Chapter 10. And then there were two
{Location: Marci's House} (Seliel's POV)
Marci picked me up in her tiny gold mini van, "Hop in." She slows to a stop and I open the back door. From what I can tell, she's wearing a teal tank-top with white peace shorts and neon green slippers. It's kinda hard to sit in my armor so I end up sitting on one chair and having to stretch onto the other, something to work on. For once Marci's not a talker. I nearly nod off myself as we pull into her driveway, "Here." She turns the car off and gets out.
"Thanks?" I'm not sure why she took me to her house and not mine. "Anyone else's home?"
"Sound asleep." Marci fumbles for her keys and opens the front door while I struggle to get out of the car. I make it out after five minutes of struggling and follow her in. Marci's little home built into the cliff is just how I remember it. "How was mission one?"
"Grab a pen and paper." I head to the kitchen and start taking off my armor. I place the breastplate on the counter as Marci gets what I asked for. "Believe me when I say, you won't believe it." Next, I take out the tapes I collected and neatly stack them.
Marci drops off the pen and paper and grabs me new clothes. She's a tad shorter in height compared to me, making her neon clothes tiny on me. "Where'd those come from?" She points to the tapes.
I head to her nearest bathroom and close the door to get out of my sweaty clothes, "Write it down."
I explain the top points of tonight. Marci is still writing when I get out. She taps the pen against her lips, "So, someone actually hated Dr. Dawn? Wow. Now, I've heard everything."
"Tell me about it." I look at her neat handwriting as she gets up and grabs an empty trash bag to put my armor in. "I want to know who this Chen character is."
"Maybe this?" Marci holds up a small take out box from Mister Chen's noodle hut from the shop at the base of the mountain.
I roll my eyes and snicker, "What could the CEO of a noodle company possibly have a vendetta against the Yellow Tiger Gang? It's probably a popular name anyway."
"Yeah," Marci tosses the box way and yawns, "Can we talk about this tomorrow? I'm tired."
"Marci Black, tired at night? Now I've seen everything." I smirk as she shakes her head.
"Funny." Marci actually does look ready to pass out. "See you tomorrow." Marci moves up to her room as I finish putting my armor away. I pick a couch only to find it full of candy wrappers. I get as comfy as I can, placing my armor by my feet and cuddling with the new tapes I recovered.
There's something about the body being tired that lures me to sleep quickly. Before I know it, I'm out like a light.
(Marci's POV)
As least Seliel is doing better. At least she's not trying to do the whole loner hero thing. Still, she didn't exactly ask for my help, just my ride. I close my room door and look at the outfit hanging on my night stand. A dark purple hood with a dress, a small heart like hole at the collar, tights that look like super long boots. I'm going to need a name like Seliel has one. Of course, I'll need training and weapons but all that will get done soon enough. I sit on the end of my bed and stare at it. Maybe something will come to me. I fall back on my bed. Wow, I'm tired. Ethan hasn't even come back for the funeral. I miss my brother, as annoying and troublesome he was he was entertaining. But he had to get a job at Borg industries. Borg industries...oh crap. I jump and open my phone and dial him. Nothing. It's like the power's been cut. Ethan. Then the lights go out entirely. Either the power station has been turned off or I really need to go to bed. I fumble my pillows off my bed and tuck myself into bed. I wonder if the Ninja had anything to do with the power outage? Marci, you've got to stop thought like these, it'll only hurt you.
[The next day](Seliel's POV)
The sunlight hits my eyes and forces me up. I sit up and rub my eyes. Wow, I'm sour. I'll have to make lighter armor. I check the black bag to make sure it's still here and the tape. Good, all here. My stomach makes the loudest, most hungry, food demaining sound in my life. I peek through Marci's fridge and pantry, mostly junk food and soda. Eventually, I find an apple and nibble on that until other footsteps echo in the tall house.
Marci's mom walks down stairs with a tea cup and yawning, "Seliel, did Marci have one of her surprise sleepovers. I thought she was done with those."
"No," I smile and shake my head at the chinese looking woman with a pink bathrobe, "I need someplace other to be then my place."
"I understand that," She touches my shoulders then goes to make coffee, "My home hasn't been the same since Robert left a few years ago. And when Marci was 16."
I remember that was one of few times that Marci was frowning instead of smiling. It's also when we became friends. "Someone's leaving is always hard no matter how old someone is."
"True and speaking of Marci, I'll get her."
"I can wake her up." I slip past her and get a foot on the step, "I've done it before when she sleeps during class."
Marci's mom gives me a look.
"I mean she hardly ever sleeps during class. It's only like once or twice." I take faster steps up and find her sound a sleep in her room, "Marci?" I rub her shoulder then spot a strange looking outfit on her dresser, "What is that?"
Marci jerks up, "You weren't supposed to see that yet."
"What is that?" I grab it and hold it high, "It's pretty but really not your style."
"It's my uniform...for if you ever need me on a mission," Marci mutters as my eyes widen.
"Absolutely not." I put it down, "You could get hurt or worse."
"I have the same chance as you do." Marci takes the outfit back and places it on her side, "I want to help."
"No." I fold my arms. "I do it because I have training."
"Then give me training. I'm strong."
"Seliel," She looks down, "The Ninja failed me too. Except I don't want you to be alone during this. Please, let me help."
I look at her and the outfit. Marci will always get her way with me. "You're gonna need a name."
"Wait, does that mean-?" Marci stares screaming in her pillow as I snicker at her. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!"
"Training starts tomorrow. 6:30, k?"
Marci is now screaming into a pillow then jump hugs me. I think she's saying thank you, it hard to hear her.
Marci's mom opens the door slightly, at least Marci outfit got knocked down so her mom wouldn't see it, "Everything ok in here? What's with all the fan screaming?"
I struggle to breathe as Marci calms down a little, "I'm letting Marci borrow some notes."
"She seems a little too excited for notes." Marci's mom raises an eyebrow.
Marci can't stop smiling and has a little happy dance going on, "I just really really love the class."
"Hmm." Marci's mom smirks and leaves the door open, "Well, breakfast is on its way."
"Lesson one," I fold my arms, "to be a ninja you need to be quiet."
She giggles then lets me go, "Got it boss."
I walk towards the downstairs, "So, I'm still learning the ropes myself but I can teach you the small stuff."
Marci then rants about what things may or may not work as well as suggest names for herself. She's never been this excited before. Marci's mom just smiles and serves us waffles and other toppings.
{Location: Chen's island}(Dawn's POV)[Time: 19 years ago]
I've looked in every book in the blasted library. I can't undo my curse. I have no idea if anyone else would even come to this island. I think I've even managed to scare off Clouse with how much I've been hanging out in here. I hear a knock on the door, Clover is there, his young face black and blue from his last training class, "Dawn. Can I hang out with you?"
I see behind him, Bruce is storming around, looking pretty mad, "Sure."
"What are you looking for?"
"Nothing anymore." I close the last, thin book I was looking at, "Can you help me put this back?"
"Sure." He picks up a rather large book with snake pictures on the cover, "So, since you've been in here so much, can you do magic?"
My lips twitch upward at his innocent, "No. So far, I've accidentally cursed someone."
"Who ever Chen's next lover is." I sigh. I wish I never got jealous like that. It won't be fair to the next person and I have no idea who that may be. I can't warn them. "Believe me I wish I could change that."
"Why?" Clover skips steps on the latter, "Magic is cool."
"Magic yes, curses no." I hand him books, I so need to get out of here, "If you want to study magic, ask Clouse. I'm sure he'd love something to do."
"Clouse is creepy." Clover shivers, "He'd probably send me to the Cursed realm."
"The Cursed Realm?" I hand him another book, "Where's that?"
"I don't know. But Clouse claims to have cursed someone there," Clover leans closer, "And without his book!"
"Just rumors." I whisper back. "Who was the person?"
"Not sure, I think a student of some twistitzu master," Clover gets off the latter then holds perfectly still.
"What's the matter, you look like you've seen a ghost," I follow his eyesight and see Clouse standing in the door, arms folded and a smug look on his face.
Clouse smirk is actually unsettling as a cold wind sweeps through the room, "Who he was isn't important. I don't even remember who he was that well." His face says that he takes pride in knowing who he cursed, "I think he was some Elemental master."
I sharpen my face, "If I cursed an elemental master, I wouldn't forget his name."
Clouse takes a few steps closer, "But it appears that you've forgotten how to clean a room. All these books are disorganized." He snaps his fingers and the books rearrange themselves in A-B-C order.
"Oh look, insta-maid." I smirk at his shocked face. It's hard to roast Clouse so I have to take advantage of it while I can.
"Humorous. Chen would like to see you. Please come with me. Clover, please go play with the other boys."
Clover looks unsure as Clouse turns on his heel and walks out. I smile at him and follow. Clover grumbles something but I don't have time to care for a child. Clouse walks towards the main room, as many people that are on the island, I've never seen it so empty. It's just me, Clouse and Chen.
"Dawn," Chen presses a button on his chair and all doors and windows close, giving us a lot of shade inside, "How was your last lesson?"
"Good. I love it when you teach." I watch, something is different. Why aren't any other students here?
"I'm guessing that you're curious as to why you're here?" Chen gets up and opens up a nearby box, "It rather easy."
"Go on." I sit crisscross as he tosses out rubber ducks.
"When me, Clouse and the rest of my students were sent here, we were told to never go back to Ninjago." Chen keeps throwing out more things and almost falls in the box, "And for a while I've been playing sweet revenge."
"I know this. Garmadon and his brother banished you. A lot of the students talk about it."
"And for good reason," Chen turns around while assembling a tall gun, "Garmadon was a student of mine but joined his brother in a fight instead of me." Chen's green eyes lower and seem to hold an unsafe look in them, "I want you to kill Wu."
I'm shocked.
How can anyone ask that?
To take a life. Just like that? "W-why me?"
"Neither him or Garmadon know about you. They don't know about you as another student. So you can't be traced back to me and they'll never suspect you." Chen calmly keeps assembling a gun as he walks it to me, "I've bought this sniper rifle just for you." He holds it like a present on my birthday. The long black nozzle, the extra long black clip, the super long black laser sight and the black sling.
"I-I." I feel blood loss in my face. How can he ask this of me?
"No argueing!" He forces the gun in my hands, "I want you to follow him. Use whatever you need to use. I don't want Wu around much longer."
Clouse has to pull me up to my feet, "Wu is a strong hand to hand fighter, but if you can hit him with a distance target, then you'll be fine."
I lick my lips, "What about Garmadon? What if he tries to stop me?"
Chen's smirk that sends more shade on his face, making him seem more like a bad guy than the man who saved me, "I don't want a hair harmed on Garmadon's head. His transformation will be completed soon and I don't want any goody-two shoes brother getting in the way."
I can't believe this. I can't do this. I can't kill someone. "Anything else?"
"No." Chen looks at his nails, "You'll leave the island with the next shipment boat out. Once the deed is done, I want you back here. Once Wu is removed, Garmadon will most likely take the Golden weapons and unleash chaos. And no one will keep me here much longer." Chen actually lets out an evil cackle.
The gun is heavy in my hands. Chen has a lot riding on this kill. If I fail him, I lose the only family I can remember. If I go through with it, I'll have blood on my hands. "Ok."
"Dawn, are you ok? You look a little white." Chen drops his laugh. "I can't have my assassin feeling unwell."
"I'm fine." I try and stand on my own. "I'll start packing." I turn to leave, the gun is as long as the doorposts and halts me. I bump into it a few times before turning it around and walking upstairs to my room.
Clover meets me half way up the first steps, "Dawn. Nice gun. Where did you get it?"
"I-i." I lean over the side of the railing and throw up. How can he ask that of me? Please let this be a joke or a test. My throw up lands in a pot.
Clover pulls back my hair and gently pats my back while resting the gun down, "Next time I won't ask."
"It's fine." I wipe my mouth, "Bad fish." I won't ruin him. Even if he stays here, I won't let him know of the darkness. "I have a mission."
"Really? You're going to Ninjago?" Clover kindly bring up the gun for me as I try not to swallow the taste of throw up down.
"Yeah." I keep up the act of innocents.
If I'm caught, it'll be a useful skill.
{Location: The Mayor's home}(Seliel's POV)[Time: Present day]
I've stashed my stuff in my room and now look through mom's office. I'm looking for weapons to start training Marci with. I've found plenty of how-to books and notes. But nothing that could potentially really hurt someone. "Now what would be good for Marci? Knives? Katana? Numcuches? Then my hands feel something cold, long and metal on the inside of the closet wall. I pull it out. It's a gun. All black, extra long nozzle, long clip and an adjustable sling. "Why does mom have a gun?" I look for tape 6.
Click. Mom loses a gun, probably the same one I found, "You're getting to the fun stuff. After what I did with magic, you wouldn't think I would have messed with magic for a while. But I did. I think it's one of the good things to come out of that island. But a mistake all the same."
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