• 6 •
"if you wanna be my lover,
you gotta get with my friends..."
"Chaeyoung! Wait Chaeng!"
Lisa ran after her sister who just stormed out of the door. Jungkook can very much apply aloe vera on his own. Chaeyoung is far more important right now.
"Chaeng!" she called out again and tried to grab the girl before she gets on the elevator. "Park Chaeyoung!"
"What, Lalisa?" the blonde girl blurted out. "What do you want?"
"It's not what it seems—"
"It's not?" Chaeyoung scoffed. "Come on, Lisa. I'm not that naive. You two were clearly flirting with each other."
"Did you even hear what we were yelling about?" Lisa exclaimed. "We were arguing! And that'a not flirting!"
"You didn't see what I saw, Lisa," she countered. "You two were clearly flirting. You two even have nicknames for each other."
"Manobutt and Jerkook?" Lisa questioned. "Friends does that!"
"Since when are you two even friends? I thought you hated him?"
"Well, he did save my life, Chaeng," she defended. "Plus he just came over to check up on me with this elaborate scheme that involved sunbathing—"
"He's flirting with you," the girl said with finality. "Can't you see? He is! He clearly likes you that's why he's trying to get close to you! And when you fall for him, he's ghost you and you'll get heart broken again! I don't want to go to jail for murder!"
Lisa froze as she finally realized why her best friend was acting strange around her and Jungkook. She was just looking out for her. She forgot how Chae got her heart broken by the very same man who's currently consuming her whole tub of aloe vera.
Chaeyoung was close to tears. She was breathing heavily as she tried her best not to cry like a baby in front of Lisa. But can you really blame her? She loved that annoying best friend of hers so she didn't want her to commit the same mistakes she did. And that was falling for that childish charm of Jeon Jungkook.
"He's not flirting, Chaeng," Lisa said softly and held her best friend's hand. "He's just being a good friend. Just like you are."
"But I'm not trying to get inside your pants," the blonde girl muttered making her chuckle.
"I wouldn't be too sure about that," Lisa said sheepishly. "Remember the last time we both got dead ass drunk?"
"Well, it ain't my fault you make out with the nearest human being when you're shit drunk," Chaeyoung chuckled. The tension a while ago slowly starts to fade. "But I'm not gonna lie. I did like it."
"See?" Lisa grinned. "You are trying to get inside my pants. Only difference is, you can and he can't."
"I won't be so sure about that," Chaeng replied with a pout. "He's a nice guy, Li. That's why girls fall for him all the fucking time! He's lethal. You'll fall for him faster than I could say I told you so."
"Trust me, Chaeng. I'll never fall for Jungkook."
"No, you will," the girl insisted. "And I think you already are. Maybe because you're vulnerable right now or Jungkook's womanizing skills are working overtime."
"Come on, Chaeng. You and I both know that I'm not the type who readily jumps on a relationship just because a guy flirts with me," she stated. "I've been in a relationship for three years. I think I'd rather be single for now."
"For now," Chaeyoung repeated. "Li, I also know that you're the type who falls for a guy personality wise. And Jungkook's the perfect candidate."
"I highly doubt that he's my type. I like older guys. Jungkook's cute but, it's like I'm taking care of a five-year old. He even brings banana milk everywhere!"
Chaeyoung bit her lip. She knew very well that Lisa would eat her words. She's been there. She thought that Jungkook was just a good friend at first too but she couldn't help herself and fall for the guy. And soon enough, Lisa would too.
She heaved a sigh.
"Li, if... if in case you do," Chaeyoung placed both her hands on Lisa's shoulder. "Promise me you have to make him fall for you too."
Lisa was taken aback at how serious her best friend looked.
"It's the only way I won't be charged of murder," the girl continued. "I really don't want to go to jail yet. I still haven't done it with Jaehyun."
Lisa laughed so hard and hugged Chaeyoung. Yup, the girl's already over Jeon and in fucking love with Jae.
"Don't worry, Chaeng. I'm Lalisa Manoban. If in case he ghosts me, I can just turn him into a real ghost and all will be well."
Jungkook couldn't focus on his game. After Chaeyoung stormed off from Lisa's apartment that night, he too went back to his own place. He didn't even get to eat dinner since his conscience kept bugging him for being the source of the two girls' argument.
He decided to grab his jacket and head off to Bangtan's shared dorm. Maybe Namjoon's there and he could ask his opinion about it. Or Jisoo. He's sure she'd know how to make the two girls reconcile.
"Kook, they're already okay. They're actually in Everland right now."
Jungkook's mouth flew open at what his hyung's girlfriend just said as soon as he opened the topic to her.
"They're fine? But... but they were screaming at each other and it was kind of scary..."
Jisoo chuckled at how adorable Jungkook looked worried and all. He was like a toddler asking help to his teacher after witnessing a fight.
"Relax. They're best friends, Jungkook. No guy can come in between those two," she said patting him by his shoulder. "Not even you."
He felt a bit embarrassed after hearing Jisoo say that. How conceited can he be for thinking he'd be the cause of a fight between Lisa and Chaeyoung.
"You should stop watching dramas, Kook," his Namjoon hyung suggested. "This is reality we're talking about."
"Well, some friends fight over guys in real life too," Jimin interjected as he sat beside him. "I mean, they even cut ties because of love."
"I know this girl once in high school," Taehyung shared from across his seat. "She had a best friend who blamed her for stealing her crush or something."
"Right. It's not so far fetched," Jin agreed as he crossed his leg and propped his elbow on it. "But I guess those girls are immature. Lisa and Chaeyoung has this strong bond. I genuinely don't think they're the type to fight over a man."
"Remember how Lisa punched you in the face?" Yoongi—who was busy by the kitchen preparing snacks, inserted. "Do you honestly think she'd fight with Chaeyoung—the reason you had that black eye for weeks, because of you?"
Jungkook groaned. Okay. He gets it. Lisa and Chaeyoung won't end their friendship for him. As if he ever wanted that. He just didn't want to be the cause of a misunderstanding.
Then Jisoo's phone rang.
"Oh. Speak of the devils," the girl said as she answered her phone. It was a video call. "Hey! What's u—"
Jungkook had to shield his ears at the loudness of the two girls' combined scream.
"Wae?!!?!" Jisoo yelled back at the two.
Namjoon just chuckled while shaking his head.
"Chaeyoung brought Jaehyun on our date!" He heard Lisa complain from the other line.
"Nah-uh! He just so happens to be in the area!" The other girl—Chaeyoung, defended herself. Jisoo just laughed.
"It's unfair! They're making me the third wheel!" Lisa whined making him stiffle a soft laugh. The scary Manobutt whining.
Jisoo saw Jungkook's reaction making her break into a sinister smirk. Namjoon of course saw this too making him shake his head again as he knew too well what his girl's about to do.
"To be fair, I think Jaehyun's the third wheel between the two of you," the eldest girl stated which Chaeyoung immediately seconded.
"That's what I've been telling he, eonnie!"
"Poor Jaehyun," Namjoon said chuckling. "Where is he, by the way?"
"Oh. Hi Namjoon oppa!" The two girls greeted in unison making the former wave his hand towards the screen.
"He's getting us some snacks," Chaeyoung then answered. "Lisa keeps ordering him around."
"Well, if he'll be you boyfriend he better treat you right."
"He is!" the girl insisted. "I still don't get why you're treating him like a slave."
"It's his test," the other girl reasoned. "If he can do things I tell him to, then how will you expect me to believe he'd do what you tell him to do?"
"Ya! You're so evil!"
"Aww, look at you defending your boyfriend," Lisa teased.
"Shut uuuuup!"
He could hear collective laughter from them causing him to smile too. He was worried over nothing.
"You know what? I think I want to go to the amusement park too!" Jisoo noona blurted out. It didn't seem to surprise his hyung though. The guy just chuckled as of he already knew what Jisoo noona wants.
"What? No way!" Lisa immediately spat. "You're not making me the fifth wheel here, eonnie."
"I thought we've established that Jaehyun is the spare wheel?"
"Still, it would be rude to the fucking spare wheel."
It was then Jungkook had realized what was going on. But he was already too late. Jisoo was already grinning while looking straight at him.
"Why not we ask Jungkook to be Jaehyun's date?" The cunning eldest girl suggested. "I mean, they're friends so it only makes sense. If that's okay with you of course, Chaeng."
"Why wouldn't it be?" Chaeyoung immediately answered in all sincerity. "As long as he doesn't try to get inside Jaehyun's pants, I'm all for it."
Lisa genuinely wondered how things turned out like this. One moment she was enjoying Chaeyoung's company and the next she's stuck in this awkward position between her best friend and the boy who lived across the hall.
"So you do like her? Like, like like?" Chaeyoung interrogated the poor guy.
"She uh... she's a good per...son?"
Chaeyoung's eyes squinted at the latter. Lisa couldn't help but bury her face on the palm pf her hands at the situation.
"For the millionth time, Chaeng, there's nothing going on between us," she insisted to rescue Jungkook from her best friend's set of uncomfortable questions.
"You two slept together. And then I saw with him topless in your place."
"Wow, Jeon. You really do move fast, huh."Jaehyun decided to join in on the fun. "I bet the guys would love to hear about this..."
Lisa immediately grabbed Jaehyun's phone and glared at him when he was about to take it back.
"Thank your lucky stars I'm not about to throw your phone to the fountain, Yun-oh."
Jaehyung immediately retracted and turned to Chaeyoung as if he was asking for help.
"Ya, don't scare him. I have no idea where I'd be able to get another one like him," the blonde girl said confusing Jaehyun.
"Hang-outs with your members never gets old, Soo," Namjoon commented as he placed his arm around his girl. "My members are quite chaotic but this is a whole other level of entertainment."
"You should see us when we're drunk," the girl whispered back. "A whole circus, I tell you."
"It's weird that we're all out here in the open yet no one seems to notice," Lisa mentioned out of the blue. "Did Dispatch die or something?"
"We have masks on and hats. It's like when Superman takes his eyeglasses off and no one seems to recognize that he's also Clark Kent," Jungkook answered.
"It's weird, right?" she agreed. "How can a mere pair of glasses make you blend in? Can't they see this fine looking man prancing around metropolis with the same built, same height and same facial features as the fu—reakin' super hero?!"
"True true."
The rest of the group—Chaeyoung, Jaehyun, Jisoo and Namjoon all looked at each other as the two immerse themselves into their own conversation.
Now who's the spare wheels?
"Wait, Jennie eonnie is calling. She might've seen the picture I posted on my private IG," Chaeyoung excused herself from the group.
"I'll go get some more snacks," Jaehyun volunteered and went after Chaeyoung.
"I think I'll head out to ride the roller coaster." Jisoo stood up pulling Namjoon with her.
The two, however, were oblivious as they continued to talk about superheroes and basically anything connected to them.
"I thought you hated the idea of Jungkook and Lisa getting along?"
Chaeyoung turned to his side to see Jaehyun holding out a piece of corndog for her. She took it and smiled.
"I don't actually hate it. I just don't want Lisa to end up getting hurt like I did," she explained herself.
She remembered how Jungkook was the first one other than the girls from the '97 liners who talked to her. He was really fun to talk with so can anyone really blame her for falling for him?
"Maybe they're just friends," Jaehyun then said. "I mean, maybe Jungkook's just being his oblivious self and actually doesn't have any clue if he's flirting or not."
"That's the thing, Jae," she sighed. "What if Lisa starts to like him like how I did? What if she unknowingly falls for him too?"
"I guess we'll just have to see how Jungkook suddenly goes missing and end up six feet under—I'm kidding!"
Chaeyoung glared at her boyfriend.
"That's not a good joke," she muttered. "We haven't even had sex yet and you're wishing for me to end up in jail. But yeah. I guess I should trust that Lisa can very much handle it."
"Wait what?"
The girl grinned sheepishly. Jaehyun has yet to get used to how straightforward she is.
"Well, I realized Lisa's very much capable of burying him alive once he screw this up."
"Not that. Hold the ef up. You mentioned... you... we... uh..."
"Sex?" she filled it in for him. "Come on, Jae. We've been dating for a while now. We're bound to do it one of these days—what the?"
"Let's just leave them here," the guys suggested while pulling her towards the exit. "They didn't even realize we've already left them. Some friends, huh."
"Really now? Is that it or are you just horn—"
"Those two are bound to fall for each other, Chae. Who are we even kidding? And Jungkook will screw this one up because that kid's clueless as fuck. So why not just make the most out of things before you get yourself in jail, hm?"
Chaeyoung's smile grew wider than it already was.
"Now you're talking."
"I can't believe you they left us here!" Lisa exclaimed. "I don't even have a car! How am I supposed to go home?"
"Why not try calling your manager?" Jungkook suggested. "You have your phone with you, right?"
"I'm all out of battery," she sighed and showed the guy her dead phone. "I already told Chaenh beforehand that my phone's battery was close to dying. How about you? Do you have your phone with you?"
"I uh... I don't have a phone right now," he said scratching his nape. "I forgot it back at the dorm so..."
"So we both don't have a ride back." Jungkook nodded making her roll her eyes. "Great."
"We can always take the train back. Or the bus."
"I guess we can. But I don't know which bus to ride from here to Nine One."
"I think I know which one. Let's go."
Jungkook took her hand and pulled her towards the exit near a bus stop.
Of course, Lisa was taken aback but nevertheless just let the guy guide her. She had no clue how to get home and he's the only one who can help.
On the bus ride back, they passed by unfamiliar buildings making her question the guy's credibility.
"Uh... Kook? Are you sure we're on the right bus?"
"Yeah. I've rode this bus a couple of times now. Relax."
"Huh. Okay. But if we do get lost, you owe me dinner."
"You still owe me one, Manobutt. I didn't get the pizza I was promised the other night."
The two bantered on their way back and eventually fell asleep. Lisa's head rested on Jungkook's shoulder while Jungkook's rested on hers.
They missed their stop and ended up on the other side of town.
"...make it last forever,
friendship never ends."
05 - 16 - 2021
trust chaeyoung. trust that she loves lisa as much as she loves her. also, i'm not really a fan of pitting girls against each other. hehe 😝
got you guys there, didn't I?
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