Social Etiquette
Being a Pink Girl means being a well-mannered lady, well versed in proper etiquette. While it seems like an old fashioned notion, good etiquette and manners can not only improve your image of yourself but also other's impressions of you. Etiquette is all about how to conduct yourself beautifully.
Unfortunately, many people consider respect for the rules of etiquette as something shameful, but in fact, the basic rules of etiquette are pretty simple. It's a culture of speech, common courtesy, neat appearance, and control over your emotions. Think of life as a graceful waltz performed in front of a large audience. Those with etiquette will preform beautifully while others with stumble through, trying to catch up.
Social etiquette may sound like it will turn you into a stiff old lady but good etiquette is an art form. Starting now will give you time to mold it into your natural behaviors. When good manners and etiquette come naturally, it will make you a more appealing person to people you come in contact with, including future employers.
- Do not put your phone on the table in public. By doing so, you show how important a role this device plays in your life, how bored you are of what is happening, and that at any moment you are ready to end a conversation and once again check your social media feed. If you in a social setting, place your phone on silent or vibrate and away in your bag. If it does ring, and the caller is important, politely excuse yourself from the table to take the call. If you are in a restaurant, take the call outside.
This rule is very simple. Interaction with others should be more important than interaction with your device. Picture taking is very welcome on any occasion but no not forget about the people around you.
- If you are walking along with someone and your companion greets a person you don't know, you should also greet them. This avoids awkward moments and gives you the opportunity to make a new acquaintance.
Awkward situations are not fun and standing there like a ghost is not going to be pleasant for you. If you are shy, ask your companion to introduce you.
- Your shoes should always be clean.
This rule had more to do with appearance than anything. Perform an experiment. Put on your best outfit. Now put on your dirty shoes. Then put on a pair of clean ones. Do you notice the difference? Clean shoes are important. This means if you are going to wear white shoes, avoid running through grass or jumping in mud puddles. If you want to do those things, put on a pair of shoes you will not be wearing with your favorite outfits.
- If someone offends you, you should not return the favor or raise your voice to the person who insulted you. Do not sink to their level. Just smile and leave the ill-mannered company.
This course of action is not only classy, but it also saves you from unnecessary drama. You have nothing to prove to the other person. Walking away means you are a stronger person. It also makes the other person look bad if they continue. The exception to this rule is if the offense was clearly accidental. Calmly let the other person know that it offended you and why, and leave it at that.
- Some things should be kept secret: wealth, family quarrels, religion, medical problems, love affairs, gifts, honor, and disgrace.
Here is why those things should be private. Bragging about your family wealth can bring trouble, one of them being people who target that wealth. In the same way, telling others that your family is struggling can bring embarrassment to the people who really are trying their best to provide for you.
Family quarrels are no one's business but if it is affecting you directly, you can pick a trusted individual to talk to so they can help you through the troubled times. Most of the time, quarreling ends but the whole world does not need to know it happened.
Religion is also considered a voodoo topic in many social circles. There are many religions in the world and in many cases, the topic brings discomfort. This does not mean you can never discuss your beliefs but choosing the setting is crucial. For example, declaring loudly that your faith does not allow a particular food in the middle of a crowded restaurant is inappropriate. Discussing religion with close friends or religious leaders is acceptable. Again, it is all about time and place.
A medical problem is something that has no place being announced to the world. Unless it is something severe like cancer, not many people need to know. Like religion, it can make some people uncomfortable. If you have a severe food allergy, please do inform people such as the host of a party you are attending, or your waiter at a restaurant but do not shout loudly.
If you are dating someone, the only people who really need to know are those closest to you. Most others will see your announcement as bragging and it could give you a bad reputation. Let the general population figure it out on their own.
Gifts should not be bragged about. Send a thank you card to the person who gave you the gift but provoking jealousy in others, intentionally or not, is tactless and unladylike. If you something wonderful for someone else, be humble about it. Telling others about it comes across as bragging and it tells others that you are only willing to help others if you can receive recognition.
Telling everyone of someone's disgraces is highly unladylike and it paints you as a bully and a gossip. If their disgrace had a direct effect on you and their actions hurt you, confide in a select few trusted confidants to help you work through it and move on. Their shame is their own. Let them live with it.
- In the cinema or theater, you should move to your seat facing those sitting.
To put it bluntly, it's to avoid accidentally passing gas in someone's face.
- If someone calls to you rudely (Hey you!'), you shouldn't answer. Be a model of good etiquette and polite social manners.
It is perfectly acceptable to ignore someone, especially if they are being rude while trying to get your attention. Just keep walking.
- The golden rule when using perfume is moderation. If you can still smell your perfume in the evening, everyone else is already tired of it.
Smelling like you just came out of the Macy's fragrance section is too much. A light layer on your wrists and behind your lower ear will get you through the day. If you need an extra boost for an event later in the day, reapply conservatively.
- If you're forgiven after you've apologized, don't touch the offensive subject again just to say you're sorry. You should try to avoid such mistakes in the future.
Continuing the topic shows the offended that you do not care about how that individual feels and it reflects poorly on you.
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