40 || The fight
40 || The fight
As we had discussed none of us mentioned to the boys why we left, despite them asking numerous times. We were content to forget about the whole thing. Besides, Vanessa and her friends hadn't made an appearance which made me think it was just a one time thing.
I should've known better.
"Please be our cheerleaders!" Trevor begged. "I mean, you guys are already cheerleaders so what's one more gig?"
"Nobody else has cheerleaders Trev," Nikole stated.
"I know. That's why it's important! It'll psych our opponents out! They'll be so busy wondering why they don't have cheerleaders that the win will be ours."
"Sounds like cheating," I cross my arms.
"Everything is cheating to you," Carter said.
"Shut up."
Spring break was nearing its end, and with the end of spring break marked the beach volleyball tournament finals. I wasn't surprised the guys had made it this far, I mean they were pretty athletic, not to mention seriously competitive.
"I think we should do it," Chanel piped up. "It'll be fun!"
"See? Chanel has the right idea," Trevor pulled her close. "Thanks babe."
She giggled and they started kissing, which started to get too graphic for me so I turned away.
"Where's Felix?" I asked.
"He said he was going to get a drink real quick but he's been gone for fifteen minutes now," Ryan said. "I never knew getting a drink could take so long."
Nikole and I looked at each other. We knew what was taking so long. Ivy was still up by our stuff.
"I'll go get him," Carter started to head up the beach but I stopped him.
"No you stay here and...train. Nikole and I will go get him."
"It takes two of you?" He raised a brow.
"Just deal with it."
I grabbed Nikole's hand and we jogged up the beach.
"What do you think they're doing?" She asked wiggling her brow once we far away enough.
"I don't know but I know she would've been mortified if Carter caught them."
"She'll still be mortified."
"Yeah well we're her girlfriends so it shouldn't be that bad."
Abruptly Nikole stopped and I almost ran into her.
I followed her gaze and my eyes widened. Ivy was straddling Felix on her lounge chair and they were making out pretty heavily. Felix pulled back to kiss her neck and she let out a tiny moan. Then he started playing with her bikini tie and looked at her.
"Can I?"
She bit her lip and nodded. My jaw almost hit the sand.
I couldn't believe it! Ivy had to be one of the most self conscious people I knew. It was hard to get her to let loose and have fun, do something bold or wild. Now she was about to be topless on the beach! Granted she wasn't running around showing off her chest but Felix would see....
I turned to look at Nikole. She looked just as shell shocked as I did.
I didn't want to interrupt but soon Ryan, Trevor, Carter or all three would come up looking for him and I did not wanting them seeing Ivy's boobs.
So I did the only thing I could think of. I coughed. Loudly.
Ivy let out a little shriek and grabbed Felix's hand to stop him from untying her bikini. In her rush to get off him she only ended up falling off the chair pulling Felix down with her.
Felix stood and pulled Ivy up with him. She was blushing like crazy.
"Told ya," Nikole whispered.
Unruffled Felix shot us a cheeky grin. "You girls have impeccable timing."
"Hey," Ivy mumbled. "What are you guys doing here?"
"We came to tell Felix that the volleyball finals are starting soon," Nikole said. "Carter was going to come up and get you but we decided it would be better if it was us instead."
Ivy shot us a grateful smile.
"Already?" Felix said. "Damn. Well I guess I better be getting down there." He turned to Ivy. "Any chance you'd be my cheerleader?"
"You know I don't actually cheer right?"
"I know," he smirked. "You'd be my personal cheerleader."
Aww! They were so cute. Too bad we didn't have time for this.
"Felix! You have plenty of time to suck face later," I threw his words back at him. "And whatever else you were about to do."
"Aubrey!" Ivy's eyes widened. I gave her an innocent look.
"Touché Aubrey," Felix grabbed a water bottle. "See you later cutie," he gave Ivy a quick peck before sprinting off.
Immediately Nikole and I turned to Ivy.
"Don't even say anything," she warned us.
"We will be questioning you later," Nikole grinned.
"Trust me, I know."
We did end up cheering for the guys. Support and all that jazz. Trevor was right. It did throw the other team off. But after awhile we got tired and decided to call it quits.
"Let's go get ice cream," Ivy suggested.
The guys were so absorbed in their game they didn't even notice we left. As we were walking down the beach Ivy spotted Vanessa and Co.
They were heading right for us.
As we neared each other our steps slowed. It felt like we were in a face off. Neither of us budged and we all just stood glaring at each other.
Finally Vanessa pointed at me. "That's the bitch."
My mouth fell open. "Excuse me?"
"Her?" Golden highlights scoffed. "She's not even that pretty."
Oh hell no.
"At least I don't look like I just walked off the set of Aliens," I shot back.
She looked furious. "Who the hell do you think you are?"
Nikole jumped in. "Who the hell do you think you are? We don't even know you. You're a visitor in our city. Know your place."
Platinum spoke. "At least we're not man stealers."
"Aubrey didn't steal Carter!" Ivy yelled. "They knew each other long before she stepped into the picture," Ivy gestured to Vanessa. "It's not our fault Vanessa is so damn thirsty and can't take rejection well."
"Oh yeah?" Vanessa folded her arms. "Then why was Aubrey dancing with him when he was my date to the Valentines dance?"
"He asked me to dance!" I exclaimed. Then I shook my head. "No, I don't even have to explain anything to you! You pushed me off a ladder!"
The brown haired one whistled. "Damn. That's vicious."
"Aubrey could've been killed!" Chanel shouted. Vanessa rolled her eyes.
"You guys are so dramatic. It was just a little fall. She needed a knock off her high horse."
"My high horse?!" My voice was rising to a dangerous pitch. This bitch was crazy!
Soon we were all shouting at each other.
"Why were you flirting with our boyfriends?" Nikole accused them.
"Uh because we can?"
"No you can't! They're our boyfriends. That means they're taken!" Nikole stood toe to toe with golden highlights. "So stop being so desperate!"
"Yeah and by the way Trevor washed off your number!" Chanel added. "So ha!"
"Clearly they can't get their own guys," Ivy said. "So sad."
"Is that why your guy was all over me yesterday?" Platinum smirked.
"This is so stupid!" I yelled. "I'm not about to stand here and fight with these losers over boys!"
"Well guess what Aubrey?" Vanessa got in my face. "I wanna fight you."
"You wanna fight me?"
"Yeah I wanna fight you."
"What's your problem? I never did anything to you!"
"I just don't like you!" She screamed. "Your irritating and entitled and you think everything belongs to you when it doesn't!"
"I do not! And I don't like you either! You're psycho!"
She pushed me and I stumbled back.
Oh this just got physical.
I pushed her back. "Don't push me."
"Or what?"
"Do it again and watch."
Then she lunged at me.
I can honestly say I snapped. Vanessa was asking for it.
We rolled on the sand screaming and clawing at each other. I pinned her down and landed one, two, three, punches to her face before she shoved me off and started attacking me with her own hits. I blocked my face and raised my knees up to throw her off me. Then I tackled her and the punching, hitting, and kicking continued.
"Aubrey!" Someone yelled but I honestly couldn't register whose voice it was. All I knew was that someone was trying to pull me off Vanessa. But it was too late. I was out for blood.
"Let her hair go!" Carter's voice shouted in my ear. His arms were wrapped around my waist struggling to get me too loosen my grip.
"Let go hoe!" Vanessa screamed.
With one final yank I released my hold on her and she flew back. Carter literally carried me kicking away.
"Bïtch!" I yelled over Carter's shoulder.
"Aubrey calm down!" He commanded.
"Put me down!" He did and and I closed my eyes taking deep breaths. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins.
Nikole was shouting and when I opened my eyes Ryan was tugging her back as well. Ivy and Chanel seemed to be blocking golden highlights from attacking her.
"What the hell is going on?" Trevor exclaimed.
I lost it again and made a move for Vanessa but Carter held me back.
"Tell them Vanessa! Tell them what's going on!"
"What's going on is your dead!"
It happened so fast. Her and platinum streaked over and jumped me. They jumped me. I am not kidding.
At this moment I have to say God bless Nikole because she didn't hesitate before breaking free from Ryan and running over. Then she grabbed platinum by the hair and dragged her back. She let go of her hair and proceeded to hit her.
"Someone get her off!" Platinum screeched.
"You wanna jump my friend!" Nikole yelled and Ivy and Chanel ran over to pull her off. Ivy got hit in the face and fell back and Felix was immediately there to help her up. Ryan recovered from Nikole smacking him down and very forcefully pulled her off.
Meanwhile I had tossed Vanessa off me and this time she stayed down. A huge crowd had formed and I could see phone cameras out and people yelling, "WORLDSTAR!"
"Get them out of here!" Carter yelled.
Felix and Trevor started dispersing the crowd much to their disappointment.
"Go on, nothing to see here!" Felix yelled. "Go about your business!"
I was laying flat on the sand breathing heavily. Carter's face appeared blocking out the sun and he helped me up.
"Are you ok?" He asked.
"I'm fine," besides bits of sand imprinted in the skin of my arms and legs, scratches and bite marks (yes bite marks. Vanessa and her friends were animals) I was fine.
"Ok everyone is gone now," Trevor came over. "Now what the hell happened?"
We all stared at each other. Vanessa glared at me but didn't say anything, running a hand through her hair. I should've pulled it all out.
Nikole was bent over, her hands resting on her thighs as Chanel soothingly rubbed her back. The guys just look bewildered.
Ivy was the first to speak.
"It was just a little scuffle. That's all."
"Little scuffle?" Ryan asked incredulously. "That did not look like a little scuffle."
"Words were said," golden highlights spoke. "And hands were thrown," she shrugged. "I'm over it now."
I gave a short hard laugh. "Yeah totally over it."
She narrowed her eyes at me.
"So no one is going to tell us what happened," Carter said. "No one?"
We all kept quiet. I didn't mind the truth coming out but I knew Vanessa wasn't saying anything because it was her that would look bad in the end, not us.
Rolling my eyes I stormed off. Nikole, Ivy, and Chanel followed. We didn't say anything to each other. We didn't have to.
As we were packing up our stuff to leave the beach the guys jogged over.
"Someone please tell us what happened," Trevor begged. "Please!"
I felt my anger finally starting to wane. "It was nothing Trev."
"You wanna know what happened!" Nikole exploded. Even though I was letting my anger go she was holding on to hers. "You guys are idiots, that's what happened! And Vanessa is a crazy psycho bitch! She's ten times worse than Britney! She admitted to pushing Aubrey off the ladder that day we were setting up for the dance! Her friends insulted us! And they attacked first! But yet you guys were all over them the first day of spring break! Trevor let one write her number on his arm and Chanel is too nice to say anything. Ryan you let one smack your butt and Carter you let Vanessa kiss you! Honesty the only one who is innocent is Felix because him and Ivy aren't even dating! That's why we left! And that's what started the fight today, besides the fact Vanessa has a few screws loose. So there, now both of your questions are answered!"
It was dead silent after her rant and she grabbed her stuff before stalking off.
Chanel looked at us then at Nikole's retreating figure before following her.
I had two options. Either stay and talk to Carter about this or go.
The answer was obvious.
I grabbed my stuff and sprinted off. I could hear Ivy behind me.
"Nikole calm down," Chanel was saying as I caught up.
"I'm sorry but I just hate Vanessa and the guys are so stupid!" She ranted.
"It's not all their fault," Chanel tried to say.
"No don't even try to defend them. They weren't exactly resisting when Vanessa and her friends came up to them. You saw.
"Yeah but it could've been worse. And are you really mad at them or Vanessa?"
She thought for a moment. "Both. I guess everything just came out today."
"Thanks for having my back when those crazies jumped me," I gave her a side hug.
"I'll always have your back," she smiled at me.
"So what are we going to do now?" Ivy asked.
I shrugged. "Go home. Cool off. See what happens tomorrow."
And we did just that.
My mom woke me up the next morning to tell me Carter was here. I glanced at my alarm clock. Eleven thirty.
"Tell him I'll be down in a minute," I mumbled into my pillow.
A minute turned into fifteen as I dragged myself out of bed, brushed my teeth and washed my face, and put on something that covered more skin since I went to bed in my Victoria's Secret silk shorts and sports bra.
I was surprised to see the twins when I finally came downstairs. They were running around playing with Sheila. I didn't see my mom or dad so I assumed they both left for work. Wow. They trusted Carter enough to leave him alone in our house.
"Morning," I yawned.
"Goodmorning Aubrey!" The twins chirped.
Carter was in the living room on his phone. He looked up as I came in.
"Hey," I sat next to him. "You're lucky I like you or I would be seriously pissed about my sleep being interrupted." As it was I was still tired. Fighting took a lot out of you.
He turned to face me. "About yesterday..."
I cut him off. "I'm not mad if you're wondering. That was all Nikole. Give her some time, she'll get over it."
"Yeah but were you mad?" he looked at me. "About the whole Vanessa kissing me thing."
I played with the ends of my hair. "I mean I was upset but...I don't know. That's not what we were fighting about just so you know. It wasn't all about you. Vanessa is just crazy and hates me for whatever reason." I looked up. "I mean I didn't even want to fight her. She wanted to fight me. She even said so."
He let out a breath seeming relieved. "Ok. And I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry. I didn't even know she was going to do that. It happened so fast and after I couldn't really do anything about it."
"All cool," I smiled. "But I have to tell you she has a major crush on you."
"Yeah I figured," he ran a hand down his face.
"Wait you knew?"
"Not completely but I had a feeling. Wasn't completely sure until she kissed me at the beach. Then I knew. I kinda feel bad actually. To her it must've seemed like I was leading her on. But I was just being nice."
"I didn't know that was a word in your vocabulary," I teased him.
He smirked at me. "I can be nice. Just not to you."
I rolled my eyes. "I guess we can add asshole next to your list of growing insults. Next to pervert."
"Would you let a pervert kiss you like this," he moved my hair to the side and blew on the skin of my neck before placing a soft kiss there. I shivered. He continued to trail kisses down my neck all the way down to my collarbone and I let out a blissful sigh.
"The twins are here," I mumbled, my lame attempt at an excuse to get him to stop. My voice wasn't even convincing to me.
"Sheila will occupy them," he said turning my head and capturing my lips. My mouth immediately parted to let him kiss me deeply.
I am such a bad person. Making out with my boyfriend while his two little sisters are somewhere around the house. What if they get injured or something happens or-
My train of thought was cut off when I felt Carter push me backward onto the couch, using his weight to hold himself up. I ran my hands through his hair and pulled him closer. His hands squeezed my thighs and I moaned, my thighs were my weak spot.
In my Carter induced haze I faintly heard the sound of Sheila barking. It seemed to be getting so close...
I snapped out of it and pushed Carter right off me just as the twins ran in. He groaned from his spot on the floor.
"Why are you rolling around on the floor?" Olivia wrinkled her nose.
I sat up and fixed my rumpled clothes and hair as best as I could. "I know right. Your brother is such a weirdo."
"Aubrey Powers you are evil," Carter said.
Hey guys!
This chapter was so much fun to write, especially the fight scene. Let's be honest, Vanessa had it coming from day one. I wouldn't have even let her get away with pushing me off a ladder as long as Aubrey did.
#teamAubrey or #teamVanessa?
Would you have been mad at the guys like Nikole was? Or do you think she was being dramatic?
If you have any thoughts or opinions don't be afraid to comment them!
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