Chapter 25. Dearly departed
Here come the feels, the feels. Watch out!~W.R.
{Location: The Red dessert}(Seliel's POV)
Mom finishes up. I never thought I actually scared my Mom. She seemed so fearless. She keeps describing every inch of my baby face. It's actually a little embarrassing. Then the tape ends and pops out.
Marci snickers a little as she turns onto a dirt road, "And how's little Seliel-bear now?"
I roll my eyes as I put the tape back in the pocket, "Better than Marci-ari will be if she doesn't stop the baby talk."
"Message received." She salutes me as the dirt becomes sand. "Do we still have a tail?"
I look behind us. The crowd has kinda thinned out but Victor is still leading the charge, "Yup. How much do we have left?"
"Almost out." Marci pats her car, "I never thought I'd say it, but I might miss the piece of junk."
I pretend to be shocked, "I thought you hated this thing."
"I do. But, it's hung around me for a long time. And anything that hangs around me for a long time is strong."
I get the sense she's not talking about the car. I play with the radio a little, "You think being around you is strong?"
"Well, maybe not strong. But enduring." Marci presses the gas harder, "I mean, having to suffer through all my clinginess, my awful jokes and puns and still hang around me. I bet it's hard."
"Well," I kick my feet onto the dashboard, "I'm only guessing here. But maybe part of the reason something sticks around is because they actually like you."
"We're not talking about the car anymore are we?"
"Yeah." I see tall buildings in the distance with a few blimps flying overhead, "Marci. You are my best friend. I have never thought of your company as a bother. In fact, it brightens my day. Keeps me smiling."
"What was it I said as my final words?" Marci ignores the beeping from the car, "Keep smiling."
"Yeah," I remember that horrible moment. Was it about a year ago? Seems like a lifetime, "Marci. What we do is dangerous. And I want you to know something. It doesn't matter to me if you're here or not. I'm always going to be happy when I think about things like your jokes."
"What about the playground?"
"My parties?"
"My clinginess?"
"Happy." I smile as my eyes shed water. "You always made me happy and proud as a best friend. But, I noticed a trend." I lean back, pretending we're kids again and playing detectives, "It's always been others before you. And while I love that about you. Please be selfish once in awhile."
Marci rubs her eyes then holds the wheel again, "Ok." She has one of those natural smiles on her face as she shimmers a little.
Then the radio blasts a DJ's voice at us, "HEllO New Ninjago city! Happy Day of the Departed!" He takes a long slurp of something, "I hope everyone is heading to the concert by the New Ninjago museum. I mean a concert honoring the Ninja, who wouldn't be there."
Marci clicks off the radio as steam comes out of my ears, "You ok?"
"No." I ball my fists, "I'm still mad at them. It wasn't fair. We were abandoned. No one had to get hurt but they didn't come and that's on them. Whether they know it or not."
"I have a question," Marci bobs her head back and forth, "If it came down to it? Would you team up with them to save the world?"
"What kind of question is that?" I watch as we pass through a canyon now.
"Seliel, think about our situation now. Victor doesn't want you, he wants what you're pretending to have. When you know all the facts, which one is heavier?"
I think about it. One, the Ninja left me. Two, I live in the world. I'd like for it to keep spinning. Three, my Mom is dead, Marci is a ghost because they didn't come. Four, I may not have had as much motivation to become the Phantom Ninja and I probably couldn't talk to Marci right now. Five, I've never felt so alone. So disappointed. Six, I've discovered a lot of my own strengths. Seven, I can't say who I'd be if they did come. It doesn't make me any less mad.
But then again, I'm one of the dummies that lives in this world, may as well keep it around for another day.
I stretch as the car starts making funny sounds, "I live in the world. I'd like to see the next day." I look up. I must have been in the car too long, I see a floating island. I rub my eyes as it's shadow passes over me.
"I like that answer." Marci smiles as the car comes to a stop. I grab the jetpack, strap it on, tighten my weapons as Marci watches them make a dust cloud around us. We get out as the Yellow tiger circle us.
Victor tries shooting us only to miss six times over. He growls, throws the gun down, grabs a bat and hits the car hood, "I got you now. I've won. For once I followed my head instead of my heart." He points to the car and his boys rip into it.
I look up. I see a ship haul just over the city. That's the Ninja's ride, Destiny's bounty. I exchange looks with Marci, she smirks as Victor smashes a little more. Marci starts floating as I turn on my jetpack, I get about 30 feet in that air when I snicker, "You actually seem to do better the other way around."
Victor pulls out a fistful of lights, throws them down and stomps, "No. You said...secret weapon."
"Don't believe everything you hear." I straight up, ready to soar, "Now, you're either walking home or walking to arrest in New Ninjago city. Good luck with your choices." I take off as Victor shouts things not to be said around kids.
I land with Marci on the cliff top. She's all giddy, "I never thought we'd pull that off."
"Tell me about it." I can't help but look at the ship. I'm very strong. I give AJ a hard time when we spare. I know thousands of ways to beat those Ninja. I could fulfill one of the vows I gave my Mom.
So why aren't I flying up there to give them a hard time?
Marci waves her hands in front of me, "Seliel. Hello?"
I keep looking. So close. So easy.
Marci looks where I am, "Oh. Maybe I should have mentioned that there's enough fuel to get back home. If you head there, you may be in the same boat as Victor."
I could do it. I'm ok walking. But I've been dying to meet them for very different reasons than their fans. I could do it. It's been a long time but revenge is still sweet.
Marci hums then snaps her fingers, "Knock, knock."
I stay focused.
"Knock, knock."
I give in as I take my helmet off, "Who's there?"
"Nana who?"
Marci points to the shin, "Nanna your business." Marci folds her arms, "Seliel, you belong in Crystal Pass for now. Maybe someday, they'll come. Maybe someday they won't. Maybe you'll go to them. But please plan it first." She gives me small puppy-dog eyes.
I give in some more, "You have a fair point. Even with that overused joke." I snicker.
Marci sighs then joins me, "Good. I thought I'd have to drag you back to Crystal."
"I'd love to see you try." I picture it. There are so many ways that could go wrong it just makes me laugh harder.
"Hey," Marci puffs her chest out, "I'm tough."
"Yeah," I roll my eyes as something starts swirling in the air, "Tough as a puppy maybe."
"Hey!" She giggles through her words as she shimmers again, "I'll have you know that I have met several tough puppies."
"Sir Howl."
That brings more snickering. "You're chihuahua when you were 6?"
"Yes." Marci cracks up even more.
And so do I.
Then I don't believe my eyes. There's a door sized white hole right behind Marci. The more I look at it, it looks like clouds tip the outsides.
I point to the door, "Marci. What's that?"
Marci turns around, taking a small step back, "I have no idea."
I hear Victor screaming as the cloud door comes closer to Marci. What is it? Think, Seliel. My thought led me around to today. The day of the Departed. It's to honor those who have passed and go to the Departed Realm. Wait a sec, could that be why Marci's a ghost. She wasn't meant to die but she needed to be here? Wow, I can really get meta-physical when I want to. "I have another insane idea."
"I'm all ears." Marci takes more steps back only for the thing to follow her.
"I think," I feel my eyes watering again. It was hard the first time and the second time isn't any easier, "It's your time."
Marci's face drops into a mix of curiosity, hope, and confusion, "But I've already died."
"I know. But maybe you had to be here." There a few sounds of gunfire below, some fire and an explosion, "Maybe you weren't supposed to die so soon. But I think someone somewhere knew you had to keep me in line for this long."
Marci looks ready to cry now, "But, we're a team." Her lower lip whimpers, "I can't go. You need me. I need to be around. What about AJ, who's going to annoy her to pieces without me there? What about you? Who's going to keep you smiling."
I hold my hand up. Oh great, here come the waterworks, I look Marci in the eye as she gets brighter, "Marci Alice Black, for once would you put yourself first and rest in peace?"
Marci looks at the cloud door, then at me, then the cloud door. Then she leaps into my arms as I hug her, "I guess I promised you and Ethen that."
I wipe my tears away, "I'm gonna miss you so much."
"I'm gonna miss you more." Marci almost blinds me with how bright she is, "Seliel, I've never dreamed I would be more than a party fun time girly girl. But thank you for sharing the adventure, but then I sorta forced my way in with you, then came AJ. What about AJ? She has so much potential. She shouldn't be held back."
I hold my other hand up, "I'll give her the push she needs. Promise. It's been a wild ride," I'm trying so hard not to cry, trying to not take everything back and keep her here, "But I think you've earned some peace."Then a thought strikes me like lighting, "If you see my Mom. Tell her I don't care about the mistakes she made. I miss her a lot. But I haven't changed how I see her."
Marci nods a little, then leans into the cloud door, "I think she knows."
We let go together. She still shines as a mysterious waterfall comes off my face. Marci looks at her hands, squeezes them and her hand close and she srinks. Well, not exactly srinks. She looks just like she did when she was 6.
Bright pink shirt with neon green overalls, bright baby blue jeans and her jet black hair in pigtails. She smiles, showing off her missing teeth, "Goodbye, Seliel. Goodbye Phantom Ninja." She even sounds like when she was 6. Kinda squeaky and full of cheer. She looks around as she waves a little, "Goodbye Ninjago."
I fail at holding my tears back.
Marci turns back once more, "Keep smiling." The cloud door swirls close on her face as her voice echoes.
With that, I fall to my knees. I can't stay here. Victor would just love that. But I let myself keep balling for about a solid minute.
I think I really need to take a nap. Through my tears, I think I see that strange floating island sparking. I stand back up, turn on my jetpack and head home.
{Location: The Clinic}(AJ's POV)
"Yes," The Mayor nods as he paces, "They aren't too far from you now."
I keep my phone on as I wait for a call of my own, I hope Seliel and Marci are ok.
The Mayor rubs his forehead, "Thank you." He hangs up, "Good news, they're sending a few cops out to arrest them."
I sigh a little, "At least some of them will be behind bars."
"You know," He looks tired, "A lot of them are going to need an eyewitness to do that." He smirks wide as I know what's going on in his head, "And I heard there are a few jobs on the N.N.P.D."
I rub the back of my neck, "I dunno. Seliel might need me. As much as a dream as that would be, I don't know if I can."
Then my phone rings. I pick up to hear what sounds like a jet in the background, "Hello?" I can barely make out Seliel's voice but I can hear it.
"Seliel!" I jump up, nearly hitting the Mayor in the jaw, "Where are you? Where's Marci?"
I think I hear Seliel sniff, "I'm flying home right now. Marci....Marci's finally at peace."
"She's departed?" I thought I'd have more time. I actually liked her.
"Yeah." Seliel is barely audible, "I gave her a good farewell."
"That's good," I blink a few times as someone knocks on the door, "Did she say anything?"
"Yeah." Seliel swallows and sniffles some more, "But I think it's best to tell you in person." She hangs up as a very sweaty boy come in.
[Two hours later]
Seliel is back and I don't think she's ever had such a warm welcome. She was met with cheering crowds, small flags and randomly picked flowers being thrown at her. She's still flying overhead as I walk over to the police station. Boy have they missed a lot. I am sure to bring along a huge bolt cutter. I fit the jaws around the lock then chop it, take the lock off and my fellow cops come rushing out. I explain what happened then they head off to their own families.
I lean against the wall when what sound like a mini jet lands next to me. The Phantom Ninja poke her head out, "Hello brave officer. What are you doing here?"
I snicker a little, "Well, it is a police station."
Seliel waves me to behind the station as she takes off her armor, "That makes sense."
"So?" I've been on pins and needles ever since her call, "What did Marci say?"
Seliel's eyes are puffy red and she gently smiles, "She'd like for you to chase your dreams. She said that you have a lot potential and shouldn't be held here."
I almost shiver. That pretty much word for word what the Mayor said. Maybe I should really start thinking about this. City life can't be that hard right? I mean people are people.
Seliel's smile keeps growing a little.
"Good." I can't say that I want to go, I don't, but it's not time, "I knew Marci would be on my side." I glance behind me, lots of people are still cheering, "Now, I think you've earned a good celebration."
Seliel rubs her eyes, "I'd rather take a nap."
"Oh, please," I half push her around, "You deserved it. You chased out the worst of the worst in Crystal Pass."
"Ok. Maybe a few more moments in the spotlight wouldn't hurt." Seliel pull on her helmet, takes a few steps forward, "We'll still have the lantern raising right?"
I nod. Possible work at N.N.P.D. is a tomorrow problem. I'll enjoy today. "I think we'll need one more lantern."
Seliel nods as she takes off.
I watch as she waves as she jumps from rooftop to rooftop. Seliel got her dream. To be a Ninja. Not like the showy boys, but a true Ninja with honor and sprite. Now that's a dream.
I guess I haven't thought about my dreams.
I'm a cop.
That's about it. I have friends but maybe there's something more I could be doing. I'll keep searching like a detective for it.
That's not so bad, a detective. Lots to do. Lots of work.
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