32 || Valentines Day Pt. 1
32 || Valentines Day Pt. 1
"Guess what?!" Ivy's runs up to us excitedly.
"There's a sale at Victoria's Secret?" I jump up.
Aw. I sit back down on the bench. Chanel, Nikole, and I are just chilling in the quad before school, mostly taking about our first elimination round.
"What?" Chanel asks.
"I signed us up for the Valentines Dance Committee!"
The pink lemonade I was sipping from my cup comes spewing out.
"What!" Nikole exclaims. "How could you? Between cheer, school, and now this we'll be swamped."
"I still haven't recovered from practice yet," Chanel rubs her sore backside.
Ivy is too excited to care about any of our complaints. "It'll be so fun! Of course I'm the head of the committee," she flips her hair. "And I sighed the boys up as well."
"Wait till Trevor hears about that," Chanel mutters.
Not a minute later we hear a loud, "IVY ROSE MILLER!"
Trevor comes storming down the schools front steps followed by Ryan and Carter.
"You signed us up for the Valentines dance committee!" He comes to a stop in front of her, his arms crossed and a scowl on his face.
"Aren't you excited?" She grins up at him. "This is going to be the best dance ever!"
"No I am not excited!" He yells. "I don't want to plan a stupid dance!"
Chanel glares at him. He rolls his eyes.
"Not stupid, whatever."
Carter is frowning. "We have basketball you know."
"And lives," Ryan adds.
"See how unhappy you've made everyone!" I point an accusing finger Ivy.
She just waves us off. "Don't be late for the first meeting. It's a lunch today so get your food and come over to the student government room." Then she skips off.
"She just completely ignored everything we said!" Nikole says appalled, her mouth open.
I sigh. Once Ivy gets an idea in her head there's no stopping her. She's as stubborn as a mule.
This should be fun.
"Welcome to our first committee meeting!" Ivy announces once everyone is gathered. Students are sprawled across various pieces of furniture. There's chairs, couches, and beanbags.
"We'll begin with our first order of business, a the-"
"Am I too late?" The door bursts open.
Nikole, Chanel, Ivy and I all share a look.
Ivy, always the mature one, keeps it professional. "Of course not. Have a seat. In the future though try to be on time."
"Sorry," she sits in the beanbag chair on the other side of Carter.
"Hi," she smiles.
"Hey," he nods. I frown.
Hello, I'm right here too.
"Now as I was saying," Ivy continues. "Our first order of business will be selecting a theme."
"Isn't the theme already Valentine's Day?" Ryan calls out. There's some chuckles across the room.
Ivy glares at him. "Yes Einstein that is the obvious theme but we need a sub theme. For example, we can do a night in Paris or a Romeo and Juliet theme, you know, tragic love."
"I think I've had enough of Romeo and Juliet," I shudder remembering the horrible play.
"I like the a night in Paris theme," Rachel, a girl in my US history class calls out.
"How about a romantic Greek theme?" Someone else suggests.
"Oh oh shot by Cupid!"
"A starry night!"
"How about a masquerade ball?"
"Queen of hearts dance! So like, card based!"
"A Cinderella dance?"
Ivy writes down every idea suggested.
"These are all great ideas," she smiles. "We'll have an anonymous vote. On the slip of paper Rachel will be passing out write one of the themes up here-" she points to the white board. "-that you want. Or if you have another idea write that down. The idea with the most votes will be our theme."
Rachel hands me a slip of paper and I scribble down Queen of hearts dance. I think the idea sounds cool and unique. Then I drop it in the bucket she passes around. While Rachel and Ivy count up the votes we chat amongst ourselves.
"What'd you vote for?" I ask Nikole and Chanel.
"The masquerade ball," Chanel replies. "I think it'll be mysterious and romantic. Like out of a movie."
"I voted for a starry night," Nikole says. "What about you?"
"Queen of hearts."
Nikole glances over her shoulder and her mouth forms a thin line. The guys are standing in a close knit circle talking but somehow Vanessa managed to squeeze her way in next to Carter and is laughing along with them.
"It's like she's trying to worm her way into our group," Nikole says bitterly. "And she doesn't even try to get to know us. All she does is talk to the guys and act like we're invisible."
"She's like, lowkey annoying," Chanel agrees.
"And I think she likes Carter," I add. The girls turn to me.
"This is serious. Aubrey, you need to woman up and tell Carter you like him before Vanessa sinks her fangs into him."
"That's a weird analogy."
Nikole rolls her eyes. "Whatever, my point is this is your chance to tell Carter how you feel."
"And the timing couldn't be more perfect!" Chanel smiles. "It is valentine season after all. Love in the air..."
"Broken hearts..." I say.
"Stop looking at all the negatives and making excuses," Nikole gives me a look. "We all made new year resolutions and we're all going to fulfill them. Starting with yours."
"Carter likes you," Chanel reassures. "I know he does, I can sense it. Maybe he just wants you to make the first move."
"Ok ok I get it!" I hold up my hands. "Tell Carter I like him. But first can we wait to get Ivy's opinion?"
"You know she'll just agree with us," Nikole sighs, exasperated. "But fine."
"Alright everyone!" Ivy claps. "The vote is in. And the winner is...."
We all wait with bated breathe.
"The masquerade ball."
Eh. I'm not too disappointed. Any theme we went with would have been great.
"Ok so I'm going to start assigning jobs," Ivy hands out sheets of paper. "Find your name and that'll be your job for helping to prepare for the dance."
"Damn she already has our jobs ready?" Trevor comes up to us.
"That's Ivy for you," Ryan rolls his eyes.
I scan the paper for my name. Aubrey Powers - painting decorations
So. I'm paining eh? There's another name with painting decorations as well.
Carter King - painting decorations
Chanel nudges me and whispers, "It's fate."
Yeah right.
So during Valentine's season our school always has this thing called rose anonymous. Basically for fifty cents you can send a rose to someone. Pink is for friendship, red is for love. It's not really anonymous because you can choose to put your name if you want, but people only do that if their sending them to a friend or if their brave enough to tell their crush.
Ivy, Chanel, Nikole, and I always send four roses each to each other, so we all head to the booth and pay right in front of each other.
"That'll be six dollars," Stacy, the president of student government says. I hand her the money and she gives me my cards to sign that they'll attach to the roses.
After writing out silly messages and signing them I hand them back to her and she smiles. "Thank you."
Ivy pulls me aside. "Send roses to Carter."
So we talked to Ivy about the whole me telling Carter thing and of course she agreed. She's wanted me to tell him since day one.
Nikole and Chanel join the conversation. "What're we talking about?"
"Aubrey should totally send roses to Carter."
"Yes!" Nikole snaps her fingers. "That's a great idea!"
"I don't want him to know I sent them," I bite my lip.
Ivy rolls her eyes. "Yes you do. This way you can tell him you like him!"
I shake my head. "No. I want to tell him in person."
"You will," Chanel says. "Once he sees the roses are from you he'll confront you and bam you tell him."
I don't like the idea. So I insist I send them anonymously and see his reaction first.
When I go to sign the card I'm given I debate on how I should sign it. I take so long Ivy snatches the card from me and signs it Anon. Then she hands it to Stacy.
"There. That wasn't so hard was it?"
"Shut up."
After school we have another meeting for the dance. It's time to get down to business.
"We want a mysterious feel," Ivy explains. "Theater will be assisting us with decorations. They've been kind enough to let us use some of their sets as decorations."
After explaining what she wants us to do today we set off to start our jobs. Carter and I have to fetch paint from the art storage closet.
"Damn," I coughed entering the dusty room. "It's like they haven't cleaned this place since the 1800's."
Carter uses his t-shirt to cover his mouth and use. "I'm not one to be all germaphobic but I'm not touching anything without gloves."
"I think Mr. Radish has some left."
So we quickly head over to his classroom and ask to borrow some latex gloves. He's reluctant to give them up, like geez old man, just buy some more at the dollar tree. Finally he gives us a pair and we head back to dust central.
"What colors are we looking for?" I ask Carter.
He shrugs. "Don't know, I wasn't listening."
I cross my arms. "Seriously? And what were you doing?"
"Talking to Vanessa and the guys."
I frown deeply. I'm getting real tired of Vanessa.
He smirks. "Guess we'll just have to take a guess in the dark and bring the colors we find."
Ivy will have our heads if we mess this up.
"I hope you're a good guesser," I say starting to dig through the boxes. A plume of dust comes up sending me into a coughing fit. I wouldn't be surprised if I contract pink eye after this.
"Maybe we should have asked Mr. Radish for goggles too," Carter jokes.
He may be joking but I'm seriously considering going over there to get goggles now.
We search through the boxes finding all types of colors. There's red, blue, pink, purple, brown, yellow, green, teal, orange, black, white, and many more. We haul as many cans out as we can before staring down at them.
"I think because it's the Valentines dance and the theme is masquerade we should bring the purple, pink, red, and dark blue."
"And the black," Carter adds.
I nod in agreement and bend to pick up two cans. When I stand Carter is right in front of me and presses a hand to my shirt. At first I'm confused until he pulls his hand back and there's a big purple handprint on my shirt.
"Oh my gosh you are such a jerk," I set the cans down while he laughs. "It's not funny!"
"Actually it kind of is," he laughs.
"This is the second shirt you've ruined!" When he continues to laugh I open the green paint, stick my hand in it, and smear them down his joggers. That's when he stops laughing and narrows his eyes at me.
"These were Nike."
Now I'm the one smiling. "Oh really? Well that's too bad!"
"This means war."
From there it turns to purple vs. green paint wars. Carter throws a glob at me and I duck, the paint luckily hitting the floor and not the wall. I manage to get more on his clothes and he gets it on my skin and clothes as well. We're covered in paint.
"Surrender or be destroyed," he says.
"Never!" I charge at him except I trip over a chair leg and go flying, managing to grab onto his shirt and pull him down with me.
Major fail.
I land on top of Carter and slap his cheeks with green paint.
"I win!" I cheer.
"My back," he groans. "You're like five hundred pounds."
I slap his face again. "I am not!"
He recovers and smears paint across my cheek. "But you don't win. It's a tie."
"Fine," I agree.
Then he grins. "Gee, where have we been in this situation before?"
"You mean when you threw me into a lake and caused me to fall into a ditch?"
"You chased me with a stick!"
"You deserved it," I start to get up but he catches me wrists and holds me in place. My heart starts pounding like a drum and we stare at each other.
Oh my gosh. We're so close we could kiss if he lifted his head up a inch or if I bent mine down an inch. He stares at me and I can't read the look on his face. Then something flickers in his eyes.
It's the second time I've seen this look on him. The first time was when he confronted me about the night at the club when I lied about not remembering what happened. He had the same look of confusion on his face when asking me about it, and I couldn't figure out why.
I want to move but I'm frozen in time just staring down at him, waiting for him to say something or me to unfreeze.
"I don't know what it is about you..." he mumbles and my eyes widen. My ears must be deceiving me. He did not just say that!
Maybe...maybe there's a possibility...
Just then the door burst open. I practically fly off him.
Vanessa is standing in the doorway. "There you two are! Ivy is going nuts wondering where you guys are with the paint." She narrows her eyes at me.
"You got paint everywhere!"
Ex-cuase me! Carter helped out too, I didn't just get paint everywhere by myself.
She goes up to Carter. "You're covered in paint!" Then she turns to glares at me. What the hell! She's not even trying to be subtle anymore.
"Relax," Carter says and I turn to him. He's back to his regular self, the one where it's impossible to read his emotions.
I'm fuming, for two reasons. One,our moment was interrupted and two, Vanessa is a total bitch. Without saying anything to the both of them I grab three paint cans and storm out.
Ahhh they had a moment😍
Ok it's been so long since I had a QOTD so here's one for you:
QOTD: why do you think Carter looked confused?
I want to hear your theories so don't hold back!
Next update in a couple of days or sooner, I'll see.
Comment 💬
Stay pink🎀
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