Chapter 21. Threats
{Location: The kitchen}(Seliel's POV)
Victor frowns deeply. His tone about this is serious, even his clothes, which are a tad cleaner looking than his dirty jeans and yellow t-shirts. "Hello to all Crystal Passions." He cocks his head to one side, "Or is it, Crystallites? No, maybe Passers. Hm, well, either way, hello to all people of Crystal Pass."
The cameraman shakes like he's saying no, "Get to the point."
"All right," Victor stands up from his rocky throne while holding a black and yellow metal bat, "Do you feel scared? Or unsatisfied with your current security in attacks. I mean we've had two, a death in both and yet our 'leaders' seem reluctant for better safety and instead rely on a half-baked vigilante known as the Phantom Ninja." Victor looks down. Then back up with a loud sigh, "Larry, we talked about this. You pan down now." The camera looks up, "No you idiot." Now the camera points right, "Down. D.O.W.N." Victor sighs as the camera points down to a scale model of Crystal Pass. "Thank you for taking forever."
AJ snickers as I fold my arms.
Victor then slams his bat down on the college library model, "The facts simply are, we don't have the protection we need. We are getting things that could potentially bring attackers to us. And despite it not being election season," Victor smashes the main road up here, "Vote Crown. For a safer tomorrow with minimal hassles, such as," he brings his hammer down on the fire and police station, "The fuzz. Still not convinced, we'll also take care of that very ineffective problem. You know, the one with a helmet, eclipse symbols and a pension against anything yellow?"
The cameraman hums, "A very dangerous beekeeper?"
Victor smacks his forehead, sadly not with his bat, "No, Larry. The Phantom Ninja. Get it? Our color is yellow and oh never mind." Victor smirks back at the camera, "Concerned with things like those dangerous mines?" He slams the model of the mines, "Poof gone." He keeps hitting things but leaving places like my house, town hall, the clinic and the statue alone, "I promise for a better Crystal Pass. One much stronger than old' mustache will allow." He grabs the lens, giving us a fun shot of his teeth, "All within 24-hours. Get ready, here comes the new leading crew. All dressed in black and blue" After that, he pushes the camera down and the feed cuts out.
I ball my fists but for once, I have a clear goal, "Who's ready for whack a tiger?"
AJ and Macri grin with anticipation, Dad surprisingly looks chill. AJ cracks her knuckles, "And the game plan is?"
I fold my arms, "Victor pointed out a lot of places but he started with the main road. He's either gonna block it or blows it up. Marci along with some cops will cover that area."
Marci raises an eyebrow, "I as the ghost would rather not be seen."
"You are a ninja ghost. Both of which are excellent at hiding. I think you're fine." I smile back as the T.V. stops it's static, "I'll help the police cover the college and school."
AJ folds her arms, "I'm not sure if you're keeping count, but there are not that many cops here. At least three-quarters of the force would be away from the town."
"That's why you'll stay here," I know AJ hates staying put, "Keep the government building blocked off and making sure my Dad doesn't get a bat to the stomach."
Dad shrugs his shoulders, "I'd hate to burst your bubble, but this isn't anything new. Myself and many of my employees get threat in varying degrees."
"Don't you think it's a little suspicious that it was announced on T.V. I don't know about you but I think Victor is more determined than these other threats."
"It is unusual but we can't blow up everything this happens."
Marci nods, "He's got a point."
Maybe I am being a little touchy. Still, I'd like to hit those tigers hard and fast, "Fine. We'll downscale. But the three of us will keep the plan."
AJ smirks as Dad's home office line starts ringing, "Sound like a much more sane plan."
Marci grins, reminding me of the Cheshire cat a bit, "But the insane plans are more fun."
I can't tell if she meant that as a joke or not. I'm guessing not as more silents happens. I get the feeling this is too small, "Right. Anyway, we got a clock ladies. See ya tomorrow." I run back upstairs to dress. I can't shake the feeling that there's more to Victor's plan than what he showed us.
He may lead the yellow tigers but he's a snake through and through.
{Location: The red gorge}(Marci's POV)[Two hours later]
I'm so bored. There's nothing in the stupid cannon. I've walked on the ground itself for about an hour, walked in the rock for about for a half an hour and spent the rest of the time either playing with my sia or trying to think of funny jokes to tell my friends. I try kicking a small rock as I mutter to myself, "Knock, knock. Who's there? A broken pencil. A broken pencil who? Nevermind, it's pointless. No, even I use pens more often." I tap my chin with my sia. I've been getting better at actually touching things. I'm still not sure why I'm still in Ninjago but at least I've made another friend. But something in me is restless like I can sense a massive something collection souls like mine. But as to who or what it is, I'm not too sure. Or would rather not want to talk about it. "Knock, knock," I think of another joke.
"Who's there?" Someone just below my calls.
I pause where I'm walking, lean over to see four guys in black and blue clothing, masks, even paint on their hands and necks, "Cows go."
I watch as one of them looks around, "Cows go who?"
Victor really needs some new help. These guys are so stupid. I fade into the ground slowly. I swear I'll never get use to the motion of something solid passing through me. I reach the next lower level, quietly draw my weapons while pulling up my mask. I try kicking the closest guy to me down but pass through and hit the butt end of my sia just under his ear.
He falls like a house of cards, getting the other three to look at me. I give a small wave, "No, silly. Cows go moo."
I get the one to my right to snicker as I run forward and try taking out another guy. I manage to hit his stomach with the ends of my knives, which pushes him down and he just sits there. I take that as a sign of surrender. I turn left, tackling the guy, passing thought him then hit him on the small of his back. He face plants, leaving the last one all alone.
The last one sounds like he's trying to talk through a muffle. He even gets on his knees and holds his hands up. This is the easiest fight ever. I tuck my weapons behind me, step forward and take off his mask. I know him. His light skin, brown eyes and jet black hair like mine.
Eaten? My brother?
I take the muffle off. Maybe this isn't as easy as I first thought. The second thought being, how and why is my older brother here? I hold the muffle as he gasps for air, I've been dead for close to a year. Would he even remember me anymore?
He whimpers as he shakes, "My name is Ethan. I was kidnapped, dressed up then placed here." He turns around, showing me binds around his feet, "The other guys you so rudely knocked out were kidnapped along with me."
I jumped the gun. I help Ethan, then the other more unconscious guys out. They're out cold. Perfect, now I'm the bad guy.
Ethan massages his wrists then tries smearing off the face paint, "Who are you?"
Do I answer him? I could say it's me, I survived in a way. But chose not to find him and my Mom. I've missed him a lot. Even the sometimes violent sibling rivalry. I could lie. Say I'm the phantom ninja. That would get him. I could not say anything at all and be the mysterious person I was never meant to be. I look down as my left-hand looks for hair to mess with.
He gasps, tries taking off my mask while his hand passes through, "Marci?"
I face him, take off my mask and give a small half smile, "Hey. Long time no see."
Ethan's mouth drops to the ground, "'re a..."
"I'm sorry for not coming to see you sooner. I don't even know why I'm like this. It was wrong of me to stay away." I think if I were human, I'd tear up a little right now, "I just didn't want to hurt you anymore."
Ethen surprises me. He tries hugging me, his arms float around where I am and I can feel him trying to squeeze without passing through me, "It's fine. I forgive you. I just am glad to see you again."
I have no idea what I was expecting. At most, he would have been mad, and at least, he would have been quiet. This is the middle ground. He's happy to see me. Not mad I kept my existence from him or confused. He just accepts it. "You're not upset?"
"I'm not happy how I got here to find you again," He pulls back and looks ready to cry, "I'm just so, so happy to see you." He snickers, "Thought, I should have known it was you from the cheesy jokes."
Cheesy joke. Proof of me. Oh-no. I pull back Ethen, "If you and these guys were fakes, where are the real Yellow Tigers?"
Ethan's face drops too, "I remember hearing something about town hall and a school before they painted me."
"We've gotta go." I turn to run up the mountain. "It's a trap. The Phantom Ninja and my friends are in trouble."
Ethen keeps up with me as we turn around the first bend, "The only question is, where? The Tigers could be at the school, college, town hall. They may not even be here."
"A very good question, one we're gonna figure out."
{Location: Crystal Pass elementary school}(Seliel's POV)[1 hour and 30 minutes later]
As ridiculous as it sounds, I'm hiding in a bush. School is still in session and I'd rather not distract the kiddos from learning. I instead have to resort to hiding in a bush which is some kid's stash from Ninja merchandise. It might be one of the kids who moved here after the attacks. Or maybe it's just trash. Either way, I'm surrounded by images of my fallen heroes. I soon hear the bell ring, a mad rush of kids to the playground. "Finally," I stand up, slowly open the door and look for anyone in blue and black colors. Disputed the super happy sun pictures decorating the halls, I feel anxious. But nothing seems to be here. Mabey Victor was pulling my leg. But he still has 22 hours and 29 mins left. I find my way to the art room, where the door is ajar.
I step in and see five guys dressed in black and blue facing the windows. There you are. I start creeping up behind them, instead of pulling out my kama, I pull out a small set of pins. I really hope of all those acupuncture panels I read at Mom's clinic are right. Though, it helps that each needle is coated in a sleeping agent I made in advanced Chemistry.
I stick the first needle in the guy's lower right shoulder, then two more above the small of his back and another in his lower left shoulder. I hear a quick gasp for air, but no response. Perfect. I repeat the motions for the other guys, who strangely put up no fight. Once I'm done, I turn the first one to me. Fast asleep but standing up. "This was way too easy." I slap his cheek. Nothing. "Victor, promised something more challenging. So where's the challenge?"
Slam. The door out is closed and locked behind me as the windows get covered in some large metal sheet.
Then a phone rings. I turn slowly to see a pink cell phone in the middle of some desks. I pick it up, unknown number. I hit answer and put it on speaker.
"So, S.Q. are you still having fun in art class?" Victor talks loudly as the sounds of guns being loaded ring.
"I said to stop the nickname." I stomp my foot, "And no."
"Too bad." Victor chuckles. A T.V. flickers on in front of me, the lovely picture decorating the screen is a few kids held at gunpoint while on the playground. Each kid looks scared out of their minds, "Ya see, I know you. I know you don't think I do. But I know you," Victor talks through the phone as screams echo all around the school, "Soft heart. I personally hated it at school. Maybe I should have my boys relieve some of these kids of that same pain." The screen zooms in on a kid whimpering. Thomes. His eyes are shut and tears run down his chubby cheeks.
"Don't." I can't live with anymore death on me. Certainly not even a child's death.
"Why S.Q., the plan involved you being unpredictable. Actually, it doesn't matter." Victor mocks me as I start to get mad, "What you're seeing now is the same thing being broadcast to every T.V. at town hall. I mean look at them, the only thing better than having someone at gunpoint, is having their kid at gunpoint."
"Don't shoot them. Please." My voice changer breaks, "Victor. Is this to impress me? Huge fail."
"One step at a time, sweetheart." Victor snickers as the sound of a door being broken down rings, "Power first then the chicks come a running."
"What next?" I have to stop him. Someone has to stop him I really hope AJ can.
"You be a good little school girl and stay put. I promise, in 24 hours, they can go." Victor pauses as he loads a gun close to him, "That is if I get cooperation from you old man."
Dad. No. "Victor, if you hurt him-"
"Goodbye, S.Q. And don't try anything funny, I've got close my eyes." Click.
I growl, throw the phone down and clench my teeth. I look around, no cameras, so how can he see me? Think, Seliel, think.
Maybe he can't. Mabey just like the fake bad guys, this is a fake statement. I pick the phone back up. Let's test this theory. I pick up a desk and place it on another. Nothing. Or maybe he isn't impressed by desk flipping. I chose the riskier move of trying to open the window. Again nothing. Just medal.
Victor, you seriously need to work on your bluff. I tap the medal, thick but not tied down to the wall. I spot a light closer to me, I get out the window and shimmy between the wall and the medal wot freedom. I smirk under my mask. I've got kiddos to save but I can't endanger the other ones here. I head back into the building, making loud sounds this time as I pull the fire alarm. Step one, clear the place of people.
Step two, scare the baddies by sneaking around them.
Step three, figure out more of a plan then.
{Location: Town Hall}(AJ's POV)
I slam my fist down, "That sick twisted-" I bite my mouth before more colorful words escape.
The Mayor taps his fingers on the large oak desk, "Maybe this is more severe than I first thought.
My walkie-talkie then makes strange noises, the door to rest of the building bursts open, with Victor leading the way while holding a small girl. A little girl with a cute unicorn headband and t-shirt.
I draw my weapon. "Freeze!"
Victor cackles and aims to the kid's head, she whimpers. "Come on, copper. DO I look like I'm kidding?"
The little girl shrieks as more thugs come in, all guns aimed at me or the Mayor.
I look over to him, his purple eyes know which choice to pick. He nods and so do I. I lower my gun, let myself get tackled and about four guns aimed at my face.
The Victor cracks up like he heard the best joke ever, "Oh this place so need an I.Q. update." He slowly puts the kid down, she cries on her knees, "Julia, head home."
Julia instead curls up and cries. The Mayor's eyes widen, "You used your cousin like that?"
"Relax," Victor pulls out the current round of ammo, "Blanks. Now," He lodes real bullets in now, "How about that cue I called for? I may have all night but I'd like it now."
Crap. I bite my lips. He's smart, praying on our weakness. And just being plain smart. Which means I have to be smarter.
And lucky.
Very lucky.
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