Interlude: Of the story so far
Recorded by Sophia Lionhartt,
Of her reflections on the story so far, from her youngest memories, to the 19th day of Radia; year of Pinnikle: 1,229.
Do you remember the brilliance of interludes? Jack told me one time, that they are a break from the build in a story - a parallel, moving with all motion and drive of the tale, but without moving it at all. Like a dream of a day you've had. I'm not quite the wordsmith ol' sandy is, but with this interlude: I hope to better connect you with the story so far, and leave you a participant of wisdom. Brimming with this thing, you will find yourself empowered to bring forth change in your own land, until Fear is driven from it.
In my humble home, there was a code of conduct written on a small scroll by the opening.
"The Lionhartt house rules:
Wisdom is wonderful, wild, willful; and is accomplished by acting upon knowledge. Wisdom is not difficult. Here are three ways it can be accomplished.
Be captivated by every small thing that stirs gratitude.
Guard your bravery.
Never, ever cease to love. Loving is wisdom."
Though circumstance did not afford me the time I wanted with my parents, I always felt like their house rules were a part of them they left behind. Fin and I read them every morning and evening, and did our very best to live by them.
I always loved that mother and father did not only instruct, but captivated. I wanted to be wise, and they showed me that it was as easy as three steps. Sure, you could add more, but I always liked how it was not complicated. Captivation, bravery, and love are things everyone should live by; but often do not.
In particular, I always felt drawn to the opening line: "wisdom is wonderful, wild, and willful,". It was easy to say, and seemed to be perfectly in line with the steps.
Wisdom is like ethics. It ought to be so, but is not always achievable. It lends to wonder, as life ought to be lived in awe. Living should be filled with wonderful journeys which lead to many breath-taking sights and feelings; and that is how wisdom lends to living in captivation.
Secondly: the world is wild, and living in it requires bravery. There are treacheries of crude nix, and snarling things, and shadows. All of which require bravery if they will be overcome.
Thirdly: Wisdom is willful, as is love. Love is only regarded as only a feeling you feel when close to someone who is wonderful, but that is not the half of it. Love is action, and often is shown by giving of self. So love is willful.
In my lifetime, before leaving home, I read the Lionhartt house rules nearly... Nine thousand, eight-hundred and seventy four times. That's every day since I was three, until my sixteenth year, when I left Luca with Fin and Leon. I knew the house rules, and I carry them in my mind always, but I had not understood them until my second stay with Lofi. It is odd, how repetition does not always allow for understanding.
I recently discovered that Time himself fell prey to Fear. Since that day, we all live in a time that is broken. During this age, we may not ever find ourselves to be perfect. I learned from Lofi that there are these things called humans, who live outside of Pinnikle, and I think I'm one of them. I still haven't figured out if I'm nix, or human; perhaps I'm both. Either, or: both of us have our misgivings. Fear takes advantage of each in different ways.
In the land of humans, Fear takes advantage of abilities they have to withhold speech, and cover their feelings. I'm not sure of the specific out-workings of these things where you're from, but I think you would agree with my conclusion: holding in speech is good sometimes, but if I do that too much, I may live with regret. Furthermore: if I hold in my feelings, I quickly find myself overburdened. Fear takes advantage of the regret, among other prominent burdens of the human, and holds us back. In the land of humans - in Calgary, or Yosemite, or Lakeside (I do not know of other human villages) - Fear is invisible. But he is very much visible in Pinnikle. I do not know why.
In the land of nix, Fear takes advantage in a much more terrifying way. Nix are not able to hold in their speech, so they often say exactly what they think. If it's a dark thought, darkness builds up in them. Furthermore: nix cannot withhold feelings. When we are happy, we giggle; when we are sad, we cry; when we are scared or angry, we let it out.
If enough dark words or feelings build up in a nix, darkness comes out of us. It is really quite gross. Fear harvests the darkness, and with it he creates a shadow - a ravager of the spine - a member of Fear's dark army. If we stay in a state of terror for long enough, we become a shadow.
In both the cases of humans and nix: Fear holds us back from the things we were meant for. He prowls among those living in this age, for it is fallen. And because we were born into a fallen age, we ourselves are fallen. And because of it: Fear preys. It is a vicious cycle, but it can be stopped.
Though we may be fallen, our nature does not prevent us from works of wisdom. Living in wisdom is a gift against all darkness, and not just for the one who does it. An example: When I live out wonder, caught up in captivation; or good whimsey, with bravery for every journey; or will, to love those around me sacrificially - when I do these things, I empower others.
Captivation inspires others, unto awe. Bravery begets courage. Love, when it is poured out among the unfortunate, empowers them. That is the cycle of living in wisdom: so that one can give this gift to the world. I cannot speak for you, but I intend to live this way.
Knowing these things, what will you do with your own story so far? Friend, whether you are human or nix, I urge you: Do not add to the darkness in this present age, but take up wonder, whimsy, and will. Perhaps then: one day, the hope we had for the end of darkness will be a memory.
Turn the page, and be welcomed back to Pinnikle. The most peculiar and difficult things are recorded on the pages to come.
- Sophie
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