Ch.1 Journey begins
~Y/n pov~
My eyes widened as I noticed a massive whirlpool.
"So cool." Luffy grinned.
"It may be cool but it's going to sink our tiny ship." I told him.
His smile dropped, "Oh right."
Luffy looked around for a few seconds before pulling the lid of a barrel.
"Okay get in." He told me.
Is he planning to escape in the barrel? Will it float with our weight in?
I stepped into the barrel. I'll take my chances.
Luffy climbed in after me, stretching his arms to reach for the lid and place it on top, sealing the barrel.
It was dark. There was barely any room.
Luffy shuffled in my lap and then rested his head on my shoulder, nuzzling his face into it.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and after a few minutes I noticed he had fallen asleep.
Well, we have no idea how long we'll be in here.
I rested my head on Luffy's and succumbed to sleep myself.
I woke up hearing voices. Why was it dark?
I tried to move and then realised Luffy was sleeping on me.
Oh yeah, I'm in a barrel.
I listened to the voices.
"We'll lighten it for you." One of the voices said.
"I was feeling thirsty too." Another added.
"You can't! Alvida aill kill us if she finds out!" Another voice protested.
Did they think the barrel was full of alcohol?
"Then you just need to keep yer mouth shut!" Another voice spoke, "Right, Coby?"
"Yes! You're right." The boy, who I am assuming was named Coby, replied.
I felt the barrel be lifted upright.
Oh, thank God. I was starting to feel a bit sick.
"Hold yer horses! I'll bust it right open!" I heard someone cracking their knuckles as they said this.
Luffy chose this moment to wake up.
He jumped up, punching the man in the face.
"I slept great!" He yelled, not realising he had just punched someone in the face, "Huh?"
Luffy looked at the unconscious man before looking at the other two, "Who are you guys?"
"No, who are you!?" They both exclaimed.
Luffy climbed out of the barrel, "That guy's going to catch a cold sleeping like that."
"You did that!"
I quickly stood and climbed out of the barrel, dusting off my clothes.
One of the men pointed their swords at Luffy, "Are you toyin' with us even when you know we're pirates?!"
At least we didn't end up on a marine ship. That would've been way worse.
They then turned their attention to me, "And who the hell are you?"
"Man, I'm hungry. You got any food?" Luffy asked the short boy with pink hair.
He cowered in fear.
"Listen when people are talking!" The pirates yelled, annoyed at Luffy ignoring them.
They both swung their blades down at Luffy, but the ends of the swords snapped off.
"What's the big idea?" Luffy asked.
"Who are you?"
"Me?" He grinned, "I'm Monkey D. Luffy. Nice to meetcha!"
They both ran off, dragging the knocked out man with them.
What a bunch of weaklings.
"Run, hurry! If they come back with their friends, you'll be killed!" The pink haired boy exclaimed.
Was this Coby?
"But man, I sure am hungry."
"Let's go find some food." I stated, walking out and looking at the doors.
Luffy quickly followed behind me.
"Where are you going?" Coby whisper-yelled at us.
I pushed open a random door and to my luck it was the store room.
Luffy grinned and ran into the room, going straight to a crate of apples.
Coby entered behind us just before I closed the door.
Then, I went over to Luffy and sat beside him, snatching one of the apples out of the crate.
I was pretty hungry too. I'm not sure when I last ate.
Luffy was shoving apple after apple into his mouth.
"My name is Coby. You're Luffy, right?" Coby turned his attention to me, "Who are you?"
"I'm Y/n." I answered.
I wasn't really a talker.
"Is this a pirate ship?" Luffy asked as Coby sat beside us.
"No, it's a passenger ship that's been raided by Alvida." Coby explained.
"Well it doesn't matter." Luffy stated.
"Are there any boats onboard?" I asked.
Coby nodded shyly, "I think so.."
I smiled slightly, "That's great. Let's go, Luffy."
He frowned up at me, "But the crate." He whined.
I sighed and lifted up the crate, "There."
He grinned and slammed the door open.
I walked behind him, holding the crate.
Every now and then Luffy grabbed an apple from it.
Coby ran after us in a panic.
"Our ship was swallowed by the whirlpool." I looked down at Coby who was walking next to us.
"It was? No one could survive that."
Luffy chuckled, "Man, that was a surprise. Are you a pirate?"
"No. In exchange for my life, I've been forced to be a chore boy."
"Man, you're dumb and stupid." Luffy commented.
Coby sulked at that, "You're brutally honest."
I smiled slightly at him to try and cheer him up, "What do you want to do when you get out of here?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you want off this ship, right? So come with us."
Coby looked at me with wide eyes, "Really? Well, I want to be a marine."
"Then, do it." Luffy grinned.
"So, why are you two travelling the sea?" Coby asked.
"We're pirates." Luffy grinned, "I'm gonna be King of the Pirates."
Coby was shocked, "What about your crew?"
"Well, Y/n's my first mate..." Luffy trailed off because there were no more crew members.
It seems like we finally made it on deck.
Then again, we did stop for a few moments to have a conversation.
There was a big figure, I couldn't make it out through the smoke.
"You're gonna team up with them to catch who?!" A female's voice asked.
Her voice was deep and gravelly, not at all pleasant to hear.
Coby cowered in fear.
Luffy and I stood in front of him.
"You don't seem to be Zoro, the pirate hunter." Alvida smirked.
"Zoro?" Luffy asked. He has probably never heard that name before.
"Coby! Who's the most beautiful of all on these seas?!"
Definitely not her.
"Of course that would be.." Coby started to reply but Luffy cut him off.
"Who's this big chunky lady?" He accidentally insulted her, pointing his finger in her direction.
Everyone froze for a few seconds, staring at him in shock.
"You runt!" Alvida yelled, bringing her club down on Luffy.
I quickly jumped out of the way and watched as the club smashed into the ground.
Luffy dodged as well, grabbing Coby and jumping away.
The pirates tried to attack us but we dodged every strike.
"I've got this." Luffy told me.
I stepped to the side and watched as he stretched his arm and crashed into them all, knocking them over.
Alvida watched in shock as all her men were knocked down.
"Luffy, who are you?" Coby asked.
Luffy smiled and stretched his cheek, "I'm a rubber person."
"A rubber person? You can't be serious!" Coby exclaimed, a shocked expression on his face.
I noticed Alvida walk up behind him.
Coby noticed and quickly scrambled away, hiding behind Luffy.
Someone with orange hair snuck out of a room, a bag of what I assumed to be treasure in her arms.
A thief? Well, it's not my ship so I don't really care.
"You've eaten a Devil's fruit, haven't you?" Alvida asked although it was clear she already knew the answer to that question.
I walked off and left Luffy to deal with her.
There were a few boats connected to this ship.
I lowered one down and got in it.
After a few moments, Luffy jumped off the ship and landed on the boat, Coby was in his arms.
The boat rocked slightly before settling again.
Luffy grinned, "Let's go."
I nodded and started paddling away from the ship.
When we were far enough away, I stopped and put the oars to the side.
I wasn't a navigator, also I had no idea where we were going.
"You're going to the grand line, right?"
"Yeah." Luffy agreed with Coby.
"That place is also referred to as a pirate graveyard, you know." Coby added.
"Yeah. That why I need a strong crew." Luffy climbed onto the head of the ship and stared out at the ocean, "What about that pirate hunter guy? What's he like?"
Luffy grinned eagerly.
"You mean Zoro?" Coby asked curiously, "I heard he's being held prisoner at a navy base."
"Aw, he's a weakling?"
"Nothing of the sort!" Coby yelled, "He's a terrifying as a demon! Why are you asking about him?"
Luffy's grin grew wider.
I noticed the worried look on Coby's face.
"Though I might have him join my crew if he's a good guy!"
"You're being reckless again!" Coby sighed.
He hummed and looked over at me.
"Do you know where Zoro is?" I asked.
He nodded slowly.
"Can you navigate us there?"
Coby hesitated before reluctantly agreeing.
Luffy and Coby talked until they got tired and then a comfortable silence fell over us.
After a few moments, Luffy sighed and shuffled over to me.
"What?" I asked him.
"I'm tired." He crawled into my lap and curled up, instantly falling asleep.
I smiled slightly at his silly antics, running my hand through his hair.
"How did you meet Luffy?" Coby asked me.
"We met a few years ago. I was at the same island as him." I stated, "It's nothing special. Though, he insisted that I would be the first member of his crew so here I am."
Coby nodded but didn't press for anymore information.
"Oi, Y/n. Wake up." Luffy gently shook me.
I rubbed my eyes tiredly and leant my head against his chest.
"No sleeping." Luffy huffed, "We're here."
I sighed before getting up, "I only got up because you said we were here."
Luffy laughed, "C'mon, let's go."
He smiled excitedly, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the boat.
Coby climbed out after us, tying the boat up so it didn't drift away.
Luffy kept our hands joined as we walked down the street.
I didn't care enough to let go and besides his hands were nice and warm.
"Seriously, Luffy! You're crazy if you want him to join you." Coby whined from behind us.
"I still haven't decided yet. I just wanna see if he's a good guy..." Luffy trailed off.
The town was pretty lively.
There were people everywhere buying things and doing business.
"He's been caught because he's a bad guy." Coby protested.
Luffy grabbed a pear and threw a coin at the merchant.
He smiled as he bit into the juicy fruit, "Do you know if Zoro's at the base?"
It suddenly went quiet as everyone pressed themselves against the wall.
If he's a criminal no wonder they fear him.
He sounds strong.
"It would seem the name Zoro is taboo here.." Coby whispered to us.
Everyone went back to what they were doing a few moments later.
Luffy continued walking like nothing had happened, tugging lightly on my hand to pull me along.
"Let's go to the base anyway." I told him.
Luffy nodded, "You're gonna be a marine, right?"
Coby smiled nervously, "I'm not sure if I'm ready yet. Rumour has it.. a guy named Captain Morgan is at this base and.."
Everyone suddenly backed up against the walls in fear again.
Something felt off about it.
A corrupt Marine captain?
Luffy laughed, "What a funny town."
"I have an uneasy feeling." I commented.
Coby gulped, "Listen to that feeling. Let's just get out of here."
"Eh?" Luffy frowned, "No way. Let's go."
Luffy climbed up the wall and then stretched his arm out, wrapping it around my waist to pull me up.
I stood beside him on the wall.
"There he is." Luffy grinned.
There was a man tied to a cross.
He had a green bandanna on and looked at bit beat up.
How long has he been there?
"Yeah, right. He wouldn't be out here." Coby protested.
Luffy pulled him up onto the wall aswell so he could see for himself.
Coby gasped, "You're right."
"He can get away easy if we untied the ropes." Luffy pointed out with a smile on his face.
"Don't be stupid!" Coby yelled, "There's no telling what'll happen if we let him loose!"
"I don't know. He's looking pretty weak right now." I stated.
"Hey, you guys." Zoro spoke up.
So he was conscious.
"You're an eyesore. Get lost!"
Coby yelled in fear, "Luffy! There's no way you could survive with him on your crew!"
A ladder was suddenly placed beside us and I watched as a little girl climbed it with a determined expression on her face.
She shushed us and then jumped down, running towards Zoro.
What was she doing?
It was then I noticed she was carrying food.
I smiled slightly.
"Stop her, Luffy, Y/n." Coby told us desperately.
"But she's fine." I stated.
Coby gave me a pointed look.
"I'll step in if anything happens."
That didn't really seem to convince him but he just agreed.
"What?" Zoro asked, using a nicer tone than he had with us.
The girl smiled up at him, "You must be hungry! I made you some rice balls!"
"Do you wanna get killed, pipsqueak? Scram." He responded nonchalantly.
The girl didn't seem offended in any way and simply held the food out to him.
"You haven't eaten anything this whole time. Here! This is my first time, but I worked really hard to make them."
Zoro looked slightly surprised before he went back to glaring, "I ain't hungry! You're an eyesore! Get the hell outta here!"
His tone became slightly more harsh. He was trying to get rid of her so she wouldn't be hurt.
The gate suddenly opened and some figures stepped through.
"It's not nice to be a bully!" A voice teased, "You seem surprisingly well, Roronoa Zoro."
"Now there's another weird guy." Luffy commented.
Weird was an understatement, he was also ugly as hell.
"Thank goodness! He must be with the navy! Now that girl will be safe!" Coby sighed in relief.
I raised an eyebrow at him. She was just fine before.
I could tell Zoro wouldn't dare hurt her. He's a good enough person not to hurt a kid.
"Oh? Those are some tasty looking rice balls." The man commented, snatching them out of her hands.
"Stop!" The girl yelled.
The man yelled, "Too sweet." He spat pieces of rice onto the floor, "Those're full of sugar! You're supposed to use salt for rice balls."
Tears built up in the little girl's eyes, "But I thought they might taste better sweet..."
The man slapped the other rice ball out of her hands and stamped it into the ground.
"Stop! Stop!" The girl cried, staring sadly at her rice ball as it was pummelled into the ground.
"How horrible." Coby frowned.
"And I worked so hard to make them..." the girl sniffled.
"Did you not read this notice? 'Those who help criminals will be executed!' - Navy Captain Morgan." The man laughed, "Looks like even little brats know how scary my dad is!"
"Captain Morgan's son?" I asked staring at the blonde haired prick.
"You. Throw this kid out." He order one of the marines.
A startled look appeared on his face.
"I said throw her over the wall!" The blonde haired prick grabbed him by the hem on his shirt.
"Yes sir! Right away." The marine responded and reluctantly walked over to the girl.
He leant down and whispered something to her before throwing her.
I quickly reacted, jumping down off the wall and catching the girl. I held her securely in my arms.
She opened her eyes when she noticed she didn't hit the ground.
"Thank you, miss." She stepped away from me and offered me a small smile.
Coby came running over, "Are you alright, Y/n?"
I nodded and stepped away from the girl.
The pink haired boy knelt by the girl and proceeded to ask the same question.
"I hear you're a bad guy." Luffy stated.
We were standing in front of Zoro.
When Luffy spoke, he looked up and finally noticed we were still here.
"Are you still here?" He asked boredly.
"Being stuck out here for all to see.. Are you really strong at all?!" Luffy asked bluntly.
"Mind your own business!" Zoro yelled angrily.
Luffy stepped closer to him, "If it were me, I'd probably starve to death in three days!"
I stepped beside him, "You'd starve much sooner you bottomless pit."
Luffy laughed.
"Could you pick that up for me?" Zoro asked, looking down at the rice ball.
"Are you sure?" I asked, frowning.
He huffed, "Just do it."
I bent down and scooped it up.
"Open wide." I joked, bringing my hands near his face.
I noticed a slight blush on his cheeks before he bent his neck to eat the food.
Stepping back, I watched him cough because of all the dirt in the rice ball.
"It was good."
Luffy gave Zoro a questioning look.
"Thanks for the food."
Luffy smiled.
The little girl told us everything that happened.
So he saved them.
I guess he's a good guy after all.
Helmeppo came into the shop and started mocking the girl, telling us they would execute Zoro before the month is over.
Luffy charged towards him and punched him in the face.
"Luffy! Please stop!" Coby was quick to hold him back.
"This guy is scum!" Luffy yelled angrily.
I picked up his hat which had fallen to the ground as he charged towards Helmeppo.
"You hit me!" Helmeppo whined, "I'm Captain Morgan's son, you know!" (My father will hear about this!)
"So what?"
"I'm gonna tell my dad and he's gone execute you!" Helmeppo replied before running off.
I walked over to Luffy when he had calmed down slightly and placed his hat back on his head.
He smiled gratefully before a determined expression appeared on his features, "Let's go."
I nodded.
We stood in front of Zoro.
He was asleep but he was suddenly startled awake from something.
"You again? You sure have lots of free time." Zoro grumbled at us.
"I'll untie you, so join my crew!" Luffy got straight to the point.
"Say what?"
"I'm looking for people to join my pirate crew."
"Forget it!" Zoro yelled in reply, "Me, stooping to a criminal's level?! Screw that!"
"What's wrong with being a pirate?" Luffy put his hands on his hips.
"Pirates are despicable! As if I'd wanna be one." Zoro replied bluntly.
"Oh, come on!" Luffy smiled, "You're already known as an evil bounty hunter!"
"People can say whatever they want, but I ain't don't anything I regret."
Zoro was a swordsman, right?
"Hey, did they steal your sword?" I asked.
Zoro turned his attention to me, "Yeah, they did."
I grinned, "Then, if we get your sword back, will you join our crew?"
"I don't wanna join!"
"Luffy won't take no for an answer. Just give up." I told him.
He huffed, "Fine, I'll join but only if you get my swords."
Luffy cheered, "Yay, let's go."
He ran towards the building and stretched his arms out, flinging himself through on of the windows.
"Did he really just do that?" Zoro asked.
"Yeah, he did."
Zoro was being more talkative now, so we had a conversation while waiting for Luffy.
Eventually, he came running back with three swords.
"I don't know which one is yours." Luffy laughed as he dropped the swords on the ground.
I sighed as I watched him treat them with no respect.
Coby ran over and started untying Zoro.
The marine arrived and pointed their weapons at us.
Luffy jumped in front of us.
I knew he would take the bullets for us so I started untying Zoro's other wrist.
He grumbled for a few seconds but let me do it.
Zoro turned his head away from me, his cheeks were red.
Everyone stared in shock at the bullets just bounced off Luffy.
Zoro wiggled his hand as it was finally free, at least one of them was anyway.
"Who the hell are you?" Zoro asked in shock.
"I'm Monkey D. Luffy! The man who's gonna be King of the Pirates!" Luffy exclaimed, "And that's Y/n, my first mate."
"What? The King of the Pirates?" Zoro exclaimed in shock, "Do you even know what that means?"
"King of the Pirates is the King of the Pirates." Luffy chuckled, "Are there any other meanings?"
Zoro just stared at him silently.
"Here's your treasure." Luffy held the swords out of Zoro, "Which is yours? I couldn't tell, so I brought all three of 'em."
"All three of them are mine. I use the Three-sword style." Zoro grabbed one of the swords and cut of the rest of his restraints before grabbing the other swords off Luffy, "I'll become a pirate, it's better than dying here."
The marines had gained their composure and they charged at us.
I quickly shot water out of my hand, sending a few of them flying back.
Zoro sliced at them skilfully and Luffy stretched his limbs, punching and kicking them.
Gun shots sounded.
A wall of ice shot up to stop the bullets from hitting me.
I had eaten a devil fruit. It allowed me to control the elements but the only one I could control was water.
More training was required to be able to control more but I was getting my practice in with fire. I think I'm almost there.
It didn't take long to take out all of the marines - they were pretty weak.
Luffy beat up Captain Morgan.
The marines all started cheering at his defeat.
So I was right.
We ate at the restaurant before heading out.
Coby stayed behind to become a marine. I guess this makes us enemies.
I used the oar to push your boat away from the island and started rowing us out of sea.
The marines all waved to us.
I guess they were really grateful.
When we were far enough out, I stopped rowing.
"Do you have a location in mind?" I asked Luffy.
He grinned, "Nope!"
Zoro sighed, "I should've expected that."
He was settled on one side of the boat, his head laying in his arms as he leant against the side of the boat.
Luffy sat at the head of the ship, looking out across the vast ocean.
The sun was starting to set, leaving an orange glow on the surface of the water.
I sat down beside Zoro.
He was falling asleep.
I took another glance at Luffy before deciding to sleep.
If he stayed up all night that wasn't my problem.
Though, I hoped he would try and rest.
I leaned into Zoro's side and tried to fall asleep.
He tensed for a few minutes but finally relaxed.
Surprisingly, he didn't say anything or try to shove me off.
I rested my head against his arm and drifted into a peaceful sleep.
Luffy leaned over the edge of the boat, "I'm starving..."
"You're always starving." I commented.
The boy huffed and turned to face me, pouting.
Then he leaned onto me, unmoving.
"When the hell are we gonna reach land?" Zoro complained.
"Who knows." Luffy sighed, turning his head to look at Zoro, "We're just going with the wind and waved, after all..."
"Isn't it kind of weird you're trying to be King of the Pirates but you have no navigation skills at all??" Zoro huffed.
"We desperately need a navigator." I stated, "And a chef too."
Zoro nodded.
"Aren't you a bounty hunter? Why can't you navigate?"
"I never claimed to be a bounty hunter. I set sail in hopes of finding this man but I couldn't find my way back to my island."
"So you're lost?" Luffy said.
Zoro stomped angrily, shaking the ship, "Don't put it like that."
Luffy gasped as his hat flew off.
"Shanks." He mumbled.
I jumped up and ran to the end of the ship, catching it before it got away.
Walking back over to Luffy, I placed it back on his head, my hand lingering there for a few seconds.
"What would you do without me." I teased.
Luffy grinned, "Thanks, Y/n."
"Man, I'm hungry." Zoro sighed.
And we were back to the original topic of conversation..
Luffy looked up and noticed a bird.
"Let's eat it." He stretched his arm towards it without waiting for a response.
Of course, the bird grabbed him and flew away.
I guess the bird was bigger than we thought.
"What are you doing, you idiot!?" Zoro yelled angrily as he started rowing rapidly, trying to catch up with them.
"Hey! Stop! You there!" Some men were floating in the water.
"I can't stop." Zoro replied, "Jump in on your own."
Somehow, they managed to jump on.
Zoro laughed, "I'm surprised you got on."
One of them held their weapon towards us.
"Stop the boat." He commanded, "We're members of Buggy the Clown's crew."
I grabbed his sword and froze it, then I twisted my arm, shattering the sword.
"You were saying?" I smirked at them.
They yelped and sat back down, "Never mind!"
"That's what I thought."
Zoro handed them the oar.
"What are you waiting for? Start rowing." He commanded.
"Pirate hunter Zoro!?" They yelped and started rowing.
It was silent for a few moments as they continued to row.
"If Captain Buggy finds out a girl stole our boat and treasure..."
I listened to their conversation.
"Who's this Buggy guy anyway?" I asked.
They stared at me in shock.
"You mean you don't know?"
"He's the head of our pirate ship! He's eaten one of the devil fruits and is just an all-around terrifying person..." one of them explained.
Doesn't sound that scary. He has clown in his title.
There was a huge explosion that seemed to demolish a row of houses.
We had just arrived at the island.
"What's that explosion?" Zoro asked emotionlessly.
"One of Buggy's beloved Buggy Balls." One of the men replied.
"Buggy balls?"
"Wherever Luffy is, there's trouble." I stated, "So let's head towards the big explosion."
Zoro nodded and we both ran off, leaving the three men from Buggy's crew behind.
When we made it to some clearing we saw Luffy in a cage.
Of course...
There was a cannon pointed at him and a ginger haired girl was trying to stop it.
"Behind you!" Luffy yelled as some pirates jumped up behind her.
Zoro quickly rushed in and knocked them back.
"Hey, now... How many of you are taking on one girl at once?" Zoro smirked.
"Zoro! Y/n!" Luffy yelled.
I walked over to his cage and started freezing the bars.
"So, you're Zoro?" A clown asked, "What do you want? Are you here to take my head or something?"
I'm assuming that's Buggy.
"Nope. Not interested. I gave up pirate-hunting." Zoro replied, walking towards us.
"I'm interested, though. Killing you will increase my name."
"I wouldn't try it. You'll die."
I managed to shatter a few bars but it wasn't enough for Luffy to get out just yet.
The pirates started chanting 'Buggy'.
Zoro readied his stance and held his swords out in front of him.
Buggy laughed and charged towards him.
"Die flashily!" He yelled, going to stab Zoro.
Zoro quickly moved out of the way. It was so fast I almost didn't see him.
Buggy had been cut in half.
Zoro put his swords back in the sheaths and stared at Buggy's body, which was on the floor.
There was no blood, which was strange.
"He had no resistance to him at all.." Zoro narrowed his eyes.
"Whoa! He's weak!" Luffy commented.
If he's weak how did you end up in a cage?
I managed to break off a whole side of the bars.
That should be enough to get out.
The rest of Buggy's crew started laughing.
"Hey! What's so damn funny?!" Zoro yelled.
I noticed Buggy get up.
Before I could react, Buggy threw his sword and it pierced Zoro's stomach.
Buggy's arm had come off and was holding the sword that was imbedded in Zoro.
Does he have a Devil Fruit? Let's throw him in the ocean.
His hand went back and reattached itself, "The chop-chop fruit. That's the name of the Devil Fruit I ate! I'm a chop-chop person who can't be cut!"
"His body reattached itself! I thought the Devil Fruits were only a rumour." The ginger girl exclaimed.
"A chop-chop guy?! You mean he's a monster?!" Luffy crawled out of the small gap I'd made in the cage.
I started untying the ropes.
The pirates were all chanting Buggy's name again.
"Stabbing him from behind is unfair, Big Nose!" Luffy yelled angrily.
Everyone went silent.
"Who's... got a big nose?" Buggy glared at Luffy.
He threw a sword towards us.
I caught it and turned it to ice, shattering it.
My hand got a cut on it but it was nothing serious.
"Buggy! I will kick your ass!" Luffy grinned.
"Stay still." I scolded.
He kept wriggling so I couldn't untie the ropes.
Buggy laughed, "Kick my ass? You're a real riot! All four of you are gonna die here, you know! How should I have my ass kicked in this situation?!"
The rest of the pirates laughed.
Luffy joined in laughing, "I refuse to die! Run! Zoro!"
I sighed, "Let's go."
I didn't have a chance to untie the ropes and I knew Luffy would trip so I lifted him up and started running.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Zoro get up and follow us.
I blasted pirates out of the way so we could make an exit.
The ginger haired girl pointed the cannon at them and lit it.
Buggy and his men screamed in a panic.
I didn't see anything else as I turned the corner.
Though, a few seconds later I heard a loud explosion.
5102 words
A/n I know this will take me a while to write but I wanted to write this for a while. Also I can't find anymore good one piece fanfics. I feel like there are not enough good ones.
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