• 24 •
"so we'll piss off the neighbors
in the place that feels the tears..."
"I've wanting to talk to you for a while now," Sehun said as the sat across each other at a nearby café. "But I can't find the right time. I guess I should've just let fate do the scheduling for me, huh? Of all places and chances, it had to be in a foreign place and for work."
Lisa did not laugh nor react on his lame attempt to joke. She folded her arm and just stared blankly at him making Sehun cleared his throat.
"So... what I'm trying to say is that, I'm really sorry, Lisa." His voice was low and full of sincerity. She knew him well and Sehun wasn't the type of person who apologizes half-heartedly. "I apologize for everything I did and said. I'm sorry for cheating on you and using that lame excuse just to justify my actions. Also, I apologize for forcing myself on to you that night. I know I can't take it back but do know I never intended to hurt you like that."
Lisa did not respond but she did relax a bit. To be honest, when she agreed to talk with him, a part of her already knew that he was going to apologize. Aside from the fact that he cheated on her, Sehun's a nice guy. He treated her well for the past three years and he was the ideal boyfriend.
But things happen and just like how the old saying goes, nobody is perfect.
"Why," she then asked. "Why didn't you tell me you were receiving death threats?"
Sehun looked genuinely shocked at her question. His forehead even creased.
"You... you know?"
She heaved a sigh before nodding. "Ra Yeon told me. Even slapped me when you went MIA."
Sehun bit his lip and then sighed.
"I apologize for Rayeon's behavior. I haven't seen her for a while so I had no idea she did that to you. I'm really sorry."
Lisa shook her head sideways.
"It's fine. She was upset. And she was frustrated. She loved you so much, you know. You screwed up."
Sehun awkwardly chuckled and scratched his nape.
"Yeah, I did," he acknowledged his mistake. "I hurt you both and took you guys for granted. I really am sorry. I know I shouldn't blame this on anything but I can't say that the fact that I feared for my life and yours made me make choices that I'm not proud of."
"Why didn't you tell me, Sehun?" she asked. "Why was it so hard to tell me yet Rayeon knew?"
"At first she had no idea but she saw the fan mail," he started to explain. "I've always received death threats from trolls and sasaengs so I didn't think much of it. But when I got into an accident, I started to get paranoid. Especially when they said that you're next."
Lisa's mouth went agape. "Why, though? Why was this sasaeng trying to kill you?"
"Because she knows," Sehun heaved a heavy sigh. "She knows that we're dating and she wants me to stop seeing you. She threatened to hurt you too if I continue being with you."
"But you didn't break up with me back then," she said. "I mean, she wanted us to break up but you didn't break up with me."
"I loved you so much, Lis. I wanted to hold on to you as much as I could and protect you but... but it got worse and I... I couldn't take it anymore."
Sehun's eyes started to water.
"I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep. I'd always check the news if something happened to you. I'd ask your manager where you are and check if you're doing fine. And then I became lonely and miserable. I became a total mess and I... I snapped," he wiped his hand across his face as though he really ashamed of what he did. "Rayeon was there with me and one thing led to another..."
"So you two cheated," she supplied. "You slept with her and cheated on me."
"Yes..." his voice came out as a whisper but enough for her to clearly hear it. "I... I... when I slept with her, it became a distraction. From everything. It diverted my attention away from that sasaeng and from you until... until I fell for her."
Lisa felt like crying again. But she doesn't want to. She won't ever give Sehun the satisfaction of seeing her cry. Not again.
"That night you saw us... I forgot," he continued. "I forgot that it was our anniversary."
"In short, you forgot about me," she added. Sehun nodded.
"I ran after you, Lis. But when I saw got hit by a car, everything came back to me. The sasaeng, the death threats... I panicked. I broke down and I blamed myself for everything. I tried contacting you but your manager won't let me. I wanted to visit you in the hospital too but they wouldn't let me."
Sehun was already crying. His fists were clenched and it was clear that he's really sorry for what had happened.
"I tried asking for help to track down my sasaeng," he said as he looked up at her. "Hoseok helped me."
"Hoseok... As in Jung Hoseok oppa?"
He nodded.
"That night when I came to your place drunk, he helped me get my shit together. I started telling him about the truth and he listened. He scolded me for not being honest with you and for not asking for help," he stated. "He was right with many things and it cleared my head a bit. He offered to help me out and asked a few people to track down that sasaeng."
She was surprised at that revelation. So Hoseok oppa helped him. She had no idea.
"Were you... were you able to trace the sasaeng?"
He nodded.
"She worked at a bakery near my place," he revealed making her gasp. She remembered that fan when she bought the cake. "She's also the driver of the car that caused your accident. She also leaked that video of me entering your building drunk."
"Where... where is she now?"
"When that news of me going into your apartment came out, it gave me a chance to track and catch her. She's currently in a mental institution now and is being treated," he stated with a heavy sigh. "She's an obsessive fan of mine from way back. They're a group, actually. She's one of those girls that shaved their hair just so they can go inside the restrooms to meet us."
Again, she gasped at how disturbing those kind of behavior those girls have. Idolizing is one thing but being obsessive to the point where you don't respect your fave's privacy is downright alarming and wrong.
"So..." she bit her lip. "How are you? Is... is Rayeon still with you? She's been through a lot too..."
"Rayeon and I..." Sehun smiled weakly. "Things didn't work out between us. A lot has happened and I've hurt her so much. She deserves someone better who'll treat her right. Just like you. You deserve to be with someone who loves you and will take good care of you. Someone who'll makes you genuinely happy."
She smiled. Jungkook's smile was all she could think about at that moment. How he's been there for her and how he made her really happy.
"You too," she said smiling. "You deserve to be happy too, Sehun. You deserve to love and be loved by someone too."
Sehun chuckled and nodded.
"I guess so. Even if we're idols, we all deserve to love and be loved too."
"Yes eonnie. I just arrived and I'm on my way. I'll just as Sejin oppa to drop off my luggage in Jungkook's place."
Lisa was ecstatic. Since she did well during her stay in China, they were able to finish filming the first half of the show in just a span of three days. That gave her a few days worth of vacation so she immediately called Jisoo and asked for her help to surprise her boyfriend.
Today's the first leg of BTS's stadium tour in the US. Jungkook has no idea that she's be attending the said event and be placed at the Standing VIP section in disguise. She had always wanted to experience that feeling so she asked is her Sin-a noona would like to join which she immediately agreed to. She also met Yoongi's mystery girlfriend and the three of them will be secretly attending the concert together.
Her Jisoo eonnie had been complaining about it because she really wanted to join too but couldn't because Namjoon oppa strictly told the staff to place his pregnant wife by the VIP booth to which she couldn't really complain to.
"It's like we're really attending a concert like a bunch of fan girls," Sin-a eonnie said excitedly as they rushed towards the exit to meet with Bangtan's manager.
"Fan girls with VVIP treatment."
The three of them chuckled as they pulled their luggage with them and hopped on the shuttle service specially prepared for them—the Bangtan Girlfriends. She was not only feeling excited but also nervous as she silently prayed that no one would recognize her. It's quite hard to hide her newly dyed baby pink hair.
"Are you having a comeback, Lisa-ssi?" Miyaka eonnie—Yoongi oppa Japanese girlfriend, asked. "I really like your new hair color. It's like cotton candy!"
She chuckled but said no. "It's for IQiYi, eonnie. I'm judging the new season for YWY."
"Oh really? Wow! I'm going to see dance mentor Lisa again!" The girl said excitedly. "Do it again!" she mimicked Lisa's famous line. "One more time please! One more!"
The three laughed at how spot-on her impression was. That chatted the whole time and eventually fell asleep for a couple of minutes due to exhaustion. When the arrived at the concert venue, Sejin helped them get inside the standing VIP section easily. She secured her bucket hat and mask in place.
She kind of felt jealous with Miyaka and Sin-a eonnies' get ups as they could freely expose their faces and even wear the BT21 headbands. All she had was the army bomb and Cooky scrunchie she tied her hair with.
"Oh my gosh it's starting!"
Screams from thousands of fan girls echoed within the stadium. The place was huge but it was filled with thousands of adoring fans and their lightsticks glistened like stars in the dark sky.
Every number the boys prepared were amazing. From the choreography, the stage and their presence, it was all on point and she couldn't be any more proud of her boyfriend and oppas. They really worked hard for it and it all paid off.
"Thank you everyone for coming to our concert!" Namjoon oppa said as they were about to sing their final song. "I'm very happy that we're able to meet you guys and thankful for the support. Army borahae!"
The crowd yelled with him.
Each Bangtan member was given a chance to speak for their ending spiel. When it was Jungkook's part, she can't help but feel proud at how far he had gone. His English also improved a lot.
"Armyyyy!!!! Thank you guys for coming and we will see you again soon! We love you! Borahae!"
She laughed so hard when he placed his hans together and did the Thai greeting thing to everyone. Including the camera so it was magnified in the jumbo screen.
As the guys started their final song, everyone was dancing and singing along. They were having fun and was even interacting with the fans.
Just then, Yoongi oppa came to their side and immediately recognized Miyaka eonnie.
"Yoongi saranghae!" She screamed making the guy chuckle and break into his gummy smile. He made finger hearts and showed them to her. Then he called Hoseok oppa and whispered something in his ear causing the latter's eyes to grow wide and seek out Sin-a eonnie.
Sin-a playfully hid her face from her boyfriend but was stopped nonetheless. Hoseok made a big heart with his arms causing the girl—and us to laugh. But it was apparent that Hoseok's actions made Sin-a giddy.
All that's left was for Jungkook to notice them. But her boyfriend was currently on the other side of the stage that why he wasn't able to notice them. But Yoongi oppa must've noticed that she was the masked girl with Miyaka and Sin-a so he went to Jungkook and whispered something go him.
The youngest, who looked confused when to their side of the stage. A lot of fans screamed to get his attention so she did something a bit odd that got him to notice her.
She took her phone out and handed it to him on the stage. Usually, fans do that and they usually take those phones and takes a selfie with it.
As soon as Jungkook saw the wallpaper of her phone, his eyes grew wide and instantly turned to her and smiled so wide. He took a selfie and then gave it back to her. But instead of heading back to his hyungs to play, he crouched down and sang to her.
Jungkook didn't want to leave that side of the stage as soon as he realized that his girlfriend was there. But his hyungs—Yoongi and Hoseok, basically dragged him back to the the group to finish off their song and say goodbye.
Lisa, Miyaka and Sin-a were all escorted out of the section but before leaving, the three heard a fan say that they were so lucky because Bangtan noticed them.
"The pink haired girl was the luckiest!" Said one fan. "Jungkook took her phone and gave her a selfie!"
"Right! And he even sang to her and refused to leave her side!" The companion said. "She must've saved an entire nation in her past life."
"Or maybe she's really pretty! Did you see how shocked he looked when he saw her phone?"
"Right! I saw that too!"
Lisa couldn't help but chuckle as they went to the backstage.
"Jungkook's really careless when it comes to you, Lisa," Sin-a commented as she giggled. "Poor kid looked really disappointed when his hyung pulled him away from you."
"I'm sure you'll be on the top trending again when those fan girls post about it on Twitter," Miyaka added. "I can already see the hashtag, 'FindingPinkHairGirl' or 'WhosThatPinkHairedGirl' on the top spot worldwide."
"That bunny boy rea—ya!"
Lisa was caught by surprise when all of a sudden, someone wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up.
"You're here!"
She faced an excited looking Jungkook and was immediately greeted with a big hug.
"I thought you couldn't make it? You said you still have to shoot for that survival show?"
"We finished it ahead of time so I flew here with Miyaka and Sin-a eonnie to surprise you," she answered after getting a quick kiss on the cheek from him.
Miyaka cleared her throat as Sin-a chuckled.
"If you'll excuse us, we'll go find our boyfriends too."
She chuckled and waved goodbye to her eonnies while still inside the arms of her boyfriend.
"You should've told me," he said pouting. "I would've fetched you from the airport. I really missed you!"
"I missed you too!" She said and kissed him on his cheek as well. "I brought you some snacks and a few stories. Do you want to hear them?"
Jungkook smiled and nodded. He held her hand as they walked back towards the waiting area where their friends are. But halfway to their destination and her stories about the trainees, he stopped and stared at her.
"Kook? What's up?"
"I love you," he said making her chuckle. "I really do."
"I love you too, Kookie," she replied. "I really do too."
"I think it's about time."
"Time?" she wondered. "Time for what?"
He fished out something from his pocket that made her gasp real loud.
"Oh my God!"
Jungkook grinned.
"So... what do you think?"
Lisa was lost for words. All she could think about and feel is the surge of happiness inside her chest.
"Yes, Kookie," she cried. "A thousand times, yes!"
"...reckless behavior,
a place that is so pure,
so dirty and raw."
06 - 13 - 2021
thank you for all the love
and support you guys
have given to this fanfic!
I love you all!!! 💖
PS: i'll be taking a week's worth of break before I start posting Who Are You. Thank you again, everyone! 😚💜
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