4 || Mission Impossible
4 || Mission Impossible
Well our road trip lasted all of two days. Nikole caught a bad case of food poisoning and we had to head home.
Talk about shitty luck.
We lived in Santa Cruz and I guess for many it sounds amazing. But when you've lived here your whole life it's terribly boring. How many times can you go to the boardwalk before you get tired of it?
"I'm so bored!" I whine to Ivy as I lay upside down off my bed, my pink hair touching the carpet. "Is Nikole still sick?"
"At least school is starting soon," she tries to cheer me up.
"That's even worse! Senior year, our last year of school before we're on our own, like baby ducks set off to sea!"
"You're so dramatic."
"With good reason."
"Let's go to the boardwalk."
"I'll buy you cotton candy."
That got me off the bed.
I ripped off a piece of the fluffy pink goodness and sighed as it dissipated against my tongue. Ivy was eating a blue one.
"You're serious about being pinkan?" She suddenly asks.
I nod. "As serious as the color pink."
"I just thought you'd break by now."
"Ivy you gotta have a little more faith in me."
I turn around just as Ivy yells, "Watch out!"
A mix of vanilla and chocolate ice cream sticks to my shirt, the cone sticking out. I stare down at it in horror.
"Oh shit," Ivy whispers behind me.
"We just keep bumping into each other don't we?" says that familiar voice with the hot British accent.
It's that one really sexy jerk from the beach who bumped into ME, not the other way around.
The cone slides down along with the ice cream plopping on the ground, and it would have been comical if it hadn't slid off MY shirt.
"My shirt," I whisper. "My beautiful pink shirt. What have you done you monster!"
"It's just a shirt," he rolls his eyes.
"Just a shirt? Just a shirt?! It's a freaking pink shirt! And it's not even pink ice cream!"
"Breathe with me," Ivy lays a hand on my arm.
I shake her off and storm to the ice cream booth. The line is long and I don't have time to wait so I snatch some little kids ice cream.
"Hey! That was mine!"
"Buy another!"
I march back over to where Hot guy and Ivy are standing. Ivy's eyes widen sensing what I'm about to do.
"Aubrey don't-"
I smash the cone on his shirt. He stares down at his shirt for a long moment before looking back up at me. His eyes glint dangerously.
Maybe I shouldn't have done that.
He leans in, so close I can see the green flecks in his eyes, so close I can smell the cologne on him, so close a shiver runs up my spine. His lips brush against my ear.
"You'll pay for that love."
I stand frozen as he leans back with a satisfied smirk on his face before removing his shirt and revealing his sculptured abs. In my frozen state I see Ivy drooling, mouth agape. Then he tosses his shirt aside and waltzes off.
Just like that.
I'm unable to move, my limbs stuck in place. Ivy shakes me.
"Aubrey. Aubrey. Blink if you can hear me."
I blink.
"Oh good," she sighs in relief. "I thought you'd gone into shock."
"I think I did," I reply my voice hoarse.
"Did you see his chest! And his eyes and hair and face and everything! That accent!"
"I did."
"I mean hello, totally swoon worthy!"
She's right. I can still feel his breath against my ear.
"But he's probably a tourist," she sighs. "Definitely not from around here."
"I should change," I blurt.
That's when Ivy notices the ice cream stain left behind.
"Right. Let's go back to your place then."
"Operation get Trevor to notice you is now officially in effect," Nikole uses a pointer to tap her whiteboard. We're gathered in her living room on the couch, developing a plan of action.
"Tonight is the last night of the carnival which means this is your chance. Like a snake, you must strike when the time is right. The goal? To get you and Trevor on the Ferris wheel together."
Nikole is all buissnes and we scribble down notes.
"The Ferris wheel is the number one place for first kisses. Tonight, you've gotta look smoking. We want him at your mercy."
I look up from note taking. "This is starting to sound diabolical."
"No interrupting!" She snaps.
"I'm in charge of her makeover. Ivy, you're in charge of trailing them so nothing goes bad. And Aubrey, you're in charge-"
"Of something pink?"
"No you're in charge of getting Trevor to the carnival."
"Why me?" I pout.
"Because I said so. Somehow convince him to go with you, ditch him, and Chanel will ''accidentally' bump into him. They'll decide to hang out and boom, magic."
There are some major flaws in her plan but before I can speak there's a knock on her door.
"Coming!" Nikole bounds over to answer it. "Oh hey babe. What's up?"
"I thought we were hanging out?"
"Shit! I totally forgot. The girls are here. How about the carnival tonight?"
Ivy, Chanel and I exchange glances.
"Sure. See you then." I don't need to look to know they're kissing and then Nikole shuts the door.
"You just complicated our plan," Ivy accuses.
"It's not a big deal," Nikole shrugs.
"Yes," I stand up. "It is. What if Chanel and Trevor bump into you guys and he wants to hang out as a group? That would probably ruin the whole alone time thing. I mean, it's already hard enough Ivy and I have to steer clear of them."
"Chill guys ok? It'll be fine."
It'll be fine, she says.
Chill, she says.
"Tonight is the last night Trevor, pleaseeeeeeeee?"
"I said no. I'm busy."
"Busy doing what? Jerking off to Call of Duty?"
"Go away Aubrey."
I huff. I guess it's come to this.
"Trevor if you don't come, your Xbox will be pinkified."
"What?" He finally looks up from his phone. In my hand, is a bottle of pink glitter. Just one tip and the entire bottle will be emptied out into the game drive, where I'll close it and ruin his console.
"No," he leaps up but I hold up my hand. Whoever said pink couldn't be used as a weapon?
"Last chance Trevor. You're coming with me. And that's an order."
He glares at me. I stand firm, my hand unwavering.
"Good. Now walk out that door, and you better not try anything because I have other methods of getting what I want."
I didn't, but he didn't need to know that.
"You're seriously forcing me to a carnival?"
"Yes. Now move it."
I feel like a bad ass police officer, except my uniform would be pink. I lead him out the door and we walk the ten minutes to reach the carnival. I whip out my phone.
Me: Chanel we're here, by the strength contest booth.
Chanel: I see you guys. I'm so nervous, I don't think I can do this
Me: well you better! I almost wasted an entire bottle of pink glitter for this! Once I leave wait for the signal from Ivy and make your move
I slip my phone back into my pockets and Trevor turns to me. "So what're we doing first?"
"I have to use the bathroom real quick, wait for me ok?"
He rolls his eyes. "Whatever."
I scurry away and pull out my phone to text Ivy.
Me: did she make her move?
Poison Ivy: I just gave her the signal
Me: are Nikole and Ryan here?
Poison Ivy: haven't seen either but find them! You know how Nikole is when she's with him. She'll ruin everything I just know it
Now I feel like Tom Cruise from Mission Impossible. I quickly pocket my phone and search for the two lovebirds, ducking behind games and booths. People look at me strangely.
Target spotted.
They're at a picnic bench, feeding each other ice cream. Next to me is an item shop and I grab a pair of binoculars from the display.
"You'll have to pay for that!" Yells the seller.
"Shhh!" I peer through the lens. Nikole is completely absorbed in Ryan. I scan the perimeter. Chanel and Trevor nowhere to be seen. Now all I have to do is follow them for the rest of the night.
The two get up hand in hand to continue their romantic date. I hurry after them.
"Hey! Come back here missy! You didn't pay for those binoculars!"
I turn around and throw a wad of bills at the man. He fumbles to catch them all and I sprint off, keeping a careful eye on my two targets.
Yep, I'm definitely going to become a spy when I graduate. With a super sexy hot pink outfit.
Everything is going fine until I trail the happy couple to the Farris wheel. Nikole and Ryan are coming from one way and Chanel and Trevor from the other.
They're going to bump into each other.
Me: Ivy, red alert! Red alert!
Poison Ivy: what do we do?!?!
Me: we stop them
I take a deep breath and charge toward Nikole. When she notices me her eyes widen but before she can speak I grab her hand and drag her away.
"Hey!" Ryan shouts.
"Aubrey what- what are you doing!" Nikole tugs against me.
Finally we stop, me panting out of breath. I'll never get in shape.
I jab a finger in her chest. "You almost ruined the plan!"
"What are you talking about? We didn't run into Chanel or Trevor the entire night!"
"Up until you almost collided at the Ferris wheel!"
Nikole looks down shamefully. I cross my arms.
"Crap. I did almost ruin it didn't I? I'm so sorry!"
"It's alright. That exactly why I've been keeping an eye on you two. Ivy said you might mess up the plan."
"Well thanks for stopping me. By the way how'd you get Trevor here anyway?"
I wink. "That's top secret."
Well that was a fun chapter. Hope you liked it.
QOTD: what's your favorite thing to do at a boardwalk, carnival, or fair?
I like the rides. Oh and eating🍕🍔🍟🍗🍦🍪🍩
Stay pink🎀
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