• 12 •
"it took you two weeks
to go off and date her..."
Jungkook woke up due to the sun blaring at him. Being still a bit disoriented, he second guessed whether he was in his room or at Lisa's. But that didn't really matter, did it? What matters right now is that, where is Lalisa Manoban?
Weird. She doesn't have any practice this morning...
After a couple of twists and turns on the bed, he lazily got up and made a beeline straight to the kitchen to make himself some coffee.
As much as he wanted to look for Lisa, he didn't have enough energy to do so. He rarely gets enough sleep due his schedules but today was fairly different.
Last night was the worst night in his entire life since he had a toddler around who seem to have unlimited source of energy and kept demanding for them to sing and dance 'til four in the morning. Maybe letting her eat ice cream after dinner was a wrong idea.
He yawned as he placed the coffee capsule on the espresso machine and patiently waited for his drink. He really wanted to drink some banana milk but he knew he wouldn't function that day if no caffeine would enter his system. Maybe later. After he finds where Lisa is.
"geulaedo nae gyeot-e iss-eojugessni... jul su issneun ge i nolaebakk-e eobsda..."
Jungkook's eyes furrowed as he heard a familiar song playing. He couldn't quite recognize the song.
"...gajin geolago—"
The singer's voice cracked. Kinda reminded him of his Jin hyung during one of their tours who had the same misfortune when they sand Truth Untold.
Or like him during his audition—His eyes grew wide when realization hit him.
"I think he notices us now, Lisa-ssi."
Slowly, he turned towards the living room where a grinning Jeon Junghyun was sitting, remote control on his hand, together with Lisa. He blinked twice.
"Don't worry, Kook. This is a bad dream. This is just a bad dream," he whispered to himself. His gaze locked at the two figures sitting on the sofa while looking at him.
Junghyun's uncontrollable laughter echoes inside Jungkook's apartment.
"That always gets his attention," the older guy said towards Lisa. "Just play that clip and Jungkook will instantly snap out of his zombie mode."
The younger guy felt blood rushing to his face so fast he felt like passing out. He rushed towards his older brother and grabbed the remote from him and closed the television.
It's not that he's still embarrassed about that video but he didn't like the idea of Lisa seeing him during his pre-debut days. He was a child. Puberty hasn't hit him yet in those videos and just like any regular person, it was pretty embarrassing for other to see that. Especially the girl you really really like.
"What? You were so cute here."
Jungkook glared at his brother who seem to have re-ignited his once life mission of torturing his little brother by embarrassing him in front of a girl.
"Yeah, Kookie," Lisa seconded and he felt her hand around her arm and gave him a soft, reassuring kiss on his cheek. "You were really cute back then. You don't have to be embarrassed."
"Really?" He turned towards her and their gazes locked.
"Really," she answered back before tugging him towards the small dining set near the kitchen. "Now that you're already awake, let's eat breakfast. Junghyun oppa just made some for us!"
"O... oppa?!"
Just as he turned towards his brother, the older guy was already grinning mischievously at him. As if he was teasing him that his girl just called him oppa.
"What, you prefer I call your brother hyung, then?"
Jungkook sported a big school boy pout as they made their way to the table. Junghyun sat across the couple and had the clearest view of the living room where his daughter was currently busy watching videos on a small tablet.
"So, when did you two start dating?"
Lisa coughed uncontrollably as she just took a mouthful of kimchi rice just before Jungkook's brother bombed them with that question. The guy beside her was surprised as well and looked away as he took a big bite of the french toast in his hand.
"What? Oh. So you two aren't dating? Then I guess you two are friends with benefits?"
It was Jungkook's turn to cough uncontrollably and even lightly punched his own chest.
"Or not?" The older guy was quite intrigued of the reaction he got from both idols. Lisa couldn't look at him while his brother... Jungkook is his usual old self—beet red and looks like he's about to explode.
"We're um... we're just friends." Jungkook managed to say. "Neighbor...uh... friends. Neighbor friends."
"Really?" Junghyun's eyebrow raised.
He didn't believe a word his brother just said. Then he turned towards the girl who was looking at Jungkook. When Jungkook said just friends, Lisa looked away and turned her attention towards her food—avoiding eye contact whatsoever.
I guess they haven't talked about it yet...
"Huh. Okay."
Junghyun did not push the subject any further as his brother was starting to act weird. Poor guy was so caught off guard he started putting ketchup on his toast like it was peanut butter or something.
By around ten in the morning, Junghyun bade goodbye and took his daughter with him. Lisa felt a bit sad 'coz she had grown a liking towards the child. But the latter assure her that they'd visit from time to time.
"I uh... I need to get going now," Lisa said taking the cats with her. "I'll see you around..."
Jungkook's forehead creased as Lisa left him and she didn't even wait for him to help her out. Of course he'd run after her.
"Hey Lis! Wait up!"
He was able to catch up with her by the hallway. Lisa had already opened the door and her cats—with the exception of Lego because she was carrying him, had already entered the apartment.
"Are you... are you okay?"
Lisa's forehead furrowed. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"
Jungkook scratched his nape.
"Oh, right..."
Maybe it was just his imagination? Or maybe he was just overthinking things?
"So um... are you gonna come over tonight for dinner?" He asked before she could enter.
"Uh... I... I have practice," she answered. "I'll come over tomorrow, maybe."
"Oh. Okay. Cool."
Silence echoed between the two and they both just stood there awkwardly. Jungkook took the courage to take a few steps closer towards Lisa but as he leaned in to kiss her, the apartment door of his Hoseok hyung's door bursted open.
He immediately recoiled and so did Lisa.
"Uhh..." Hoseok stared confusedly at the two. "What are you two doing?"
"N-Nothing!" Both exclaimed before rushing back inside their respective apartments.
"I got my phone—what was that?" Sin-a turned to her boyfriend as she just got out of the apartment—totally missing the action.
"Nothing," Hoseok answered before shaking his head side to side. "Hey, what's your opinion on moving to a different place?"
"Huh? Why?"
"I have weird neighbors. That's why."
Jungkook couldn't concentrate on his game. He just can't take Lisa's expression from earlier off his mind.
Was she disappointed? Or did he say something that might've hurt her? He was really close to losing his mind.
Was is because he said that they were just friends? A part of him really want to introduce her as the girl he liked. Because he does. He likes her so much.
But he didn't want his tattle-tale of a brother to know about that because he's 100% sure he'd tell their mom and then his mom would force him to introduce Lisa to the family which might put a huge pressure on her. He's not even sure where he stand with the girl.
He heaved a sigh.
But what if. What if, in the slightest, smallest possibility that Lisa would've wanted to be introduced as his girlfriend? Some girl like that, right? She must think that he wasn't proud of her or something. Or worse, she might've though he really did see her only as a friend.
Jungkook grabbed his hair and screamed. He let his body fall on to his mattress and he twisted and turned—clearly on losing his shit. He wanted to call her so bad but he's didn't want to disturb her practice.
So he decided to head over their shared dorm. Maybe his hyungs are there and they can help him out with his dilemma. Or, at least distract him 'til Lisa's practice is done and he could just swing by YG to pick her up again.
"Kook! Just in time! Come with me. I need your help on something."
Jungkook couldn't even say anything as Taehyung basically dragged him back out of the apartment.
"Where are we going hyung?"
"On a date."
"A what?" Date? The two of us?"
"No, we're four," he said smiling widely. "Let's get going before Namjoon hyung finds out I went out again."
"Wait, hyung!" He stopped walking and so did Taehyung. They were almost at the elevator. "I can't go on a date!"
"What? Why? Aren't you single?"
"Well um... technically, yes but..."
"I... I like someone else now."
"And? It's just a friendly date, Kook. I just need you to fill in for Yoongi hyung."
"Why? Where's hyung?"
"Then why don't you just wake him up?"
"Why don't you," the older guy countered making him immediately shake his head. "See? Now, let's go. It's bad to keep girls waiting."
Blackpink didn't have any practice that afternoon. Her eonnies currently have schedules today—Jisoo and Jennie having photoshoots and Chaeng's shooting a variety show, so she's all alone in the practice room.
Well, that was before Bobby spotted her practicing alone and then dragging her to the recording room where his co-members were all hanging out.
"Didn't sajangnim ordered for you to take a rest before your scheduled comeback? What are you doing practicing alone?" Jinhwan asked—more like scolded, after placing a bottle of water on the table.
"I uh... I got bored in my apartment," she lied flawlessly. "And besides, my ribs are fully healed now."
"Bored, my ass," Junhoe chuckled. "Did you already grow tired of your neighbor? Aw, that's too bad. That guy's head over heels for you."
Lisa brows furrowed.
"What are you talking about?"
"Come on, Lis," the guy said as he put his arm on her shoulder. "It might come as a surprise to you, but I do have credible sources. Plus, aren't you forgetting that I'm a '97 liner too?"
Lisa rolled her eyes. Yes. How can she forget? He and Donghyuk were the "connection" Jeon was saying last time he got inside YG.
"So, you finally moved on from that jerk Sehun," Chanwoo commented. "I swear, if I ever see him again I will..."
"You will what?" His hyung challenged their maknae.
"I will... I will ignore him and not punch him because the company might sue me if I did."
She chuckled as Chanwoo's hyungs started to smack his head—lightly of course.
"Lisa already handled him well," Bobby commended her. "Never close to him... that must've bruised his ego so much."
"He cheated. He deserves more than an ego bruising," Donghyuk—being the vindictive one, said. "A month's worth of black-eye and some permanent scars would've at least suffice."
"But, he is under his company's protection. Not to mention those obsessive fangirls under his belt," Yunhyeong added.
"Then I guess Lisa here should just give the best revenge of them all," Jinhwan lightly patted her on her shoulder. "By being ridiculously happy with that BTS guy."
"He has a name, oppa," she spat rolling her eyes at him. He was clearly teasing her.
"Look at you. Defending your boy toy," Junhoe was yet again, teasing her. "That's so sweet."
"He is not my boytoy!"
"Boyfriend then?"
She let out a frustrated grunt before propping her elbow on to the table. Lisa rested the side of her face on the back of her hands. Jinhwan immediately took notice of this.
"I think I want to buy some coffee," the older guys announced making her turn to him. "Wanna come with, Lis?"
She mouthed a soft "thank you" before standing up and taking his hand. The guys wanted to come but Bobby oppa stopped them and said that they still have a lot to record. She also secretly thanked the guy.
"Here's your iced caramel macchiato," Jinhwan said as he placed the drink on the table. He sat across her and sipped on his Iced Americano. "So how are you, Lis? The truth, this time."
"I'm really fine, oppa," Lisa replied. "I swear!"
"Then why does your eyes says otherwise?"
That made Lisa bite her lip and shut up. Ahe couldn't even look at the guy. Was she really that transparent?
"Lis, you know you can talk to me," Jinhwan assured. "You're like a little sister to me. I'm worried."
Lisa still contemplated. Not that she didn't want to open up to him but because she thinks she's being petty. And to be honest, it shouldn't even be a big deal.
"Lis? Is this still about Sehun?"
She took a deep breath before finally opening her mouth.
"It's about Jungkook."
"Jungkook? Of BTS?"
Lisa nodded and started to explain everything. She started with the accident and now about her current relationship with him. And then the events that happened this morning.
"Am I being unreasonable for feeling a bit disappointed because he told his brother we were just friends?" she asked.
"So that's what's been bugging you?" She nodded. "Wow, Lis. I don't really know what to say. Are you two even dating?"
"That's the thing, oppa," she heaved another sigh. "I don't know. I'm not even sure what we are. Yes, we kiss and make out but... I don't know. I'm confused."
"Why haven't you two talked about it though?"
"I don't know," she pouted. "It just didn't come up."
The older guy stirred his coffee using the straw. He looked like he was really thinking.
"Did he say he likes you?"
"I uh... I guess?"
"And did you say you like him back?"
"I kissed him back, oppa. And I'm practically living in his place. Isn't that clear enough?"
Jinhwan chuckled before propping his elbow on the table.
"Lis, men are not mind readers. You should tell him how you feel."
Lisa pouted again. Isn't kissing a way of saying you like someone too?
"Look, Lis. You just got out of a relationship. Maybe the guy's just giving you time to sort out your feelings. Or, he just didn't want to pressure you or something."
"Really? But what if he's really not into me?"
"Like what you said, you two make out and practically live together. You also said he likes you. Why not just tell him you like him back to save you both the trouble, hm?"
"I guess I should..."
Lisa voice trailed off as a familiar figure was caught on her peripheral vision. He was wearing a black mask along with a black bucket hat. And a pair of sweatshirt and sweatpants that she knew he had.
"Lisa? You okay?"
"Huh?" she turned towards Jinhwan. "Y-Yeah. I thought... I though I just saw someone..."
"Oh. I see. But take my advise—"
"Wait, oppa."
Lisa just couldn't help but feed her curiosity and decided to get a closer look at the guy who just entered the café. He was accompanied by another guy and two girls both clinging on the arms of each guy.
She gasped as the other guy took his mask off to order.
"Taehyung oppa?!"
The guy next to the one she just recognized must've heard her and his head turned towards her. His eyes grew wide. She knew those wide eyes very well.
Her hands clenched as the guy removed the unknown girl's hand on his arm.
"Hey Lis, what's wrong—oh crap. Isn't that Jungkook?"
"...guess you didn't cheat
but you're still a traitor."
05 - 29 - 21
hehehehet. this one's been done since two days ago but my indecisive ass can't decide whether to upload it or not. 🤪
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