• 14 •
"you just forget sometimes
so promise me you won't..."
Lisa woke up the following day like how she usually does. Her arms stretched upward and yawned. She felt her throat was a bit sore and her body suddenly felt painful on several parts. It was then she realized someone sleeping next to her bed.
Jungkook was seated on a chair while his upper torso was leaning in on the edge of her bed and his head was resting on his crossed arms. She felt a bit uncomfortable just seeing him in that position.
But first, what was he doing here?
It took a couple more minutes before she remembered the events that took place last night. The bathtub. The screaming. Jungkook saving her.
Her mouth opened ever so slightly as she tried to reach for Jungkook's face before closing it again and recoiling. She bit her lower lip before looking away.
What did she just do? How did she even end up in that state? She was just taking a bath and... she closed her eyes tightly trying to rake her mind of the possible reason why she almost drowned herself.
Lisa carefully slid away from her blanket and quietly made her way towards the kitchen. She knew Jungkook was a heavy sleeper but given the position that he was in didn't really guarantee her from a fool-proof escape.
But she did. And now, she scouring her fridge for some ingredients to make him a decent breakfast. It's the least she could do after possibly scarring the poor guy for life.
Again, she heaved a sigh.
As she prepared the ingredients to make Jungkook some pancakes, eggs and bacon, she noticed that a glass cup was missing from the dish rack.
"That's odd..."
She made her way towards the rack but accidentally bumped the mixing bowl off the kitchen counter creating a loud crashing sound across the apartment.
"Lisa?" She heard Jungkook's voice from the room. It was then followed by footsteps and the the door bursted open. "Lisa!"
"Hey Koo—"
She was caught off-guard when Jungkook suddenly hugged her so tight. Like he was relieved or something.
"Thank God you're okay..." he muttered as he buried his face on the crook of her neck. His arms pulling her in tighter. "Thank God..."
"I-I'm fine, Kook. I just dropped the bowl..."
Still, Jungkook refused to let her go.
"Kook, I'll just cook breakfast..."
"We can just order," he said almost instantly. "You need to rest. Or I can just do that for you."
"No, I can manage," she insisted.
But Jungkook did not let her ague about it as he scooped her up and carried her back to her room.
"Jungkook, I said I'm fine—"
"No, you're not!" he cut her off. "You almost died, Lisa! I almost lost you! I saw you drowning! And it's all my fault!"
Lisa's mouth flew open when Jungkook suddenly cried. In front of her. She felt her heart get ripped out of her chest and shredded to pieces. She did that to the poor guy. She made him cry.
Lisa reached for Jungkook's hand and held it tightly. His head lowered as his shoulders moved up and down.
"It wasn't your fault," she said as she tried to to lift his face up. "I fell asleep while soaking in the bathtub. It was an accident."
"You passed out due to fatigue," he countered. "Jisoo noona said you were practicing for extra hours since... since that day."
She couldn't help but feel guilty for making Jungkook worry like this. Yes, partly it was true that she avoided him but she always practice extra hours when she feels sad. It was a coping mechanism for her as well as a security blanket whenever things are rough for her.
"Kook, I always practice extra hours. I'm the main dancer. I need to put extra effort for my group."
"You don't need to. You're already perfect."
Hearing him say that made her heart feel lighter. She didn't know why but he had this hint of sincerity in his eyes that makes everything he say believable. Even if she knew he was just making her feel better, a part of her started to believe.
Silence took over again and Jungkook sighed.
"I'm sorry I went to that date with hyung," Jungkook said softly. "I promise to never do it again."
"Kook, I told you that you don't need to explain—"
"But I want to," he stopped her. "I want to explain to you. I want to say sorry for screwing things up. I want to let you know that I'm not interested on other girls because you're the only girl I want to date."
Lisa mouth fell wide open at Jungkook's sudden confession. And when the guy realized what he just said, he blushed crimson.
"I... I know you just got out of a relationship that's why I didn't want to pressure you," he whispered. But it was enough for Lisa to hear. "I just... I really like you and I didn't want to make you uncomfortable with my feelings..."
"You... you like me?"
"Very much, yes."
Again, Lisa was left speechless. She knew he liked her but she wasn't that sure before. He did say he always wanted to move forward with her. Still, it caught her off guard and she didn't really know how to respond to that.
"I... I don't know what to say..."
"You don't have to," Jungkook assured her. "As I've said, I don't want to pressure you or anything close to that. I can wait. I don't know how long that would be or if you'll like me back but I'll still try—"
"I like you too, Jeon," Lisa cut him off. "For the short period of time we've been together, you made me really happy. And yes, I admit. I got jealous that's why I ignored you. And it hurt when you said that we were just friends. I thought you didn't like me like that."
"Not liking you is impossible for me, Lisa," he said as their gazes locked. He reached out to her and gently caressed her cheek. "You're the only girl who made me feel like I can be myself all the time. And you're not afraid to call me out and tell me when I'm being too much. Also, you're the bravest person I ever know. You've been through much yet you never stopped smiling. You have so much love for other people even if they don't deserve it and that makes you a wonderful person."
Lisa's heart swelled at how Jungkook appreciated her. How he sees what she couldn't because of her insecurities and people who kept pulling her down.
Jungkook cupped her face and placed a gently peck on her cheek.
"You are amazing so falling for you wasn't even that hard."
She chuckled and let him kiss her again. She kissed him back and the heavy thing that's been on her chest for days now slowly vanished.
Little by little she felt the soft mattress on her back as Jungkook continued to kiss her. Her arms were wrapped around his nape as he hovered on top of her. His kisses deepened and she felt the hem of her top being lifted and his soft skin grazed her belly sending chills down her spine.
"Hey Koo—woah!"
Jungkook immediately jumped as soon as the door to Lisa's room bursted open. He rolled to the side making him fall flat on his face. Lisa who was as shocked and embarrassed covered her face with the comforter
"I uh... Umm..." Namjoon immediately looked away and cleared his throat. "I was just checking to see if you guys were um... were okay—"
"Hey Joon, is Lisa—oh. She's still asleep," Jisoo said as she walked inside the bedroom too. "Is that Jungkook? Kook, why are you on the floor."
"Um... I was... I was just looking for something, noona," the younger one said after he cleared his throat.
"Oh, I see. I saw you were about to make breakfast. I brought some food 'coz girls are coming over in a few minutes. I think Yoongi and Jin are coming over too."
"O... Okay, noona."
Namjoon, who was trying his best not to lough out loud, pinched the bridge of his nose and ducked his head before heading out. Jisoo was about to follower her boyfriend but then stopped.
"Uh, Kook? Aren't coming?"
"I uh... I just need to find that thing... the think I dropped. I'll follow you guys later."
"Huh. Okay sure."
The older girl then closed the door making Jungkook sigh in relief and Lisa peak through the covers. They both turned towards each other before laughing—quietly of course.
"Remind me to change my passcode next time," she whispered.
"Don't do that again, Lisa. You don't know how scary it was to think that you almost died!"
Jennie was crying as she scolded Lisa that morning. After Jisoo and Namjoon barging in on them, Jungkook went out of the bedroom with Lisa trailing him from behind. Jisoo already had her share of scolding so it was the second eldest's turn.
"I told you, eonnie. I just wanted to relax in the tub. I didn't realize I'd fall asleep and when I wanted to get up, I couldn't," the youngest explained. "I'm sorry for worrying you..."
Jennie huffed and the sighed. What can she do? It already happened and it was an accident. Still, she can't let it pass just like that.
"That's it. From now on you'll be staying with me and Joohyun 'til comeback's over—"
"I'll be staying with Jungkook, eonnie," Lisa cut Jennie of mid-sentence shocking the latter. "I mean, I don't want to be a bother to you and Joohyun eonnie. Kook lives across the hall so it would be more convenient."
"It's okay, Jen," Jisoo, said as she shrugged. "I already offered earlier that the four of us stay in the dorm again but she refused. Of course she'd prefer living with her new boyfriend and us, her eonnies who has been there since the beginning—"
"Eonnie, you know I don't mean it that way," Lisa groaned. "I just didn't want to bother you guys. That's all. And I wanted to respect your privacy since you're all in relationships..."
"Really now, Lalisa?" Chaeyoung interjected with her eyebrow raised. "You sure about that?"
"Yes! I promise!"
Chaeyoung rolled her eyes before shaking her head from side to side. She's totally not buying the maknae's excuse knowing how clingy the youngest is. But, she just let her slide since she knew how hard it has been for her best friend these past few days.
"Okay fine," Jennie surrendered. "But you seriously need to take a few days off. Maybe see a therapist or something. It's not the first time you've experienced sleep paralysis."
"Sleep... paralysis?"
"Yes," the older girl confirmed. "You said you wanted to wake up but you can't right? And you mentioned to Jisoo eonnie that you felt like someone was pushing you deeper into the water?"
Lisa nodded. So that's what it was?
"Sleep paralysis often happens to depressed people," Namjoon explained. "But in some cases, it can occur when you're stressed or tired. And judging by the things that happened to you the past few months, I think you need to take a few sessions."
"I can recommend you to Dr. Han," Jennie added. "She's been very helpful to me for the past years. You know how stressful it was being hated by so many people. It can very much make you believe things that aren't even true. It can really put a toll on your mental health."
"But, eonnie, I swear I'm fine. I don't need to go to a therapist."
"Lis, you've been through so much the past months," the girl insisted. "With Sehun, the scandals and the racist comments you receive here and there, you've faced more stressful situations than most idols receive. Please stop denying it and just be honest. Tell us you're not okay."
Jungkook turned towards Lisa who looked away and bit her lip. So all this time that Lisa's been smiling and looking fine... she's just pretending? And online hate? When? Why didn't she even say anything?
"But I don't want to bother anyone-"
"You're not a bother to us, Lisa!" Jennie slammed her hand on the table taking everyone by surprise. "You'll never be a bother to us. You're our youngest sister. It's our duty to always take good care of you."
Jisoo held Jennie's hand to calm the girl down. She knew how much this affects Jennie because she too had been a victim of online slander and unnecessary hate. To be honest, all of them suffer the same situation but the two get particularly more. And she thinks that Jennie's partly blaming herself because it was her fans who has been slandering their youngest the most.
"I... I'm sorry if I sound harsh, Li. But can't you at least let us take care of you? Protect you?"
"We can't control what people behind their computers say, Lis but we can be there for you and help you through it," Chaeyoung said as she placed her hand on the youngest's. "We're a family. That's what families do."
The four girls hugged each other and the boys just watched them but sneaked a few glances at each other. They too had their fair share of challenges in the past, even almost at the brink of disbanding, but they managed to go through all of it because they had each other. And of course, their real fans. Those who don't hate on another member be it open or secretly.
Because real fans know that a group will not be where they are right now if one of them was missing.
"Okay, eonnie. I'll check that therapist out. But before that, can we eat some of the ice cream Jin oppa bought? I've been really craving some for days."
"I even brought my home baked brownies to go with it." Jin said and winked at the girls.
Jungkook swore he saw the four swoon.
Lisa walked out of the balcony where Jungkook was and wrapped her arms around his waist. The guy turned slightly towards her and placed his arm around her shoulder and kissed the top of her head.
"Aren't you going to sleep?" she asked.
"Later," Jungkook replied before smiling at her. "I just want to watch the river for a while."
"Then I'll watch with you."
He nodded and only the soft sound of the lo-fi music Lisa's been playing a while ago echoed around them. A little while later, Jungkook spoke.
"Hey, you trust me, right?"
Lisa looked up at the guy. "With my life. Why?"
"If ever you come across those hate comments and racist slurs... you'll come to me, right?"
"I want to protect you too, Lali," Jungkook turned to face Lisa. he placed both his hands on her shoulders. "I may not be able to put those online trolls behind jail but I want to be there for you and make you forget about what they're saying. I want to be the person you run to and cry on whenever things are too much for you to take."
"But Kook, I can take it--"
"Please let me, Li. I want to protect you. Cherish you. And make you aware that none of their comments are true and that you are an amazing person. Selfless, dedicated and... and..."
Lisa smiled and wrapped her arms around Jungkook's nape.
"Okay," she gave in. "Okay, Kook. You can protect me."
Jungkook's arms snaked around Lisa's waist and held her tightly.
"Thank you--"
"But I have one condition."
"I get to have that last banana milk in the fridge."
Jungkook may have groaned but they both knew he'd let Lisa have it in a heartbeat.
"...and you know I'll remind you
when you think I don't."
05 - 30 - 21
ily guys! thank you so much for the support on Pillow Talk 💖 i didn't expect much but here yall are 🥺🥺🥺
again, THANK YOU! 😩
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