• 22 •
"i don't know why all the
trees change in the fall..."
"We wanted to go public for a while now so... yeah. We traded with Dispatch. Sorry if we made you guys worried," Jisoo said as if the new of them--Jisoo and Namjoon dating, did not just shock the whole industry but social media as well. "The shots were taken a few years back that's why they looked a bit old."
After receiving the call from Chaeyoung, Jungkook immediately woke Lisa up and told her what had just happened. Photos of Jisoo and Namjoon on various dates were released by Dispatch that day and it was immediately followed by a confirmation from HYBE. Their three-day vacation was cut short and they had to drive back to Seoul immediately.
"Eonnie, traded for what?" Lisa asked. "Did you... did you make a deal with Dispatch to protect me?"
He knew Lisa would instantly feel guilty after hearing what Jisoo had just said. But judging from Jisoo's smirk and Namjoon's boyish grin, there's something more to this dating confirmation.
"Maybe," Jisoo said. "But it's more like hitting two birds with one stone because..."
The girls--and guys, gasped as soon as the eldest member of Blackpink showed everyone her diamond ring. An engagement ring.
"Holy shit!"
"Oh my God!"
"Wow. That's one big rock!"
"That must've cost at least a billion won."
It was chaotic. Kind of. But a good kind. HYBE did not announce the engagement yet but they did say that Jisoo and Namjoon had been dating for years now. There were tons of backlash from anti's but it was overpowered by the love and support from both Armys and Blinks.
Since Namjoon had always been open about possibly falling in love, settling and having a family, it eased a lot of their fans a bit to the news. Many have been heart broken, of course, but they were all supportive of the two. Also, shipper accounts went wild and even dug up old videos of Namjoon sneaking glances at Jisoo during award shows and some reaction videos of Namjoon while Blackpink is perfoming.
"News about you and Sehun won't be a problem now since Dispatch agreed in exchange for our dating news," Jisoo said shrugging. "And since you're with Jungkook now, you're under HYBE's protection so you don't have to worry about future bomb drops again."
The four girls hugged each other as they all fawned over how big the diamond was and asked for details about the proposal while the boys all congratulated their leader for finally popping the question.
Jungkook knew about his hyung's plans months ago but due to Blackpink's comeback and Bangtan's, he didn't have the time to arrange a formal proposal yet. Their leader had always thought of proposing to Jisoo since last year but was a bit wary since he didn't want to get in the way of Jisoo's career. But seeing as the girls will be taking an indefinite hiatus until they sign with a new company, it seems like now was indeed the right time for the proposal.
"It was the weirdest proposal ever," Jisoo said chuckling. "He set this fort up in our living room and we watched a movie. Then I think it was an edited one 'coz midway, the movie changed into something different. A video of him saying all these sappy stuff before doing the Love, Actually thing."
"The one with the cards?"
Three girls, including Hoseok and Jin, squealed making Jisoo shield her ears and Namjoon chuckle.
"Did you cry? You, cried, didn't you?" Jin asked.
"No. I don't cry--"
Namjoon's laughter was a dead giveaway.
"You so totally did!"
"Okay fine, I did," Jisoo surrendered earning another ear-shattering squeal from the girl--and guys too. "But who wouldn't? He was so cringe-y I couldn't take it."
"Liar!" Chaeyoung accused. "You totally loved it!"
"I won't admit to anything!" Jisoo announced and folded her arms.
"Wait a minute." Lisa suddenly said as she stood up. She turned towards Hoseok. "Is there a bathroom close to this meeting room, oppa?"
"Uh... When you exit through that door, there's one to your left."
With one nod and a hand on her mouth, Lisa went running towards the said bathroom. All heads turn towards Jungkook.
They all were very happy for the two. And in celebration, they gathered a few of the couples' friends and held a small get together in one of HYBE's function halls. Some staff members even placed a few party lights and speakers so that they can replicate a "night club" vibe. Yoongi volunteered to be the DJ.
"Now, why the long face, Jungkook?" Hoseok said as he approached Jungkook who clearly didn't look pleased. "Where's Lisa?"
Jungkook frowned as he pointed at her girlfriend chuckling next to Yoongi as the latter taught her how to DJ. Hoseok couldn't help himself but laugh at how petty their youngest was when it came to Lisa.
"Calm down, Kookie. That's just Yoongi hyung. He won't steal Lisa away from you. Plus, don't you trust your girlfriend?"
"I do. But he's her bias. She won't even leave his side since this afternoon," he whined earning another laughter from the older guy. "It's not funny."
"Oh, Kookie. You're too pure for this world."
"Hey," Jin said as he approached the two while holding his own beer. "What's going on here? Why does Jungkook look like he's about to throw a tantrum?"
"He's jealous of Yoongi because he's Lisa's bias."
Hoseok pointed at the two clearly having fun while they played with music. Jungkook seethed at the scene before him and took Jin's drink from his hand before chugging it clean.
"Woah there, Kook," Jin laughed. "You don't want to get drunk now, would you? How else will you stop your hyung from stealing your girl?"
Jungkook scowled at his two teasing hyungs and grabbed himself another drink from the table. A little while later, Jimin decided to join them.
"What's wrong with him?" the guy asked as he say next to Hoseok, crossing his legs. Jin answered the guy by pointing at Yoongi and Lisa. Jimin's mouth formed an "O". "Lisa's always been close to hyung even before. Well aside from Taehyung, that is."
"Come to think of it, Yoongi is quite fond of Lisa," Hoseok commented. Obviously trying to mess with their maknae. "She's the only one aside from Namjoon who can freely enter and exit his Genius Lab. I even remember him playing some songs for her before."
"Really?" Jin feigned innocence. "I guess he does like Lisa. I mean, Lisa did say her ideal type is someone older and can take good care of her. Yoongi's older by four years and he can cook well. Total husband material. And a bit of a bad boy, I think. Girls like that."
"Right," Hoseok agreed. "Remember the saying, good boys go to heaven but bad boys bring you to heaven?"
Jin laughed so hard with his squeaky laugh and Jimin high-fived him. Jungkook rolled his eyes at his hyungs and chugged another bottle.
Pfft. As if he doesn't bring her to heaven enough.
"And didn't Yoongi hyung say he liked girls who simple and can make him feel comfortable?" Jimin added to the teasing. "Lisa's the type of girl who can make situations light and breezy. She's like the definition of comfortable."
Jungkook chugged one drink after another causing the older boys to laugh silently. Jin, patted the youngest's shoulder lightly.
"Kook, take it easy. You'll get drunk if you drink that fast."
Jungkook--who must be feeling a bit dizzy now, leaned back to his seat stared blankly at the ceiling. Because if that Jimin was already close to losing his shit. Just then, Jennie--along with Irene and Seulgi, walked towards the group.
"Hey. What's going on here?" she asked pertaining to Jungkook who clearly looks like he's currently contemplating his life and life's decisions.
"I need to pee," the guy said suddenly standing up. He almost lost his balance but it's a good thing Hoseok was there to catch him. "I'm fine. I'm fine."
He made an 'I'm okay' sign with his fingers before walking towards the exit. Hoseok volunteered to help the poor maknae out of guilt. But he was still laughing so he got called out.
"Ya, hyung! I'm fine," Jungkook slurred. "I'm okay. Yes okay. See? I'm Jungkook, I'm okay."
"Yes, yes. You're okay," Hoseok said pacifying the drunk maknae. A few heads turned towards the two as they walked towards the exit including Lisa's. Of course, being the girlfriend, she followed the two outside.
"Did you have anything to do with that, Park Jimin?" Seulgi eyed her boyfriend who had the widest grin plastered across his face.
"What? Me? I didn't do anything!"
Irene's eyes squinted at the guy then turned towards Jin who averted her gaze by drinking his newly opened bottle of soju.
"I see my guy there needs me," the eldest said and immediately stood up. "See you girls around."
"You three totally did that to Jungkook," Jennie accused Jimin who just chuckled in response. That earned him a smack on the shoulder from Seulgi.
"Ouch! Jagi, we were just joking around," he defended. "It was quite fun, actually."
"Ya," Jisoo said marching towards the small group. "What just happened?"
"Ask him," Jennie immediately pointed at Jimin. So did Irene and Seulgi.
"Wha--I swear we were just talking!"
"Talking or tricking the poor maknae?" Yoongi--who seem to have just taken a break from DJ-ing, said. "I saw you guys glancing over at me and Lisa. Were you making him jealous or something?"
Jimin pressed his lips together and immediately averted the girls' and Yoongi's gazes. He was guilty as charged.
"I knew it," The older guy said as he took a bottle from the table. "You guys are too easy to figure out."
"That explains why the maknae looked troubled," Irene observed. "You guys should stop bullying Jungkook. If Lisa finds out about this, she'll cut your heads off for sure."
Jimin's mouth fell wide open. He immediately turned to his girlfriend asking for help.
"Why are you looking at me? You got yourself into this mess. Don't involve me."
Then he turned to the rest of the girls who just smirked.
"Good luck, Park Jimin. I'll pray for you."
"Ah, shit."
"I'm dizzy..." Jungkook whined as soon as Hoseok was able to help Lisa carry the youngest back to his apartment. "I'm gonna puuuuuke."
"Ya, ya, ya! Hold it in 'til we get inside, Kook!" the older guy said as he covered Jungkook's mouth with his own hand. "Just a few more. Hold it."
Lisa opened the door and they finally got the guy inside the place. Seeing the place looked familiar to Jungkook, the guy jogged towards the common bathroom of the apartment and slumped on the floor next to the toilet where he started spilling his gut out. Hoseok immediately grimaced.
"What exactly happened, oppa?" Lisa asked as she followed Jungkook and crouched down to gently pat his back. "Why did Jungkook end up getting drunk?"
"Well... he was happy, I guess?" the guy lied. But Lisa saw right through him and rolled her eyes.
"You evil, evil hyungs," she muttered as she knelt to get some tissues for her boyfriend.
"We were just teasing him, Lis," Hoseok defended himself but couldn't suppress his laughter. "If you just saw his face you'd laugh too."
"I'm so telling Sin-a eonnie," she threatened.
"I want fried chicken!" Jungkook suddenly yelled. "I'm eating fried chicken!"
Then he got up from the floor, almost stumbling down but he managed to quickly stand upright again. He pointed at the door and started walking out of it.
"Ya, Jungkook," Lisa immediately stood up to follow her boyfriend. "If you can't handle too much alcohol, why'd you even drink. Walk straight, will you?"
"I want chicken," he chanted--slurred actually. "Chicken... Chicken... Bok bok!"
Hoseok fought the urge from laughing but couldn't. Lisa glared at him that made him stop almost instantly.
"Where's the chicken? I want chicken!" Jungkook screamed like a toddler having a full-on tantrum. Hoseok knew what was about to happen so when he found the right timing, he immediately ran out of the apartment.
"You can handle this, Lis. Goodluck! Bye!"
"Ya! Oppa!" Lisa yelled at the older guy but he was already gone. "Aish. They are so dead after this." Then she turned towards Jungkook. "You're so fucking dead tomorrow, Jeon."
Jungkook smiled like a kid at her and scoffed. "You look pretty."
Lisa chuckled before shaking her head. Even when drunk, the kid's a total charmer.
"Really now?" she asked. "I look pretty?"
"Yes," the guy cheekily replied. "But my girlfriend's prettier. Prettiest. My girl...friend."
"Oh?" Lisa helped Jungkook sit by the kitchen counter as she busied herself making him a cut of coffee. To sober him up. "You have a girlfriend."
"Yes..." he replied. "So don't come close to me. I don't want her to think that I'm like her asshole ex-boyfriend--"
Then he suddenly covered his mouth.
"Oops. I said a bad word," Jungkook waved his hands in front of him. "I'm not a potty mouth. I'm a good boy."
"You are?" Lisa chuckled. "So if you're a good boy then why'd you drink too much? Doesn't that make you a bad boy?"
"I hope so," he said then smiled mischievously. He signaled her to come closer and whispered something in her ear. "'Coz good boys go to heaven while bad boys bring girls to heaven."
Her mouth fell wide open. "Ya, Jeon Jungkook!"
Jungkook laughed so hard and even held his stomach as he did. Lisa was already thinking of various ways on how to murder Jungkook's hyungs in their sleep. Then a few minutes later, Jungkook suddenly fell quiet.
"Kook? Are you okay?"
"Lisa..." he said staring at nothingness.
"Lisa..." He closed his eyes tightly and then tilted his he upward. "Lisa..."
"Yes? Baby, I'm here..."
Jungkook turned towards her and then frowned.
"Lisa... is my girlfriend's name," he slurred. Lisa heaved a sigh. "Lisa Manoban is my girlfriend's name."
"Yes, yes. Lisa Manoban is your girlfriend." She shook her head sideways and then went back to preparing his coffee. "You like her that much?"
"Yes." He smiled. But then, is slowly faded. "But she likes my hyung."
"What?!" she blurted out in surprise. Now she knows what those guys did to make Jungkook drink pass his limit. "Your hyung?"
Jungkook nodded so fast. "Ah. That made me dizzy."
"Be careful." She handed him the cup of coffee. "Drink this. It'll help you sober up a bit."
"She doesn't like me anymore..." he muttered making her forehead creased. "She likes hyung more than me... I don't take her to heaven..."
At that very moment, she wanted to wring her oppas' necks.
"Kook, that's not true..." she moved closer to her boyfriend, grabbed the cup of coffee ffrom his hand and pulled him down from the counter. Then she cupped his pouty face. "You know how much I love you. I don't like anyone besides you."
"Thank you but I have a girlfriend," he politely said and then looked away making her chuckle.
"Kookie, it's me," she said making him face her again. "I'm Lisa. I'm your girlfriend."
"You're Lisa?" Then he squinted his eyes at her to check. "No. My Lisa is with my hyung."
"No, baby. It's really me," she assured him. "Look closely. It's me."
"Baby?" His face brightened up when he finally recognized her. "Baby!"
Jungkook hugged her tightly and buried his face on the crook of her neck.
"Baby I missed you!" he said with the cutest voice tugging her heart on the process. "Don't leave me ever again, huh? Don't leave me for hyung. If you want me to rap, I'll rap. I know how!"
"I won't leave you for anyone, baby. I swear," she chuckled and gently stroke his hair.
"Yes, promise," she swore.
"That's good. That's good," he said and made an okay sign with his fingers. A while later, Jungkook grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her towards the bedroom.
"Kook? Where are you taking me?"
"I'm a bad boy," he announced. "I'm taking you to heaven."
Lisa laughed.
"Okay then. Lead the way."
A week later...
Jungkook woke up when he felt a sudden shift on the bed. On instinct, he turned to his side to cuddle his girlfriend who must've returned from the rest room.
"Baby..." he muttered and snuggled closer towards Lisa. "What took you so long? I missed you..."
Lisa just laid there quietly. This made him open his eyes and sit slowly sit up.
"Baby, what's wrong?" he asked. Lisa had this blank expression that made him even more worried. "Lisa?"
Lisa heaved a sigh before taking something from the bedside table. It was a stick. His eyes squinted at the two visible red lines in the middle.
"What's this?" He asked as he turned towards her for an answer.
"What do you think, Jeon?"
Jungkook blinked before diverting his attention back at the stick with two red lines--
He gasped. His eyes wide and he pointed at the kit. Then towards Lisa. Then back at the kit.
"You're... You're... pregnant?!"
Lisa grinned. Now, Jeon Jungkook. Let's see how you handle this one.
"What do you think?"
"...but I know you're not
scared of anything at all."
06 - 13 - 2021
kaya pa? kakayanin. omg. haha!
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