• 16 •
"still as charismatic as ever
comebacks, come back
clean and clever..."
Promotions for Blackpink's comeback went on smoothly. On their last week—goodbye stage, on Inkigayo, their schedule interlocked with BTS's first week of promotions. And yes, the Boy Group's 24h views beat theirs again after managing to beat BTS's previous record. It was always like that, really. Jisoo even joked one time that they were like a couple fighting who's going to be on top or something.
"Jungkook, can you not be any more obvious?" Namjoon scolded the youngest after the stunt he just pulled during the awarding ceremony. Since their comeback was on a Friday, their song wasn't part of the weekly rankings yet. Blackpink's song won that week. "It's a good thing Jimin and Taehyung was there else you'd be caught up in rumors again."
"What's wrong with dancing to Blackpink's song?" the youngest pouted. "The other groups were doing it too!"
"Yes, but you're dating Lisa," the group's leader explained. "A lot of people are already shipping the two of you. You don't need to feed them with things like this to support their theories."
"Hyung, it's called hiding in plain sight," the maknae countered. "They can speculate all they want but people are just going to debunk the rumors since no person in the right mind would act so careless like that."
"Except you." Namjoon folded his arms. He knew what the maknae was talking about.
"Yes. And that make me smart," Jungkook proudly claimed. "That's psychology for you!"
The older guy couldn't say anything else so he just shook his head and let the youngest be. Jungkook—having been able to cleverly dodge a scolding, took his phone from their manager and proceeded to call his girlfriend. They have plans after the recording and they'll be buying some groceries for their Han River date.
"Baby!" he exclaimed startling half the people inside the dressing room. Even earning a few curses from Jin who just spilled water all over his shirt. "You done? Congratulations for winning, by the way. But sorry in advance 'coz, we'll beat you next week."
"Cocky, aren't you?" the girl on the other line said with a chuckle. Jungkook still can't hide his competitive side. "But, not yet. We have to film a bit of backstage action and some goodbye messages for Blackpink Diaries. You can just wait for me in the car."
"Umm..." He took a quick glance towards his Namjoon before grinning. "How about we just go to your dressing room instead? I'm sure Namjoon hyung has plans with Jisoo noona too. We promise we'll be very quiet and discreet."
Since BLACKPINK is a part of YG, a big 3 company, they have the privilege of having their own dressing room. That means other groups and staff members won't be able to start rumors regarding their groups' close relationship. Although, some idols might already know about him and Lisa though. More so Namjoon's and Jisoo's.
"Ask permission to your manager first, Kook. Stop being a pain in Sejin-oppa's ass."
He chuckled. Right. Ever since the two of them became official, he's always sneak out of practice just so he can visit Lisa and that often causes trouble for their manager. One time, the poor guy even panicked because he thought he's lost him in Hongdae when they bought some snacks for practice. Little did he know that he just tricked his hyung so that he can go out and go to the cafe Lisa and Chaeyoung were shooting in for her Lilifilm vlog.
"Yes, Miss Manoban!" he said chuckling before Lisa ended the phone call.
Of course Lisa muttered a 'What a weirdo' before cutting the line. Because why would he even say that like he's some sort of secretary, right?
"Welp, she's in Jungkook Land again, everyone."
Lisa shot Chaeyoung a glare. The girl would always tease her saying that she's in 'Jungkook Land' because she'd smile at nothing and sometimes space out. Well, it's not her fault that her boyfriend is so adorable. Anyone faced with that bunny boy would suffer the same fate as she would.
"Shut up, Chaeng. No one interrupts you when you're daydreaming about fucking Jaehyun."
"Oh, so you're daydreaming about fucking Jungkook, aren't you?" The girl rebutted with the widest grin she ever saw. "Imagining how JK becomes a daddy in the bedroom?"
"Excuse me, my boyfriend's more of a sub," she joked and stuck her tongue out at her pervy best friend.
Well, they were already used to that since way before. They were both—all four of them actually, comfortable with their sexuality and the works. They're not innocent little girls but confident women.
"Are you sure about that though?" Jisoo interjected. The eldest girl decided on joining in on the teasing since she just finished shooting the goodbye message for Blinks. "Jungkook looks like he could ruin you in closed doors then apologize after."
The brunette just laughed and so did the blonde. They really enjoy teasing the maknae because Lisa does tease them a lot too.
"He's a baby," she explained. "And a big ball of sweetness—"
"That can still tear you in half or make you sore for a whole week."
The two girls high-fived and all she could do was roll her eyes at them.
"I still can't believe you two haven't done it yet," Chaeyoung suddenly said. "I mean, you two were basically living with each other. And you made out a couple of times. The amount of sexual tension were off the roof whenever you two are together."
"Right?" Jisoo agreed. "We should give tons of credit to Jungkook for having the self-control of a monk."
"Well if you guys didn't keep on barging in when we're almost there we would've already done it," she whispered under her breath. But it was enough for the two to hear her clearly.
"Why are you putting the blame on me?" Chaeyoung asked confused. It took an eyebrow-raise and a quick second for her to remember. "Oh. Right. Sorry about that one."
"What about me? I didn't do anything!" Jisoo exclaimed. "I never walked in on you two."
"Technically, it was Joon oppa. But you did come inside the room too."
"Huh? Wait when was—oh! Oh!"
She chuckled. Jisoo looked like she just answered correctly in one of those quiz game shows on tv.
"You two were about to do it that morning we came to check up on you!" The girl blurted out. "Wow, Lis. You just had a near to death experience but the first thing you wanted to do the next day is have sex. Classy."
"That's not true!" she immediately debunked Jisoo's claims. "Jungkook confessed that morning and so did I. But yeah, one thing led to another and there's a bed so..."
"Wait. Joon didn't see you naked, did he?"
"What? No! We haven't gotten that far—"
"Wait a minute! I just remembered," Chaeyoung butted in remembering something. "Jungkook found you submerged in the tub, right? So he already saw you naked?!"
"Really? I almost died that night and that's what you're curious about?"
"My genuine concern before was your well-being but you're fine now," the girl said with a shrug. "So my new concern now is that, did Jungkook see you naked or not—"
Jisoo instantly jumped out of the conversation and on to the arms of her boyfriend which led the two girls to turn towards the two guys who had just arrived.
"Quite an interesting topic you have here, girls," the older guy commented with a chuckle.
"You heard it?"
"Well, yeah. Not all of it but enough to stop Jungkook from functioning."
The three girls then turn to a frozen Jungkook standing behind Lisa. The girl chuckled as she stood up and kissed her statued boyfriend on his cheeks. Poor guy looked like he was stunned or something.
"I think you broke my boyfriend, Chaeyoung."
Jungkook was silent the whole car ride to and back from the grocery store. Lisa found it funny at first 'coz the guy can't even look at her straight without blushing. But as it continued, she grew a tad bit disturbing.
"Kook, are you okay? You've been awfully silent since we left."
"H-Huh? I'm... I'm fine."
But he wasn't. Why? Because now that Chaeyoung had mentioned it, he did see Lisa naked. And he couldn't get that image out of his mind as if the trauma of seeing her underwater wasn't enough.
Sure it wasn't a big deal to Lisa because it was a life or death situation. But she saw her—Lalisa, naked. Now it wasn't only those Lilifilms and that one Tiktok video bugging him whenever she too close for comfort. Her silky bare skin and perky breasts just added themselves up in the pile of things that's slowly breaking his self-control.
Relax, Jungkook. Relax. It's fine. She might not be ready for that yet so stop being a horndog and compose yourself. He chanted over and over inside his head.
"If Chaeng's question about you seeing me naked is still bothering you, don't worry about it. It's not a big deal. It was an emergency so I really don't mind," Lisa said just to drag her boyfriend back to reality. "And it's as if you won't be seeing me naked again. Only difference is, you'll be naked too—"
Jungkook accidentally hit the break a little too hard making the car stop abruptly. Good thing they weren't on the freeway or else they would've caused an accident.
"Oh my God, Jungkook!" Lisa blurted out after almost getting thrown off towards the windshield. Good thing she had her seatbelt on. "What the heck?!"
"S-Sorry!" The guy immediately pulled the car over by the sidewalk. He could feel the heat rise up to his ear and the cold AC of the couldn't even help him. He even felt his pants tighten. "Damn Lisa. You can't just say that like it's nothing!"
Lisa, realizing what's happening then laughed. She was just teasing the poor guy and she instantly felt guilty. His voice was really strained and he even banged his head on the stirring wheel.
"Puke. Vomit. Slugs. Bugs—"
"Jungkook!" Lisa placed her hand in between his forehead and the stirring wheel. "Stop hitting yourself. I was just joking! I'm sorry."
"You can't just joke about something like that, Lali," he answered with a pained voice. "You don't know how hard it is for me!"
Lisa raised an eyebrow before chuckling.
"I can see that," she said pertaining to the growing tent on his pants.
"Ugh!" Jungkook grunted making her laugh even more. She loved teasing her baby of a boyfriend because he looks so adorable. But yup, the guy's still a guy.
"Come one, let's just head home. I'm sure we can think of something to help calm that monster of yours," she said earning yet another frustrated groan from her boyfriend.
As they went up back into his apartment, Jungkook immediately ran into his room to probably fix his growing problems. She even jokingly—half-jokingly, offered her help but was unfortunately declined.
So she just went on and started to unpack the groceries and even started chopping some of the ingredients they'll be cooking. Although both of them knew nothing much when it comes to home cooked meals, Youtube was always there to lend them hand.
Since some of the food they bought needs to be refrigerated, she went on ahead to place the marinated meat, beef and chicken inside the freezer. Also, she placed a few cans of beer and soju bottles inside so that when they finally drink, it would be chilled enough.
"Oh shoot," she muttered after realizing that something was missing. She gasped. "We forgot to buy banana milk!"
And seeing at how Jungkook's acting right mow, that big baby of hers would want some of his favorite drink when he's done showering.
So, she took the liberty of heading out to the convenience store nearby to get Jungkook a few cartons of banana milk and some for herself too. And maybe a few packs of condoms might also give this guy a hint.
With her trusty old bucket hat covering half her face and a face mask on, she went inside the store and went straight towards the drinks section. And just her luck, it seems like the store just restocked on banana milk.
"You're buying... all of this?" The guy over the counter asked.
"Yes, why?"
"Twenty-four cartons of banana milk?" They guy kept looking at her like she's some kind of weirdo or something.
"Yup. I know how to count, actually," she sassed.
Good thing she was wearing a mask on or this guy would be on the online forums making up rumors that she's rude or something. Then she thought of something.
"Wait. I forgot something."
She went to the aisle full of condoms grabbed a bunch of if. Different flavors and kinds. She grinned so widely when the guy's eyes widened in surprise.
Ha! Take that you judgmental jerk!
On her way back to the apartment building, she struggled a bit carrying all those milk cartons. Maybe it wasn't a good idea buying all of it when she doesn't have Jungkook around to help her out.
"Fucking he—Chanyeol oppa?!"
Lisa almost hit the stranger who grabbed her plastic bag with the other bag she's carrying. Good thing she was able to stop. She can already see the fangirls fuming online if she had bruised their darling oppa's face.
"Wow, Li. I was just trying to help," the guy cheekily said. He didn't have a face mask on but he did wear a baseball cap. "That's an awful lot of banana milk... and condoms?"
Her face immediately heat up and she grabbed the plastic bag back in an instant. She silently prayed for the ground to open up and swallow her whole. With the banana milk cartons and condoms with her.
"Is... is this for a prank? Are you making balloons filled with banana milk?"
"Y-Yes!" It was weird but it was either that or the truth. And she would rather be caught dead than spill details about her sex life to her ex's bandmate. "What...what are you doing here, oppa? I thought you live in a different building?"
"Oh, I was just running to the convenience store to buy something when I saw you struggling to carry those bags."
Chanyeol then took the other plastic bag to help her out.
The guy smiled and started to walk.
"So, where are we headed to?"
"My place," she answered. "I live in Nine One now too."
"Oh, right. I forgot that you bought a place here too."
Things turned awkward almost immediately. But Chanyeol was a good friend to her even before she and Sehun became a couple.
"I'm sorry for what he did to you, Lis. You didn't deserve that," the guy said as they walked towards her apartment building. Lisa turned to him and he smiled weakly at her. Sincerity was written all over his face.
"You didn't do anything, oppa. It was Sehun's decision to cheat on me. I don't blame anyone," she instantly cleared.
"But I'm his hyung. I should've prevented this if only I was there to stop him. I should've given his actions more attention. I'm really sorry, Lis."
Lisa smiled at the older guy.
"Oppa, last time I heard, Sehun's grown ass man. He can very much decide on his own and even if you were there, he'd still do whatever the fuck he wanted," she explained. "I never questioned your guidance to him. Nor even Junmyeon oppa's. You guys support and love that asshole more than he actually deserves."
Chanyeol chuckled at how savage Lisa can be. He had forgotten how headstrong and feisty this girl is.
"I guess you're right," he said and even patted her head a bit. Just like how he did before. "Maybe I'm just sad that you're not gonna be my sister-in-law anymore."
"Oppa, we'll still be friends though."
The guy chuckled. "Sure. We are—"
Chanyeol was cut off when her phone suddenly rang. Her forehead creased making the guy curious.
"It's our manager," she said making him nod. "Eonnie?"
"Lis, where are you?"
"I'm near my apartment building. Why?"
"There's been a news circulating all over the internet."
"What? About what?"
"It's about you and Sehun again. They have a footage of him entering the building of your apartment!"
"...why we ended, I don't remember
can't believe I once said, see you never."
06 - 05 - 2021
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