Chapter 24. Children and Childhoods
{Location: Just outside town hall} (Seliel's POV)
Dad has a hint of panic in his voice, "Finally, Seliel." Maybe a little more than a hint.
"Dad," I relax a little, I have to remember to thank AJ for this, "I'm glad you're ok."
"I know, but the Yellow Tigers-"
"Are being taken care of." I really hope the genus bell rings around me sometime soon, "We'll get everyone to safety and the Yellow Tigers in cuff."
"Ok, do you have a plan?"
"Umm," Useable items. An awesome handmade belt, nearly indestructible armor, a ghosty best friend, and her brother. There has to be something.
Ethan stops the car, which makes me hit my head on the seat, "Hide." Ethen points to the window, where a particular buff looking man comes over.
I scramble to get low, but there's not a lot of places to hide here. Marci's got it easy, she just fades into the seat. I wish I had thinner armor plates. Or a storage so I wouldn't have to bring everything with me. Wait a sec.... My eyes widen. "Dad, do you remember why I liked Victor in the first place?" I look around, there's a small pad of sticky-notes nearby. I find a decent pen and start writing out the next steps of my plan. Then I stick them in order on the inside of the window.
"I don't see how that has anything to do with anything."
"Just answer the question."
Dad hum, "Well, I guess that you liked him because you're both ambitious. You always went for the biggest prize or most daunting task."
"That all I needed." I watch as the Yellow tiger comes closer, "I'll call you when I'm done. Stay with AJ. I love you."
"Be careful, Seliel. And I love you, honey." Dad hangs up.
I scootch around a little to tap the seat Marci is faded into right now, "I have a plan. But I'm gonna need you to grab something for me.
Marci's face comes out the back side of the chair, "Like what? We're about to be busted?"
"Just trust me," I smirk as I pull on my helmet. "Just like I need to trust you on fixing that jetpack."
Marci's fade deepens into shock, "The Jetpack. Are you crazy? It keep blowing up. I can barely hold it together much less fix it now."
I look through the window. He's almost here. I pull my helmet up so it hovers over my head, "Please, Marci. I really need your help on this."
Marci nods, "I'll give it my best."
"Good, Ethen. I'm going to need your help too." I smirk as Marci fades through the car doors and Ethen looks greatly confused. "Do you know how to hotwire a car?" He nods. "Can you get light in here?" He nods again. "Can you do it all in 20 minutes?"
Ethen looks a little lost, "Yeah."
"Perfect," I point to just behind the building, "Town Hall has all kinds of holiday decorations. Try some of those."
I really hope this plan works out.
I have Ethen get out of the car then open my door. The Yellow Tiger looks taken back as I fold my arms. Ethen looks pale as it's time to play my part. I stand up on my tiptoes, tap my voice changer and stand a few inches away from the Yellow Tiger, "I'm here to speak with Victor Crown."
This Yellow Tiger looks confused. On my heads-up display, my radar is telling me that Ethen is moving to the holiday decorations. I have to do more.
I push on the buff guy. "I said, I'm here to see Victor. Take me to him now."
The buff guy glares grabs my hands and pulls me to the other side of Townhall. I see Victor pacing back and forth with a gun in his hand. He sees us as the buff guy holds me against the wall. Victor looks a little surprised, "So, Phantom Ninja, you're here."
"Yeah." I hold my hands up, "I'd like to talk."
"You didn't see to be in the talking mood earlier." Victor holds his gun up and shines it in my eyes, "Ya know when I called you."
"I was in mission mode. Now I'm in a deal-making mood."
Victor hums, "Let him go." The buff guy lets me go, "Take out all your weapons and maybe I'll consider talking."
I start by dropping my kama by my feet, unbuckling my belt. I hold my hands up as Victor looks annoyed.
"I said all of them." He snarls.
I gently put down my smoke bombs then slowly open up small hidden pockets holding my needles.
Victor raises an eyebrow.
I swing my right foot up, twist my heel on my boot, pull out a small folding throwing knife and repeat the process on the other shoe. "Happy?"
"Much." Victor pokes the kama with his foot, "Larry, bring the boys out here."
Larry nods then head to the Townhall. I smirk. I have to wait. My trap has to be set just right.
{Location: Kona hospital}(Dawn's POV)[Many years ago]
I scream. The doctor screams. And I actually am craving ice cream.
Dr. Ling calls time as my body stops pushing, "Dawn you're doing great."
I thirdly look at the clock, "I've been in labor for 5 hours and have been pushing for 2 of those. I don't think I'm doing great."
"Oh that's nothing," Dr. Ling washes his hands, "A woman can be labor for days. I think I know someone who was in labor for a week."
My face falls into shock. Then my hormones kicking and I sneer.
Dr. Ling looks a little fearful for his life, "I'm sure that this won't be the case. Um..oh look, it's your husband." He runs to the door to let James in.
James pulls up a chair next to me, "Hey honey, how are you?"
I grunt as my muscles relax, "Honestly?"
He and Dr. Ling nod.
Dr. Ling chuckles to himself as James rubs his ears, "If I may offer up some advice. The key to being a good parent is not doing what you didn't like as a kid."
My eyebrows knit in confusion. What in Ninjago is that supposed to mean?
"Just think about what you would have changed while keeping a firm hand."
I look down a little. I hated feeling alone. Even when Chen found me I felt separated from my peers. I liked the training but questioned a lot of things. I hated feeling abandoned. I hated feeling used.
Dr. Ling pulls off his gloves and grabs a set of new ones, "Got an idea now?"
I nod.
"Great," He looks at the clock, "Because I think it's really time to push."
James stays in his seat as I clench the side of the bed. A round of nurses come in as Dr. Ling gives out orders.
Then I push.
I barely hear someone counting, telling me to breathe and to push.
I just push.
And Push.
I scream as Dr. Ling says something.
Then it's over.
My stomach flattens, there's a loud screaming thing and the nurses rush around again. I breath heavy as James wipes my sweat. Dr. Ling turns as his gloves are a tad bloody now, "It's a girl."
James nearly smacks me, "That's wonderful. Did you hear?" I look up at him. There's something missing. Where's that little blue strip I gave him when we first met? He just has straight jet black hair. "Dawn?"
"Yeah?" I nod a little as the screaming continues.
Dr. Ling gives out a few more orders then comes next to me with a pink blanket wrapped around something, "Dawn." He turns it around to show my the tiniest, smallest but cutest face ever. My baby has the tiniest nose, large violet eyes and wisp of pink hair, "Meet your daughter."
I immediately take her into my arms. She's perfect. She keeps staring at me. "Hi." How could I be afraid of this tiny, cute thing? "I don't know how, but I'm gonna try my best to be your mommy." My finger curls around her face, which pulls her hair lose. She has a head full of bright magenta hair and a deep blue spot in it.
Dr. Ling gets up, "Did you eat food dye or something?" He cracks himself up as he leaves.
James smirks, "So, the thing that Destiny said, is it true?" His purple eyes already remind me of her's, "That is gonna be alright?"
I look at my baby again, her eyes close as she warms up to me. It will be hard. Parenting is no joke. But I have to believe it'll be worth it. "Yeah." I hold her with the right amount of tightness. She sighs a little, "I think everything will be fine with Seliel."
"Seliel?" James smiles wide, "Where'd you get a name like that?"
I smile a little wider, "Well, I wanted an S name because I grew up by the sea. And shelly seems too normal." I curl her face once more, "And I think we both need something just unique and just for us."
James hugs around my shoulders, "Great point. Hi, Seliel. Welcome to Ninjago."
{Location: The Mayor's home} (Marci's POV){Present day]
"Where is it?" I've torn apart Seliel's room. Although, now it might actually be clean. Focus, Marci. I float through the walls to where I was this morning. I then start throwing things around looking for the jetpack. "Come on." I finally find it at the end Seliel's ninja course. It's still black in a few spots but it'll work. I pick it up and look around.'If memory serves correct, Seliel use to have a playground right here. I smirk a little at the thought of pushing her on a swing. Even the time I pushed too hard and she faceplants the mud. She and I had so many adventures from pirates, to space explores to heroes of all kinds. I kinda miss those days. Focus Marci. I try smacking my face but my hand fades thought. I set the jetpack down and look carefully. Why do I keep getting this wrong? Where am I messing up? "It'd be nice if you'd just tell me."
Thankfully the jetpack doesn't respond.
"The fuel is secure, the gears are intact and the wires are working. So why do you keep falling?" I let my hands float through each part and try to feel what's wrong where. Then I sigh. I can't find it. "Come on, Seliel is depending on me."
Then I see it. A small golden C disk. "Of course! The power isn't connecting correctly." I take the golden c out, search for a good one then place a new golden circle. The jetpack now hums gracefully. "Guess I just needed to complete the circle." I turn it off then start running back. Boy, I'm doing a lot of running today. I run through the house. Then spy the last two tapes on the counter. Maybe it's the mega packer in me, but I feel the need to take them. I tuck them in the pockets on the jet back and take off running again.
Unfortunately, the jetpack isn't a ghost jet[pack, and I have to run around buildings instead of through them. It's actually a surprising change. I really have gotten used to my ghost form. Eventually, I make it back to Townhall to see Ethen cosplaying as a Christmas tree.
He smirks as the light bulbs light up, "A little help?"
I set the jetpack down and start untangling him, "Part of Seliel's plan?"
"Yup." Ethen holds still as I finish up, "I could use a little help."
I nod. Then the two of us start racing to bring decorations to the mini-van. Somehow it ends up as a game. If sneaking around while carrying light bulbs can be counted as a game. Either way, we soon have the lights hooked up to the car.
Ethen wipes his forehead, "And we're done. Any idea what comes next?"
"I have no idea." My hands travel to my hair to play with it when I spot a note. 'Step 1: Distract Vic. Step 2: Decorate car. Step 3: Make car seem irresistible. Step 4: Drive away as far as possible. Step 5: fly back home via jetpack.' The handwriting is unmistakable. It's Seliel's. I glance at Ethen. The best place to drive is to the desert and we only have one jetpack. If anything happens to "Gotcha." I smile wide as Ethen looks lost. "I know exactly what Seliel has up next."
"Really?" Ethen tilts his head.
"Totally, can I have the keys?" I hold my hands out. I'm the best person for this. Next, to no one knows how to hurt a ghost. Ethen will be here, same with AJ and Seliel will fly back. "Please."
Ethen gently places the keys in my hands, "I didn't like your car anyway."
I try to play punching him only to pass through, "You jerk."
"Party girl." He teases. Then his face drops a little.
"Hey," I try lifting his head up, "I'm going to be ok. I'm a ghost. And ghosts can't die."
"I know." Ethen weakly tries to smile, "I was just thinking."
He sighs a little, "When I was in that lights mess, I was thinking. Is it bad that I want you here? I love you and everything but I want the best for you."
"Ethen," I'm glad for the extra time I got to be here but, it doesn't feel natural. Like I'm a rift in reality, "I don't know why I'm here. All I know is that I am. And if I'm here, then I'd like to make my friends happy."
Ethan's face then sharpens, "Promise me, if it comes up. Pick yourself next time. We'll be fine. I just want you to be like you belong somewhere."
I look down. Maybe the time after next. "Sure." I try and hug him only to almost pass through him, "Bye."
Ethen sniffs as he holds his arms out around me, "Good-bye." He lets go as I hop in the car. I turn on the engine as he waves, "I can't wait to tell Mom all about this."
"Take a picture it'll last longer." I half roll my eyes. Seliel's dad won't stop taking pictures of me, AJ and Seliel. We probably have a whole gallery by now. "Bye."
I drive slowly as Ethen head to the clinic to hide.
Seliel, I hope the plan works.
{Location: Townhall}(Seliel's POV)
"Well," Victor taps his foot, "What did you want to talk about?"
Then I start cracking up. I bent over and fake cry tears of joy.
Victor turns red as my laughter attracts the rest of the gang, "What's so funny?"
"I'm sorry," I snicker as I pretend to wipe the tears from my helmet, "It's hilarious that you think I'm without all my weapons."
Victor looks around as mutters sound. Almost. A little more. Victor's arms fall to his sides, "No. All your weapons are here."
"And how do you know?" I slowly change my tone from playful to tempting.
"Because I know you. I spied on you. I know everything about you."
"Yeah," I kick my belt lightly, "But you've been kinda busy lately. I'm sure with a plan as clever as this couldn't afford a distraction like me. Or what I've been up to."
Victor's face scowls as he folds his arms again, "Like what?"
"I can't say." I start turning around slowly while holding my index finger over my mouth, "It's a secret." I pause as I face Victor again, "A secret weapon."
"Where. Is it?" Victor half points the gun at me.
I push the gun away as I step closer, "You know, I don't think guns suited you. Vikky." I watch as he turns red as the red stone in the canyon, "And what makes you think that I'd tell you where it is without saying what it is?"
Victor stomps the ground like a two-year-old, "S.Q. Tell me now."
"Well," I start backing up as I press a small button on my hand, "Let's just say it's mobile." My weapon start floating up around me from the hidden magnets in my armor.
Then Marci pulls up behind me, opens the door as lights flicker inside the car.
"There's my ride. See ya, boys." I grab all my gear in my arms, jump in the car as Marci zooms away.
Come on. Take the bait. Take the bait. I stare in the passenger side mirror as I set my gear on the floor. Then I see a herd of black motorbikes and black trucks chasing us. "Yes." I fist bump as Marci makes the first turn down. "So far so good."
Marci keeps her eyes on the road, "Jetpack is 100%."
"Perfect." I start pulling on my stuff. We have to drive until we're empty. Because that means so will Victor.
And Victor doesn't have a way back.
Marci makes a hard right, "So. ANy idea how long will be?"
"Good point." I wish I had music or something.
"Check the left side pocket." Marci points to the jetpack.
Reach back and pick it up. Open the left side pocket to see two white tape players. I smile, "Marci, you're a genius."
"Why thank you." Marci's smugness shows as she speeds us down the mountain, "Go on. I want to hear too."
Tape number 9.
Click. Mom sniffles, "Now. I don't consider my daughter a mistake. But in a strange way, I think was a mistake that someone that special was born to me."
I shrug my shoulders as the road straightens out to the freeway.
Mom pauses, "I love her with all my heart. But with my past. I was more than nerves. I was terrified."
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