sighed and pushed them off slightly.
"Luffy, what are you doing?"
"Are you mad?" He stared up at me with a frown.
I sighed, "No. Well maybe a little because you agreed to that duel and then we almost lost all our crew members."
"Sorry." Luffy continued to frown.
"It's whatever." I ruffled his hair.
Luffy grinned and wrapped his arms around my waist tightly, curling into my side.
I ran my hands through his hair and hummed softly to lull him to sleep.
A few moments later, he was snoring softly, his head resting in the crook of my neck.
The door clicked again as someone else came in.
"Hey Robin." I smiled.
She was way better company than Nami.
She smiled at both of us, "You're cute together."
"Huh?" So she knew...
My cheeks flushed as I avoided eye contact, "Thanks."
Robin laughed and poked my cheek, "I'm just teasing."
"Are you having fun here?" I asked as Robin plopped herself down on her bed.
She smiled with a distant look in her eyes, "Yeah. I love it here."
I smiled back, "Good."
Robin's smile turned a bit sad before she hopped up and sent me another smile, "I'll leave you to sleep."
Before I could say anything else, she was gone.
She had been uneasy since our encounter with Aokiji. I was worried but I didn't want to say anything.
I huffed as I realised that I couldn't move because of Luffy.
I guess it couldn't hurt to have a nap.
Pulling the blanket over us, I moved so I was laying on my side and tried to sleep.
Just as I was about to drift off to sleep the door opened again.
I grumbled in annoyance and moved to bury my face in Luffy's chest.
There was a deep laugh as the person moved closer.
"This is where you ran off to." Zoro commented.
I looked up at him through blurry eyes.
I was so close to sleeping.
He smiled and then scooped me up.
I let out a small squeak.
Luffy clung to me, now laying on top of me.
Zoro climbed into my bed, pulling me and Luffy with him.
He ruffled my hair, "Go to sleep."
I shuffled around and got comfortable again.
Luffy was practically on top of me.
Zoro wrapped an arm around my waist and held me close.
I placed my head on his chest and closed my eyes.
I watched as Usopp and Luffy ordered us to chase the frog with determined expressions.
The ship suddenly jolted backwards as if it had hit something.
"What was that?" I asked Nami.
She shrugged.
I noticed two red lights flashing.
"Go back! Go back." Nami yelled with wide eyes.
It was then I noticed the train.
A few of us rushed to help turn the ship around.
What's a train doing in the ocean?
"What the hell is that?" Sanji yelled.
"Less talking, more helping." Nami scolded him.
"Yes, Nami." Sanji grinned with heart eyes as he fluttered over to us to help.
Everyone quickly rowed to try and turn us around.
The train went speeding past, almost scraping the ship.
We had only just avoided it.
"Hey, frog! Run! What are you doing!" Luffy yelled at the frog as he noticed it stood on the tracks.
As if the frog could understand him.
The train whacked the frog as it flopped over into the water.
Usopp and Chopper let out screams.
"The ship was letting out smoke!" Usopp yelled.
"They're calling for help." Zoro stated.
There was a building and what looked to be a train station.
The people there were calling someone.
"Let's see... What was it? I forgot." The woman stated once she picked up the phone.
Zoro and I stared at them with an unamused expression.
We stopped and they told us about the sea train.
They told us we were heading to Water Seven, the same place the train was heading.
Apparently they have really good shipwrights.
I hate to say it but I think we need a new ship.
I'm not sure if it can be repaired. It's in really bad condition.
I'm not sure how Usopp would feel about getting a new ship...
The island finally came into view.
It looked like one giant fountain.
It started at the top and the water ran all the way to the bottom.
"What a huge fountain." Luffy smiled.
"Amazing." Usopp gaped at it, "This is indeed an industrial city!"
"It's no surprise this place would have a sea train." Sanji said.
"How interesting... it looks like the water comes out the fountain, goes through the canals and falls into the sea." Robin explained as she observed it.
"Hey, do you wanna race of those water slides?" Luffy asked Chopper with an excited grin.
Chopper thought about it for a few seconds, "There's no way!"
"Dream on, you idiot. You can't even swim." Zoro stated.
Luffy let out an annoyed huff and frowned.
Someone directed us to the backstreets where we could leave our ship.
The city was half submerged in water.
It was pretty cool though I wouldn't want to live in a place like this as I couldn't swim.
It wouldn't be a very good idea.
Luffy and Usopp jumped off the ship the moment we docked and started racing off.
"Wait, Luffy! Usopp!" Nami yelled after them, "You guys, come with me."
Everyone else started to discuss and leave the ship.
"I'll stay." I stated before sitting on the deck, my legs dangling out of the rails as I meant my arms on top of them, my head leaning on my arms.
"I'll stay too." Robin smiled and sat beside me with a book.
A few others had came back to the ship and Robin had disappeared. She probably went to look for a book shop.
"This ship can no longer be fixed? Even if we pay lots of money?!" Chopper exclaimed.
"It's just as I thought. I'm not sure how Usopp will react when he finds out." I sighed.
Sanji made a tutting noise, "That might be a problem. We travelled all the way from the East blue on Merry."
"I love the Merry." Chopper frowned.
"We all do." Zoro replied, "But her scars are so deep that there's nothing we can do, he said."
I leaned over the rails to look at Nami.
She had arrived back by herself.
"Nami! Did something happen?" Sanji asked.
Nami frowned, "Merry can't be repaired."
"We know." I stated.
"That's not all.." Nami told us about Usopp being beaten up and the money being stolen.
I feel bad for Usopp. I'm sure he feels really guilty.
"Where is he?" I asked Nami, jumping down to join her on the ground.
"I left him behind to get help."
"So where is he now?"
Nami grabbed the map and showed us.
"Usopp!" Chopper yelled.
"Are you sure we went the right way?" Sanji asked Zoro.
"What's that supposed to mean?!" Zoro yelled.
There were patch of brown staining the ground and they were in a trail.
"Isn't that blood?" I asked.
Chopper dipped his paw in it.
His eyes widened, "It's blood!"
"Why did Usopp run off... do you think he went to get the money back by himself?" I asked.
Sanji sighed.
There was a faint yelling noise.
We all looked up and noticed something small on the sky.
As the object got closer I realised it wasn't an object, it was a person and the sound was yelling.
They came closer and closer.
Is that Luffy?
He fell in front of us and bounced off the wall, rumbling into the water.
"Help me!" He started to drown.
Sanji reached over and pulled him out of the water, "What were you doing?"
Luffy was leant over coughing water out of his lungs.
"I was jumping around to look for Usopp. Oh right. Usopp was abducted." Luffy coughed a bit more.
"Yeah, we know." Sanji stated.
Chopper treated Usopp as we beat them all up.
They didn't put up much of a fight.
"We should go back to the ship." Sanji stated, "C'mon Luffy."
Luffy stood there with his back to us.
After a few seconds, he spoke.
"About the ship... I've made a decision. Let's say goodbye... to the Going Merry here."
I knew Luffy didn't like this but he was making the right decision and he knew it.
We couldn't continue on with the Going Merry...
The sun was setting and everyone had come back except for Robin.
I'm worried... I wonder where she is.
"I'm sorry." Usopp started to tremble as tears came to his eyes, "Really.. I'm ashamed!"
He looked down.
"The money was so crucial to us and I let it be taken!"
He continued to cry.
"It's okay, Usopp." I stated.
He looked at me in shock as I gave him a small smile.
He started to cry again, "She smiled at me."
Was my smile really that special? Well, I guess I don't smile that often.
"Even if we don't get it back, we still have the one hundred million berries so it's okay." Luffy laughed.
"It's not okay!" Nami yelled at him.
"But.. What about the ship? What about the Merry?" Usopp asked sadly.
I tensed at the question.
"Can we somehow have her repaired with that remaining one hundred million?"
Everyone was silent as Usopp began to ramble on.
"Well... Usopp, about the ship..." Luffy started, "I decided to get a new ship."
Luffy spoke calmly with a smile on his face.
"I'm sorry I made the decision without consulting you." Luffy continued, "But I've already made my decision. The Goinf Merry took good care of us, but our journey with her ends here."
It was silent for a few moments as Usopp just stared at us all with surprise.
"And look. I took a loft at the catalogue that Ice pops gave us." Luffy held it up so we could see it.
"Wait a sec... You're taking the joke too far. That's ridiculous." Usopp laughed slightly.
I bit my lip.
He doesn't even believe it.
"Usopp, it's not a joke. The Going Merry can't be repaired." I told him bluntly.
"Why? I don't want to get a new ship. Is this because of the money I lost?!" Usopp yelled angrily as he confronted us.
"It's not about the money." Luffy yelled back.
"Calm down." Zoro told them.
"How can I when the captain casually says we'll get a new ship?!" Usopp replied, "It was a lie. It can be repaired, right?!"
"No matter what we do it can't be fixed." Luffy stated.
His voice was shaky, it sounded like he was going to cry.
He probably was.
Usopp continued to yell at him.
I hate this.
"You're going to just give up like that?!" Usopp yelled, "We've travelled together all this time. We made it through all sorts of waves and battles together!"
"Usopp.. stop it. That's enough." I spoke after noticing Luffy's teary eyes.
"Enough of what? Why are you all on his side? Do you not care about Merry?!" Usopp yelled, "Are you gonna abandon her in a place like this?"
"Of course we do. But she can't be repaired..." I trailed off.
"You shouldn't shout like that Usopp." Chopper told him, his voice laced with worry.
"Go away." Usopp told him rudely.
Chopper backed away with teary eyes.
"Like I said. There's nothing we can do." Luffy told him firmly.
"I'll repair her like always." Usopp rambled on.
"You're not a shipwright are you, Usopp?!" Luffy yelled.
"I'll never give up." Usopp continued to ramble on angrily.
Usopp grabbed Luffy collar, "I've misjudged you."
I watched as Usopp confused to yell at Luffy.
I averted my eyes as they both got really angry.
My body started to tremble lightly.
It's just like back then. My parents would always fight.
Sanji kicked both of them and stopped the fighting.
Luffy stood up, "Sorry..."
"That's okay, Luffy. That how you really feel, isn't it?" Usopp smiled bitterly, "Go ahead and lcut off useless friends one after another and move on. If you're gonna abandon the Merry... why don't you do that to me too?!"
"Usopp, don't say stupid stuff like that." Sanji scolded him.
"No. I'm serious. I can't keep up with your monstrous strength. I'll just keep causing you guys trouble. You don't need weak friends, right?" Usopp continued to ramble.
Usopp walked towards the door, "This is where we part ways."
He walked off.
We were all at a loss for words.
"Usopp." Chopper cried.
"What are you doing, Luffy?! Go after him!" Nami yelled at him, "Usopp's our friend!"
She sighed and ran out the door, yelling for Usopp.
Sanji and Chopper followed her.
Luffy stood up and stood by the railings, watching Usopp leave.
"It's true the ship belongs to you, the captain. So fight me..." Usopp turned and glared at Luffy.
Luffy glared back angrily.
"What are you saying?" Nami asked in a panicked voice.
"I'll defeat you and take the Merry." Usopp exclaimed before walking off.
Nami turned to Luffy and started to nag him and complain.
"Nami, just drop it. You can't change anyone's mind." I told her.
"You can't be serious." She frowned and glared at me.
I glared back.
Nami grit her teeth and stormed off.
Luffy kept his head down and walked away.
Zoro nudged my shoulder, "Go after him."
I nodded and went in the same direction Luffy went.
I entered the boys room and saw Luffy laid in his hammock with an annoyed look on his face.
I went to stand beside him silently.
Luffy turned to look at me and silent washed over us for a few seconds.
His angry expression turned into a frown as he made grabby arms for me.
"Yeah yeah..." I climbed into the hammock and we both shuffled so we fit.
Luffy laid on top of me as I was taller.
I wrapped my arm around his waist.
"No one expected that would happen. We all knew Usopp would be upset... You made the right decision." I told him quietly.
Luffy sniffled quietly as tears dribbled down his cheeks.
I held him tightly, my cheek resting on top of his head.
I continued to whisper comforting words to him while gently rocking the hammock.
"Thank you." Luffy mumbled as he wiped the tears from his cheeks.
"It's okay." I pressed a few kisses to his cheeks which made him giggle.
"You're going to have to fight Usopp soon." I stated.
He nodded, "Let's go."
After the fight, Usopp and Luffy both disappeared.
Luffy obviously needed alone time. I already knew where he was so I wasn't too worried.
He's probably hiding where I normally hide when I'm upset. It's normally somewhere high up.
I frowned. I knew Usopp would be upset but I never expected this to happen.
He doesn't understand. It doesn't matter how strongly he feels about it.
Merry can't be fixed.
Robin still hadn't show up... I hope she's okay.
"I guess things have finally calmed down." Zoro stated.
"Finally calmed down?!" Nami yelled and got annoyed like she always did, "You had all those shipwrights chasing after you! That's why we ended up getting dragged into it, too!"
"I'm surprised you found us, Chopper." Luffy stated.
"Your scent."
"Oh yeah. Come to think of it, where's Sanji?"
Chopper frowned, "Well..."
He told us about everything that happened.
"Did Robin really say that?!" Luffy yelled.
"We all were prepared for it, right?" Zoro sighed, "Even thought it was for a short time, we let Robin, who showed up as an enemy, come on board."
I don't believe it for a second.
Sure she was our enemy but she never acted like it and she even saved our lives a few times while acting as an enemy.
We started to get close too... and I could tell that when we talked she was being genuine.
She seemed afraid... could she have been forced somewhere against her will?
I remember she said she's had a bounty from a young age...
"The crime could easily be pinned on us." Zoro stated, "I haven't decided what to believe yet. If something is going to happen, it'll be tonight."
"I'm not giving up on Robin." Luffy told us firmly.
"We already know someone is after Robin. Maybe they came for her. She doesn't want to cause trouble.." I trailed off.
"We'll capture Robin and find out the truth." Luffy stated.
"Yeah. Though the World Government have been trying to catch her for years so I doubt it'll be easy."
Of course it won't be easy.
Why is everything happening at once?
I feel like we never get a break.
This stuff with Franky. And Usopp leaving.
And now Robin.
I don't think Robin would betray us.
I hope she's okay.
We stood observing the huge crowd of people.
Zoro leant against the branch of the tree.
"There's so many people." Chopper looked through binoculars.
"You can just stretch your arm to get there anyway." Nami stated.
"We should be careful." Zoro stated.
It seemed like they were being given a pep talk or something.
Some people wearing masks started attacking the crowd of people stood outside.
This will make it easier for us to get in.
"Mix with the crowd and pretend to be part of them." Nami instructed as we made our way over.
I'm not sure if that will work. There is a chance they will recognise us.
Our only hope is to try and blend in though.
Or it's the easiest way anyway without causing a huge ruckus.
Though knowing Luffy, that would happen regardless.
4046 words
A/n I've been really down and unmotivated recently but I managed to pull through and write a chapter. I feel better now that I've written it. Usopp and Luffy fighting is sad.
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