41 || Birthday Bash
I am sooooooooooooooo sorry for the late update. Like super sorry. I promise I won't ever make you guys wait this long again. Hope you enjoy this lengthy chapter :)
41 || Birthday Bash
"Invitations to my birthday party, hope to see you there!" I slapped invitations on the table and everyone grabbed for one.
Ivy, Chanel, Nikole, and I were hanging out invitations at school for my eighteenth birthday party. I was so excited. Finally I would be a legal adult!
We handed out invitations to almost everyone, except Vanessa. In fact when I walked past where she was sitting, by herself might I add, she looked at me and I looked at her and then I winked, purposefully dropped an invitation, bent to pick it up then slipped off.
Yeah I'm a petty bítch.
After I went back to our much table where everyone else had already gathered at.
"So where's our invitations?" Trevor asked.
"You think just because we're friends you automatically get an invitation?" I raised a brow. He look confusedly at Ryan and Carter before turning back to me.
"Um yeah?"
"Well.....you're right!" Grinning I handed the guys invitations.
"I'm the party planner," Ivy announced proudly. "It's gonna be great."
"Of course you are," Ryan said causing Trevor and Carter to snicker. Ivy glared at them and he shot her smile. "And of course it will."
"That's what I thought."
"So what are you getting Aubrey?" Chanel leaned toward Carter eagerly. The question had been right on the tip of my tongue but Chanel beat me to it.
He drummed his fingers on the table then spoke. "It's a secret."
"Can you give me a hint?" I asked batting my eyelashes.
"Fine," I huffed leaning back. "I didn't wanna know anyway."
He smiled. "Reverse psychology won't work on me love."
"I know what he's getting her," Ryan spoke and looked at Trevor. They grinned at each other.
"What?" Nikole, Ivy, Chanel, and I asked at the same time.
"D-d-d-d-d-deez nutz!" Trevor yelled. "Ha! Got em!"
Carter snorted then started laughing while Ryan and Trevor high fived.
Nikole rolled her eyes. "Real mature guys."
Chanel had a constipated look on her face. Then like a fire hydrant she burst out laughing along with them.
To be honest I kinda wanted to laugh too but I managed to hold it in.
"Funny," I remarked dryly instead. "Real funny."
There comes a time in a girls life when she makes the leap from girlhood to womanhood.
This was my time.
I am not an early riser. I prefer to sleep in, usually to around noon. But today I rose with the sun.
Today I was a princess.
My room door opens and Ivy is the first to step in ringing a tiny bell. Chanel follows with a breakfast tray and Nikole behind her with a hairbrush.
"Your highness," Ivy bowed and the girls bowed. I giggled.
Nikole threw her hands up. "Oh screw this. Happy birthday bitch!"
"Thank you," I grinned.
"We bring you breakfast," Chanel sets the tray down on my bed and I sit up. Nikole positions me so I can eat and she can brush my hair.
Ivy whips out a notebook. "Alright, here's the itinerary of how today's going to go. First you have breakfast in bed and a little pampering. Afterwards a dress fitting for your gown and after that a spa day with Chanel and Nikole to get you ready for your party tonight."
"You won't be coming?" I asked taking a bite of strawberry scone. Mhm. Delicious.
Ivy scoffed. "Of course not. I have too much to do, what with getting the party ready and making sure it's perfect."
I smile. "I'm sure it'll be magical."
Ivy flips to another page in her notebook. "Chanel, you spoke to your father?"
She nods. "Yeah. He was able to get the horse."
My brows rose. "Horse?"
Ivy checks something off in her notebook. "Yes Aubrey, a horse. This is your eighteen birthday party. You have to have a grand entrance. You remember Chanel's uncle lives on a ranch and owns a couple horses. She spoke to her dad who spoke to him and he agreed to let us borrow one for tonight."
My mouth opens but no words come out. Wow.
Ivy continues. "Now the guest list is looking good. Most people have already RSVP'd, except for a few. They have until three pm like it says on the invitation so I can make sure to get the appropriate number of gift bags. Oh and your parents got up early to go start setting up at the hall with your brother, just so you know."
"Okay," I nod. "Anything else."
"Nope. The catering and music is all set. I swear if there's a problem last minute someone won't be getting paid," she smiles at me. "Happy birthday Aubrey. Just relax and leave everything to me."
With that she spins on her heel and walks out. Nikole sets down the brush and I finish my breakfast. Chanel grins.
"Ready for your dress fitting?"
A couple small altercations needed to be made, other than that the dress was all good to go. I would be wearing a silver tiara with sparkling silver pumps to match. I couldn't wait.
We started our spa day then, first heading to get our nails done. Then we went to a massage parlor and let me just say, you do not know how many kinks you have in your back until a masseuse works them out. And foot rubs, uh, foot orgasm right there.
Right now the girls and I were laying down with face masks on and cucumbers on our eyes. I love getting pampered.
"Afterwards I think I'm going to call Carter," I mused out loud.
"No!" Nikole exclaims, then clears her throat. "I mean no. Ivy banned him from seeing you today."
If I could crinkle my forehead I would've. "But it's my birthday, of course I'm going to see him."
"You will," Chanel reassured me. "Just not yet. Ivy said he can't see you until you're ready. In fact, you won't be seeing him until the party."
I pouted. "But I want to see him sooner than that. Plus why would he even listen to Ivy?"
Nikole snorts. "You know how Ivy gets when she's in planning mode. She can be pretty scary."
I laugh. "True."
It sucked I wouldn't get to see him until tonight but I supposed that's how things would go.
Am hour or two later we left the spa feeling refreshed and beautiful. Nikole said no lunch for me because I needed to fit into my dress. We spent the rest of the day at her house watching movies and chilling until it was time to get ready.
"Alright," I stood. "We should start heading back to my house to get ready."
Nikole and Chanel looked at each other. "Actually, we're getting ready here."
I was confused. "But all my stuff is at my place. The dress is being delivered there."
"We changed the delivery address." Just then the doorbell rang. "Oh that must be it. Now upstairs you go so Chanel can start on your hair."
I allowed Chanel to usher me upstairs. Turns out they somehow managed to sneak my stuff over, or maybe it was Ivy, who knows. It was convenient actually, because going all the way back to my place would have cost us time we could've been using to get ready.
Chanel sits me down at Nikole's vanity and plugs in the curling iron. Chanel wants it to be perfect, so we spend almost an hour and a half curling my hair while Nikole works on my makeup.
"Oh my gosh," I breathed when there were done. "I don't even recognize myself."
"Magic," Chanel laughs waving her curling wand.
"And a little bit of pixie dust," Nikole adds holding up her makeup brushes.
I've had my hair curled many times before for many different occasions but today, it looks the most beautiful it has ever looked. Honestly, I don't think it will ever look this good again until my wedding. And my makeup, Nikole outdid herself. Glittery silver eyeshadow with my cheeks highlighted and nude lipstick.
"Now for the dress," Nikole goes to grab the bag and unzips it. I'm practically jumping with excitement.
They help me put it on and I stand in front of the mirror staring at myself. My eyes start to water.
"Thank you guys so much for everything," I sniffle. "I really feel like a princess."
"You are a princess," Chanel hugs me. "A pink princess."
"And no crying," Nikole reprimands me jokingly. "You'll ruin the makeup."
I smile and they go to get ready. I'm so excited to get to the party, it's going to be amazing.
Nikole's parents will be driving us and they literally have to stuff my dress in the car.
"Stop laughing," Nikole says struggling to push the fluffy mess in.
"I can't help it," I reply. Her parents are laughing too.
After we're all inside her dad starts the car and we're off. I admire my shoes during the drive, not willing to put them on until we actually get there.
The car stops and I look up. "We're here already?"
"Not exactly..." Nikole trails off and I look at her suspiciously before peering outside. We're at...my house?
"What are we doing here?" I ask confused.
"Just go inside," Nikole says and reaches across me to open my door. Her and Chanel help push me out then slam the door before her parents drive off.
"Hey!" I yell. "Wait! You guys can't seriously leave me here! How am I going to get to the party!"
But they don't stop and I watch as the car disappears. My purse is in there along with my phone and keys. How am I supposed to call for help or even get in my own house?
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Is this a joke?
Dejected I walk to my front door, a princess about to miss her ball and no prince to even save her. I'd call Carter except I don't have my phone and anyway, I can't believe he didn't even text once all day to wish me a happy birthday. It's not like Ivy would've known. Jerk.
As I near my front door I hear soft music playing inside. What the hell?
I turn the knob and it opens. Ok seriously, my parents couldn't even lock the front door? It's like they're asking to be robbed.
Before I go inside I walk over to the side of my house where my dad leaves a shovel. If it is a robber I'm going Tangled on their ass.
However when I step inside I freeze.
It's dark and pink candles light the living room up, giving it a beautiful glow. There are pink rose petals scattered everywhere. Huge lettered balloons are lined up spelling 'Happy Birthday love.'
I cover my mouth and my eyes water, again. Carter walks in wearing a white suit with a pink tie to match my dress.
"Happy birthday," he smiles that adorable, heart melting, dimpled smile. Then he adds: "My God this is probably the corniest thing I've ever done and I would've never done it if I didn't like you a lot."
I laugh, carefully wiping my eyes. He wouldn't be my Carter if he didn't add at least one sarcastic or snarky remark. "I must be really lucky then."
"No," he shakes his head then moves forward until he's right in front of me. "I think I'm the one who's lucky."
We kiss then, and he wraps his arms around my waist drawing me closer. I feel like my heart is going to burst from happiness.
"So," I say against his lips. "Whose idea was this?"
He smirks. "I'm offended. You think I couldn't come up with this genius on my own?"
"Not without a little help."
"So Ivy may have expanded on the idea a bit."
I laugh. "Knew it."
"But this is all me," he goes to retrieve a present box and hands it to me.
I hesitate in opening it. "This is so nicely wrapped, I almost don't want to open it."
He rolls his eyes. "Just open it."
"Hey, don't get an attitude with me mister."
Inside is a pink photo album with all the pictures Carter and I have ever taken together, including the bad ones. As I flip through the photos I really feel like I'm about to cry. There's photos from the senior camping trip when I still hated his guts, to basketball games, me in my cheer outfit and him in his uniform, Halloween, the play and Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, the Valentines Day dance, spring break, even random selfies I mostly forced him to take with me.
"You wouldn't believe how much it cost to print in color. I'm damn near broke."
Instead of answering I throw my arms around him in a hug and he hugs me back tightly. I almost say those three little words.
Then I stop myself and instead say: "Thank you."
He pulls back just a little, still holding on to me. "Now, let's get you to your party."
Ivy and my family went above and beyond for this party. There's pink glitter dust on the floor, pink flashing lights strung up, huge tables are set up for the cake, my presents, the food, and the gift bags. The walls are decorated with pink lace and hanging lanterns. On the stage the Dj is set up spinning some tunes. Everyone is dancing, eating, and laughing. And there's a lot of people. Most of my school came.
"And now introducing our birthday girl, Aubrey Powers!"
There's whooping and cheering as Chanel's uncle leads me in on the horse. I'll admit I was initially terrified to get on. What if it threw me off and stomped on me to death? But Ally, that's the horses name, was very gentle and even let me feed her some carrots.
We go all the way to the foot of the stage before I'm helped off and I climb up, taking the microphone from the Dj.
"Thank you all so much for coming, and I hope you enjoy the party!"
"Do a flip Aubrey!" Someone in the crowd yells.
I laugh. "Sorry but not in this dress."
I give the microphone back to the Dj and the party starts back up. My parents rush up to me as I descend the stage.
"Oh happy birthday baby," my mom sweeps me up in a hug. "You're finally a woman!"
My dad ruffles my hair and I screech swatting his hand away. He chuckles. "Happy birthday kiddo. We'll give you your presents at home. As you can see the gift table is already teeming and I'm afraid one more will make it collapse."
Jason appears grinning. "Happy birthday my ugly little sister."
I flip him off and he grabs me in a noogie.
"Ugh! What is up with you men and messing up my hair!" I push him off and glare before trying to fix my hair.
"I wouldn't be your brother if I didn't mess with you a bit."
He goes off, probably for more food because he's a fatass, and more people wish me a happy birthday. Ivy is running around making sure everything is in order and I grab her arm when she rushes past me.
"Ivy. Chill. The party is perfect. Instead of trying to run it enjoy it with me."
She opens her mouth. "But-"
"But nothing. It's my birthday and I'm the princess. And right now I'm ordering you to stop working and have some fun."
She bites her lips and smiles. "Fine. You're right. I'm sure everything won't completely fall apart if I stop for a little bit."
I grin. Just then Carter approaches with the guys, Nikole, Chanel, and...Felix?
Ivy looks confused but happy. "What's he doing here? Didn't he leave a couple weeks ago?"
"He did. Carter and I saw him off."
"Happy birthday," Felix greets me. "I couldn't miss your acclaimed party so I flew back in."
"How kind of you," I reply poshly and he laughs. Then he turns to Ivy.
"Felix," she smiles shyly. "Hi."
"You look lovely."
Even in the near dark you can see her blush. "Thank you."
Trevor slings an arm around my shoulder. "Happy birthday Aub. This party is lit. It'll be all over social media for weeks to come."
"You can thank me for that," Ivy butts in.
"Yes, thank you so much your royal highness Ivy," Ryan bows and Nikole giggles.
"Are you guys ready to get turnt!" The Dj yells and there's cheering in response. "I said are you ready to get turnt!"
He plays me and my friends by Mr. Hotspot and people start to scream and holler in excitement.
"He did not," Trevor laughs.
Everyone gets into a line and does the dance. The girls and I have dance experience so we aren't totally terrible, and Carter is naturally good at every-freaking-thing so of course he looks ok doing it. Felix is ok, and Ryan is decent. I don't know if Trevor is joking or if that's seriously how he whips.
"You yo daddy's son!" He yells.
Best birthday ever.
I hope you enjoyed this update as much as I did. I didn't edit so there may be some mistakes. Again I apologize for the late update!
On a scale of 1-10 how lit was Aubrey's party? 😂
Love y'all ❤️
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Stay pink 🎀
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