43 || Cheer Nationals Pt. 1
43 || Cheer Nationals Pt. 1
I can't believe it.
We made it to cheer nationals.
As we speak I'm packing my suitcase for Florida.
48 hours earlier
"This is it girls," Britney says holding the envelope. "Sealed within this hallowed envelope is our fate. Our destiny. There are only two ending results here. One: we accomplish our dream. Or two: we fail miserably."
I was practically bouncing on my toes. Could she just open the dang thing already?
She carefully slices it open and you can hear all of us as we suck in a collective breath. No ones dare moves or breathes. She slowly unfolds the letter and begins to read out loud.
"Dear Santa Cruz high school cardinals cheer team. It is with great pleasure that we inform you that you're squad has been selected to compete in the finals of NHSCC. We would like to formally invite you-"
She doesn't even finish before we're all jumping up and down screaming.
"WE MADE IT!" Chanel cartwheels across the room.
Even Ivy is squealing along with us, and she's our mascot.
"Disney, Disney!" Emery chants.
I'm snapped out of my flash back from a knock on my door. Mom sticks her head in.
"You ready?"
"Just about," I zip up my travel bag then look around my room tapping my chin. I feel like I forgot something...
That's right. My glitter. It's sitting on my desk.
The drive to the airport feels like an eternity. My stomach is flipping and flipping in nervousness and excitement.
"You guys are flying out for the finals right?" I ask.
"Of course kiddo," my dad responds. "We wouldn't miss it."
"Just be safe okay?" My mom cautions. "Don't get eaten by an alligator."
I roll my eyes. "Don't worry, I won't."
When we arrive at the airport I practically jump out the car while it's still moving.
"You forgot your luggage!" My dad calls out after me as I race inside. I spot my team huddled in a group and Coach Brown checking us in.
"You're here!" Nikole hugs me as I approach. "I almost thought you weren't going to make it."
"Sorry, I forgot my glitter."
Chanel and Ivy sidle over to me.
"I'm so excited to get to the resort," Chanel says giddily. "I bet their room service is bomb."
"I'm just excited in general," Ivy grins. "I can't believe I'm going even thought I'm not an actual member of the cheer team."
"Yeah you are," I nudge her. "You're our mascot."
She rolls her eyes playfully. "Please. We all know that's just a title given to me so they can say I'm apart of the team even thought I haven't really done anything remotely mascoty."
There's a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see my dad standing there with my bag. "You forgot this," he sets it down by my feet.
"Thanks dad," I smile.
"Hi Mr. Powers!" The girls choruses.
He waves. "Hi girls," then he starts walking away. "Bye girls."
"Bye!" We all yell then dissolve into a fit of giggles.
"Attention!" Britney clears her throat. "Gather around. I have the schedule for everyone."
Her, Megan, and Emery pass them out. "When we arrive at the resort there's a mandatory meeting all the teams must attend. Then you have a little free time before practice. Then after practice you have more free time. Remember we only have two days before the competition so everybody better be in their best shape. No one better get injured or I'm seriously going to kill you."
Just as she finished speaking Coach Brown came over. "Alright we're checked in. Time to go through security. Does everyone have their stuff?"
There's a series of 'yes's' and 'uh huhs'.
"Alright good. Let's go."
Have you ever been so excited you get a stomachache. That's how I feel right now.
There's twenty-six of us, so going through security takes a while. When a couple girls went through they beeped so they had to be patted down. It was usually because they were wearing necklaces or rings.
Then after that we waited until it was time to board the plane. I'm pretty sure this was the worst part because it felt like we were waiting forever.
"Is it time to board yet?" Emery asks for the thousandth time.
"No," Britney snaps. "Now stop asking. When it's time our flight number will be announced."
Chanel and Nikole went to eat but I don't think I could force any food down right now. Ivy is with me and we're laying across a bench, her head in my lap while I absently play with her hair.
"Are the boys coming?" She asks.
"You know, I actually don't know. They couldn't come with us since they're not apart of the team so if they wanted to come they'd have to pay for their own flights and that would be pretty expensive."
She sighs. "That sucks."
It actually did. I guess I was so excited about making it to finals I forgot about them.
Carter and I were in a really good place right now. The question of love was up in the air but I decided not to dwell on it. I'm sure the answer would come to me. Eventually. Hopefully.
"Flight 118 boarding now, flight 118 boarding now," the loudspeakers announced.
Ivy sat up and I swung my legs off the bench.
"That's us. You ready?"
I grin. "Hell yeah. Let's go."
"My legs are so cramped," Nikole complains as we step off the plane.
The flight took about a total of five hours, but they were the five longest hours of my life. I was relieved to finally be off that flying coffin.
We collected our luggage and then headed outside to wait for the bus NHSCC was sending for us.
So far Florida was beautiful. The weather was sunny and there were lots of palm trees.
When our bus pulled up there were squeals of excitement. It was customized with our school colors and had Santa Cruz Cardinals printed on the side.
Awesome sauce.
Inside was even better. The seats were soft and comfortable. There were charging ports and a mini bathroom in the back.
Ivy, Chanel, Nikole, and I sat in the back. We talked the entire ride about how our experience was going to go and what we were going to do. The speakers crackled to life.
"Alright cardinals we're here. Welcome to Walt Disney World."
A huge arch with many flags on top and Walt Disney World welcomed people in. Below it were the words, Happiest Celebration on earth.
As we made our way in I found my mouth gaping open.
Oh. My. God.
It was like...paradise.
I mean first of all, it was huge. And colorful. Very, very colorful. The Disney castle loomed in the distance and everywhere there were cars, people, buildings, places to go, things to do.
The bus came to a stop in front of the resort we were staying at. Emery was actually shrieking in happiness.
Coach brown started giving instructions but I doubt anyone was listening. We were all anxious to get off the bus and get inside.
When she was finished talking it was like a stampede had been set loose.
"Please exit the bus in an orderly and fashionably manner!" She calls out but no one listens.
I spin around like a girl in those movies who's just arrived in New York. Everything. Is. Amazing. There's a huge fountain spewing out water and the resort is like something out of my dreams. It really is too beautiful to describe.
We all head inside for another annoying check in process. I'm seriously tired of all this waiting and checking in.
Finally room keys are handed out.
"Remember four to a room," Coach Brown instructs us.
"And mandatory meeting in fifteen minutes!" Britney reminds us. "Don't be late. It'll be in the dining room."
The girls and I get room number 210. It's large and spacious with a living room, flat screen tv, couch, mini kitchen area, a bathroom, and a big bedroom with two queen size beds and a spectacular view.
Ivy draws open the blinds letting sunlight filter in. "Guys come check out this view!" I rush over while Chanel checks out the kitchen area and Nikole inspects the bathroom.
"These towels are too fluffy to be real!" She calls out.
"Yo this fridge is stocked!" Chanel exclaims. "There's even a chilled bottle of champagne!"
"Dibs on this bed for Ivy and I!" I yell jumping on the bed closest to the window. Ivy climbs on and we claps hands jumping up and down. Chanel and Nikole run in twirling and laughing.
After we come down from our high of excitement we leave our amazing room and make our way down to the cheer meeting. The dining hall is packed. There are over fifty teams from all over the US. I can't keep track of all the colors, the people, but I do spot our major rival, Cypress high school.
"I can't believe they made it," Britney gripes. "Ugh. They are so going down."
The meeting is about forty-five minutes. There's introductions then we go over rules, scheduling, times, how the finals will work, the prizes. There are waivers and forms that have to be signed since we'll be on television and in cases of injury. So scratch that the meeting is about an hour.
Then we have free time.
The girls and I race upstairs to change. Ivy goes over the map.
"This place is huge," Ivy says scanning the map. "Right now we're at the all stars sports resort."
I peer over her shoulder. "Ooh let's go to the animal kingdom theme park first."
"Isn't there like a water park?" Nikole asks tying her hair up.
"Yeah. Two actually but the closer one is the blizzard beach water park. We can go there next so make sure to wear a bathing suit under your clothes."
"Okay and we have to go to magic kingdom park," I add. "It's like a must."
We finish getting ready and head out.
I have never had so much fun in my life. Seriously if having too much fun was a crime we'd all get arrested.
Best free vacation ever.
The animal kingdom was amazing. We saw giraffes, zebras, gazelle on the Kilimanjaro Safari. Next we went on the Kali River Rapids which was exhilarating. We saw cool exotic birds at the Flights of Wonder show. Then there was the Maharajah Jungle Trek and Ivy freaked out when she saw the tigers. Lastly we went on the Primeval Whirl.
The water park was super fun. We must've spent like three hours there. My throat was sore from screaming on all the water slides, especially Mount Gushmore. We floated down the river and did almost every activity they offered. By the time we left it was almost time for practice so we decided to go to magic kingdom park tommorow. We'd have more free time after but wouldn't be leaving the resort grounds.
We used an empty room in the resort as our practice area. All the teams had an allotted practice hour.
Britney clapped. "Ok girls fun time is over. Everyone have a seat."
"I don't think I can move," Chanel groaned lowering herself onto the mat next to Nikole, Ivy, and I. "My body is sore."
"I think we had too much fun," Ivy agrees.
"Quiet!" Britney barks. "Thank you. As you all saw earlier we have major competition. Not just Cypress but all the teams. If they've made it this far they must be good. The thing is, we're better. That's why I've come up with a super deluxe routine that will guarantee us no less than third place."
"Welcome to Britney's cheer boot camp two," I whisper and the girls giggle. Britney shoots us a glare.
"Something funny?"
"No," I bite my lip to keep from outright laughing.
"Good. Now here's our song mix," she presses play on the radio. We all listen, our faces morphing into smiles.
Britney stops the music. "Alright girls warm ups first."
We go through a series of stretches, sit ups, push ups, and jumping jacks. Then she begins explaining the routine.
It's not called super deluxe for nothing. Britney wants us to do some crazy stunts, even for cheerleading. She teaches us all the stunts first before we learn the dance routine.
"And then you'll flip like this," Britney demonstrates with Megan.
Even though our total practice time after warm ups is forty five minutes it feels longer. If I thought I was sore before it's nothing compared to after practice.
"I need a massage," I groan as we head back up to our rooms.
"Same," Nikole agrees.
Only Ivy is good since she didn't actually do anything except watch us. "Do you guys wanna go relax and see a movie? They have the movies under the stars thing here."
"What movie?" Chanel asks.
"I think it's The Princess and the Frog."
"Hell yes!" We all exclaim.
All in all it's a great first day.
Hey guys!
I hope you guys enjoyed this update cause believe me, writers block is no joke. But luckily I'm getting back into the swing of things 🏌🏾♀️
Normally I put the cheer mix music so you have an idea of what they're performing to but I'll do that in the next part which will be up tomorrow.
And no, those were not the only stunts they'll be doing. I have a bunch more you'll see next chapter.
Five chapters left plus an epilogue! How are you guys feeling about that?
Also it's been a long time since we've had a QOTD so here's one:
QOTD: have any of you ever been to Walt Disney World Resort? And if you have what was it like? Did you have fun? Tell me your experience cause I'm really curious!
AOTD: sadly I've never been😭 but I want to go someday
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Stay pink 🎀
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