38 || April Fools
38 || April Fools
The day I dreaded has finally come.
April fools.
AKA prank wars.
I woke up and my alarm clock read ten am. My eyes had widened into saucers. I was majorly late for school! How come no one had woken me up?
I jumped out of bed and decided to forgo a shower. Quickly I brushed my teeth and pulled on the first clothes I could get my hands on. I left my bed head, grabbed my backpack, and raced downstairs.
"Why didn't anyone wake me!" I called out pounding down the stairs. If I missed practice today Britney would kill me. Our second round was this Saturday.
No one was downstairs.
The lights were off and it was dead silent.
What the hell?
Something didn't feel right so I peeked out he window. It was still dark outside.
Wait...but my alarm said ten am.
"April fools!" I heard my brother call out behind me and I whipped around. "Man the sheer terror in your voice was hilarious."
I was so mad I didn't even know what to say. "What time is it?" I bit out.
"Four twenty seven. AM."
I threw my entire backpack at him. "You jerk!" I yelled throwing fruit next. He shielded himself.
"I'm sorry but it was too good an opportunity to pass up!"
"You came back all the way from UCLA just to prank me?!" Without thinking I ran and tackled him. We started wrestling on the floor.
"Hey!" My mothers voices shouted from the top of the stairs. "What's going on? Do you have any idea what time it is?" My father appeared behind her.
"When the hell did you get so strong?" Jason asked as I held him tightly in a headlock.
"Why is Jason here?" I demanded.
"He came in last night while you were sleeping," my mother answered. "Now what is going on? It's four in the morning."
"I know. Jason changed the time on my clock so I would think it was later. I thought I was late for school so I rushed to get ready only to find out it wasn't even five yet!"
My dad chuckled. "That's a pretty good one."
"I know right?" Jason agreed and I whacked him hard upside the head. "Ow! Get off you witch!"
My mom glared at my dad. "Don't encourage him."
"Sorry," he said but I saw him secretly wink at Jason.
I was so going to get both of them back.
I was cautions in opening my locker at school. It was April fools. I couldn't take any chances.
Nothing spilled out or sprung out at me and I sighed in relief. However a deep voice at my ear practically made me jump through the roof.
"Don't move or I shoot."
I felt something pressed to my head that felt like the barrel of a gun and I froze, panic encasing my heart like ice.
"I don't have any money or valuables," I pleaded. "Please don't shoot. I'll give you whatever you want I swear!"
I thought this was it, my life was over. Aubrey Powers dead before her eighteenth birthday, shot at school.
Then the gunman started to laugh.
What the fudge?
Of course I spun around to see Carter behind me laughing his ass off. He had a BB gun in his hands. I glared at him and crossed my arms waiting for him time done.
My list of targets was getting longer.
"April fools," he finally stopped laughing and smirked at me. I pursed my lips.
"Watch your back King."
He stepped close pressing himself against me. "Is that a threat Powers?"
I leaned up until my lips brushed against his. "It's a promise. Boyfriend."
Then I slammed my locker shut and stormed off. Ivy and the girls were sitting outside in the quad. Nikole was angrily gesturing around.
"What's up?" I approached them. I noticed her face was completely bare, she didn't even have her usual eyeshadow/eyeliner/mascara combination. Don't get me wrong Nikole was pretty natural but it was still a shock.
"Ryan came over early and hid all my makeup and left me a scavenger hunt to find it. I followed all the clues but instead of my makeup it was a jack in the box that popped out yelling April fools. Turns out while I was searching the house for my makeup he'd snuck back into my room and put it right back. By the time I realized I didn't have enough time to do any. I'm ignoring him right now, I am so mad."
"Never mess with a girls makeup," Chanel shook her head.
"Yeah well my stupid brother came all the way down from UCLA just to change the time on my clock so I would think it was late. I rushed to get ready only to realize it was four in the morning."
"Damn," Ivy whistled.
"Yeah I was livid. Then Carter sneaks up behind me and pretends to be a gunman."
Chanel tells her story. "Trevor set up an entire clown costume in my locker that looked like a real person holding a knife. It jumped out at me and I screamed bloody murder. The entire hallway looked at me like I was nuts. Then Trevor pops out from around the corner yelling April fools."
"This is war!" I pound my fist into my palm.
"I'm with you guys," Ivy holds up her hand in a pledge like salute. "It's only a matter of time before I'm next."
"We have to hit em where it hurts," Nikole rubs her chin in thought. "What matters most to the boys?"
"Trevor's Xbox," Chanel grins evilly.
"Carter's motorcycle," I say. "Lucy."
"What?" Ivy looks at me.
"That's her name. Lucy. She's his oh so precious baby."
"Wow," Ivy shakes her head. "What about you Nikole?"
"His signed pair of Jordan's are actually on display in a glass case in his room. I wonder how much he'd freak if they happened to go missing...."
"You are evil," I smile. She flips her hair.
"I know."
Chanel drums her fingernails on the table. "I saw an old Xbox at the thrift store yesterday. It looked like Trevor's and it was only seven dollars too. I'll buy it, use my dads hammer to smash it, then switch it out for Trevor's so he thinks his Xbox was destroyed."
Ivy looks positively giddy. "We are so diabolical."
"As for me," I smile slyly. "I think I'll be taking Lucy out for a joyride."
"Operation April fools is in full effect," Nikole holds out her hand and we stack ours on top of hers.
"Let the wars begin."
My chance came in bio when Carter asked to go to the bathroom. While he was gone I dug through his bag and found his motorcycle keys.
Chanel was using her free period to set up her prank as well as Nikole. Ivy was going to cover for me at cheer practice since I had to take Carter's bike right after school. I'd take it home and hide it in the garage before rushing back to school for practice. Then afterwards we were all going to meet at Pinkberry and see how long it took for the guys to realize what was going on.
After school couldn't come fast enough. I was the first out of my seat and out the door when the bell rang.
Now I've actually never ridden a motorcycle before but how hard can it be? I've seen Carter do it plenty of times not to mention listened to him talk about it endlessly. He described all the parts to me and what they did, how it worked. It's like riding a bike. A gas powered, jet engine, bike.
I slipped on the helmet and revved the engine. I felt like a badass biker girl. Slowly I backed out of his space careful not to run any students over. Somehow I made it to the exit without killing myself.
Please don't let me die.
I accelerated and a little shriek left my mouth. Turn turn! I was on the actual road with cars and I was gonna die. Was it really worth it?
I felt like I was in those action movies where the hero is trying to get away from the bad guys and drives crazily weaving and maneuvering through cars. I got honked at multiple times and had to yell back sorry. It was a miracle I didn't crash.
I've never been more relived to reach my house. Once I stopped the bike I sat for a moment trying to calm my racing heart and get my breathing under control. Once I calmed down I opened the garage and wheeled the motorcycle in, using one of my dad's old car tarps to cover it.
So far so good.
When I got back to school Britney was none to happy to see me. Ivy had covered for me as best as she could but Britney was still mad I was late.
"Is it done?" Nikole whispered while we started our stretches. I nodded.
"It's done. I almost died but it's done."
Cheer practice sucked but that's nothing new. We practiced our next routine and soon it was over.
"Let's bounce," Chanel hoisted her duffel back over her shoulder, Nikole and I following suit. Ivy pulled her keys out her purse just as the gym doors burst open. It was Trevor, Ryan, and Carter.
"There they are!" Trevor yelled pointing at us.
"Damn that didn't take them long," I muttered.
"RUN!" Nikole yelled and we took off. I could hear Ryan yelling behind us.
"Don't let them get away!"
We sprinted out of the school and toward Ivy's car clambering in.
"Drive!" I screeched as the boys raced toward us.
Ivy fumbled with the keys but managed to stick them in the ignition before peeling out. The guys pounded on the windows. We made faces and stuck our tongues out.
"Suckas!" Nikole yelled out the window once they stopped giving chase. Chanel and I opened the other window and stuck our head out waving our middle fingers.
"Serves them right," I plopped back down in my seat. "Who's still up for some frozen yogurt? It's on me."
It was late evening when Ivy dropped me off at home. I wasn't surprised to see Carter lounging inside on my couch causally chatting up my mom.
"Sweetie your home! Carter stopped by to see you."
"Oh did he?" I dropped my bag.
Carter smiled pleasantly at me. I smiled pleasantly back.
"Well I'll just let you kids get to it," she stood up. I noticed a plate with crumbs on Carter's lap.
"Thanks for the cookies Mrs. Powers."
"No problem," she smiled and took his plate.
When she was gone I sat on the couch farthest away from him.
"I assume you're here for your motorcycle?"
"You assumed correct."
We stared at each other.
"Well played Aubrey, well played."
I smirked. "I try. Oh and April fools."
I pulled out his keys from my bag and tossed them at him before standing.
"It's in my garage."
Carter checked Lucy throughly making sure I hadn't damaged her. I rolled my eyes. Lucy was fine. Sure I'd almost crashed multiple times but in the end we'd survived. That was all that mattered. Right?
"Oh and Aubrey?"
"Don't try this again."
"Or else what?"
He lowered his voice. "Or else I'll have to put you over my knee and spank you like the bad girl you are."
I choked and my eyes widened. "W-what?"
He smirked. "Man you are way too easy."
Realizing it was a joke I flipped him off before going back inside my house and slamming the door.
Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter and laughed a lot, because I know I did writing it!
Shout out to Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules for the first prank.
Chapters left // 10
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