13 || Movies and dolls
13 || Movies and dolls
I was still pissed off about the whole DDR thing with Carter. Chemistry was tense and I kept expecting him to strike back or something. He didn't. We just worked together quietly exchanging words only when it was absolutely necessary.
Cheer practice was brutal. We were performing at the next game during half time and Britney wanted everything to be absolutely perfect.
"No no no! Backflip then stunt formation!" She threw her hands up. "Fucking get it together!"
"Can we have a break?" Meghan whines.
I was already way ahead of her and without waiting for Britney's permission sat down on the bench and gulped down my bottle of water.
"Forget it! Practice over I'll see you all tommorow!" She storms out of the gym.
"Thank God," Chanel collapses next to me. "My body is aching."
"Didn't we do it right?" Nikole asks sitting on the other side of me.
"Yeah Britney's just freaking mental," I reply. My phone vibrates and I check the screen. It's Carter's mom. After I had babysat for her last time she asked for my number in case she needed me again. The extra money in my pocket was nice so I happily gave it to her. Not to mention I loved the twins.
"Hello?" I answer.
"Hi Aubrey I hope you're not busy?"
"No not at all."
"Ok do you mind babysitting the twins again? I have a lunch to attend that I can't miss."
"Of course. I'll be there in thirty."
"Thank you so much!" She gushes.
"No problem. Bye now."
The girls are looking at me curiously. "Babysitting the twins," I explain.
"Oh la la!" Nikole winks.
"Don't even go there," I warn her. "Carter probably isn't even home."
"You never know," Chanel chirps.
I sling my gym bag over my shoulder. "See you guys later."
"Aubrey!" The twins run up to me and hug my legs.
"I'm glad to see you too!" I laugh.
"We missed you," Olivia presses her face into my thigh.
"So much!" Sophia squeezes the life out of my legs.
"Girls let go of her legs," Charlotte enters the living room using one hand to put on some dangly earrings. She's dressed in pressed pants and a crisp silk blouse with little black heels. Her hair cascades down her back in elegant curls.
"Hi Ms. King," I greet her.
"Hello dear. There's leftovers in the fridge and as always you're welcome to whatever you can find in the cupboards."
"Thank you," I pause before asking. "Where's Carter?"
"I wish I knew," she sighs. "He hasn't been home from school yet."
"Oh," I cough. "Ok then."
"Anyway I have to go. Olivia, Sophia, I love you."
"We love you too mommy!" They yell in synchronicity running up to hug her.
"Bye," she gives me one last smile and waves before closing the door.
"Ok girls what are we doing today?" I clap and turn to them.
"Movie!" Sophia shouts.
"No let's play dolls!" Olivia objects.
"QUIET!" I yell over them. They fall silent and stare at me with wide eyes.
"Thank you. Now, how about we combine both of your ideas? We can make our own movie using the dolls and watch it after we're done filming."
"You're so smart Aubrey!" Olivia claps.
"Yeah!" Sophia grins. "But wait...who's going to film it?"
I held up my phone. "I will using my phone."
"Let's do it!" Sophia pumps her fist in the air.
Together the girls gather their princess dolls. I open my camera while they set up the barbie dream house.
"Good morning princess Aurora!" Olivia waves the doll around.
"Good day to you," Sophia pretends to hug princess Jasmine with her princess Aurora doll.
"Let's go shopping!" Jasmine says.
"Yes! I need a new dress for the ball," Aurora agrees.
They head over to the shop which is really just a pile of clothes thrown on top of each other. They sift through the stack until Aurora pulls out her pink dress.
"This is the one!" She exclaims.
"It's so cute!" Jasmine squeals. "You have to get it!"
"I will," Aurora nods and goes up to pay for it.
They head to the ball and Aurora meets a charming Prince.
I'm smiling as the Prince proposes to Aurora when the front door opens and Carter walks in.
The first thing that hits me is the stench. It's like stepping into a freaking smoke pit.
"CARTER!" The twins dash over to hug their brother. I stare with my mouth partly hanging open.
Carter has on a leather jacket, jeans with his usual chains, combat boots, and messy hair. Combined with his...Britishness it's just....
Quite frankly it's hot.
"Where have you been?" Sophia tugs on his jacket sleeve.
"I was out," he responds. His eyes fall on me and I involuntarily freeze. This is awkward. This is really really awkward.
I clear my throat and stand.
"Can we see the movie?" Olivia asks excitedly. "Carter we made a movie. A real life movie!"
"That's nice," still staring, why is he still staring?
Well I have nothing to say to him. I'm not here for him anyway,I'm here for the twins.
"Let's see the movie," I open my camera roll. Their eyes are glued to the screen so I sit on the couch and wait for them to finish watching.
By the time it's over it's almost seven. Since it's a school night I have to put them to bed by seven thirty. I escort them to the bathroom where they brush their teeth and change into pajamas before I tuck them in.
"Goodnight girls," I kiss their foreheads.
"Goodnight Aubrey!"
I close the door partly letting the hallway light trickle in and head back to the living room. Carter is on Netflix.
"You reek," I blurt sitting next to him.
"I don't believe I asked for your opinion," he replies, eyes still glued to the screen.
"Where were you?"
"Wouldn't you like to know."
"Just answer the question."
He turns to me. "Ever been to a bar?"
"A bar?" I repeat. "You know you're underage right?"
He smiles. "That's never stopped anyone has it?"
"What were you doing at a bar?" I ask curiously.
"People typically go to bars to drink, you know, that type of thing."
I narrow my eyes. I don't like his tone.
"You don't have to sound so condescending," I snap.
"Then stop being nosey."
"What's your problem?"
He shifts to face me. "You're my problem Aubrey. You threw a fucking drink on me. I don't know if you know this but coke stains are hard to remove."
"Oh so you're mad?" I laugh. "Well good, now you know how I felt!"
"I don't have to tell you anything about me," he says in a low tone. "I don't owe you anything. I think it's funny how you thought some stupid little bet was gonna make me spill my heart out. Maybe you should learn to mind your own buissness."
I was fuming. I poke him in the chest. "Maybe you should just leave me alone you arrogant, stuck up, egotistical asshole."
"Get out of my face Aubrey," he says warningly.
"Make me," I push his chest. He grabs my wrist. We engage in an intense stare down. The front door opens and his mom comes in.
"Sorry I'm late," she apologizes setting her stuff down. She glances at us. "Everything ok?"
"Fine," I smile tightly.
"Alright let me go get my wallet," she swishes by us and I stand.
"This isn't over."
"Partner," Carter greets me the next day in chemistry
"Asshole," my gaze is focused intently on the chemical I'm pouring into the test tube.
I set down the tube in it's holder and turn to look at him. His head his resting in his palms and he's leaning against the table staring at me. I squint at him. A small smile plays on his lips.
I sigh exasperated. "Why can't you just tell me why you were expelled?"
"Why do you want to know so bad?"
"Because I like to know things. I like to be informed."
"That sounds like a personal problem."
Your life sounds like a personal problem, I thought.
After school Ivy ran up to me waving two papers wildly.
"What's that?" I shift my backpack to the other shoulder.
"Permission slips for the senior class camping trip. You going?"
"I don't know how I feel about sleeping in a tent. On the ground. With dirt and bugs and did I say bugs?"
Ivy rolls her eyes. "You're such a princess."
"It's called high maintenance."
"Aubrey it'll be so much fun! Think of it this way. We didn't exactly get to finish our summer road trip. This could be a like a redo."
"I don't know..."
"Look we'll discuss it with the girls at Pinkberry. Sound good?"
"Sounds yummy."
As it turns out everyone is in favor of going. It's just like Britney's beach party. I'm overridden. Again.
I didn't like the idea of sleeping in the woods in some flimsy tent but to the girls they saw this trip as if we were going somewhere fancy like Dubai.
How much fun could a camping trip be?
QOTD: have you ever been camping?
AOTD: nope and I never want to. The closet I've been to 'camping' is going to an actual camp like Sonora or Sly Park. We had cabins. And showers with hot water.
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Stay pink 🎀
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