8 || Bonfire Olympics
8 || Bonfire Olympics
The second week of school was over. I was sleeping in, because I deserved to after all the stress I've been through. And it was only week two.
My room door flew open. I pulled the covers over my head.
"Go away," I threw a pillow at the intruder.
"Have you checked your twitter?" Ivy flopped down on my bed.
"Well check it!"
"How about not," I ignored her and snuggled deeper into my comforter.
I heard her get up and sit at my desk, booting up my laptop. Groaning I sat up in bed.
"This better be important. It's Saturday in case you've forgotten."
"Trust me this is. Come look."
I shuffled out of bed and slipped on my furry bunny slippers. Ivy had my twitter account pulled up and I peered at the screen from over her shoulder.
Britney Matthews
Bonfire party!
When: tonight at 7
Where: at the beach
Attire: sexy swimwear
Bring drinks if you can!
I roll my eyes. "You woke me up to tell me Britney is having a bonfire party? Well good for her!"
"We're going."
I laughed. Ivy's face was serious. I stopped laughing.
"You're kidding right? We hate Britney. Emphasis on the hate."
"But it's a party. The first one of the school year. We have to go."
I folded my arms. "And what do Chanel and Nikole think of this?"
"We already discussed it. They want to go too."
I was appalled. They had conspired behind my back!
"I refuse to go." I gave her my most defiant look.
"I can't believe I'm going!" I whined for the hundredth time.
"It'll be fun," Chanel chirped from the drivers seat. She maneuvered the car into a parking space and we all got out.
"There's Ryan!" Nikole ran into her boyfriends arms.
"Is my swimsuit tied tight?" I asked Ivy. The last thing I needed was to flash everyone.
She reties the neck until it feels like I'm choking but honestly I'd rather die of asphyxiation than embarrassment.
Ivy drags me down to the beach where a huge bonfire is going. Ryan carries Nikole on his back and Trevor and Chanel loiter behind causing me to crane my neck back like a nosy bitch. Unfortunately my attention is pulled forward by Britney's loud screeching.
"Welcome to my back to school bonfire!" She announces through a megaphone and there's insane cheering. I roll my eyes. "Please enjoy yourselves and mingle, in about fifteen minutes we'll start the games!"
"What is this, the Olympics?" I mutter.
"Stop being a sour bitch," Ivy smacks my arm.
We make our way to the coolers and I grab a Strawberry Fanta. Better to be sober than sorry. I already make an ass of myself about ninety nine percent anyway without the added help of alcohol.
I see a lot of people from different schools, and I start to wonder just how popular Britney really is. I stand there awkwardly bobbing my head while Ivy and Chanel dance to music blasting from the humongous speakers. I think I drink about four cans of soda in the span of fifteen minutes.
No wonder I'm in bad shape.
"Ok!" Britney yells. "For these games you'll need a male partner. You have five minutes to find one or be disqualified!"
What! I look around frantically. I feel like that one fat kid in PE class who no wants to partner up with. Oh God. I'm probably gonna be the loser who stands alone like a loser while everyone is in pairs.
Suddenly an arm slings itself around my shoulder. I jump and turn to find sexy jerk staring at me with a wolfish grin on his lips.
Oh no.
"Hey partner," he drawls in that lazy way of his.
I try to squirm out of his grip but his hold only tightens. Damnit I'm stuck with him. I see some girls glare at me when the five minutes is up and they have to sit out.
"Hands off!" I karate chop his arms. "Or I'll go Jet Lee on your ass!"
"Oh I'm so scared!" He pretends to shake. "Someone save me!"
I open my mouth, a retort on the tip of my tongue when Britney starts screaming again.
"The first game is simple. Players have to race across the beach. The catch? You must carry your partner on your back. The last five teams to come in are eliminated!"
"Seriously?" I groan.
"Hop on princess," he winks.
"Don't call me that!" I snap hopping onto his back. My face heats up at how much skin to skin contact we're having. I'm in a bikini and he's in swim shorts. My chest is pressing against his back and I have to entwine my legs around his waist. Not to mention the fact that I have to hold on for dear life if I don't want to splatoon in front of everyone.
"On your mark..."
Dear God please don't let me fall!
"Get set..."
Sexy jerk (I should really figure out his name soon) takes off.
"Don't drop me!" I screech tightening my hold on his neck.
"Are you trying to choke me?!" He yells.
"Jesus you have a tighter grip than a cobra!"
I hold on for dear life as he runs across the beach at super speed. We're zipping past everyone!
"Looks like Carter is in the lead!" Britney cheers. "With his partner...oh. With his partner Aubrey." Her voice falls flat when she mentions me.
"So your name is Carter?" I giggle hysterically because finally, finally I know something about him. "Carter Carter Carter!" I sing in his ear.
"Shut up Aubrey before I drop you."
My mouth snaps shut.
We finish first and when I slide off his back my legs are noticeably trembling. I'm not afraid of heights but I am afraid of falling.
"Looks like I found your weakness," he grins evilly.
"Shut up Carter."
I'm going to milk every drop out of the lead I have on him for now, even though his name matches him completely. Both are incredibly sexy. Ugh fuck my life.
"Is that even a British name?" I ask.
He glares at me. "Carter is of Irish, Scottish and English origin. The ancestry of the name Carter can be traced back to the Anglo-Saxon tribes of Britain."
My mouth drops open. He knows the history of his own name?!
"My name actually means something," he sneers. "Unlike your American name."
"Hey!" I cross my arms. "What have you got against Americans?"
"Just the fact that you're all lazy, pretentious, stuck up snobs."
"I am not pretentious!" I argue. "And at least we don't sit around all day drinking tea with our pinkies in the air! Now that sounds pretentious!"
He opens his mouth to speak but I beat him to the punch.
"Also if you hate Americans so much, why are you even in America?" Ha I got him!
His lips form a thin line. "I had no choice. My mum forced us to leave England."
I'm about to ask why when Britney interrupts. She freaking interrupts everything!
"Time for the next challenge! The sand castle competition! Teams will have thirty minutes to build an amazing castle. The top five teams with the most horrible ones will be eliminated!"
Finally! Something I'm good at. Living near the beach has it's perks. I've been building sand castles since I could walk.
"You just leave this to me," I rub my hands in glee.
When the whistle blows to start I furiously push and mold sand together. Other people are still talking about a design.
Pft. Amateurs.
When Carter reaches a hand out to help I smack it away. "Don't touch it!" I bark.
"This is a team competition."
I ignore him.
"Has your mum ever told you that there's no I in team?"
Sweat beads my brow. Almost done...
I sit back and admire my spectacular work. I've constructed a castle made for a Disney movie. I look around at the others still struggling and laugh haughtily.
Carter rolls his eyes. "Like I said. Pretentious."
"Shut up!"
We win again thanks to moi. And again and again and again.
"And we're down to our last competition, beach volleyball!"
"Oh we're so going to win," I crack my knuckles. "Just follow my lead."
"I know how to play."
"Sure you do."
We're up against one of Britney's friends Megan and her equally horrible boyfriend. She gives me a dirty look before serving the ball right towards my face. I duck in the nick of time.
"Hey! That wasn't even a proper serve! You were aiming at my face!"
"I didn't see anything wrong with it," Britney smiles smugly.
"Come on Aubrey you can do it!" Ivy cheers from the sidelines. I grit my teeth in determination.
When it's our turn to serve Carter is the one who does the honors. I can't help but drool a little bit as I watch his muscles flex while he hits the ball over the net in a perfect serve. Megan or her boyfriend don't even have a chance of returning it.
The game is intense. We're neck and neck and there's only five minutes left.
I serve and Megan hits it swiftly back at us. Carter returns and we go back and forth. At the last minute she jumps and smacks the ball over the net brutally right toward the sand. I dive bomb to hit it before it touches the ground. It flies up but the strength is not enough to send it over the net.
We're going to lose.
Then Carter leaps in the air and it's like watching superman fly. His arm swings back and the ball goes sailing. Megan screams and tumbles out of the way as it crashes into the sand by her leg.
"Carter and Aubrey win!" The referee shouts.
"We won, we won!" I squeal jumping up.
"You just got lucky!" Megan snaps.
"Oh- oh what's that?" I lean closer to her. "Are you mad? Cause you sound a little mad."
"Congratulations!" Britney smiles mischievously. "You won a kiss from me!"
Ivy, Chanel, and Nikole run to stand next to me.
"Ew bitch she doesn't want to kiss you," Nikole says wrinkling her nose in disgust.
"The kiss isn't for you," she smirks. "It's for Carter."
My mouth drops open. "Then what's my prize?"
"Um nothing obviously."
I'm livid. I did not just go though hell and back to receive jack squat.
"I could give you a makeover. But it wouldn't be a prize, it would be a favor at this point since you're in desperate need of one."
I gasp. "Excuse me! At least I don't have fake boobs!"
"Bitch please my boobs are real."
"They're faker than Kim Kardashians!"
"Would you both shut the hell up," Carter finally speaks. "You're worse than my two sisters."
He grabs Britney and kisses her. My mouth falls open once again. Nikole, Ivy, and Chanel along with everyone else watching gasps.
When he pulls back Britney is frozen.
"There. Now we can all be happy."
No! No we can't. I still didn't get my freaking prize!
Britney Matthews sucks.
Did this chapter make you laugh? If so hit that star and vote!
QOTD: what's your favorite form of social media?
Instagram for me. I'm addicted
And gosh I love me some Carter😍
Stay pink🎀
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