5 || Pink freak
5 || Pink freak
Summer. Oh how fast it passes you by. One minute you're cheering when the bell on the last day of school rings. The next you're groaning when your alarm clock goes off.
"Aubrey time to get up!" My mom pounds on my door. "It's your first day of senior year!"
"Don't remind me," I stuff my face in a pillow.
Why do parents feel the need to announce your first day of senior year? Like yes, I know it's the last year before you shove me off a cliff thank you very much.
Ivy and I have been carpooling since she got her license because unlike my mom, hers trust her to drive the family vehicle. Ivy likes to rise with the sun so she'll no doubt be here soon. I tumble out of bed and drag myself across the carpet to my bathroom. The steaming water massages my sore muscles and I lather up with my favorite strawberry body wash using my pink loofah. I'm tempted to stay under the spray forever until I hear my mom banging on the door.
"Ivy is here."
"WHAT!" She's extremely early which is ridiculous. School doesn't start for another hour. I am going to kill her.
I hurriedly dry off and pull on the first clothes I can get my hands on, which happen to be pink leggings and a pink no sleeve turtleneck crop top. I slip on some flats, yank a brush through my wet hair, and grab my bag before dashing out.
"Bye mom love you!" I kiss her cheek.
"Won't you at least grab a granola bar sweetie?"
"I told you I've gone pinkan mom. Accept it!"
Ivy honks her horn and I flex my hands ready to strangle her.
"School doesn't start for another hour!" I yell jerking the door open.
"We're meeting the girls at Pinkberry."
Immediately my anger disappears. "Did I ever tell you how much I love you Ivy?" She rolls her eyes at me and drives off.
Chanel and Nikole are sitting in our reserved booth with our usual orders, a Piña Colada for Chanel, Passion fruit for Ivy, Key Lime for Nikole and a Pink Bubbly for me.
"Your hair," Nikole gasps as I slide in next to her.
"I didn't have enough time to style it," I scoop up a spoonful of frozen yogurt.
"Here let me. I'll just give you two Dutch braids." She begins to work on my hair.
"Will you please tell us what happened the night of the carnival?" Ivy begs Chanel.
Chanel refuses to tell us what happened that night. Her lips are sealed tighter than a clamshell. She says everything's fine but we all know that's the number one lie people tell. Trevor hasn't been acting any differently either, he's still the same annoying, slightly mature person as he was that day.
"It was nothing you guys, just drop it ok?"
"I said it's fine. All I realized was that I didn't like Trevor after all."
The girls and I share knowing glances. I'm a trained expert at smelling bullshit and my bs radars are going off.
"But you were practically obsessed with him!" I exclaim.
"No I really wasn't," Chanel chuckles.
"You counted his freckles," Ivy deadpans.
"Just drop it ok?" She insists.
"Fine," we all sigh in disappointment.
"We should get going," Ivy checks her watch. "School starts in twenty."
"I'm done," Nikole finishes the second braid and I stand up to throw my empty yogurt cup away. Since Nikole drove Chanel we agree to meet up at Ivy's locker before homeroom.
"Being a senior is going to be great. Finally we can eat lunch off campus." Ivy is way more excited about this than me. I tap my nails against the window in nervous anticipation. Something big is going to happen, I just know it.
When we pull into the school parking lot nothing is out of place. Kids pile out of cars and walk up the concrete steps to the school entrance, laughing and chatting about summer vacation. Still, something isn't sitting right with me. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.
"Ohmigosh did you hear about the new transfer student?" A girl gossips next to us as Ivy and I make our way inside the building.
"He's mega hot. I heard he went to a boarding school before coming here."
"I heard he was kicked out!"
"OMG for what?"
"Murdering the dean."
At this I burst out laughing. The girls whip their head to glare at me.
"You really think they'd let a murderer transfer here?" I wipe a tear from beneath my eye.
"Stay out of our convo," one snaps before they march ahead of us. Ivy shakes her head.
Chanel and Nikole are already waiting for us when we reach Ivy's locker. They chat and I scroll through my Instagram feed.
"Ugh it's Britney," Nikole says in a disgusted tone and I look up.
You could say our group didn't exactly get along with Britney Matthews, and it started long before she tried to hook up with Ryan. The girl had always been a world class bitch, seriously if there were a prize for most vilest person alive she would undoubtedly win it. The girl was as sneaky and malicious as a snake.
"If it isn't my favorite group of losers," the she devil stops in front of us, her minions flanking her.
"Don't you think it's a little early for this?" Ivy shuts her locker.
"Too early to harass you? Never." Britney cackles. "I talked to your boyfriend this morning Nikole. Is it me or did he get hotter over the summer? I gave him my new digits in case he gets tired of you."
Nikole moves toward her and I yank her back. "She's not worth it Nik."
Britney turns he attention toward me. "Long time no see pink freak."
I tap my chin thoughtfully. "Pink freak? Not bad. Has a certain ring to it."
"Whatever freak. You and your little merry band of idiots better stay out of my way this year. Or else." She flips her hair and sashays off, leaving her servants to scurry after her.
"I'm so tired of this year already," Chanel rubs her temples.
I stare after Britney. "You and me both."
Every first day of school is always the same. Introductions. Meet your new peers. Rules that you already know but teachers feel the need to reiterate again. Syllabus's and schedules and blah blah blah.
By the time lunch rolled around I had a small headache.
"At least the school food is slightly better this year," Trevor dipped a chicken nugget in ketchup.
"If by better you mean more cooked, then yes I suppose it is better," Ryan poked at his pizza.
"Why don't we just go off campus for lunch?" Nikole asks.
"Because no one is allowed off campus for the first week," Ivy explains.
I happily unpack my lunch which consists of pink cupcakes and strawberry lemonade. It's not healthy but at least it's good.
"Have you girls heard about the new guy?" Chanel drops down in the seat next to mine out of breath.
"Oh you mean the one who murdered the dean at his last school?" I ask and everyone stares at me in horror except Ivy.
"I was kidding."
"I heard he was British or something," Ryan adds.
"I met someone British this summer. He was an ass." Ivy nods in agreement.
"Well I saw him and he's drop dead gorgeous! It's official. I'm moving to England!" Chanel fans herself. I roll my eyes.
"Do you think he's met the governor?" Trevor says in the worst fake British accent I have ever heard.
"Trev please don't ever speak like that again," Nikole points to her ears. "My ears are bleeding that was so bad."
"Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too?"
I lick the icing off my cupcake as my friends continue to banter. Ivy scoots closer to me and whispers quietly.
"Do you think it's that guy we ran into at the boardwalk?"
I laugh. "Please. What are the chances of him coming here? He was probably some tourist like you said."
She relaxes. "You're right. I'm just being paranoid."
I pat her shoulder reassuringly, even though that bad feeling I had this morning creeps back.
QOTD: when do you or did you (since most people probably already have) go back to school?
I went back back to prison *cough cough* I mean school August 18th.
Stay pink🎀
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