30 || The new girl
30 || The new girl
It was great to be back at school.
"Oh how I missed these hallowed halls!" Trevor spread his arms wide as we walked down the hallways.
"I bet they missed you too," I snicker.
"My one true love," he kisses a locker. "I've come back to you!"
"Stop being an idiot," Ivy yanks him back by his shirt. "Honestly I don't know how Chanel deals with you."
Chanel giggles.
I smile at my friends then glance at Carter. He's currently tapping away on his phone. When he looks up he catches me staring and winks.
I turn away blushing.
After a deep psycho analyzation with the girls of his confusing words to me: If you hadn't been drunk I probably wouldn't have pushed you away, the girls have come to the conclusion that he likes me.
I kindaaaaaa believe it.
Just a lil bit.
Suddenly I hear a squeal behind me followed by Carters unmistakeable voice cursing. "Shit. You okay?"
We all stop and turn around. There's a girl scrambling to pick up her books and papers.
"Geez man you really shouldn't text and walk," Ryan says.
"I'll help," Ivy always the nice one bends down to help the girl.
I cross my arms. "Wow Carter you really have a knack for running into girls. First me now her."
The girl stands up and Ivy hands her her things.
"Thanks," she smiles. She has copper colored hair and bright baby blue eyes.
"No problem," Ivy steps back.
"Sorry," Carter apologizes. "Wasn't watching where I was going."
She stares at him before quickly shaking her head. "It's ok," she finally says.
Everyone turns to continue walking and Carter falls into step beside me.
"You should really watch where you're going," I say.
"If I had you would've never met me and what a shame that would've been," he grins. "Count your blessings."
Ugh. I peer over my shoulder. That girl is still standing there staring after us.
"Class I want you to meet Vanessa Lorenti," Ms. Faye introduces the girl from earlier. "She'll be joining us this semester. Why don't you have a seat next to Aubrey."
She walks over to me and smiles. "Hi," she says.
"Hey," Vanessa pulls out the chair and sits. I go back to reviewing my notes. Ms. Faye loves to give us pop quizzes after every break to see if we still remembered what we last learned. As if.
"So what're we doing?" Vanessa asks.
"Oh we have a little time to review notes before she gets into the lesson," I reply. "Don't worry though I'm sure she'll give you everything you need to catch up."
"Ok," she nods. "So what's with all the pink?"
I blow out a breath. I'm actually trying to study for once and she won't stop talking. But I give her the benefit of the doubt because she's new and probably just trying to make friends. I can't imagine how hard it is to move during your senior year.
"Pink is my favorite color," I shrug.
"So you're like a pinkist?"
I'm not sure it's a word but I guess that's how you'd describe me.
"Yeah," I nod. "I am."
"That's cool," she smiles.
"So how come you switched schools in the middle of senior year?" I question her, curious.
"My parents split up and my dad ended up getting the house so we had to move."
"That sucks," I give her a sympathetic look. "Well I'm sure you'll like it here. Everyone's pretty chill just watch out for Britney Matthews."
Vanessa looked confused. "Who?"
"You'll know her when you see her. She's always got a stick up her ass and thinks she's better than everybody else," I roll my eyes. Vanessa laughs.
"I'll keep an eye out."
"Yeah she doesn't take too kindly to newbies."
"So...." Vanessa trails off. "Is that your boyfriend?"
"Him," she points at Carter.
"Pshhhh no," I laugh but it sounds fake even to my own ears. "We're just friends."
"Cool," she seems to be thinking.
We chat for the rest of study time until Ms. Faye gets into the lesson and we have to shut up. After class I meet Carter at the door.
"Don't forget to check out To Kill a Mockingbird!" Ms. Faye calls out. "We'll start reading it in class tomorrow and I'll be giving out the first assignment!"
"Come check out the book with me?" Carter asks.
I follow him to the library so he can check it out. Luckily for me my dad owns a copy so I'll just ask to borrow his. It's one of his favorite books. Personally I don't know why but I guess I'll find out tomorrow.
As Carter searches for the book I can't get his words out of my head.
If you hadn't been drunk I probably wouldn't have pushed you away.
It's killing me. I have to ask him.
"Mhm?" He responds distractedly.
"What did you mean the night of New Years when you said if I hadn't been drunk you wouldn't have pushed me away."
"I meant exactly what I said."
"I know but what does that mean?"
He sighs. "You really aren't the sharpest crayon in the box are you?"
"Must you always insult me?"
"It means," he tilts my chin up to look at him. "That I would've kept kissing you. And maybe more. But sadly you were drunk and I didn't want to take advantage of you like that."
"Oh," my legs feel like over cooked noodles.
"Oh?" He raises a brow. "Hmm maybe you didn't understand me. Maybe I should give you an example."
"No, no, no that explanation was fine enough thank you," I hold up my hands.
"I don't think so," he takes my hands and lowers them.
"If you're just trying to get under my skin..."
"I am," I'm about to push him away when he adds. "And I'm not."
Great another riddle to figure out.
He's inches away from my face now, close enough where I can see the gold flecks in his eyes. How can one human being be so beautiful? It's totally not fair.
He's going to kiss me! I'm so glad I chewed that mint gum during class.
"Are you going to stop me?" He murmurs.
Hell no! Kiss me you fool!
I slide my hands my hands up his shirt in response. I feel like he's teasing me as he kisses me at first, no tongue or anything but still it's enough to send shockwaves through my body. However before it can go further a voice interrupts.
"Oh I'm sorry!"
I just about jump out of my skin. Carter abruptly steps backs. Vanessa is standing at the end of the bookshelves with an apologetic look on her face.
"I didn't know you guys were back here," she repeats. "I just came to get the book for English class."
I know she meant no harm but I still feel incredibly annoyed. I manage to paste a smile on my face. "It's ok."
"But I'm confused," she pauses. "I thought you two weren't dating?"
"We're not," I say feeling irritation seep into my voice. Why can't she just mind her own business?
"So are you guys like friends with benefits then?"
"No," Carter says. "Just friends."
She looks at us skeptically. "Sure. Whatever you say. Anyway if you don't mind..."
"Are you going to get your book?" I turn to Carter making a point to purposefully ignore Vanessa.
"Yeah," he grabs it off the shelf. Then he grabs the second one for Vanessa.
"Thanks," she smiles brightly at him. "Hey do you mind if I eat lunch with you guys? I don't really know anyone here..."
"Sure," Carter shrugs.
I keep my mouth shut.
"There you are!" Chanel exclaims when she sees us approaching. "Where were y-" she stops when she sees Vanessa with us.
"This is Vanessa," I gesture at her.
"Hi," she waves. "I hope you guys don't mind if I eat with you."
"The more the merrier," Ivy scoots over to make room. I sit next to her and there's some space left for her to sit next to me. Instead she squeezes in next to Carter.
Nothing misses Ivy sharp eye and her brow slightly furrows.
"So I noticed your accent," Vanessa says to Carter. "You're not from here are you?"
"Born and raised in England," he responds.
"Did you know he's had tea with the queen?" Trevor's says in the horrible fake British accent. Nikole throws her piece of bread at him. The bread at this school is really nasty and stale so it's basically equivalent to throwing a rock at someone.
"Oh you wanna have a food fight?" He retaliates by throwing a breadstick at her. Now those are actually good.
She flings a forkful of fruit at him and he ducks but a pineapple piece gets stuck in his hair. Laughing she sticks her tongue out.
"Stop wasting good food!" Chanel pulls her tray back before Nikole can use her fries as ammunition.
"Help a dude out," Trevor turns to Ryan.
"I don't know if I want to get in the middle of this," he says.
"Or else Nikole won't give it up," I whisper so only she and the girls can hear. Chanel, Ivy, and I laugh while Nikole flips us off.
"But be honest with us you have met the queen right?" Trevor turns to Carter.
He shakes his head chuckling. "Sadly I have not. Maybe one day."
We spend the rest of lunch talking and laughing and I actually forget Vanessa is there. She's just....invisible to me. Something about her rubs me the wrong way.
I don't know maybe I'm just being a bitch.
Later at cheer practice the girls and I minus Ivy are stretching. Ivy as usual is our dedicated mascot.
"There's something about that girl," she frowns. "I don't like her."
"Vanessa?" Chanel says.
"Yeah her. She just seems sneaky to me. Her vibe is off."
"Did you see the way she squeezed in next to Carter at lunch?" Nikole adds.
"Omg you saw that too!" Chanel exclaims. "I thought I was crazy!"
"Hi I hope you guys don't mind if I sit next to you," Nikole says in an overly sweet voice impersonating Vanessa. "Like yes bitch we mind!"
"Nikole!" I nudge her laughing.
We're definitely not a mean group of people but Nikole has always had a mean streak. Maybe it's her experience with Britney but she can be a little vicious sometimes. She did get into a physical altercation with Britney at one point.
"I went with Carter to get our next book for English right," I start my story. "And I asked him about what he said on New Years."
The girls eagerly listen.
"And like...one thing led to another and we were like about to kiss-"
Chanel squeals.
"But then Vanessa pops up out of nowhere!"
Ivy rolls her eyes. "She probably followed you guys."
"I don't think so but she just pops up right when things were going to get heated. And she's all 'oh I'm sorry but aren't you guys like not dating?' Because she asked me in English and I said we weren't. But still-"
"It's none of her business," Chanel finishes for me.
"Exactly! And then she asks if we're friends with benefits! Carters like 'no' and she gets an attitude about it."
"Whoever this girl is," Nikole laces up her shoes. "We need to watch her."
Chanel and Ivy nod in agreement.
All I'm thinking is, we have our eyes on you Vanessa.
Hehe I'm so excited for what's to come. So, what do y'all think of Vanessa so far? Thoughts?
I'm trying to make up for my lack of updates so I hope you guys are enjoying these latest chapters. Also I might be changing the cover quite a bit because I'm trying to see what I really like as a cover in case you guys get curious and wonder why the cover is changing so much.
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Stay pink🎀
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