"It's your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you."
- Rumi
ames had second thoughts about leaving the gang. The appearance of the dirty handkerchief lured him right back into solving the mystery like a Scooby-Doo snack. It was like Lenore just knew what to do, to make him stay.
The coast was clear as the quad left the apartment building with the cat following their trail.
They were off to seek where the evil spirit went after it boarded an elevator.
The hotel gusts that were in the same elevator with Piper thought the doll was a simple figurine that was mistakenly left. A little girl picked it up not knowing the doll had a mind of its own and the rest was history as Piper closed the elevator shaft.
The quad managed to bypass the apartment's security guards who stood at each side of the doors by making sure the men wouldn't get any hints of any mischievous activity.
As usual, the prankster had to be first to leave as he wanted to test the gentlemen out. James motioned to his friends that he would walk out first by waving his hands to stretch. He explained that it would be a signal to let them know they should get ready to leave as well. He rubbed his hands together and with fancy strides, he walked out of the doors without hesitation. A high five was even done as James called out one of the men, "See you around Joe" making the onlookers chuckle.
Not knowing the names of the guards, Astrid covered her eyes as she believed that her friend made a terrible mistake. But low and behold, one of the guards was named Joe, and high fived the twerp back.
James was one lucky guy to have his butt saved.
Next Astrid took her turn to take the 'walk of shame' as she viewed it, and avoided anyone who looked at her. Being one of the shyest girls in her class, made her the nerd that no one wanted to hang out with. Only Hansel and James allowed her in their 'in-crowd'.
And by buddying up with male friends, Astrid learned that she shouldn't be afraid to show who she was because hiding inside a tortoise shell forever, did nothing for her.
An introvert at large, she was afraid to try new things. but Astrid took this opportunity to show that she can just be as amusing as James. However, instead of following what he exactly did, she carefully paced herself looking up and down with exasperation.
And once a hand pulled her away from the entrance door, she wanted to scream. It was James as he wanted her to follow him to an alley. It was his waiting area till the others arrived.
Tabitha put her hand out to let Hansel know it was his turn, as she wanted to be last. It was her responsibility to protect her friends from harm and without them knowing she secretly put a safety spell on each of them. Of course, all would probably be fine if they walked without her help, but the odds of getting caught weren't slim.
The guards must know all the residents of the apartment building and seeing strangers walking out of the doors was something that they would've question.
Lastly, Tabitha proceeded to walk outside with Lenore hiding underneath her dress. Since pets weren't allowed in the building, Tabitha suggested that Lenore should hide beside her just in case trouble would ensue.
"Lenore, are you ready?" Tabitha made sure that the cat was hidden away from view, and kept her head held up high. The feline nodded as she walked right into the fabric using her magic.
Witches were taught not to worry for all things were to work out well, or that was what they were told. Mistakes could happen all the time and the little witch had to learn her lessons as she followed a deceitful cat who would lead her right into to danger.
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