24 || The show must go on
24 || The show must go on
"Look how many people there are!" I hissed peeking from behind the curtain.
The auditorium was completely packed. People had to stand due to how crowded it was. All for some stupid play.
Ryan pulled me back. "Come on we're doing a last minute run through and prep."
I awkwardly followed him in my tight dress. All the actors were scurrying doing hair, makeup, and running through lines. Production was shouting orders, making sure the sound worked and all the props were ready.
"Mrs. Faye!" I wobbled over to her.
"Yes Ms. Powers?" She said distractedly flipping through her clipboard and mumbling to herself.
"Do I have to wear this wig? It's so itchy!"
"Lady Montague did not have pink hair. In fact I don't even think pink hair dye was invented back then."
"I'm very busy right now," she interrupted me. "Just wear the wig ok? You look darling." She patted my head and hurried off.
I blew out a breath and went to go see how everyone else was doing.
"How hard can it be to work a curling iron?" Kimberly was yelling. "You incompetent fools!"
One girl had taken one look at the crowd and been immediately hit with a bad case of stage fright. She was now crying while someone tried to sooth her. The stage manger was yelling at two boys who were sword fighting and accidentally cut a power cord.
Looks like this play was bringing out the worst in everyone.
"Where is Romeo!" Mrs. Faye was shouting frantically. "Has anyone seen Romeo!"
"He just texted me," a girl ran up to Mrs. Faye. "He can't make it tonight."
"What?!" She screeched.
"Something came up," the girl shrugged.
Mrs. Faye dabbed at her forehead with a handkerchief. "Ok that's ok. Fetch me his understudy."
This place was a mess.
Carter came up to me in his costume. I took a minute to discreetly check him out.
"Lady Montague," he bowed.
"Tybalt," I replied. "Do put that sword away."
He sheathed the weapon. "We start in five."
Nerves bubbled in my stomach. I nodded and smoothed out my skirts.
"Places everyone!" Mrs. Faye shouted.
"You ready?" Carter asked.
"Ready to puke."
"Oh, where is Romeo? Saw you him today? Right glad I am he was not at this fray."
So far everything was going smoothly. Besides a few stumbles on lines we were doing good.
Lord Montague held out his arm and I took it. Together we walked off the stage. Once backstage I sighed in relief.
My third line came at the end of the play so I didn't have much to do except sit and watch. The only parts I was really interested in were the parts Carter was onstage. It was like he was a different person, but then again isn't that what acting is?
I'd fallen asleep when I heard screaming. Immediately my eyes shot open.
"What's going on?" The stage manager rushed past me. I picked up my skirts and ran after him onto the stage. My eyes widened.
Nicholas Herrington was the one originally supposed to be playing Romeo, but apparently he couldn't make it. So why was he here now wearing a rag that barely covered his privates and swinging from the stage ropes?
"Aieeeeeee!" He screeched knocking over one of the prop houses. This set off a domino effect and the rest of the houses came tumbling down. Actors were screaming and scrambling to avoid being crushed.
"Someone get him down!" Mrs. Faye yelled. The enter audience was either laughing or frozen in shock.
"Nicholas you baffoon!" Kimberly yelled shaking her fists at him. "How dare you ruin this play?"
"Kim watch out!" I yelled. A pillar was about to fall right on her.
Screw this outfit. I tore off the ridiculous skirt and wig before cartwheeling across the stage over to her and pushing her out of the way.
"Ah!" She yelled. We went flying off the stage. I landed hard on my back, the wind knocked out of me.
"Aubrey!" Chanel, Ivy and Nikole rushed over from the crowd to help me up. "Are you ok?"
"My back," I groaned. "Need life alert."
Chanel helped up Kimberly and the girls helped us backstage as Mrs. Faye was yelling.
"Close the curtains! Close the curtains!"
It was chaos backstage. Trevor and Ryan were laughing their asses off.
"You think this is funny!" I glared at them.
"Did you see Nicholas? He was like Tarzan!" Trevor wheezed.
Kimberly was crying and her mascara was running leaving dark trails down her cheeks. "I'm ruined!"
Nikole rolled her eyes. "Dramatic much?"
Kimberly shot her a venomous look. "Do you know how humiliating that was?"
"Do I get a thank you for saving your life and almost breaking my back?" I grumbled.
Carter emerged from the stage. His costume was torn and his hair a wild mess. He had Nicholas in a tight grip. "Got him."
"Thank you!" Mrs. Faye ran up to them. She snapped her fingers and her dutiful assistant came over with a flashlight shining it in Nicholas face.
"Just as I thought. He's high."
She closed her eyes and took deep breaths before going back on stage. We all listened as she apologized for what happened and promised every one full refunds.
I went up to Carter. "How'd you get him down?"
"Used my sword to cut the rope he was swinging from," he grinned. "I'd say this play was a success."
I crossed my arms. "You're kidding me?"
"Yeah this was horrible," he shrugged. "But at least it was fun."
"I don't see anything fun about almost getting crushed to death."
"Well love you and I just have different views on what fun is," he smirked. "See ya."
He sauntered off and I shook my head.
What a disaster.
Despite the tragedy that was our play (ha see what I did there) there was still an after party.
I was glad to be out of that suffocating dress and into something more comfortable. The party was held at Kimberly's house. She'd managed to calm down enough to still host it.
"Please be careful not to spill any drinks!" she yelled over the music. "Hey careful!" she shoved away a kid from some old looking vase. "That's antique."
"She's the most uptight host ever," Nikole took a sip of her soda.
"At least there's still a party," I replied. "It could have been worse."
Chanel nodded. Ivy just pursed her lips.
Ryan came up to us. "There's a game of beer bong going out back if you guys want to play."
Nikole turned to us. "You wanna?"
We all shrugged. Why not?
It was chilly outside and I wished I'd worn a thicker jacket. Not surprisingly Carter was dominating the game. There was a loud cheer as he made another cup.
"We have our champion!" Trevor raised Carter's arm up and there was more hooting.
I rolled my eyes. "Show off."
"Would you like to challenge our champion?" Trevor asked. Everyone turned to look at me.
Maybe it was Carter's cocky smirk or the fact that I felt this need to always show him up no matter what, but I stepped forward. "Let's do this."
From the corner of my eye I saw Ivy shake her head.
I stood chest to chest with Carter. He held the ball up and I snatched it from his grip, staring him down. He winked.
I positioned myself and got ready to toss. "Try not to miss," Carter whispered in my ear before stepping back.
That spurred me on even more and I focused on the cup I was aiming for, squinting at it before taking my shot. It landed in the cup.
I turned and shot Carter a smug smile. He just grinned.
We went back and forth tossing the ball into the arranged cups. Once again I found myself neck and neck with him.
"Whoever can make this next shot wins," Trevor says.
Carter tosses and misses. I can't hide my delighted squeal and aim for my winning shot. Just as I'm about to throw it I feel Carter's presence dangerously close behind me. Choosing to ignore him I lift my hand to toss. His hand pinches my butt and I jump loosing my aim and missing.
"What the hell?" I whirl around to face him. He smirks and takes his next shot making it. The crowd cheers.
"Looks like our champion still retains his title," Trevor pats my back. "Sorry Aub."
"He cheated!" I exclaimed. "He totally pinched my butt to distract me! "
Carter shrugged innocently. "You let yourself be distracted."
My mouth drops open in shock. I'm about to let him have it but Chanel rests a hand on my shoulder and whispers to me. "Be glad he touched your butt. I mean, if he doesn't grab the booty is he even bae?"
Ivy and Nikole snicker before full on laughing and I glare at them.
Later Carter comes up to me while I'm getting another drink.
"What do you want cheater?" I ask, taking a drink.
"I didn't cheat, I merely pyshed you out," he explains. "And for the record this was payback for DDR."
"Wow," I shake my head. "You're unbelievable."
He just smiles and walks away.
QOTD: if he doesn't grab the booty is he even Bae?
No. No he is not.
Tomorrows my birthday!!!!!! Super duper excited.
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