Chapter 7. Armored dresses
{Location: Crystal Pass' medal factory}(Seliel's POV)
The fact that it's almost midnight doesn't faze me. The fact that no one is suspicious of the Mayor's daughter, a bright practically neon girl and a thick loud black bag are walking around does. Marci and I stuffed what little of my armor in a black and dark grey duffle bag. Most of everyone is at town hall, talking about small things that got destroyed in the attack, how to be better prepared and garbage like that. Which means Dad's going to have a massive headache for a week.
"Here." Marci huffs as we take a small break. Before us is a tall red bricked building, at the top are two glass triangles with the corner of the roof being a light grey. Marci flops over and leans on a tree, "Geez, that was such a steep hill."
"I know." I look around, I wasn't that tired. My eyes look over the building, there's a small red fire escape ladder that I can grab. "Stay here. I'll get up there and open it up from the inside." I don't bother to pull up my mask as I jump and grab the closest rung.
Marci slides down the tree, "Just going to rest my eyes."
I climb up the ladder and pick the lock with my lock pick in my belt. I look down, there are some tall machines that I could jump. But if eighth-grade memory serves correct, then I'd crush them with my weight. Shoot, there's not really any other way down, and I didn't bring rope. I look over my shoulder to see Marci napping on the tree. I'll just have to do my best. I pull open the window, the machines are just a foot below my feet but I'm scared. Last time I was this high, there was a net below me. And that was when mom was alive. I bit my lip. I still need her, I need her but she's gone. I jump to the nearest machine. Thud. Umm, guess it wasn't that far. I make my way down to the main floor, unlock the doors and drag Marci and my armor in. Marci is out like a light. But I need to hear something. And I can't exactly have a conversation with a sleeping person unless Marci talks in her sleep. I plug my headphones into the cassette player as I start my work.
Tape 4.
Click. Mom sniffs, I picture her crying as I poke the flames to life, "So that was mistake number one. Trusting Chen. I'll explain how I made it back to Ninjago later, that too is a mistake but not what you think. So here's mistake number two." I focus on her words as I work away, with Marci still fast asleep.
{Location: Chen's island}(Dawn's POV) [Time:Many years ago]
I sigh as I watch a small class throw punches. It's been four months. I've gotten bits and pieces of my memory back but there's no sign of my family anywhere near the island. I disappear into throughs. I had a puppy. Her name was Lucky due to the fact she was deathly ill when we picked her up in the middle of a thunderstorm. I have small wisps of her, small, light blonde/golden fur and a short stub of a tail that always wagged when we came home. I wonder how quickly it'll go when I get home.
"So," One of the students with a purple snake tattoo on his face kicks my foot, "You're the special exception, hm?"
I blink, the longer I stay, the longer I feel unwelcome by everyone but Chen, "I won't be here much longer. My-"
Then he starts copying me in an annoying pitch, "Family will come. We'll go home and get ice cream." He face glares at me now, just like a snake, "Give it up kid. You're stuck here, and sooner or later, you'll be brought down to the rest of the students' level."
I hate bullies, mainly because I never could stand up to them. I whimper and curl up. This is bad when he pulls my hair and makes me face him. "G-go away."
He punches my cheek when footsteps come in, "Eye-sore, what are you doing to Dawn?" Chen pushes us apart and helps me up.
Eye-sore looks down, "I was just telling her the reality of the situation."
I cry, "He said my family is dead," I whimper but hold myself back from hugging Chen, "That isn't true is it?"
Chen looks at me, then at Eye-sore. He walks a few steps. Then holds his shoulder while swinging his leg forward then back. Eye-sour's head bounces a little as Chen holds his neck, "Never crush a dream. You might make a monster." My tears fade as Eye-sour turns blue and Chen nods me over, "Did he do that?" He points to a small bruise on my face. I nod. Chen's eyes fill with something. I have no idea what it is, but I sends shivers on my back and makes my skin crawl. Chen now pulls Eye-sore so he's more vulnerable, "Hit him."
"My dear," Chen's lips twitch as Eye-sore gets a little air, "This world is unfair. Some people have a head start. Some people aren't like you and me. For those who are less powerful, we must seize power when it shows itself," His fingers curl deeper as something pulls me to my knees for a closer look, "Hit him."
I throw a weak, very girlish slap to his face.
I aim for his gut this time with a punch. My fist hurts but something about the sting is fulfilling.
"Make him pay!"
I hit his chin, digging my fingernails a bit.
"Go on. Really get into it."
I keep hitting Eye-sore at Chen's request. I could have done more but I have no idea what I'm doing. Needless, I keep throwing punches. Soon, some of Eye-sore's teeth are on the floor as my fists ache.
Chen lets him up as he half walks, half stumbles to a first aid in the next room, "Good. Did you like that Dawn?"
I don't know what's scarier, his smile or the fact I would do it again sooner rather than later. I keep my face from smiling, something in me would never like that, "I did." I shake my hands, my goodness, they hurt, "I don't think my hands do."
"Come with me." Chen leads me into the room where there's a black punching bag perfect for my height, "My students are getting jealous. They think I'm treating you better than them."
"But I'm not one of your students."
"They think that your temporary stay is getting too long." Chen holds his hand up and then positions me so my right leg is back and my hands are by my face, "Tell, do you want anyone to pick on you ever again?"
I think about it. I was the middle child, I think. What I do remember of home, some was filled with happy memories, others, I was alone and humiliated. Then what I know of my family comes. If I could punch that storm that stranded me here, I would. But I don't know anything about fighting, maybe something he knows would be of use, "No."
"Good." He stands behind me, his large hands guiding my small, red ones. Something about the work is hypnotizing. My body knowing the moves as my mind drifts around. "Turn your fist over more. That way your shoulder guards your face." He lets me go. This is fun? No, it's some other word I haven't learned yet. "That's enough." Chen gives me a small smile as I breathe heavily. He offers me water. "Good work Dawn. Would you like to know something else that would protect you from my other students?"
I nod.
He rolls up his sleeves, on his right arm is a purple snake head, on the left is the tail, "This is the mark of the Anacondria. Everyone here has one. It unifies us. It means we are one. At the end of each lesson, the newest students get the tattoo a little more completed." He turns around with a needle and purple dye, "Would you like to start?"
Something Eye-sore said stuck with me. I may never see my family again, maybe I should at least try and be part of a new one. I nod and pull up my sweaty shirt. I hold perfectly still as I sit down. Chen kneels behind me and wipes some sweat off.
"This will sting a little but it will pass." He warns and gently pushes the needle in the top of my left shoulder blade. I feel a few more pokes outlining down to my right hip and back up. "There. Now, wait."
Wait? For what? I'm about to ask when something shoots along the area he outlined. It burns like acid and I scream a little. This isn't art, I think I'm being branded. A few minutes later, the burn dies down and I jump for a mirror. I see a dot of purple at my shoulder but for now, it's a black outline of what's to come.
Chen walks up with a proud look on his face, "Now you are one of us."
Do I want that? Do I want this life? Something is telling me to run but I just got the snake mark. I guess I have no choice now.
{Location: Crystal Pass' medal factory}(Seliel's POV)[Present Day]
"So that was mistake number two. My first beating. I later found out that Eye-sore made a full recovery and had been put up to it. Mistake number three is also here, getting that blasted tattoo. See, it wasn't a normal tattoo. It was magic. I had no idea until it was finished, but even now I have no idea what it's for." I stick a curve piece of medal into water, "Do I regret hurting Eye-sore? Yes. I hadn't realized it until Chen made me fight the other students. That's when he really began forming his perfect little weapon. Tape five is next. I still don't recommend listening. But it's your ears." Click.
I stop my work to flip over the tape when Marci stirrers. I take my headphones off as she gets to her feet. "Hey."
"I took a much longer nap than I needed to didn't I?" Marci licks her lips as she looks at that I've made so far, "Good job."
I've only made shoulder guards, shin guards and a small sheath for a kama. "Thanks."
Marci bends down and pulls something out her neon yellow boots. A small disk that looks like the eclipse after the attack is in her hands, "Like it? It's paper but I can make it medal."
A smile tugs at my lips, "I do. I know this isn't your area of expertise, but any idea how I can make boots deadly?"
She smiles brighter than the sun as the two of us work until we're interrupted by a loud crash. "What was that?"
I pull on the mask I bought in case this happened. I grip my weapon, "Stay here and work as quickly and quietly as you can." I ventured forward.
The sun is low and still behind the mountain as a lot of footsteps run around together. I tiptoe around the corner to see boys close to my age breaking into the supermarket. All of them have some kind of bright yellow on them. I let a small growl out, the Yellow Tiger Gang. I study them. I'm not ready. But I should have someone to let my aggressions...I mean, righteous untamed fury out on.
These guys are smart as they come out with little money, food and have yellow masks and hats of their own. There's about six, all looking alike. I follow them until they head into a cave. I mentally mark it, the northeast cave. Mostly unexplored due to a vermin and snake problem...maybe that was just a cover up. One of them turns around, I hide behind a tree fast. I think he has green eyes? It's hard to tell. Soon the six of them enter. I'll have to look at that later. I can't leave Marci alone for long. I double back as a sleep spell hits me. I've spent the last day, morning, crying and working. Sleep wasn't in my calendar.
"Yikes," Marci stops as I step back in, "You need some shut eye."
"I'm fine." I pick the hammer back up as I take my mask off, "Let's get back to work."
"Seliel," Marci gently takes the hammer away as her brown eyes plead with me, "Please. If not for me or you, do it so you can properly beat up the baddies."
My eyelids fall a little. A small voice rings in the back of my head, a good ninja needs sleep at some point. Mom said that. Fine. I don't always have to be stubborn. "Ok." I tuck myself where Marci was as Marci smiles. My eyes close slowly as I hold my weapon.
(Marci's POV)
Seliel needed sleep. I can tell. She had huge dark bags under her puffy eyes. I like Seliel a lot. She's really the only person who didn't either think I was a neon lamp post sign or a nerd. But I have no idea how to help her now. I don't want her to dive into the fray with her mother's death still raging. We're just normal kids, I quietly make the emblem, no one should have died. The ninja should have come. They're the protectors of the whole gosh darn world. Dr. Dawn shouldn't have died, Seliel shouldn't have to make armor to hide her identity and I shouldn't have to wear a fake smile all the time. Then again, my smile seems to be the only be the lighthouse that Seliel needs. I'll keep smiling, despite how much it hurt sometimes, I'll smile through the pain for my friend.
Seliel shifts, I didn't know anyone could have dreams this quickly, "No. Don't. Go away. Ninja. Where are you?"
I know how she feels. I was a fan of them too. Mostly of the red one. I remember the billions of talks we had if they ever came to Crystal. How they would fall for us, teach us their twisty thing, then date. Seliel's favorite was if her and her father were some how kidnapped and locked up in this very room. How she would kick the blue and white ninjas' butts but the black one was her match. Then harsh reality hits me. They never came, those were children fantasies, this tragedy made everyone grow up a little. And that means, Seliel and I have to abandon our love for them. It's one of the few ways not to hurt ourselves.
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