18 | carina
(will contain spoilers about the ending of Salazar Revenge)
The water walls was closing in on you and the rest of the crew, you could feel the slight salty spray escaping and it settled onto your hair and the back of your neck. But that didn't stop you from running, you thought nothing would stop you from putting one leg in front of the other.
Henry was in front of you as you both followed the anchor trailing over the seabed, "Doing okay?" He shouted, not looking behind as he leaped from one bed of coral to the next with ease.
"Yep." You replied as you followed his exact path, you weren't taking any chances; you were going to survive this.
You braved a look behind you, Carina was there with the same determined look you associated with her. You grinned to yourself, unlike Henry you had no need to worry about the girl behind you. Until she made a wrong move.
Just after you turned your attention back to the task at hand you heard a noise. It was familiar to you, a slight slip of the tongue followed by a shrill high pitched cry. It was shorter than two seconds but in your mind that was long enough. The scream of Carina was one sound you hoped to never hear again.
She had lost her footing on a small patch of seaweed that you had expertly avoided, she was not so fortunate. The hair on the back of your neck stood up and a shiver crawled its way up your spine and the wet fabric that clung to your back. You darted your gaze back to her and found a body on the ground, struggling against the pelting rain and her own balance to stand back up.
"Carina!" Your instinct was to carry on going but you slowed down almost coming to a stop as you talked to her, "We're almost there, come on!"
You thought she was smiling at first, the rain and the hair plastered across her face distorted the image. You even let yourself smile back at her but then you saw that her eyes were cold and the way her eyebrows creased like whenever you said anything stupid. And then you saw the blood.
The coral reef had slashed her right thigh through the very inadequate protection of her dress. The fabric had turned a muddy shade of brown but it was her facial expression that worried you the most.
It was her wide eyes and the way that despite her voice now being lost to the howling wind you could still tell what she was saying as you had pictured her saying it ever since you met her. Carina was calling out your name and that is what made you stop and turn around.
You wasted no time and too Carina it was all a blur and before she knew she was being supported by your frame and being dragged towards the only means of your escape. She tried to say something, perhaps a thank you or words of encouragement. But she could read your face as well as you could read hers; you were not stopping now.
"Jump on my count." You ordered her and she nodded.
"Together?" She asked just as her voice broke a fraction, she didn't like the thought of having nobody next to her as the chance of catching the anchor quickly dwindled. You knew there was no time to lose.
"Of course." You lied before using all your strength to push her over the edge of the coral bed, Carina let off another small scream before grabbing ahold of the chain.
You waited just a second to make sure she was alright before jumping yourself as you saw the anchor itself drag past you. You caught onto the chain by the skin of your teeth, your hips smashing into the anchor.
Carine let go of the breath she was holding in, she couldn't face looking at you instead she stared up to the surface of the water and thought about how much she owed you.
You sensed this guilt from a mile away and after swallowing away some sea water you reassured her, "You know Carina, there's no point in acting like that. We save each others lives, that's just our thing."
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